Package com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor

Source Code of com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor.ZoneFinder$Segmenter

/* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Fabio Riccardi */

package com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor;

import com.lightcrafts.model.*;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.utils.*;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.JAIContext;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.Segment;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.ColorScience;

import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.*;
import com.lightcrafts.ui.LightZoneSkin;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace;
import java.awt.color.ICC_ProfileRGB;
import java.awt.color.ICC_Profile;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;

public class ZoneFinder extends Preview implements PaintListener {
    static final boolean ADJUST_GRAYSCALE = true;
    final boolean colorMode;
    final ImageEditorEngine engine;

    public String getName() {
        return colorMode ? "Color Zones" : "Zones";

    public void setDropper(Point p) {

    public void addNotify() {
        // This method gets called when this Preview is added.
        engine.update(null, false);

    public void removeNotify() {
        // This method gets called when this Preview is removed.

    public void setRegion(Region region) {
        // Fabio: only draw yellow inside the region?

    public void setSelected(Boolean selected) {
        if (!selected)
            zones = null;

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
        if (zones == null)
            engine.update(null, false);

        // Fill in the background:
        Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics;
        Shape clip = g.getClip();

        if (zones != null) {
            int dx, dy;
            AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
            if (getSize().width > zones.getWidth())
                dx = (getSize().width - zones.getWidth()) / 2;
                dx = 0;
            if (getSize().height > zones.getHeight())
                dy = (getSize().height - zones.getHeight()) / 2;
                dy = 0;
            transform.setToTranslation(dx, dy);
            try {
                g.drawRenderedImage(zones, transform);
            } catch (Exception e) {

    private int currentFocusZone = -1;

    private BufferedImage lastPreview = null;

    public void setFocusedZone(int index) {
        currentFocusZone = index;

        if (!colorMode && ADJUST_GRAYSCALE && lastPreview != null) {
            zones = requantize(lastPreview, currentFocusZone);

    RenderedImage zones;

    ZoneFinder(ImageEditorEngine engine) {
        this(engine, false);

    ZoneFinder(final ImageEditorEngine engine, boolean colorMode) {
        this.engine = engine;
        this.colorMode = colorMode;

            new ComponentAdapter() {
                public void componentResized(ComponentEvent event) {
                    if (isShowing()) {
                        engine.update(null, false);

    private RenderedImage cropScaleGrayscale(Rectangle visibleRect, RenderedImage image) {
        Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(image.getMinX(), image.getMinY(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

        visibleRect = bounds.intersection(visibleRect);

        if (bounds.contains(visibleRect)) {
            ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
            pb.add((float) visibleRect.x);
            pb.add((float) visibleRect.y);
            pb.add((float) visibleRect.width);
            pb.add((float) visibleRect.height);
            image = JAI.create("Crop", pb, JAIContext.noCacheHint);

        Dimension previewSize = getSize();

        float scale = 1;
        if (visibleRect.width > previewSize.width || visibleRect.height > previewSize.height) {
            scale = Math.min(previewSize.width / (float) visibleRect.width, previewSize.height / (float) visibleRect.height);

            ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
            image = JAI.create("Scale", pb, JAIContext.noCacheHint);

        // avoid keeping references to the input image
        if (image instanceof RenderedOp) {
            RenderedOp ropImage = (RenderedOp) image;

            SampleModel sm = ropImage.getSampleModel().createCompatibleSampleModel(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

            WritableRaster wr = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, new Point(ropImage.getMinX(), ropImage.getMinY()));
            image = new BufferedImage(ropImage.getColorModel(), wr.createWritableTranslatedChild(0, 0), false, null);

        /* image = Functions.toColorSpace(image, JAIContext.sRGBColorSpace, null);

        if (((PlanarImage) image).getSampleModel().getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT)
            image = Functions.fromUShortToByte(image, null); */

        if (!colorMode && image.getColorModel().getNumColorComponents() == 3) {
            ICC_Profile profile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) (image.getColorModel().getColorSpace())).getProfile();

            if (!(profile instanceof ICC_ProfileRGB)) {
                image = Functions.toColorSpace(image, JAIContext.sRGBColorSpace, null);
                profile = ((ICC_ColorSpace) (image.getColorModel().getColorSpace())).getProfile();

            ICC_ProfileRGB rgb_profile = (ICC_ProfileRGB) profile;

            ColorScience.ICC_ProfileParameters pp = new ColorScience.ICC_ProfileParameters(rgb_profile);

            double[][] transform = {
                {pp.W[0], pp.W[1], pp.W[2], 0}

            ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
            image = JAI.create("BandCombine", pb, JAIContext.noCacheHint); // Desaturate, single banded

        return image;

    // requantize the segmented image to match the same lightness scale used in the zone mapper
    private static RenderedImage requantize(RenderedImage image, int focusZone) {
        int steps = 16;
        int colors[] = new int[steps + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
            float color = (float) ((Math.pow(2, i * 8.0 / (steps - 1)) - 1) / 255.);
            float[] srgbColor = Functions.fromLinearToCS(JAIContext.systemColorSpace, new float[] {color, color, color});
            colors[i] = (int) (255 * srgbColor[0]);
        colors[steps] = colors[steps - 1];

        byte lut[][] = new byte[3][256];
        int step = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < colors[steps]; i++) {
            if (i > colors[step])
            if (i < (colors[step] + colors[step + 1]) / 2) {
                if (focusZone >= 0 && step ==  focusZone) {
                    lut[0][i] = (byte) Color.yellow.getRed();
                    lut[1][i] = (byte) Color.yellow.getGreen();
                    lut[2][i] = (byte) Color.yellow.getBlue();
                } else
                    lut[0][i] = lut[1][i] = lut[2][i] = (byte) (colors[step] & 0xFF);
            } else
                lut[0][i] = lut[1][i] = lut[2][i] = (byte) (colors[step + 1] & 0xFF);
        for (int i = colors[steps]; i < 256; i++) {
            lut[0][i] = lut[1][i] = lut[2][i] = (byte) colors[steps];

        ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
        pb.add(new LookupTableJAI(lut));

        return JAI.create("lookup", pb, JAIContext.noCacheHint);

    private RenderedImage segment_bah(RenderedImage image) {
        image = Functions.fromByteToUShort(image, null);

        RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_BORDER_EXTENDER,
        ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
        RenderedOp filtered = JAI.create("BilateralFilter", pb, hints);

        filtered = Functions.fromUShortToByte(filtered, null);

        RenderedImage result = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
        filtered.copyData(((BufferedImage) result).getRaster());
        lastPreview = (BufferedImage) result;

        if (!colorMode && ADJUST_GRAYSCALE)
            result = requantize(result, currentFocusZone);

        return result;

    private RenderedImage segment(RenderedImage image) {
        Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(image.getMinX(), image.getMinY(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

        byte pixels[] = ((DataBufferByte) image.getData(bounds).getDataBuffer()).getData();
        if (pixels.length != bounds.height * bounds.width * image.getSampleModel().getNumBands()) {
            pixels = (byte[]) image.getData(bounds).getDataElements(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, null);

        pixels = Segment.segmentImage(pixels, colorMode ? 3 : 1, bounds.height, bounds.width);

        DataBufferByte data = new DataBufferByte(pixels, pixels.length);

        WritableRaster raster;
        ColorModel colorModel;
        if (colorMode) {
            colorModel = image.getColorModel();
            raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(data, bounds.width, bounds.height, 3 * bounds.width, 3, new int[]{0, 1, 2}, null);
        } else {
            raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(data, bounds.width, bounds.height, bounds.width, 1, new int[]{0}, null);
            ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
            colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(cs, new int[]{8}, false, true,

        RenderedImage result = lastPreview = new BufferedImage(colorModel, (WritableRaster) raster, false, null);

        // requantize the segmented image to match the same lightness scale used in the zone mapper
        if (!colorMode && ADJUST_GRAYSCALE)
            result = requantize(result, currentFocusZone);

        return result;

    // TODO: this is ugly code, use a real queue
    class Segmenter extends Thread {
        RenderedImage image;
        RenderedImage nextImage = null;

        Segmenter(Rectangle visibleRect, PlanarImage image) {
            super("ZoneFinder Histogrammer");
            this.image = cropScaleGrayscale(visibleRect, image);

        synchronized void nextView(Rectangle visibleRect, PlanarImage image) {
            nextImage = cropScaleGrayscale(visibleRect, image);

        synchronized private boolean getNextView() {
            if (nextImage != null) {
                image = nextImage;
                nextImage = null;
                return true;
            } else
                return false;

        public void run() {
            do {
                if (getSize().width > 0 && getSize().height > 0) {
                    zones = segment(image);
            } while (getNextView());

    private Segmenter segmenter = null;

        BIG NOTE: JAI has all sorts of deadlocks in its notification management,
        we just avoid doing any pipeline setup off the main event thread.
        This code sets the pipeline on the main thread but performs the actual computation on a worker thread

    public void paintDone(PlanarImage image, Rectangle visibleRect, boolean synchronous, long time) {
        Dimension previewDimension = getSize();

        assert (image.getColorModel().getColorSpace().isCS_sRGB()
                || image.getColorModel().getColorSpace() == JAIContext.systemColorSpace)
               && image.getSampleModel().getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE;

        if (previewDimension.getHeight() > 1 && previewDimension.getWidth() > 1) {
            if (segmenter == null || !segmenter.isAlive()) {
                segmenter = new Segmenter(visibleRect, image);
            } else
                segmenter.nextView(visibleRect, image);

Related Classes of com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor.ZoneFinder$Segmenter

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