Package com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor

Source Code of com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor.ImageEditorEngine$UpdateActionListener

/* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Fabio Riccardi */

package com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor;

import com.lightcrafts.image.BadImageFileException;
import com.lightcrafts.image.ColorProfileException;
import com.lightcrafts.image.ImageInfo;
import com.lightcrafts.image.UnknownImageTypeException;
import com.lightcrafts.image.export.BitsPerChannelOption;
import com.lightcrafts.image.export.ImageExportOptions;
import com.lightcrafts.image.export.ImageFileExportOptions;
import com.lightcrafts.image.metadata.ImageMetadata;
import com.lightcrafts.image.metadata.ImageOrientation;
import com.lightcrafts.image.types.AuxiliaryImageInfo;
import com.lightcrafts.image.types.ImageType;
import com.lightcrafts.image.types.JPEGImageType;
import com.lightcrafts.image.types.RawImageInfo;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.JAIContext;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.operator.LCMSColorConvertDescriptor;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.opimage.CachedImage;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.utils.Functions;
import com.lightcrafts.jai.utils.LCTileCache;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.*;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.operator.TransposeType;
import com.lightcrafts.model.*;
import com.lightcrafts.platform.Platform;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.ColorProfileInfo;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.UserCanceledException;
import com.lightcrafts.utils.thread.ProgressThread;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace;
import java.awt.color.ICC_Profile;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

public class ImageEditorEngine implements Engine {
    private ImageInfo m_imageInfo;
    private ImageInfo m_exportInfo;
    private PlanarImage sourceImage;
    private PlanarImage processedImage;

    private Rendering rendering;

    private ImageEditorDisplay canvas = null;

    private boolean engineActive = true;

    private LinkedList<Preview> previews = new LinkedList<Preview>();

    private static final Scale[] scales = new Scale[] {
        new Scale(1, 40),
        new Scale(1, 20),
        new Scale(1, 10),
        new Scale(1, 8),
        new Scale(1, 6),
        new Scale(1, 4),
        new Scale(1, 3),
        new Scale(1, 2),
        new Scale(2, 3),
        new Scale(1, 1),
        new Scale(2, 1),
        new Scale(3, 1),
        new Scale(4, 1)

    private LinkedList<EngineListener> listeners = null;

    private static boolean DEBUG = false;

    private ImageMetadata metadata = null;
    private AuxiliaryImageInfo auxInfo = null;

    private TransposeType transposeAngle = null;

    private RenderedImage backgroundImage;

    private boolean addFirstPaintLatency;

    public Rendering getRendering() {
        return rendering;

    public AuxiliaryImageInfo getAuxInfo() {
        return auxInfo;

    public ImageMetadata getMetadata() {
        return metadata;

    public AffineTransform getTransform() {
        return rendering.getTransform();

    CropBounds getCropBounds() {
        return rendering.getCropBounds();

    PlanarImage getSourceImage() {
        return sourceImage;

    public Dimension getNaturalSize() {
        return rendering.getRenderingSize();

    public synchronized Component getComponent() {
        if (canvas == null) {
            listeners = new LinkedList<EngineListener>();

            canvas = new ImageEditorDisplay(this, null);
            canvas.setPaintListener(new CanvasPaintListener());

            if (addFirstPaintLatency) {
            if (backgroundImage != null) {
            // Always have these Operations, to return from getPreviews().
            previews.add(new PassThroughPreview(this));
            previews.add(new ZoneFinder(this));
            previews.add(new ColorSelectionPreview(this));
            // previews.add(new ZoneFinder(this, true)); // Color Zone Finder
            previews.add(new HistogramPreview(this));
            previews.add(new DropperPreview(this));
        return canvas;

    public List<Preview> getPreviews() {
        return previews;

    public List getLayerModes() {
        return BlendedOperation.blendingModes;

    public List getPreferredScales() {
        return Arrays.asList(scales);

    public void setFocusedZone(int index, double[][] controlPoints) {
        for (Preview preview : previews){
            if (preview.isShowing()) {
                if (preview instanceof ZoneFinder) {
                    ((ZoneFinder) preview).setFocusedZone(index);
                } else if (preview instanceof HistogramPreview) {
                    ((HistogramPreview) preview).setFocusedZone(index, controlPoints);


    public ImageEditorEngine( ImageMetadata imageMetadata,
                              ImageInfo exportInfo,
                              ProgressThread thread )
        throws BadImageFileException, ColorProfileException, IOException,
               UnknownImageTypeException, UserCanceledException
        String imagePath = imageMetadata.getPath();
        File imageFile = new File(imagePath).getCanonicalFile();
        m_imageInfo = ImageInfo.getInstanceFor(imageFile);

        m_exportInfo = exportInfo;

        System.out.println("Opening " + imageFile);

        metadata = imageMetadata; // imageInfo.getMetadata();

        sourceImage = m_imageInfo.getImage( thread, true );

        auxInfo = m_imageInfo.getAuxiliaryInfo();

        if (sourceImage == null)
            throw new IOException("Something wrong with opening " + metadata.getFile().getName());

        ImageOrientation orientation = metadata.getOrientation();
        if (orientation != null) {
            transposeAngle = orientation.getCorrection();
            if (transposeAngle != null) {
                ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
                RenderedOp transposed = JAI.create("Transpose", pb, null);
                transposed.setProperty(JAIContext.PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG, Boolean.TRUE);
                // sourceImage = transposed;

                CachedImage cache = new CachedImage(new ImageLayout(transposed), JAIContext.fileCache);

                // Fast hack for daya copy, assumes that images have identical layout
                for (int x = 0; x <= cache.getMaxTileX(); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y <= cache.getMaxTileY(); y++) {
                        if (transposed.getSampleModel().getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT) {
                            short[] srcData = ((DataBufferUShort) transposed.getTile(x, y).getDataBuffer()).getData();
                            short[] dstData = ((DataBufferUShort) cache.getWritableTile(x, y).getDataBuffer()).getData();
                            System.arraycopy(srcData, 0, dstData, 0, srcData.length);
                        } else if (transposed.getSampleModel().getDataType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) {
                            byte[] srcData = ((DataBufferByte) transposed.getTile(x, y).getDataBuffer()).getData();
                            byte[] dstData = ((DataBufferByte) cache.getWritableTile(x, y).getDataBuffer()).getData();
                            System.arraycopy(srcData, 0, dstData, 0, srcData.length);
                        } else
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown image data type: " + transposed.getSampleModel().getDataType());
                        // transposed.copyData(cache.getWritableTile(x, y));

                sourceImage = cache;


        rendering = new Rendering(sourceImage, this);

        addFirstPaintLatency = true;

    public ImageEditorEngine( RenderedImage image ) {
        if (! (image instanceof PlanarImage)) {
            image = new RenderedImageAdapter(image);
        sourceImage = (PlanarImage) image;
        rendering = new Rendering(sourceImage, this);
        backgroundImage = image;

    private boolean disposed = false;

    public void dispose() {
        if (disposed)
        disposed = true;

        System.out.println("Disposing Engine");

        if (swingTimer != null) {
            ActionListener[] als = swingTimer.getActionListeners();
            for (ActionListener al : als)

            swingTimer = null;

        m_imageInfo = null;
        m_exportInfo = null;


        canvas = null;
        metadata = null;
        rendering = null;
        listeners = null;
        previews = null;

        if (sourceImage != null) {
            sourceImage = null;
        if (processedImage != null) {
            processedImage = null;
        if (previewImage != null) {
            previewImage = null;

        Operations definition

    private static Map<OperationType, Class> operationsSet = new HashMap<OperationType, Class>();

    static {
        operationsSet.put(UnSharpMaskOperation.typeV1, UnSharpMaskOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(UnSharpMaskOperation.typeV2, UnSharpMaskOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(UnSharpMaskOperation.typeV3, UnSharpMaskOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(NoiseReductionOperation.type, NoiseReductionOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.typeV1, AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.typeV2, AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.typeV3, AdvancedNoiseReductionOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HiPassFilterOperation.type, HiPassFilterOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HueSaturationOperation.typeV1, HueSaturationOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HueSaturationOperation.typeV2, HueSaturationOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HueSaturationOperation.typeV3, HueSaturationOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(GaussianBlurOperation.type, GaussianBlurOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HDROperation.type, HDROperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(HDROperationV2.typeV2, HDROperationV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(HDROperationV2.typeV3, HDROperationV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(HDROperationV2.typeV4, HDROperationV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(HDROperationV3.typeV5, HDROperationV3.class);
        operationsSet.put(ContrastMaskOperation.type, ContrastMaskOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(WhiteBalanceV2.typeV2, WhiteBalanceV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(WhiteBalanceV2.typeV3, WhiteBalanceV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(WhiteBalance.type, WhiteBalance.class);
        operationsSet.put(ChannelMixer.type, ChannelMixer.class);
        operationsSet.put(ChannelMixerV2.typeV2, ChannelMixerV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(ChannelMixerV2.typeV3, ChannelMixerV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(ChannelMixerV2.typeV4, ChannelMixerV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(ColorBalanceOperationV2.typeV2, ColorBalanceOperationV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(ColorBalanceOperationV2.typeV3, ColorBalanceOperationV2.class);
        operationsSet.put(ColorBalanceOperation.type, ColorBalanceOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(RedEyesOperation.type, RedEyesOperation.class);
        operationsSet.put(RawAdjustmentsOperation.type, RawAdjustmentsOperation.class);

    public Collection getGenericOperationTypes() {
        return operationsSet.keySet();

    public com.lightcrafts.model.Operation insertOperation(OperationType type, int position) {
        Class opClass = operationsSet.get(type);

        if (opClass.equals(RawAdjustmentsOperation.class)) {
            if (! (getAuxInfo() instanceof RawImageInfo)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("RAW adjustments can not be applied to an image that is not in RAW format");
        OperationImpl op = null;

            NOTE: this code depends on the signature of the constructor being BlendedOperation(Rendering)
            smart, isn't it?

        try {
            try {
                Constructor c = opClass.getConstructor(Rendering.class, OperationType.class);
                op = (OperationImpl) c.newInstance(rendering, type);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                Constructor c = opClass.getConstructor(Rendering.class);
                op = (OperationImpl) c.newInstance(rendering);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: what to do here?

        if (op != null) {
            rendering.addOperation(position, op);
            if (!op.neutralDefault())
                update(op, false);

        return op;

        Pipeline Modification

    public ZoneOperation insertZoneOperation(int position) {
        ZoneOperation op = new ZoneOperationImpl(rendering);
        rendering.addOperation(position, op);
        return op;

    public CloneOperation insertCloneOperation(int position) {
        CloneOperation op = new CloneOperationImpl(rendering);
        rendering.addOperation(position, op);
        return op;

    public SpotOperation insertSpotOperation(int position) {
        SpotOperation op = new SpotOperationImpl(rendering);
        rendering.addOperation(position, op);
        return op;

    public WhitePointOperation insertWhitePointOperation(int position) {
        WhitePointOperation op = new WhitePointOperationImpl(rendering);
        rendering.addOperation(position, op);
        return op;

    public OperationType getRawAdjustmentsOperationType() {
        return RawAdjustmentsOperation.type;

    public void removeOperation(int position) {
        Operation currentSelection = selectedOperation >= 0 ? rendering.getOperation(selectedOperation) : null;

        OperationImpl op = (OperationImpl) rendering.removeOperation(position);

        if (currentSelection != null)
            selectedOperation = rendering.indexOf(currentSelection);

        update(op, false);

    public void swap(int position) {
        Operation currentSelection = selectedOperation >= 0 ? rendering.getOperation(selectedOperation) : null;

        OperationImpl op = (OperationImpl) rendering.removeOperation(position);
        rendering.addOperation(position + 1, op);

        if (currentSelection != null)
            selectedOperation = rendering.indexOf(currentSelection);

        update(op, false);

    public void setCropBounds(CropBounds crop) {
        // canvas.setShowPreview(crop.equals(new CropBounds()));
        update(null, false);

    public void setScale(Scale scale) {
        update(null, false);

    public Scale setScale(Rectangle rect) {
        Dimension dimension = getNaturalSize();

        double hScale = rect.height / (double) dimension.height;
        double wScale = rect.width / (double) dimension.width;

        rendering.setScaleFactor((float) Math.min(hScale, wScale));
        update(null, false);
        return new Scale(rendering.getScaleFactor());

    public void update(OperationImpl op, boolean isLive) {
        update(op, isLive, null);

    PlanarImage scaleFinal(PlanarImage image) {
        float scale = rendering.getScaleFactor() > 1 ? rendering.getScaleFactor() : 1;

        if (scale != 1) {
            float scaleX = (float) Math.floor(scale * image.getWidth()) / (float) image.getWidth();
            float scaleY = (float) Math.floor(scale * image.getHeight()) / (float) image.getHeight();

            AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY);

            RenderingHints formatHints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_BORDER_EXTENDER, BorderExtender.createInstance(BorderExtender.BORDER_COPY));

            Interpolation interp = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_NEAREST);
            ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock();
            // NOTE: we cache this for the screen
            return JAI.create("Affine", params, formatHints);
        return image;

        Do something special when the current operation is selected

    private int selectedOperation = -1;

    public synchronized void setSelectedOperation(int position, boolean selected) {
        OperationImpl op = (OperationImpl) rendering.getOperation(position);

        if (op != null)

        selectedOperation = selected && op != null ? position : -1;

        update(null, false);

        // System.out.println((selected ? "selecting " : "unselecting ") + "operation " + position + ", current: " + selectedOperation);

    public synchronized Operation getSelectedOperation() {
        if (selectedOperation >= 0)
            return rendering.getOperation(selectedOperation);
            return null;

        Main Pipeline update routine

    private PlanarImage previewImage = null;

    public synchronized void update(OperationImpl op, boolean isLive, Object updater) {
        // This gets called whenever the parameters of any Operation change.
        // Rerun the pipeline now, and queue a repaint on the AWT thread.

        if (canvas == null || !event_filter(isLive, updater))

        PlanarImage oldProcessedImage = processedImage;

        // TODO: use disconnected cached images instead of PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG

        processedImage = rendering.getRendering(!engineActive);
        processedImage.setProperty(JAIContext.PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG, Boolean.TRUE);

        // if (oldProcessedImage != processedImage) {
            if (oldProcessedImage != null)

            if (previewImage != null)

            previewImage = Functions.fromUShortToByte(Functions.toColorSpace(processedImage,
                                                      null); // Cache this for the preview

            previewImage.setProperty(JAIContext.PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG, Boolean.TRUE);
        // }

        PlanarImage finalImage = scaleFinal(previewImage);

        canvas.set(finalImage, isLive);

        CanvasPaintListener get notifications from the Image Editor Display when the image is recomputed

    private long synchImageRepaintTime = 300; // initial estimate 300ms

    private long tilesRead = 0;
    private long tilesWritten = 0;
    private long tilesOnDisk = 0;

    class CanvasPaintListener implements PaintListener {
        public void paintDone(PlanarImage image, Rectangle visibleRect, boolean synchronous, long time) {
            if (synchronous) {
                synchImageRepaintTime = (synchImageRepaintTime + time) / 2;
                // System.out.println("fast repaint done in " + time + "ms, average: " + synchImageRepaintTime + "ms");
            } else {
                // System.out.println("slow repaint done");
            TileCache tileCache = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getTileCache();
            if (tileCache instanceof LCTileCache) {
                LCTileCache tc = (LCTileCache) tileCache;
                if (tilesRead != tc.tilesRead() || tilesWritten != tc.tilesWritten() || tilesOnDisk != tc.tilesOnDisk()) {
                    tilesRead = tc.tilesRead();
                    tilesWritten = tc.tilesWritten();
                    tilesOnDisk = tc.tilesOnDisk();
                    System.out.println("Tile Cache Statistics r: " + tilesRead + ", w: " + tilesWritten + ", on disk: " + tilesOnDisk);

            for (Preview preview : previews) {
                if (preview.isShowing()) {
                    if (preview instanceof PaintListener) {
                        float renderingScale = rendering.getScaleFactor();
                        if (renderingScale > 1)
                            visibleRect = new Rectangle((int) (visibleRect.x/renderingScale),
                                                        (int) (visibleRect.y/renderingScale),
                                                        (int) (visibleRect.width/renderingScale),
                                                        (int) (visibleRect.height/renderingScale));

                        ((PaintListener) preview).paintDone(preview instanceof ZoneFinder
                                                            ? previewImage
                                                            : processedImage, visibleRect, synchronous, time);

        BIG NOTE: JAI has all sorts of deadlocks in its notification management,
        we just avoid doing any pipeline setup off the main event thread.
        For this reason we use javax.swing.Timer instead of java.util.Timer
        to make sure that everything happens on the AWT thread.

    class UpdateActionListener implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            update(null, true, this);
            // currentTask = null;

    private javax.swing.Timer swingTimer = null;
    private UpdateActionListener currentTask = null;

    private long lastTime = -1;

    private boolean event_filter(boolean isLive, Object updater) {
        if (updater != null && updater != currentTask)
            return false; // obsolete update operation

        if (isLive) {
            // During live updates wait until the user stays put for at least the current average repaint time

            long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();

            long timeDiff = lastTime == -1 ? 0 : timeNow - lastTime;

            lastTime = timeNow;

            final long delay = Math.min(Math.max(synchImageRepaintTime, 300), 1000);

            if (timeDiff < delay) {
                if (swingTimer != null) {
                    if (currentTask != null)

                    currentTask = new UpdateActionListener();
                    swingTimer.setInitialDelay((int) delay);

                    if (swingTimer.isRunning())
                } else {
                    currentTask = new UpdateActionListener();
                    swingTimer = new javax.swing.Timer((int) delay, currentTask);
                return false;
            } else {
                currentTask = null;
                lastTime = -1;
        } else {
            if (swingTimer != null && swingTimer.isRunning()) {
                currentTask = null;
            lastTime = -1;
        return true;

    public void print(ProgressThread thread, PageFormat format, PrintSettings settings) throws PrinterException {
        Platform.getPlatform().getPrinterLayer().print(this, thread, format, settings);

    public void cancelPrint() {

    private static final Map<RenderingIntent, LCMSColorConvertDescriptor.RenderingIntent> renderingIntentMap =
            new HashMap<RenderingIntent, LCMSColorConvertDescriptor.RenderingIntent>();

    static {
        renderingIntentMap.put( RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC,

        renderingIntentMap.put( RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL,

        renderingIntentMap.put( RenderingIntent.SATURATION,

        renderingIntentMap.put( RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC,

        renderingIntentMap.put( RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC_BP,

    public LCMSColorConvertDescriptor.RenderingIntent getLCMSIntent(RenderingIntent intent) {
        return renderingIntentMap.get(intent);

    private ICC_Profile proofProfile = null;
    private LCMSColorConvertDescriptor.RenderingIntent proofIntent = null;

    public void preview(PrintSettings settings) {
        if (settings != null) {
            proofProfile = settings.getColorProfile();
            proofIntent = renderingIntentMap.get(settings.getRenderingIntent());
        } else {
            proofProfile = null;
            proofIntent = null;
        update(null, false);

    public PlanarImage getRendering(Dimension bounds) {
        return getRendering(bounds, JAIContext.sRGBColorProfile, true);

    public PlanarImage getRendering(Dimension bounds, ICC_Profile profile, boolean eightBits) {
        return getRendering(bounds, profile, null, eightBits);

    public PlanarImage getRendering(Dimension bounds, ICC_Profile profile,
                                    LCMSColorConvertDescriptor.RenderingIntent intent, boolean eightBits) {
        Dimension dimension = getNaturalSize();

        float scale = bounds != null
                      ? Math.min(bounds.width / (float) dimension.getWidth(),
                                 bounds.height / (float) dimension.getHeight())
                      : 1;

        Rendering newRendering = canvas != null ? rendering.clone() : rendering;

        newRendering.setCropAndScale(getCropBounds(), scale);

        PlanarImage image = newRendering.getRendering();

        if (profile != null) {
            final ICC_ColorSpace exportColorSpace =
                profile == JAIContext.sRGBColorProfile
                ? JAIContext.sRGBColorSpace
                : new ICC_ColorSpace(profile);
            if (intent != null)
                image = Functions.toColorSpace(image, exportColorSpace, intent, null);
                image = Functions.toColorSpace(image, exportColorSpace, null);

        if (eightBits)
            image = Functions.fromUShortToByte(image, null);

        return image;

    public void prefetchRendering(Rectangle area) {

    // Export an image rendering to a file
    public void write( ProgressThread thread,
                       ImageExportOptions exportOptions ) throws IOException {
        final ImageFileExportOptions fileOptions =
        final ImageType exportType = exportOptions.getImageType();
        final int exportWidth = fileOptions.resizeWidth.getValue();
        final int exportHeight = fileOptions.resizeHeight.getValue();

        final String exportProfileName = fileOptions.colorProfile.getValue();
        ICC_Profile profile =
            ColorProfileInfo.getExportICCProfileFor( exportProfileName );
        if ( profile == null )
            profile = JAIContext.sRGBExportColorProfile;

        // LZN editor state data
        final byte[] lzn = exportOptions.getAuxData();

        PlanarImage exportImage = getRendering(
            new Dimension( exportWidth, exportHeight ), profile,
            exportType instanceof JPEGImageType ||
                exportOptions.getIntValueOf(BitsPerChannelOption.NAME) == 8

        // Never uprez output images.  See bug 1443.

//        double scale = Math.min(exportWidth / (double) exportImage.getWidth(),
//                                exportHeight / (double) exportImage.getHeight());
//        if (scale > 1) {
//            AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale);
//            RenderingHints formatHints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_BORDER_EXTENDER, BorderExtender.createInstance(BorderExtender.BORDER_COPY));
//            Interpolation interp = Interpolation.getInstance(Interpolation.INTERP_BICUBIC_2);
//            ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock();
//            params.addSource(exportImage);
//            params.add(xform);
//            params.add(interp);
//            exportImage = JAI.create("Affine", params, formatHints);
//        }

        // Make sure that if uprezzing was requested and denied, the metadata
        // reflect the actual output image size
        if (fileOptions.resizeWidth.getValue() > exportImage.getWidth()) {
        if (fileOptions.resizeHeight.getValue() > exportImage.getHeight()) {
        if ( exportImage instanceof RenderedOp ) {
            final RenderedOp rop = (RenderedOp) exportImage;
            rop.setProperty(JAIContext.PERSISTENT_CACHE_TAG, Boolean.TRUE);

        if (m_exportInfo != null) {
                m_exportInfo, exportImage, exportOptions, lzn, thread
        else {
                m_imageInfo, exportImage, exportOptions, lzn, thread

    public Color getPixelValue(int x, int y) {
        // destUShortScaled.getData().getPixel(x, y, rgb);

        //Take a 3x3 sample centered at pointer location, and average the samples.
        int rgb[] = new int[3];
        int numSamples = 0;
        int red = 0;
        int green = 0;
        int blue = 0;

        //max and min (x,y) coordinates of the bounds
        int minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
        int sampleX, sampleY;

        Point2D p = rendering.getInputTransform().transform(new Point(x, y), null);

        x = (int) p.getX();
        y = (int) p.getY();

        Rectangle bounds = processedImage.getBounds();

        if (!bounds.contains(x, y))
            return null;

        if (true) {
            Raster tile = processedImage.getTile(processedImage.XToTileX(x), processedImage.YToTileY(y));
            rgb = tile.getPixel(x, y, rgb);
            return new Color(rgb[0] / (float) 0xffff, rgb[1] / (float) 0xffff, rgb[2] / (float) 0xffff);
        } else {
            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
                for (int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j) {
                    sampleX = x + i;
                    sampleY = y + j;
                    Raster tile = processedImage.getTile(processedImage.XToTileX(x), processedImage.YToTileY(y));
                    bounds = tile.getBounds();
                    minX = bounds.x;
                    maxX = bounds.x + bounds.width - 1;
                    minY = bounds.y;
                    maxY = bounds.y + bounds.height - 1;
                    // Check bounds, if in bounds take sample and increment numSamples, else do nothing
                    if (sampleX >= minX && sampleX <= maxX && sampleY >= minY && sampleY <= maxY) {
                        tile.getPixel(sampleX, sampleY, rgb);
                        red += rgb[0];
                        green += rgb[1];
                        blue += rgb[2];

            red /= numSamples;
            green /= numSamples;
            blue /= numSamples;

            return new Color(red / (float) 0xffff, green / (float) 0xffff, blue / (float) 0xffff);

    class GrayPatchesImage extends BufferedImage {
        static final int height = 512;
        static final int width = 256;

        GrayPatchesImage(int steps) {
                  JAIContext.colorModel_sRGB8.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height),
                  false, null);

            Graphics g = this.getGraphics();

            if (DEBUG) System.out.print("Colors: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
                float color = (float) (Math.pow(2, i * 8.0 / (steps - 1)) - 1) / 255.0f;

                float[] srgbColor = Functions.fromLinearToCS(JAIContext.systemColorSpace, new float[] {color, color, color});

                if (DEBUG) System.out.print(", " + i + ":" + (int) (255 * color) + " -> " + (int) (255 * srgbColor[0]));

                g.setColor(new Color((int) (255 * srgbColor[0]), (int) (255 * srgbColor[1]), (int) (255 * srgbColor[2])));
                g.fillRect(0, i * height / steps, width, (i + 1) * height / steps - i * height / steps);
            if (DEBUG) System.out.println();

    public List getDebugItems() {
        ArrayList<JMenuItem> items = new ArrayList<JMenuItem>();

        /* JMenuItem tctool = new JMenuItem("TCTool");
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
                    new TCTool();

        JMenuItem thrashItem = new JMenuItem("Repaint Thrasher");
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
                    RepaintThrasher thrasher = new RepaintThrasher(canvas);
                    thrasher.setLocation(100, 100);

        return items;

    public void setActive(boolean active) {
        if (engineActive != active) {
            engineActive = active;
            update(null, false);

    public void addEngineListener(EngineListener listener) {

    public void removeEngineListener(EngineListener listener) {

    public void notifyListeners(int level) {
        for (EngineListener listener : listeners)

    // Since Anton keeps forgetting to dispose documents, I add a finalizer

    public void finalize() throws Throwable {
/* vim: set et sw=4 ts=4: */ 

Related Classes of com.lightcrafts.model.ImageEditor.ImageEditorEngine$UpdateActionListener

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