* $RCSfile: JAIRMIUtil.java,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2005/02/11 04:56:51 $
* $State: Exp $
*/package com.lightcrafts.media.jai.rmi;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.RenderedOp;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.PlanarImage;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.remote.RemoteRenderedOp;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.remote.SerializableRenderedImage;
* A class containing utility methods used for the implementation of
* the "jairmi" protocol.
public final class JAIRMIUtil {
* Replaces any element in the source Vector which is an ID
* with the server-side node that is associated with the
* given ID.
public static Vector replaceIdWithSources(Vector srcs,
Hashtable nodes,
String opName,
RenderingHints hints) {
Vector replacedSrcs = new Vector();
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<srcs.size(); i++) {
obj = srcs.elementAt(i);
if (obj instanceof String){
String serverNodeDesc = (String)obj;
int index = serverNodeDesc.indexOf("::");
boolean diffServer = index != -1;
if (diffServer){
// If the source is on a different server, create
// a RMIServerProxy to access it.
replacedSrcs.add(new RMIServerProxy(serverNodeDesc,
} else {
// If the source is on the same server, get it
// from the nodes Hashtable and set it as a source
// in the sources Vector.
} else {
PlanarImage pi =
return replacedSrcs;
* Replaces any source that is an <code>RMIServerProxy</code> with
* the id of the server-side node that is represented by the
* <code>RMIServerProxy</code>.
public static Vector replaceSourcesWithId(Vector srcs,
String serverName) {
Vector replacedSrcs = new Vector();
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<srcs.size(); i++) {
obj = srcs.elementAt(i);
if (obj instanceof RMIServerProxy) {
RMIServerProxy rmisp = (RMIServerProxy)obj;
if (rmisp.getServerName().equalsIgnoreCase(serverName)){
} else {
String str =
new String(rmisp.getServerName()+
} else if (obj instanceof RemoteRenderedOp){
RemoteRenderedOp rrop = (RemoteRenderedOp)obj;
Object ai = rrop.getRendering();
if (ai instanceof RMIServerProxy) {
RMIServerProxy rmisp = (RMIServerProxy)ai;
if (rmisp.getServerName().equalsIgnoreCase(serverName)){
} else {
String str =
new String(rmisp.getServerName()+
} else {
RenderedImage ri = (RenderedImage)ai;
replacedSrcs.add(new SerializableRenderedImage(ri));
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedOp){
RenderedOp rop = (RenderedOp)obj;
replacedSrcs.add(new SerializableRenderedImage(
} else if (obj instanceof Serializable) {
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedImage) {
RenderedImage ri = (RenderedImage)obj;
replacedSrcs.add(new SerializableRenderedImage(ri));
return replacedSrcs;
* Replace an image with an equivalent representation that can be accessed
* on the server.
public static Object replaceImage(RenderedImage obj,
String thisServerName) {
if (obj instanceof RMIServerProxy) {
RMIServerProxy rmisp = (RMIServerProxy)obj;
if (rmisp.getServerName().equalsIgnoreCase(thisServerName))
return "::" + rmisp.getRMIID();
return rmisp.getServerName() + "::" + rmisp.getRMIID() +
";;" + rmisp.getOperationName();
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedOp) {
RenderedImage rendering = ((RenderedOp)obj).getRendering();
return replaceImage(rendering, thisServerName);
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedImage) {
if (obj instanceof Serializable)
return obj;
return new SerializableRenderedImage(obj);
return obj;
public static void checkClientParameters(ParameterBlock pb,
String thisServerName) {
// XXX 07/18/01, aastha TODO
// This code should check every parameter to test Serializability
// If parameter is Serializable, then keep it as is
// If not serializable then use SerializerFactory to serialize it
// If that doesn't work, throw an Exception
// Note that parameters that are images may still need to be treated
// differently as in the code below.
if (pb == null)
int numParams = pb.getNumParameters();
Vector params = pb.getParameters();
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) {
obj = params.elementAt(i);
if (obj == null) {
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedImage) {
pb.set(replaceImage((RenderedImage)obj, thisServerName), i);
public static void checkClientParameters(Vector parameters,
String thisServerName) {
// XXX 07/18/01, aastha TODO
// This code should check every parameter to test Serializability
// If parameter is Serializable, then keep it as is
// If not serializable then use SerializerFactory to serialize it
// If that doesn't work, throw an Exception
// Note that parameters that are images may still need to be treated
// differently as in the code below.
if (parameters == null)
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<parameters.size(); i++) {
obj = parameters.elementAt(i);
if (obj == null) {
} else if (obj instanceof RenderedImage) {
parameters.set(i, replaceImage((RenderedImage)obj,
* Method to convert a String representation of an image into the
* image itself. The String representation is supplied by the client
* generally as a parameter in the ParameterBlock.
public static Object replaceStringWithImage(String s, Hashtable nodes) {
String paramServerName, opName;
int index1 = s.indexOf("::");
int index2 = s.indexOf(";;");
Long id;
if (index1 == -1) {
return s;
} else if (index2 == -1) {
id = Long.valueOf(s.substring(index1 + 2));
return nodes.get(id);
} else {
// Extract the RMI ID from the servername string and
// replace the original serverName string with one of
// the usual type.
id = Long.valueOf(s.substring(index1+2, index2));
paramServerName = s.substring(0, index1);
opName = s.substring(index2+2);
// Create an RMIServerProxy to access the image on
// the other server.
return new RMIServerProxy((paramServerName + "::" + id),
* Method to check whether any of the parameters in the ParameterBlock
* are replacement representations of images.
public static void checkServerParameters(ParameterBlock pb,
Hashtable nodes) {
if (pb == null)
int numParams = pb.getNumParameters();
Vector params = pb.getParameters();
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) {
obj = params.elementAt(i);
if (obj == null) {
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
pb.set(replaceStringWithImage((String)obj, nodes), i);
* Method to check whether any of the parameters in the ParameterBlock
* are replacement representations of images.
public static void checkServerParameters(Vector parameters,
Hashtable nodes) {
if (parameters == null)
Object obj;
for (int i=0; i<parameters.size(); i++) {
obj = parameters.elementAt(i);
if (obj == null) {
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
parameters.set(i, replaceStringWithImage((String)obj, nodes));