* $RCSfile: SubsampleAverageCRIF.java,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2005/02/11 04:56:43 $
* $State: Exp $
*/package com.lightcrafts.media.jai.opimage;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.ImageLayout;
import com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.CRIFImpl;
* @see SubsampleAverageOpImage
public class SubsampleAverageCRIF extends CRIFImpl {
/** Constructor. */
public SubsampleAverageCRIF() {
* Creates a new instance of SubsampleAverageOpImage in the rendered layer.
* This method satisfies the implementation of RIF.
* @param paramBlock The source image, the X and Y scale factor,
* and the interpolation method for resampling.
public RenderedImage create(ParameterBlock paramBlock,
RenderingHints renderHints) {
// Get ImageLayout from renderHints if any.
ImageLayout layout = RIFUtil.getImageLayoutHint(renderHints);
RenderedImage source = paramBlock.getRenderedSource(0);
double scaleX = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(0);
double scaleY = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);
// Check and see if we are scaling by 1.0 in both x and y and no
// translations. If so return the source directly.
if (scaleX == 1.0 && scaleY == 1.0) {
return source;
return new SubsampleAverageOpImage(source, layout, renderHints,
scaleX, scaleY);
* Creates a new instance of <code>SubsampleAverageOpImage</code>
* in the renderable layer. This method satisfies the
* implementation of CRIF.
public RenderedImage create(RenderContext renderContext,
ParameterBlock paramBlock) {
return paramBlock.getRenderedSource(0);
* Maps the output RenderContext into the RenderContext for the ith
* source.
* This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
* @param i The index of the source image.
* @param renderContext The renderContext being applied to the operation.
* @param paramBlock The ParameterBlock containing the sources
* and the translation factors.
* @param image The RenderableImageOp from which this method
* was called.
public RenderContext mapRenderContext(int i,
RenderContext renderContext,
ParameterBlock paramBlock,
RenderableImage image) {
double scaleX = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(0);
double scaleY = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);
AffineTransform scale =
new AffineTransform(scaleX, 0.0, 0.0, scaleY, 0.0, 0.0);
RenderContext RC = (RenderContext)renderContext.clone();
AffineTransform usr2dev = RC.getTransform();
return RC;
* Gets the bounding box for the output of <code>ScaleOpImage</code>.
* This method satisfies the implementation of CRIF.
public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(ParameterBlock paramBlock) {
RenderableImage source = paramBlock.getRenderableSource(0);
double scaleX = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(0);
double scaleY = paramBlock.getDoubleParameter(1);
// Get the source dimensions
float x0 = (float)source.getMinX();
float y0 = (float)source.getMinY() ;
float w = (float)source.getWidth();
float h = (float)source.getHeight();
// Forward map the source using x0, y0, w and h
float d_x0 = (float)(x0 * scaleX);
float d_y0 = (float)(y0 * scaleY);
float d_w = (float)(w * scaleX);
float d_h = (float)(h * scaleY);
return new Rectangle2D.Float(d_x0, d_y0, d_w, d_h);