Package com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai

Source Code of com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.IHSColorSpace

* $RCSfile:,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* $Date: 2005/11/16 22:58:16 $
* $State: Exp $
package com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;

* Singleton class representing the IHS (<i>I</i>ntensity, <i>H</i>ue,
* <i>S</i>aturation) color space (also known as  HSI or HIS).
* <p> The RGB-to-IHS transformation is defined by the equations:
* <ul>
* <li> I = (R+G+B)/3</li>
* <li> S = 1-min(R, G, B)/I </li>
* <li> H = G > B ? h : 2*<code>PI</code> - h, where <br>
*      h = cos<sup>-1</sup>{[(R-G)+(R-B)]/2[(R-G)<sup>2</sup>+
*                                 (R-G)(G-B)]<sup>1/2</sup>}</li>
* </ul>
* where the R, G, B values have been normalized to the range [0.0,&nbsp;1.0].
* Refer to <i>Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis</i>, Seul, et. al.,
* (Cambridge, 2000), pages 50-55, for more information.
* The inverse transformation (IHS-to-RGB) is defined as:
* <p>When <code>H</code> is in <code>[2PI/3, 4PI/3]</code>, <code>R</code>
* should be the smallest. Then, there exists
* <p><code>R = (1-S)I</code>
* <p>and <code><ul><li>G = (c1 + c2)/2</li>
*    <li>B = (c1 - c2)/2</li></ul></code>
* <p>where <code>c1 = 3I-R</code> and <code>c2 = sqrt(3)(R-I)tg(H)</code>
* <p>when <code>H</code> is in <code>[4PI/3, 2PI]</code>,
* <p><code>G = (1-S)I</code>
* <p>and <code><ul><li>B = (c1 + c2)/2</li>
*        <li>R = (c1 - c2)/2</li></ul></code>
* <p>where c1 = 3I-G and c2 = sqrt(3)(G-I)tg(H-2PI/3)
* <p> when <code>H</code> is in <code>[0, 2PI/3]</code>,
* <p><code>B = (1-S)I</code>
* <p>and <code><ul><li>R = (c1 + c2)/2</li>
*   <li>G = (c1 - c2)/2</li></ul></code>
* <p>where <code>c1 = 3I-B</code> and <code>c2 = sqrt(3)(B-I)tg(H-4PI/3)</code>
* <p> Methods defined in the superclasses are not commented extensively.
* @see ColorSpaceJAI
* @since JAI 1.1
// Old RGB-to-IHS equations ("Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis",
// Seul, et. al., Cambridge, 2000):
// <ul>
// <li> I = (R+G+B)/3</li>
// <li> S = 1-min(R, G, B)/I </li>
// <li> H = G > B ? h : 2*<code>PI</code> - h, where <br>
//      h = cos<sup>-1</sup>{[(R-G)+(R-B)]/2[(R-G)<sup>2</sup>+
//                                 (R-G)(G-B)]<sup>1/2</sup>}</li>
// </ul>
// where the R, G, B values have been normalized to the range [0.0,&nbsp;1.0].
// <p> The RGB-to-IHS transformation is defined by the equations:
// <ul>
// <li><pre>
// [ I ]   [  1/3        1/3       1/3       ] [ R ]
// [ U ] = [ -1/sqrt(6) -1/sqrt(6) 2/sqrt(6) ] [ G ]
// [ V ]   [  1/sqrt(6) -2/sqrt(6) 0         ] [ B ]
// </pre></li>
// <li> H = atan(V/U) </li>
// <li> S = sqrt(U<sup>2</sup> + V<sup>2</sup>) </li>
// </ul>
// The inverse IHS-to-RGB transformation is defined by:
// <ul>
// <li> U = S*cos(H) </li>
// <li> V = S*sin(H) </li>
// <li><pre>
// [ R ] = [ 4/3 -2*sqrt(6)/9  sqrt(6)/3 ] [ I ]
// [ G ] = [ 2/3    sqrt(6)/9 -sqrt(6)/3 ] [ U ]
// [ B ]   [ 1      sqrt(6)/3  0         ] [ V ]
// </pre></li>
// </ul>
// Refer to <i>Digital Image Processing</i>, Second Edition, William K. Pratt
// (Wiley, 1991), pages 71-72, for more information.
public final class IHSColorSpace extends ColorSpaceJAI {
    // Constant for rgb-to-ihs
    private static final double PI2 = Math.PI*2.0 ;

    // Constants for ihs-to-rgb
    private static final double PI23 = PI2/3.0 ;
    private static final double PI43 = PI23*2.0 ;
    private static final double SQRT3 = Math.sqrt(3.0) ;

    private final static double BYTESCALE = 127.5/Math.PI ;

    private static SoftReference reference = new SoftReference(null);

    /* tables and their softrefrences */
    private static byte[] acosTable = null ;
    private static double[] sqrtTable = null ;
    private static double[] tanTable = null ;
    private static SoftReference acosSoftRef ;
    private static SoftReference sqrtSoftRef ;
    private static SoftReference tanSoftRef ;

     * Retrieves the unique instance of this class the construction of
     * which is deferred until the first invocation of this method.
    public static IHSColorSpace getInstance() {
        synchronized(reference) {
            Object referent = reference.get();
            IHSColorSpace cs;
            if (referent == null) {
                // First invocation or SoftReference has been cleared.
                reference = new SoftReference(cs = new IHSColorSpace());
            } else {
                // SoftReference has not been cleared.
                cs = (IHSColorSpace)referent;

            return cs;

     * Constructs an instance of this class with <code>type</code>
     * <code>ColorSpace.TYPE_HSV</code>, 3 components, and preferred
     * intermediary space sRGB.
    protected IHSColorSpace() {
        super(ColorSpace.TYPE_HSV, 3, true);

    // generate the cos table used in RGBtoIHS for byte type
    private synchronized void generateACosTable() {

        if ((acosSoftRef == null) || (acosSoftRef.get() == null)) {
            acosTable = new byte[1001] ;
            acosSoftRef = new SoftReference(acosTable);

            for (int i=0; i<=1000; i++)
                acosTable[i] =
        (byte)(BYTESCALE *Math.acos((i - 500) * 0.002) + 0.5) ;

    // generate the square root table used in RGBtoIHS for byte type
    private synchronized void generateSqrtTable() {
        if ((sqrtSoftRef == null) || (sqrtSoftRef.get() == null)) {
            sqrtTable = new double[1001] ;
            sqrtSoftRef = new SoftReference(sqrtTable);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
                sqrtTable[i] = Math.sqrt(i / 1000.0) ;

    // generate the tangent table used in IHStoRGB for byte type
    private synchronized void generateTanTable() {
        if ((tanSoftRef == null) || (tanSoftRef.get() == null)) {
            tanTable = new double[256] ;
            tanSoftRef = new SoftReference(tanTable);

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                tanTable[i] = Math.tan(i * PI2 / 255.0) ;

     * Converts a single color value from CIEXYZ to IHS.
    public float[] fromCIEXYZ(float[] colorValue) {
        float[] rgb = new float[3] ;
  XYZ2RGB(colorValue, rgb);

  float r = rgb[0] ;
  float g = rgb[1] ;
  float b = rgb[2] ;

  float[] ihs = new float[3] ;

  ihs[0] = (r + g + b)/3.0f ;
  float drg = r - g ;
  float drb = r - b ;
  float temp
      = (float) Math.sqrt(drg * (double)drg +drb * (double)(drb - drg)) ;

  // when temp is zero, R=G=B. Hue should be NaN. To make
  // numerically consistent, set it to 2PI
        if (temp != 0.0f) {
            temp = (float) Math.acos((drg + drb) / (double)temp / 2) ;
            if (g < b)
                ihs[1] = (float) (PI2 - temp) ;
      else ihs[1] = temp ;
        else ihs[1] = (float) PI2 ;

  float min = (r < g) ? r : g ;
  min = (min < b) ? min : b ;

  // when intensity is 0, means R=G=B=0. S can be set to 0 to indicate
  // R=G=B.
  if (ihs[0] == 0.0f)
      ihs[2] = 0.0f ;
      ihs[2] = 1.0f - min / ihs[0] ;

  return ihs ;

     * Converts a single color value from sRGB to IHS.
    public float[] fromRGB(float[] rgbValue) {
  float r = rgbValue[0] ;
  float g = rgbValue[1] ;
  float b = rgbValue[2] ;

        r = (r < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((r > 1.0f) ? 1.0f: r) ;
        g = (g < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((g > 1.0f) ? 1.0f: g) ;
        b = (b < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((b > 1.0f) ? 1.0f: b) ;

  float[] ihs = new float[3] ;

        ihs[0] = (r + g + b)/3.0f ;
        float drg = r - g ;
        float drb = r - b ;
        float temp
      = (float) Math.sqrt(drg * (double)drg + drb * (double)(drb - drg)) ;

  // when temp is zero, R=G=B. Hue should be NaN. To make
  // numerically consistent, set it to 2PI
  if (temp != 0.0f) {
            temp = (float) Math.acos((drg + drb) / (double)temp / 2) ;
            if (g < b)
                ihs[1] = (float) (PI2 - temp) ;
      else ihs[1] = temp ;
   } else ihs[1] = (float)PI2 ;

        float min = (r < g) ? r : g ;
        min = (min < b) ? min : b ;

  // when intensity is 0, means R=G=B=0. S can be set to 0 to indicate
  // R=G=B.
  if (ihs[0] == 0.0f)
      ihs[2] = 0.0f ;
            ihs[2] = 1.0f - min / ihs[0] ;

        return ihs ;

     * Converts a single color value from IHS to CIEXYZ.
    public float[] toCIEXYZ(float[] colorValue) {
  float i = colorValue[0] ;
  float h = colorValue[1] ;
  float s = colorValue[2] ;

        i = (i < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((i > 1.0f) ? 1.0f: i) ;
        h = (h < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((h > (float)PI2) ? (float)PI2: h) ;
        s = (s < 0.0f)? 0.0f : ((s > 1.0f) ? 1.0f: s) ;

  float r = 0.0f, g = 0.0f, b = 0.0f ;

  // when the saturation is zero, means this color is grey color.
  // so R=G=B.
  if (s == 0.0f) {
      r = g = b = i ;
  else {
      if (h >= PI23 && h < PI43) {
        r = (1 - s) * i ;
        float c1 = 3 * i - r ;
        float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (r - i) * Math.tan(h)) ;
        g = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
        b = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
      else if (h > PI43) {
              g = (1 - s) * i ;
              float c1 = 3 * i - g ;
              float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (g - i) * Math.tan(h - PI23)) ;
              b = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
              r = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
      else if (h < PI23) {
              b = (1 - s)* i ;
              float c1 = 3 * i - b ;
              float c2 = (float)(SQRT3 * (b - i) * Math.tan(h - PI43)) ;
              r = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
              g = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;

  float[] xyz = new float[3] ;
  float[] rgb = new float[3] ;
        rgb[0] = r;
        rgb[1] = g;
        rgb[2] = b;

        RGB2XYZ(rgb, xyz);

  return xyz ;

     * Converts a single color value from IHS to sRGB.
    public float[] toRGB(float[] colorValue) {
        float i = colorValue[0] ;
        float h = colorValue[1] ;
        float s = colorValue[2] ;

        i = (i < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((i > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : i) ;
        h = (h < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((h > (float)PI2) ? (float)PI2 : h) ;
        s = (s < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((s > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : s) ;

        float[] rgb = new float[3] ;

  // when the saturation is 0, the color is grey. so R=G=B=I.
  if (s == 0.0f) {
      rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = i ;
  else {
            if (h >= PI23 && h <= PI43) {
              float r = (1 - s) * i ;
              float c1 = 3 * i - r ;
              float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (r - i) * Math.tan(h)) ;
              rgb[0] = r ;
              rgb[1] = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
              rgb[2] = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
            else if (h >PI43) {
              float g = (1 - s) * i ;
              float c1 = 3 * i - g ;
              float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (g - i) * Math.tan(h - PI23)) ;
              rgb[0] = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
              rgb[1] = g ;
              rgb[2] = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
            else if (h < PI23) {
              float b = (1 - s) * i ;
              float c1 = 3 * i - b ;
              float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (b - i) * Math.tan(h - PI43)) ;
              rgb[0] = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
              rgb[1] = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
              rgb[2] = b ;

        return rgb ;

     * Converts a <code>Raster</code> of colors represented as pixels
     * from CIEXYZ to IHS.
    public WritableRaster fromCIEXYZ(Raster src,
                                     int[] srcComponentSize,
                                     WritableRaster dest,
                                     int[] destComponentSize) {
  WritableRaster tempRas =
      CIEXYZToRGB(src, srcComponentSize, null, null) ;
  return fromRGB(tempRas, tempRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize(),
      dest, destComponentSize) ;

     * Converts a <code>Raster</code> of colors represented as pixels
     * from sRGB to IHS.
    public WritableRaster fromRGB(Raster src,
                                  int[] srcComponentSize,
                                  WritableRaster dest,
                                  int[] destComponentSize) {
  //Validate the parameters
        checkParameters(src, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;

        SampleModel srcSampleModel = src.getSampleModel() ;

  // When the parameter is not provided by the caller, set it as the
  // sample sizes of the source
        if (srcComponentSize == null)
            srcComponentSize = srcSampleModel.getSampleSize() ;

  //when the destination ratser is not provided, create a new one
        if (dest == null) {
            Point origin = new Point(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY()) ;
            dest = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(srcSampleModel,
                                                origin) ;

        SampleModel dstSampleModel = dest.getSampleModel() ;
        if (destComponentSize == null)
            destComponentSize = dstSampleModel.getSampleSize() ;

  PixelAccessor srcAcc = new PixelAccessor(srcSampleModel, null) ;
  UnpackedImageData srcUid
      = srcAcc.getPixels(src, src.getBounds(),
             srcSampleModel.getDataType(), false) ;

        switch (srcSampleModel.getDataType()) {

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
             fromRGBByte(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
             fromRGBShort(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
             fromRGBInt(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
             fromRGBFloat(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
             fromRGBDouble(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
  return dest ;

    // convert a byte type raster from RGB to IHS
    private void fromRGBByte(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                             WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        byte[] rBuf = src.getByteData(0) ;
        byte[] gBuf = src.getByteData(1) ;
        byte[] bBuf = src.getByteData(2) ;

        int normr = 8 - srcComponentSize[0] ;
        int normg = 8 - srcComponentSize[1] ;
        int normb = 8 - srcComponentSize[2] ;

        double normi = 1.0 / 255.0, normh = 1.0, norms = 1.0 ;

  int bnormi = 0, bnormh = 0, bnorms = 0 ;

  int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
  boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

  if (isByte) {
      bnormi = 8 - destComponentSize[0] ;
      bnormh = 8 - destComponentSize[1] ;
      bnorms = 8 - destComponentSize[2] ;
            generateACosTable() ;
            generateSqrtTable() ;
        else if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normi = ((1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1) / 255.0 ;
            normh = ((1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1) / PI2 ;
            norms = ((1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
  int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

  if (isByte)
      dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
      dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int rStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
  int gStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
  int bStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < height; j++, rStart += srcLineStride,
       gStart += srcLineStride, bStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, rIndex = rStart, gIndex = gStart, bIndex = bStart ;
     i < width; i++, rIndex += srcPixelStride,
     gIndex += srcPixelStride, bIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                short R = (short)((rBuf[rIndex] & 0xFF) << normr) ;
                short G = (short)((gBuf[gIndex] & 0xFF) << normg) ;
                short B = (short)((bBuf[bIndex] & 0xFF) << normb) ;

    if (isByte) {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) / 3.0f ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] =
      ((short)(intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnormi ;

                    short drg = (short)(R - G) ;
                    short drb = (short)(R - B) ;

                    int tint = drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg) ;

                    short sum = (short)(drg + drb) ;
                    double temp ;
                    if (tint!= 0)
                      temp = sqrtTable[(int)(250.0 * sum * sum / tint + 0.5)] ;
                    else temp = -1.0 ;

                    int hue ;
                    if (sum>0)
                      hue = acosTable[(int)(500 * temp + 0.5) + 500] ;
                      hue = acosTable[(int)(-500 * temp - 0.5) + 500] ;

                    if (B >= G)
                      dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = (255 - hue) >> bnormh ;
                      dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = hue >> bnormh ;

                    short min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ]
                        = (255 - (int)(255 * min / intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnorms ;
    else {
        float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstPixels[ dIndex++ ] = normi * intensity ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double  drb = R - B ;
                    double temp = Math.sqrt(drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg)) ;

        if (temp != 0) {
                        temp = Math.acos((drg + drb) / temp / 2) ;
                        if (B >= G)
                          temp = PI2 - temp ;
        } else temp = PI2 ;

                    dstPixels[ dIndex++ ] = normh * temp ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstPixels[ dIndex++ ] = norms * (1 - min / intensity) ;
        if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
                           height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
            convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
                           height, dstPixels) ;

    // convert a short type ratser from RGB to IHS
    private void fromRGBShort(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                        WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        short[] rBuf = src.getShortData(0) ;
        short[] gBuf = src.getShortData(1) ;
        short[] bBuf = src.getShortData(2) ;

  // used to left-shift the input to fill all the bits
        int normr = 16 - srcComponentSize[0] ;
        int normg = 16 - srcComponentSize[1] ;
        int normb = 16 - srcComponentSize[2] ;

  //map the output to the desired range
        double normi = 1.0 / 65535.0, normh = 1.0, norms = 1.0 ;

  //right-shift the output values to the desired range
        int bnormi = 0, bnormh = 0, bnorms = 0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
        boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

        if (isByte) {
            bnormi = 16 - destComponentSize[0] ;
            bnormh = 8 - destComponentSize[1] ;
            bnorms = 8 - destComponentSize[2] ;
            generateACosTable() ;
            generateSqrtTable() ;
        else if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normi = ((1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1)/65535.0  ;
            normh = ((1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1)/PI2 ;
            norms = ((1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
        int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

        if (isByte)
            dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
            dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int rStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int gStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int bStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, rStart += srcLineStride,
             gStart += srcLineStride, bStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, rIndex = rStart, gIndex = gStart, bIndex = bStart ;
                 i < width; i++, rIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 gIndex += srcPixelStride, bIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                int R = (rBuf[rIndex] & 0xFFFF)<<normr ;
                int G = (gBuf[gIndex] & 0xFFFF)<<normg ;
                int B = (bBuf[bIndex] & 0xFFFF)<<normb ;

                if (isByte) {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] =
      ((int)(intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnormi ;

                    int drg = R - G ;
                    int drb = R - B ;

                    double tint = drg * (double)drg + drb *(double)(drb - drg) ;

                    double sum = drg + drb ;
                    double temp ;
                    if (tint != 0)
                        temp = sqrtTable[(int)(250.0 * sum * sum / tint + 0.5)] ;
                    else temp = -1.0 ;

                    int hue ;
                    if (sum > 0)
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(500 * temp + 0.5) + 500] ;
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(-500 * temp - 0.5) + 500] ;

                    if (B >= G)
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = (255 - hue) >> bnormh ;
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = hue >> bnormh ;

                    int min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                        = (255 - (int)(255 * min / intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnorms ;

                else {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normi * intensity ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double  drb = R - B ;
                    double temp = Math.sqrt(drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg)) ;

                    if (temp != 0) {
                        temp = Math.acos((drg + drb) / temp / 2) ;
                        if (B >= G)
                            temp = PI2 - temp ;
                    } else temp = PI2 ;

                    dstPixels[dIndex++] =normh * temp ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = norms * (1 - min / intensity) ;

        if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
            convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstPixels) ;

    // convert an int type raster from RGB to IHS
    private void fromRGBInt(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                            WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        int[] rBuf = src.getIntData(0) ;
        int[] gBuf = src.getIntData(1) ;
        int[] bBuf = src.getIntData(2) ;

        int normr = 32 - srcComponentSize[0] ;
        int normg = 32 - srcComponentSize[1] ;
        int normb = 32 - srcComponentSize[2] ;

  double range = Integer.MAX_VALUE - (double)Integer.MIN_VALUE ;
        double normi = 1.0 / range, normh = 1.0, norms = 1.0 ;

        int bnormi = 0, bnormh = 0, bnorms = 0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
        boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

        if (isByte) {
            bnormi = 32 - destComponentSize[0] ;
            bnormh = 8 - destComponentSize[1] ;
            bnorms = 8 - destComponentSize[2] ;
            generateACosTable() ;
            generateSqrtTable() ;
        else if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normi = ((1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1) / range  ;
            normh = ((1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1) / PI2 ;
            norms = ((1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
        int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

        if (isByte)
            dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
            dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int rStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int gStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int bStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < height; j++, rStart += srcLineStride,
             gStart += srcLineStride, bStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, rIndex = rStart, gIndex = gStart, bIndex = bStart ;
                 i < width; i++, rIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 gIndex += srcPixelStride, bIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                long R = (rBuf[rIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) << normr ;
                long G = (gBuf[gIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) << normg ;
                long B = (bBuf[bIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) << normb ;

                if (isByte) {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ]
      = (int)(((long)(intensity + 0.5f))>>bnormi);

                    long drg = R - G ;
                    long drb = R - B ;

                    double tint = drg * (double)drg + drb * (double)(drb -drg) ;

                    double sum = drg + drb ;
                    double temp ;
                    if (tint != 0)
                        temp = sqrtTable[(int)(250.0 * sum * sum / tint + 0.5)] ;
                    else temp = -1.0 ;

                    int hue ;
                    if (sum>0)
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(500 * temp + 0.5) + 500] ;
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(-500 * temp - 0.5) + 500] ;

                    if (B >= G)
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = (255 - hue) >> bnormh ;
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = hue >> bnormh ;

                    long min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                        = (255 - (int)(255 * min / intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnorms ;
                else {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normi * intensity ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double  drb = R - B ;
                    double temp = Math.sqrt(drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg)) ;

                    if (temp != 0) {
                        temp = Math.acos((drg + drb) / temp / 2) ;
                        if (B >= G)
                            temp = PI2 - temp ;
                    } else temp = PI2 ;

                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normh * temp ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = norms * (1 - min / intensity) ;

        if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
            convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstPixels) ;

    // convert a float type raster from RGB to IHS
    private void fromRGBFloat(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
            WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        float[] rBuf = src.getFloatData(0) ;
        float[] gBuf = src.getFloatData(1) ;
        float[] bBuf = src.getFloatData(2) ;

        double normi = 1.0, normh = 1.0, norms = 1.0 ;

        int bnormi = 0, bnormh = 0, bnorms = 0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
        boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

        if (isByte) {
            bnormi = (1 << destComponentSize[0])  - 1;
            bnormh = 8 - destComponentSize[1] ;
            bnorms = 8 - destComponentSize[2] ;
            generateACosTable() ;
            generateSqrtTable() ;
        else if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normi = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normh = ((1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1) / PI2 ;
            norms = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
        int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

        if (isByte)
            dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
            dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int rStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int gStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int bStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, rStart += srcLineStride,
             gStart += srcLineStride, bStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, rIndex = rStart, gIndex = gStart, bIndex = bStart ;
                 i < width; i++, rIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 gIndex += srcPixelStride, bIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                float R = rBuf[rIndex] ;
                float G = gBuf[gIndex] ;
                float B = bBuf[bIndex] ;

                if (isByte) {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) / 3.0f ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = (int)(intensity * bnormi + 0.5f) ;

                    float drg = R - G ;
                    float drb = R - B ;

                    double tint = drg*(double)drg + drb * (double)(drb - drg) ;

                    double sum = drg + drb ;
                    double temp ;
                    if (tint != 0)
                        temp = sqrtTable[(int)(250.0 * sum * sum / tint + 0.5)] ;
                    else temp = -1.0 ;

                    int hue ;
                    if (sum>0)
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(500 * temp + 0.5) + 500] ;
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(-500 * temp - 0.5) + 500] ;

                    if (B >= G)
                        dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = (255 - hue) >> bnormh ;
                        dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = hue >> bnormh ;

                    float min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ]
                        = (255 - (int)(255 * min / intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnorms ;
                else {
                    float intensity = (R + G + B) /3.0f ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normi * intensity ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double  drb = R - B ;
                    double temp = Math.sqrt(drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg)) ;

                    if (temp != 0) {
                        temp = Math.acos((drg + drb) / temp / 2) ;
                        if (B >= G)
                            temp = PI2 - temp ;
                    } else temp = PI2 ;

                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normh * temp ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = norms * (1 - min / intensity) ;

  if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
      convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstPixels) ;

    // convert a double type raster from RGB to IHS
    private void fromRGBDouble(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
             WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        double[] rBuf = src.getDoubleData(0) ;
        double[] gBuf = src.getDoubleData(1) ;
        double[] bBuf = src.getDoubleData(2) ;

        double normi = 1.0, normh = 1.0, norms = 1.0 ;

        int bnormi = 0, bnormh = 0, bnorms = 0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
        boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

        if (isByte) {
            bnormi = (1 << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            bnormh = 8 - destComponentSize[1] ;
            bnorms = 8 - destComponentSize[2] ;
            generateACosTable() ;
            generateSqrtTable() ;
        else if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normi = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normh = ((1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1) / PI2 ;
            norms = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
        int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

        if (isByte)
            dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
            dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int rStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int gStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int bStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, rStart += srcLineStride,
             gStart += srcLineStride, bStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, rIndex = rStart, gIndex = gStart, bIndex = bStart ;
                 i < width; i++, rIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 gIndex += srcPixelStride, bIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double R = rBuf[rIndex] ;
                double G = gBuf[gIndex] ;
                double B = bBuf[bIndex] ;

                if (isByte) {
                    double intensity = (R + G + B) / 3.0f ;
                    dstIntPixels[ dIndex++ ] = (int)(intensity * bnormi + 0.5) ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double drb = R - B ;

                    double tint = drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg) ;

                    double sum = drg + drb ;
                    double temp ;
                    if (tint != 0.0)
                        temp = sqrtTable[(int)(250.0 * sum * sum / tint + 0.5)] ;
                    else temp = -1.0 ;

                    int hue ;
                    if (sum > 0)
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(500 * temp + 0.5) + 500] ;
                        hue = acosTable[(int)(-500 * temp - 0.5) + 500] ;

                    if (B >= G)
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = (255 - hue) >> bnormh ;
                        dstIntPixels[dIndex++] = hue >> bnormh ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                        = (255 - (int)(255 * min / intensity + 0.5f)) >> bnorms ;
                else {
                    double intensity = (R + G + B) / 3.0f ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normi * intensity ;

                    double drg = R - G ;
                    double  drb = R - B ;
                    double temp = Math.sqrt(drg * drg + drb * (drb - drg)) ;

                    if (temp != 0) {
                        temp = Math.acos((drg + drb) / temp / 2) ;
                        if (B >= G)
                            temp = PI2 - temp ;
                    } else temp = PI2 ;

                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = normh * temp ;

                    double min = (G > B) ? B : G ;
                    min = (R > min) ? min : R ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = norms * (1 - min / intensity) ;
        if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
            convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstPixels) ;

     * Converts a <code>Raster</code> of colors represented as pixels
     * from IHS to CIEXYZ.
    public WritableRaster toCIEXYZ(Raster src,
                                   int[] srcComponentSize,
                                   WritableRaster dest,
                                   int[] destComponentSize) {
        WritableRaster tempRas = toRGB(src, srcComponentSize, null, null) ;
        return RGBToCIEXYZ(tempRas, tempRas.getSampleModel().getSampleSize(),
      dest, destComponentSize) ;

     * Converts a <code>Raster</code> of colors represented as pixels
     * from IHS to sRGB.
    public WritableRaster toRGB(Raster src,
                                int[] srcComponentSize,
                                WritableRaster dest,
                                int[] destComponentSize) {

  checkParameters(src, srcComponentSize, dest,destComponentSize) ;

        SampleModel srcSampleModel = src.getSampleModel() ;

        if (srcComponentSize == null)
            srcComponentSize = srcSampleModel.getSampleSize() ;

        if (dest == null) {
            Point origin = new Point(src.getMinX(), src.getMinY()) ;
            dest = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(srcSampleModel,
                                        origin) ;

        SampleModel dstSampleModel = dest.getSampleModel() ;
        if (destComponentSize == null)
            destComponentSize = dstSampleModel.getSampleSize() ;

        PixelAccessor srcAcc = new PixelAccessor(srcSampleModel, null) ;
        UnpackedImageData srcUid
      = srcAcc.getPixels(src, src.getBounds(),
                               srcSampleModel.getDataType(), false) ;

        switch (srcSampleModel.getDataType()) {

        case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
             toRGBByte(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
             toRGBShort(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
             toRGBInt(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
             toRGBFloat(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
             toRGBDouble(srcUid, srcComponentSize, dest, destComponentSize) ;
             break ;
        return dest ;

    // convert a byte type raster from IHS to RGB
    private void toRGBByte(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                           WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        byte[] iBuf = src.getByteData(0) ;
        byte[] hBuf = src.getByteData(1) ;
        byte[] sBuf = src.getByteData(2) ;

        double normi = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[0]) - 1) ;
        double normh = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[1]) - 1) * PI2 ;
        double norms = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        double normr = 1.0, normg = 1.0, normb = 1.0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;
        boolean isByte = (dstType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) ;

        if (isByte) {
            generateTanTable() ;
        if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normr = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normg = (1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1 ;
            normb = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = null ;
        int[] dstIntPixels = null ;

        if (isByte)
            dstIntPixels = new int[3 * height * width] ;
            dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int iStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int hStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int sStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, iStart += srcLineStride,
             hStart += srcLineStride, sStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, iIndex = iStart, hIndex = hStart, sIndex = sStart ;
                 i < width; i++, iIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 hIndex += srcPixelStride, sIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double I = (iBuf[iIndex] & 0xFF) * normi ;
    int h = hBuf[hIndex] & 0xFF ;
                double S = (sBuf[sIndex] & 0xFF) * norms ;

    if (isByte) {
        float r, g, b ;

        r = g = b = (float) I ;

        if (S != 0.0) {
      if (h >= 85 && h <= 170) {
          r = (float) ((1 - S) * I) ;
          float c1 = (float) (3 * I - r) ;
          float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (r - I) * tanTable[h]) ;
          g = (float)((c1 + c2) / 2) ;
          b = (float)((c1 - c2) / 2) ;
                        else if (h > 170) {
                            g = (float)((1 - S) * I) ;
                            float c1 = (float) (3 * I - g) ;
                            float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (g -I)*tanTable[h-85]) ;
                            b = (c1 + c2)/2 ;
                            r = (c1 - c2)/2 ;
                        else if (h < 85) {
                            b = (float)((1 - S) * I) ;
                            float c1 = (float) (3 * I - b) ;
                            float c2 = (float) (SQRT3 * (b -I)*tanTable[h+85]) ;
                            r = (c1 + c2)/2 ;
                            g = (c1 - c2)/2 ;
                        = (int)(((r<0.0f) ? 0.0f:((r>1.0f) ? 1.0f: r))*normr+0.5) ;
                        = (int)(((g<0.0f) ? 0.0f:((g>1.0f) ? 1.0f: g))*normg+0.5) ;
                        = (int)(((b<0.0f) ? 0.0f:((b>1.0f) ? 1.0f: b))*normb+0.5) ;
                else {
                    double R, G, B ;

                    R = G = B = I ;
                    if (S != 0) {
      double H =  h * normh ;
                        if (H >= PI23 && H <= PI43) {
                            R = (1 - S) * I ;
                            double c1 = 3 * I - R ;
                            double c2 = SQRT3 * (R - I) * Math.tan(H) ;
                            G = (c1 + c2)/2 ;
                            B = (c1 - c2)/2 ;
                        else if (H > PI43) {
                            G = (1 - S) * I ;
                            double c1 = 3 * I - G ;
                            double c2 = SQRT3 * (G - I) * Math.tan(H - PI23) ;
                            B = (c1 + c2)/2 ;
                            R = (c1 - c2)/2 ;
                        else if (H < PI23) {
                            B = (1 - S) * I ;
                            double c1 = 3 * I - B ;
                            double c2 = SQRT3 * (B - I) * Math.tan(H - PI43) ;
                            R = (c1 + c2)/2 ;
                            G = (c1 - c2)/2 ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = ((R<0) ? 0:((R>1.0) ?1.0:R))*normr ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = ((G<0) ? 0:((G>1.0) ?1.0:G))*normg ;
                    dstPixels[dIndex++] = ((B<0) ? 0:((B>1.0) ?1.0:B))*normb ;

        if (isByte)
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstIntPixels) ;
        else {
            convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
            dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(), width,
         height, dstPixels) ;


    // convert a short type ratser from IHS to RGB
    private void toRGBShort(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                            WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        short[] iBuf = src.getShortData(0) ;
        short[] hBuf = src.getShortData(1) ;
        short[] sBuf = src.getShortData(2) ;

        double normi = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[0]) - 1) ;
        double normh = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[1]) - 1) * PI2 ;
        double norms = 1.0 / ((1 << srcComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        double normr = 1.0, normg = 1.0, normb = 1.0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;

        if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normr = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normg = (1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1 ;
            normb = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int iStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int hStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int sStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, iStart += srcLineStride,
             hStart += srcLineStride, sStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, iIndex = iStart, hIndex = hStart, sIndex = sStart ;
                 i < width; i++, iIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 hIndex += srcPixelStride, sIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double I = (iBuf[iIndex] & 0xFFFF) * normi ;
                double H = (hBuf[hIndex] & 0xFFFF) * normh ;
                double S = (sBuf[sIndex] & 0xFFFF) * norms ;
                double R, G, B ;

                R = G = B = I ;
                if (S != 0.0) {
                    if (H >= PI23 && H <= PI43) {
                        R = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - R ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (R - I) * Math.tan(H) ;
                        G = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        B = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H > PI43) {
                        G = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - G ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (G - I) * Math.tan(H - PI23) ;
                        B = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        R = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H < PI23) {
                        B = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - B ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (B - I) * Math.tan(H - PI43) ;
                        R = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        G = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;

                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((R<0) ? 0:((R>1.0) ? 1.0:R)) * normr ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((G<0) ? 0:((G>1.0) ? 1.0:G)) * normg ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((B<0) ? 0:((B>1.0) ? 1.0:B)) * normb ;

        convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
        dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(),width,height,dstPixels) ;

    private void toRGBInt(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                          WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        int[] iBuf = src.getIntData(0) ;
        int[] hBuf = src.getIntData(1) ;
        int[] sBuf = src.getIntData(2) ;

        double normi = 1.0 / ((1l << srcComponentSize[0]) - 1) ;
        double normh = 1.0 / ((1l << srcComponentSize[1]) - 1) * PI2 ;
        double norms = 1.0 / ((1l << srcComponentSize[2]) - 1) ;

        double normr = 1.0, normg = 1.0, normb = 1.0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;

        if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normr = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normg = (1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1 ;
            normb = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int iStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int hStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int sStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < height; j++, iStart += srcLineStride,
             hStart += srcLineStride, sStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, iIndex = iStart, hIndex = hStart, sIndex = sStart ;
                 i < width; i++, iIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 hIndex += srcPixelStride, sIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double I = (iBuf[iIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) * normi ;
                double H = (hBuf[hIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) * normh ;
                double S = (sBuf[sIndex] & 0xFFFFFFFFl) * norms ;

                double R, G, B ;

                R = G = B = I ;
                if (S != 0) {
                    if (H >= PI23 && H <= PI43) {
                        R = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - R ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (R - I) * Math.tan(H) ;
                        G = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        B = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H > PI43) {
                        G = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - G ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (G - I) * Math.tan(H - PI23) ;
                        B = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        R = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H < PI23) {
                        B = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - B ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (B - I) * Math.tan(H - PI43) ;
                        R = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        G = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;

                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((R<0) ? 0:((R>1.0) ? 1.0:R)) * normr ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((G<0) ? 0:((G>1.0) ? 1.0:G)) * normg ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((B<0) ? 0:((B>1.0) ? 1.0:B)) * normb ;
        convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
        dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(),width,height,dstPixels) ;

    private void toRGBFloat(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                            WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        float[] iBuf = src.getFloatData(0) ;
        float[] hBuf = src.getFloatData(1) ;
        float[] sBuf = src.getFloatData(2) ;

        double normr = 1.0, normg = 1.0, normb = 1.0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;

        if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normr = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normg = (1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1 ;
            normb = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int iStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int hStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int sStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j<height; j++, iStart += srcLineStride,
             hStart += srcLineStride, sStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, iIndex = iStart, hIndex = hStart, sIndex = sStart ;
                 i < width; i++, iIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 hIndex += srcPixelStride, sIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double I = iBuf[iIndex] ;
                double H = hBuf[hIndex] ;
                double S = sBuf[sIndex] ;
                double R, G, B ;

                R = G = B = I ;
                if (S != 0) {
                    if (H >= PI23 && H <= PI43) {
                        R = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - R ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (R - I) * Math.tan(H) ;
                        G = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        B = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H > PI43) {
                        G = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - G ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (G - I) * Math.tan(H - PI23) ;
                        B = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        R = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H < PI23) {
                        B = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - B ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (B - I) * Math.tan(H - PI43) ;
                        R = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        G = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;

                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((R<0) ? 0:((R>1.0) ? 1.0:R)) * normr ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((G<0) ? 0:((G>1.0) ? 1.0:G)) * normg ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((B<0) ? 0:((B>1.0) ? 1.0:B)) * normb ;
        convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
        dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(),width,height,dstPixels) ;

    private void toRGBDouble(UnpackedImageData src, int[] srcComponentSize,
                             WritableRaster dest, int[] destComponentSize) {
        double[] iBuf = src.getDoubleData(0) ;
        double[] hBuf = src.getDoubleData(1) ;
        double[] sBuf = src.getDoubleData(2) ;

        double normr = 1.0, normg = 1.0, normb = 1.0 ;

        int dstType = dest.getSampleModel().getDataType() ;

        if (dstType < DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            normr = (1l << destComponentSize[0]) - 1 ;
            normg = (1l << destComponentSize[1]) - 1 ;
            normb = (1l << destComponentSize[2]) - 1 ;

        int height = dest.getHeight() ;
        int width = dest.getWidth() ;

        double[] dstPixels = new double[3 * height * width] ;

        int iStart = src.bandOffsets[0] ;
        int hStart = src.bandOffsets[1] ;
        int sStart = src.bandOffsets[2] ;
        int srcPixelStride = src.pixelStride;
        int srcLineStride  = src.lineStride;

        int dIndex = 0 ;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < height; j++, iStart += srcLineStride,
             hStart += srcLineStride, sStart += srcLineStride) {
            for (int i = 0, iIndex = iStart, hIndex = hStart, sIndex = sStart ;
                 i < width; i++, iIndex += srcPixelStride,
                 hIndex += srcPixelStride, sIndex += srcPixelStride) {
                double I = iBuf[iIndex] ;
                double H = hBuf[hIndex] ;
                double S = sBuf[sIndex] ;

                double R, G, B ;

                R = G = B = I ;
                if (S != 0) {
                    if (H >= PI23 && H <= PI43) {
                        R = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - R ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (R - I) * Math.tan(H) ;
                        G = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        B = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H > PI43) {
                        G = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - G ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (G - I) * Math.tan(H - PI23) ;
                        B = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        R = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;
                    else if (H < PI23) {
                        B = (1 - S) * I ;
                        double c1 = 3 * I - B ;
                        double c2 = SQRT3 * (B - I) * Math.tan(H - PI43) ;
                        R = (c1 + c2) / 2 ;
                        G = (c1 - c2) / 2 ;

                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((R<0) ? 0:((R>1.0) ? 1.0:R)) * normr ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((G<0) ? 0:((G>1.0) ? 1.0:G)) * normg ;
                dstPixels[dIndex++] =((B<0) ? 0:((B>1.0) ? 1.0:B)) * normb ;
        convertToSigned(dstPixels, dstType) ;
        dest.setPixels(dest.getMinX(), dest.getMinY(),width,height,dstPixels) ;


Related Classes of com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.IHSColorSpace

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