* Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.vaadin.ui;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.vaadin.data.Container;
import com.vaadin.data.Item;
import com.vaadin.data.Property;
import com.vaadin.data.util.ContainerOrderedWrapper;
import com.vaadin.data.util.IndexedContainer;
import com.vaadin.data.util.converter.Converter;
import com.vaadin.data.util.converter.ConverterUtil;
import com.vaadin.event.Action;
import com.vaadin.event.Action.Handler;
import com.vaadin.event.DataBoundTransferable;
import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener;
import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickNotifier;
import com.vaadin.event.MouseEvents.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.dd.DragSource;
import com.vaadin.event.dd.DropHandler;
import com.vaadin.event.dd.DropTarget;
import com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ServerSideCriterion;
import com.vaadin.server.KeyMapper;
import com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager;
import com.vaadin.server.LegacyPaint;
import com.vaadin.server.PaintException;
import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget;
import com.vaadin.server.Resource;
import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MultiSelectMode;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.table.TableConstants;
* <p>
* <code>Table</code> is used for representing data or components in a pageable
* and selectable table.
* </p>
* <p>
* Scalability of the Table is largely dictated by the container. A table does
* not have a limit for the number of items and is just as fast with hundreds of
* thousands of items as with just a few. The current GWT implementation with
* scrolling however limits the number of rows to around 500000, depending on
* the browser and the pixel height of rows.
* </p>
* <p>
* Components in a Table will not have their caption nor icon rendered.
* </p>
* @author Vaadin Ltd.
* @since 3.0
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation" })
public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
Container.Ordered, Container.Sortable, ItemClickNotifier, DragSource,
DropTarget, HasComponents {
private transient Logger logger = null;
* Modes that Table support as drag sourse.
public enum TableDragMode {
* Table does not start drag and drop events. HTM5 style events started
* by browser may still happen.
* Table starts drag with a one row only.
* Table drags selected rows, if drag starts on a selected rows. Else it
* starts like in ROW mode. Note, that in Transferable there will still
* be only the row on which the drag started, other dragged rows need to
* be checked from the source Table.
protected static final int CELL_KEY = 0;
protected static final int CELL_HEADER = 1;
protected static final int CELL_ICON = 2;
protected static final int CELL_ITEMID = 3;
protected static final int CELL_GENERATED_ROW = 4;
protected static final int CELL_FIRSTCOL = 5;
public enum Align {
* Left column alignment. <b>This is the default behaviour. </b>
* Center column alignment.
* Right column alignment.
private String alignment;
private Align(String alignment) {
this.alignment = alignment;
public String toString() {
return alignment;
public Align convertStringToAlign(String string) {
if (string == null) {
return null;
if (string.equals("b")) {
return Align.LEFT;
} else if (string.equals("c")) {
return Align.CENTER;
} else if (string.equals("e")) {
return Align.RIGHT;
} else {
return null;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link Align#LEFT} instead
public static final Align ALIGN_LEFT = Align.LEFT;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link Align#CENTER} instead
public static final Align ALIGN_CENTER = Align.CENTER;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link Align#RIGHT} instead
public static final Align ALIGN_RIGHT = Align.RIGHT;
public enum ColumnHeaderMode {
* Column headers are hidden.
* Property ID:s are used as column headers.
* Column headers are explicitly specified with
* {@link #setColumnHeaders(String[])}.
* Column headers are explicitly specified with
* {@link #setColumnHeaders(String[])}. If a header is not specified for
* a given property, its property id is used instead.
* <p>
* <b>This is the default behavior. </b>
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ColumnHeaderMode#HIDDEN} instead
public static final ColumnHeaderMode COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN = ColumnHeaderMode.HIDDEN;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ColumnHeaderMode#ID} instead
public static final ColumnHeaderMode COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_ID = ColumnHeaderMode.ID;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ColumnHeaderMode#EXPLICIT} instead
public static final ColumnHeaderMode COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT = ColumnHeaderMode.EXPLICIT;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ColumnHeaderMode#EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID}
* instead
public static final ColumnHeaderMode COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID = ColumnHeaderMode.EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID;
public enum RowHeaderMode {
* Row caption mode: The row headers are hidden. <b>This is the default
* mode. </b>
* Row caption mode: Items Id-objects toString is used as row caption.
* Row caption mode: Item-objects toString is used as row caption.
* Row caption mode: Index of the item is used as item caption. The
* index mode can only be used with the containers implementing the
* {@link com.vaadin.data.Container.Indexed} interface.
* Row caption mode: Item captions are explicitly specified, but if the
* caption is missing, the item id objects <code>toString()</code> is
* used instead.
* Row caption mode: Item captions are explicitly specified.
* Row caption mode: Only icons are shown, the captions are hidden.
* Row caption mode: Item captions are read from property specified with
* {@link #setItemCaptionPropertyId(Object)}.
ItemCaptionMode mode;
private RowHeaderMode(ItemCaptionMode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
public ItemCaptionMode getItemCaptionMode() {
return mode;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#HIDDEN} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN = RowHeaderMode.HIDDEN;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#ID} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_ID = RowHeaderMode.ID;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#ITEM} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_ITEM = RowHeaderMode.ITEM;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#INDEX} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_INDEX = RowHeaderMode.INDEX;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID}
* instead
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#EXPLICIT} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT = RowHeaderMode.EXPLICIT;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#ICON_ONLY} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_ICON_ONLY = RowHeaderMode.ICON_ONLY;
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link RowHeaderMode#PROPERTY} instead
public static final RowHeaderMode ROW_HEADER_MODE_PROPERTY = RowHeaderMode.PROPERTY;
* The default rate that table caches rows for smooth scrolling.
private static final double CACHE_RATE_DEFAULT = 2;
private static final String ROW_HEADER_COLUMN_KEY = "0";
private static final Object ROW_HEADER_FAKE_PROPERTY_ID = new UniqueSerializable() {
/* Private table extensions to Select */
* True if column collapsing is allowed.
private boolean columnCollapsingAllowed = false;
* True if reordering of columns is allowed on the client side.
private boolean columnReorderingAllowed = false;
* Keymapper for column ids.
private final KeyMapper<Object> columnIdMap = new KeyMapper<Object>();
* Holds visible column propertyIds - in order.
private LinkedList<Object> visibleColumns = new LinkedList<Object>();
* Holds noncollapsible columns.
private HashSet<Object> noncollapsibleColumns = new HashSet<Object>();
* Holds propertyIds of currently collapsed columns.
private final HashSet<Object> collapsedColumns = new HashSet<Object>();
* Holds headers for visible columns (by propertyId).
private final HashMap<Object, String> columnHeaders = new HashMap<Object, String>();
* Holds footers for visible columns (by propertyId).
private final HashMap<Object, String> columnFooters = new HashMap<Object, String>();
* Holds icons for visible columns (by propertyId).
private final HashMap<Object, Resource> columnIcons = new HashMap<Object, Resource>();
* Holds alignments for visible columns (by propertyId).
private HashMap<Object, Align> columnAlignments = new HashMap<Object, Align>();
* Holds column widths in pixels for visible columns (by propertyId).
private final HashMap<Object, Integer> columnWidths = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();
* Holds column expand rations for visible columns (by propertyId).
private final HashMap<Object, Float> columnExpandRatios = new HashMap<Object, Float>();
* Holds column generators
private final HashMap<Object, ColumnGenerator> columnGenerators = new LinkedHashMap<Object, ColumnGenerator>();
* Holds value of property pageLength. 0 disables paging.
private int pageLength = 15;
* Id the first item on the current page.
private Object currentPageFirstItemId = null;
* If all rows get removed then scroll position of the previous container
* can be restored after re-adding/replacing rows via addAll(). This
* resolves #14581.
private int repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex = -1;
* Index of the first item on the current page.
private int currentPageFirstItemIndex = 0;
* Index of the "first" item on the last page if a user has used
* setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex to scroll down. -1 if not set.
private int currentPageFirstItemIndexOnLastPage = -1;
* Holds value of property selectable.
private boolean selectable = false;
* Holds value of property columnHeaderMode.
private ColumnHeaderMode columnHeaderMode = ColumnHeaderMode.EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID;
* Holds value of property rowHeaderMode.
private RowHeaderMode rowHeaderMode = RowHeaderMode.EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID;
* Should the Table footer be visible?
private boolean columnFootersVisible = false;
* Page contents buffer used in buffered mode.
private Object[][] pageBuffer = null;
* Set of properties listened - the list is kept to release the listeners
* later.
private HashSet<Property<?>> listenedProperties = null;
* Set of visible components - the is used for needsRepaint calculation.
private HashSet<Component> visibleComponents = null;
* List of action handlers.
private LinkedList<Handler> actionHandlers = null;
* Action mapper.
private KeyMapper<Action> actionMapper = null;
* Table cell editor factory.
private TableFieldFactory fieldFactory = DefaultFieldFactory.get();
* Is table editable.
private boolean editable = false;
* Current sorting direction.
private boolean sortAscending = true;
* Currently table is sorted on this propertyId.
private Object sortContainerPropertyId = null;
* Is table sorting by the user enabled.
private boolean sortEnabled = true;
* Number of rows explicitly requested by the client to be painted on next
* paint. This is -1 if no request by the client is made. Painting the
* component will automatically reset this to -1.
private int reqRowsToPaint = -1;
* Index of the first rows explicitly requested by the client to be painted.
* This is -1 if no request by the client is made. Painting the component
* will automatically reset this to -1.
private int reqFirstRowToPaint = -1;
private int firstToBeRenderedInClient = -1;
private int lastToBeRenderedInClient = -1;
private boolean isContentRefreshesEnabled = true;
private int pageBufferFirstIndex;
private boolean containerChangeToBeRendered = false;
* Table cell specific style generator
private CellStyleGenerator cellStyleGenerator = null;
* Table cell specific tooltip generator
private ItemDescriptionGenerator itemDescriptionGenerator;
* EXPERIMENTAL feature: will tell the client to re-calculate column widths
* if set to true. Currently no setter: extend to enable.
protected boolean alwaysRecalculateColumnWidths = false;
private double cacheRate = CACHE_RATE_DEFAULT;
private TableDragMode dragMode = TableDragMode.NONE;
private DropHandler dropHandler;
private MultiSelectMode multiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.DEFAULT;
private boolean rowCacheInvalidated;
private RowGenerator rowGenerator = null;
private final Map<Field<?>, Property<?>> associatedProperties = new HashMap<Field<?>, Property<?>>();
private boolean painted = false;
private HashMap<Object, Converter<String, Object>> propertyValueConverters = new HashMap<Object, Converter<String, Object>>();
* Set to true if the client-side should be informed that the key mapper has
* been reset so it can avoid sending back references to keys that are no
* longer present.
private boolean keyMapperReset;
private List<Throwable> exceptionsDuringCachePopulation = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
private boolean isBeingPainted;
/* Table constructors */
* Creates a new empty table.
public Table() {
* Creates a new empty table with caption.
* @param caption
public Table(String caption) {
* Creates a new table with caption and connect it to a Container.
* @param caption
* @param dataSource
public Table(String caption, Container dataSource) {
/* Table functionality */
* Gets the array of visible column id:s, including generated columns.
* <p>
* The columns are show in the order of their appearance in this array.
* </p>
* @return an array of currently visible propertyIds and generated column
* ids.
public Object[] getVisibleColumns() {
if (visibleColumns == null) {
return null;
return visibleColumns.toArray();
* Sets the array of visible column property id:s.
* <p>
* The columns are show in the order of their appearance in this array.
* </p>
* @param visibleColumns
* the Array of shown property id:s.
public void setVisibleColumns(Object... visibleColumns) {
// Visible columns must exist
if (visibleColumns == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"Can not set visible columns to null value");
final LinkedList<Object> newVC = new LinkedList<Object>();
// Checks that the new visible columns contains no nulls, properties
// exist and that there are no duplicates before adding them to newVC.
final Collection<?> properties = getContainerPropertyIds();
for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns.length; i++) {
if (visibleColumns[i] == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Ids must be non-nulls");
} else if (!properties.contains(visibleColumns[i])
&& !columnGenerators.containsKey(visibleColumns[i])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Ids must exist in the Container or as a generated column, missing id: "
+ visibleColumns[i]);
} else if (newVC.contains(visibleColumns[i])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Ids must be unique, duplicate id: "
+ visibleColumns[i]);
} else {
// Removes alignments, icons and headers from hidden columns
if (this.visibleColumns != null) {
boolean disabledHere = disableContentRefreshing();
try {
for (final Iterator<Object> i = this.visibleColumns.iterator(); i
.hasNext();) {
final Object col = i.next();
if (!newVC.contains(col)) {
setColumnHeader(col, null);
setColumnAlignment(col, (Align) null);
setColumnIcon(col, null);
} finally {
if (disabledHere) {
this.visibleColumns = newVC;
// Assures visual refresh
* Gets the headers of the columns.
* <p>
* The headers match the property id:s given my the set visible column
* headers. The table must be set in either
* headers. In the defaults mode any nulls in the headers array are replaced
* with id.toString().
* </p>
* @return the Array of column headers.
public String[] getColumnHeaders() {
if (columnHeaders == null) {
return null;
final String[] headers = new String[visibleColumns.size()];
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext(); i++) {
headers[i] = getColumnHeader(it.next());
return headers;
* Sets the headers of the columns.
* <p>
* The headers match the property id:s given my the set visible column
* headers. The table must be set in either
* headers. In the defaults mode any nulls in the headers array are replaced
* with id.toString() outputs when rendering.
* </p>
* @param columnHeaders
* the Array of column headers that match the
* {@link #getVisibleColumns()} method.
public void setColumnHeaders(String... columnHeaders) {
if (columnHeaders.length != visibleColumns.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The length of the headers array must match the number of visible columns");
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext() && i < columnHeaders.length; i++) {
this.columnHeaders.put(it.next(), columnHeaders[i]);
* Gets the icons of the columns.
* <p>
* The icons in headers match the property id:s given my the set visible
* column headers. The table must be set in either
* {@link #COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID} mode to show the headers
* with icons.
* </p>
* @return the Array of icons that match the {@link #getVisibleColumns()}.
public Resource[] getColumnIcons() {
if (columnIcons == null) {
return null;
final Resource[] icons = new Resource[visibleColumns.size()];
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext(); i++) {
icons[i] = columnIcons.get(it.next());
return icons;
* Sets the icons of the columns.
* <p>
* The icons in headers match the property id:s given my the set visible
* column headers. The table must be set in either
* {@link #COLUMN_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID} mode to show the headers
* with icons.
* </p>
* @param columnIcons
* the Array of icons that match the {@link #getVisibleColumns()}
* .
public void setColumnIcons(Resource... columnIcons) {
if (columnIcons.length != visibleColumns.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The length of the icons array must match the number of visible columns");
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext() && i < columnIcons.length; i++) {
this.columnIcons.put(it.next(), columnIcons[i]);
* Gets the array of column alignments.
* <p>
* The items in the array must match the properties identified by
* {@link #getVisibleColumns()}. The possible values for the alignments
* include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Align#LEFT}: Left alignment</li>
* <li>{@link Align#CENTER}: Centered</li>
* <li>{@link Align#RIGHT}: Right alignment</li>
* </ul>
* The alignments default to {@link Align#LEFT}: any null values are
* rendered as align lefts.
* </p>
* @return the Column alignments array.
public Align[] getColumnAlignments() {
if (columnAlignments == null) {
return null;
final Align[] alignments = new Align[visibleColumns.size()];
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext(); i++) {
alignments[i] = getColumnAlignment(it.next());
return alignments;
* Sets the column alignments.
* <p>
* The amount of items in the array must match the amount of properties
* identified by {@link #getVisibleColumns()}. The possible values for the
* alignments include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Align#LEFT}: Left alignment</li>
* <li>{@link Align#CENTER}: Centered</li>
* <li>{@link Align#RIGHT}: Right alignment</li>
* </ul>
* The alignments default to {@link Align#LEFT}
* </p>
* @param columnAlignments
* the Column alignments array.
public void setColumnAlignments(Align... columnAlignments) {
if (columnAlignments.length != visibleColumns.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The length of the alignments array must match the number of visible columns");
// Resets the alignments
final HashMap<Object, Align> newCA = new HashMap<Object, Align>();
int i = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext() && i < columnAlignments.length; i++) {
newCA.put(it.next(), columnAlignments[i]);
this.columnAlignments = newCA;
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer before
// as the content has not changed, only the alignments.
* Sets columns width (in pixels). Theme may not necessary respect very
* small or very big values. Setting width to -1 (default) means that theme
* will make decision of width.
* <p>
* Column can either have a fixed width or expand ratio. The latter one set
* is used. See @link {@link #setColumnExpandRatio(Object, float)}.
* @param propertyId
* colunmns property id
* @param width
* width to be reserved for colunmns content
* @since 4.0.3
public void setColumnWidth(Object propertyId, int width) {
if (propertyId == null) {
// Since propertyId is null, this is the row header. Use the magic
// id to store the width of the row header.
// Setting column width should remove any expand ratios as well
if (width < 0) {
} else {
columnWidths.put(propertyId, width);
* Sets the column expand ratio for given column.
* <p>
* Expand ratios can be defined to customize the way how excess space is
* divided among columns. Table can have excess space if it has its width
* defined and there is horizontally more space than columns consume
* naturally. Excess space is the space that is not used by columns with
* explicit width (see {@link #setColumnWidth(Object, int)}) or with natural
* width (no width nor expand ratio).
* <p>
* By default (without expand ratios) the excess space is divided
* proportionally to columns natural widths.
* <p>
* Only expand ratios of visible columns are used in final calculations.
* <p>
* Column can either have a fixed width or expand ratio. The latter one set
* is used.
* <p>
* A column with expand ratio is considered to be minimum width by default
* (if no excess space exists). The minimum width is defined by terminal
* implementation.
* <p>
* If terminal implementation supports re-sizable columns the column becomes
* fixed width column if users resizes the column.
* @param propertyId
* columns property id
* @param expandRatio
* the expandRatio used to divide excess space for this column
public void setColumnExpandRatio(Object propertyId, float expandRatio) {
if (propertyId == null) {
// Since propertyId is null, this is the row header. Use the magic
// id to store the width of the row header.
// Setting the column expand ratio should remove and defined column
// width
if (expandRatio < 0) {
} else {
columnExpandRatios.put(propertyId, expandRatio);
* Gets the column expand ratio for a columnd. See
* {@link #setColumnExpandRatio(Object, float)}
* @param propertyId
* columns property id
* @return the expandRatio used to divide excess space for this column
public float getColumnExpandRatio(Object propertyId) {
final Float width = columnExpandRatios.get(propertyId);
if (width == null) {
return -1;
return width.floatValue();
* Gets the pixel width of column
* @param propertyId
* @return width of column or -1 when value not set
public int getColumnWidth(Object propertyId) {
if (propertyId == null) {
// Since propertyId is null, this is the row header. Use the magic
// id to retrieve the width of the row header.
final Integer width = columnWidths.get(propertyId);
if (width == null) {
return -1;
return width.intValue();
* Gets the page length.
* <p>
* Setting page length 0 disables paging.
* </p>
* @return the Length of one page.
public int getPageLength() {
return pageLength;
* Sets the page length.
* <p>
* Setting page length 0 disables paging. The page length defaults to 15.
* </p>
* <p>
* If Table has height set ({@link #setHeight(float, int)} ) the client side
* may update the page length automatically the correct value.
* </p>
* @param pageLength
* the length of one page.
public void setPageLength(int pageLength) {
if (pageLength >= 0 && this.pageLength != pageLength) {
this.pageLength = pageLength;
// Assures the visual refresh
* This method adjusts a possible caching mechanism of table implementation.
* <p>
* Table component may fetch and render some rows outside visible area. With
* complex tables (for example containing layouts and components), the
* client side may become unresponsive. Setting the value lower, UI will
* become more responsive. With higher values scrolling in client will hit
* server less frequently.
* <p>
* The amount of cached rows will be cacheRate multiplied with pageLength (
* {@link #setPageLength(int)} both below and above visible area..
* @param cacheRate
* a value over 0 (fastest rendering time). Higher value will
* cache more rows on server (smoother scrolling). Default value
* is 2.
public void setCacheRate(double cacheRate) {
if (cacheRate < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"cacheRate cannot be less than zero");
if (this.cacheRate != cacheRate) {
this.cacheRate = cacheRate;
* @see #setCacheRate(double)
* @return the current cache rate value
public double getCacheRate() {
return cacheRate;
* Getter for property currentPageFirstItem.
* @return the Value of property currentPageFirstItem.
public Object getCurrentPageFirstItemId() {
// Priorise index over id if indexes are supported
if (items instanceof Container.Indexed) {
final int index = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex();
Object id = null;
if (index >= 0 && index < size()) {
id = getIdByIndex(index);
if (id != null && !id.equals(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemId = id;
// If there is no item id at all, use the first one
if (currentPageFirstItemId == null) {
currentPageFirstItemId = firstItemId();
return currentPageFirstItemId;
* Returns the item ID for the item represented by the index given. Assumes
* that the current container implements {@link Container.Indexed}.
* See {@link Container.Indexed#getIdByIndex(int)} for more information
* about the exceptions that can be thrown.
* @param index
* the index for which the item ID should be fetched
* @return the item ID for the given index
* @throws ClassCastException
* if container does not implement {@link Container.Indexed}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* thrown by {@link Container.Indexed#getIdByIndex(int)} if the
* index is invalid
protected Object getIdByIndex(int index) {
return ((Container.Indexed) items).getIdByIndex(index);
* Setter for property currentPageFirstItemId.
* @param currentPageFirstItemId
* the New value of property currentPageFirstItemId.
public void setCurrentPageFirstItemId(Object currentPageFirstItemId) {
// Gets the corresponding index
int index = -1;
if (items instanceof Container.Indexed) {
index = indexOfId(currentPageFirstItemId);
} else {
// If the table item container does not have index, we have to
// calculates the index by hand
Object id = firstItemId();
while (id != null && !id.equals(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
id = nextItemId(id);
if (id == null) {
index = -1;
// If the search for item index was successful
if (index >= 0) {
* The table is not capable of displaying an item in the container
* as the first if there are not enough items following the selected
* item so the whole table (pagelength) is filled.
int maxIndex = size() - pageLength;
if (maxIndex < 0) {
maxIndex = 0;
if (index > maxIndex) {
// Note that we pass index, not maxIndex, letting
// setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex handle the situation.
this.currentPageFirstItemId = currentPageFirstItemId;
currentPageFirstItemIndex = index;
// Assures the visual refresh
protected int indexOfId(Object itemId) {
return ((Container.Indexed) items).indexOfId(itemId);
* Gets the icon Resource for the specified column.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyId indentifying the column.
* @return the icon for the specified column; null if the column has no icon
* set, or if the column is not visible.
public Resource getColumnIcon(Object propertyId) {
return columnIcons.get(propertyId);
* Sets the icon Resource for the specified column.
* <p>
* Throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified column is not visible.
* </p>
* @param propertyId
* the propertyId identifying the column.
* @param icon
* the icon Resource to set.
public void setColumnIcon(Object propertyId, Resource icon) {
if (icon == null) {
} else {
columnIcons.put(propertyId, icon);
* Gets the header for the specified column.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyId identifying the column.
* @return the header for the specified column if it has one.
public String getColumnHeader(Object propertyId) {
if (getColumnHeaderMode() == ColumnHeaderMode.HIDDEN) {
return null;
String header = columnHeaders.get(propertyId);
if ((header == null && getColumnHeaderMode() == ColumnHeaderMode.EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID)
|| getColumnHeaderMode() == ColumnHeaderMode.ID) {
header = propertyId.toString();
return header;
* Sets the column header for the specified column;
* @param propertyId
* the propertyId identifying the column.
* @param header
* the header to set.
public void setColumnHeader(Object propertyId, String header) {
if (header == null) {
} else {
columnHeaders.put(propertyId, header);
* Gets the specified column's alignment.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyID identifying the column.
* @return the specified column's alignment if it as one; {@link Align#LEFT}
* otherwise.
public Align getColumnAlignment(Object propertyId) {
final Align a = columnAlignments.get(propertyId);
return a == null ? Align.LEFT : a;
* Sets the specified column's alignment.
* <p>
* Throws IllegalArgumentException if the alignment is not one of the
* following: {@link Align#LEFT}, {@link Align#CENTER} or
* {@link Align#RIGHT}
* </p>
* @param propertyId
* the propertyID identifying the column.
* @param alignment
* the desired alignment.
public void setColumnAlignment(Object propertyId, Align alignment) {
if (alignment == null || alignment == Align.LEFT) {
} else {
columnAlignments.put(propertyId, alignment);
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer before
// as the content has not changed, only the alignments.
* Checks if the specified column is collapsed.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyID identifying the column.
* @return true if the column is collapsed; false otherwise;
public boolean isColumnCollapsed(Object propertyId) {
return collapsedColumns != null
&& collapsedColumns.contains(propertyId);
* Sets whether the specified column is collapsed or not.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyID identifying the column.
* @param collapsed
* the desired collapsedness.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if column collapsing is not allowed
public void setColumnCollapsed(Object propertyId, boolean collapsed)
throws IllegalStateException {
if (!isColumnCollapsingAllowed()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Column collapsing not allowed!");
if (collapsed && noncollapsibleColumns.contains(propertyId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The column is noncollapsible!");
if (collapsed) {
} else {
// Assures the visual refresh
* Checks if column collapsing is allowed.
* @return true if columns can be collapsed; false otherwise.
public boolean isColumnCollapsingAllowed() {
return columnCollapsingAllowed;
* Sets whether column collapsing is allowed or not.
* @param collapsingAllowed
* specifies whether column collapsing is allowed.
public void setColumnCollapsingAllowed(boolean collapsingAllowed) {
columnCollapsingAllowed = collapsingAllowed;
if (!collapsingAllowed) {
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer before
// as the content has not changed, only the alignments.
* Sets whether the given column is collapsible. Note that collapsible
* columns can only be actually collapsed (via UI or with
* {@link #setColumnCollapsed(Object, boolean) setColumnCollapsed()}) if
* {@link #isColumnCollapsingAllowed()} is true. By default all columns are
* collapsible.
* @param propertyId
* the propertyID identifying the column.
* @param collapsible
* true if the column should be collapsible, false otherwise.
public void setColumnCollapsible(Object propertyId, boolean collapsible) {
if (collapsible) {
} else {
* Checks if the given column is collapsible. Note that even if this method
* returns <code>true</code>, the column can only be actually collapsed (via
* UI or with {@link #setColumnCollapsed(Object, boolean)
* setColumnCollapsed()}) if {@link #isColumnCollapsingAllowed()} is also
* true.
* @return true if the column can be collapsed; false otherwise.
public boolean isColumnCollapsible(Object propertyId) {
return !noncollapsibleColumns.contains(propertyId);
* Checks if column reordering is allowed.
* @return true if columns can be reordered; false otherwise.
public boolean isColumnReorderingAllowed() {
return columnReorderingAllowed;
* Sets whether column reordering is allowed or not.
* @param columnReorderingAllowed
* specifies whether column reordering is allowed.
public void setColumnReorderingAllowed(boolean columnReorderingAllowed) {
if (columnReorderingAllowed != this.columnReorderingAllowed) {
this.columnReorderingAllowed = columnReorderingAllowed;
* Arranges visible columns according to given columnOrder. Silently ignores
* colimnId:s that are not visible columns, and keeps the internal order of
* visible columns left out of the ordering (trailing). Silently does
* nothing if columnReordering is not allowed.
private void setColumnOrder(Object[] columnOrder) {
if (columnOrder == null || !isColumnReorderingAllowed()) {
final LinkedList<Object> newOrder = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < columnOrder.length; i++) {
if (columnOrder[i] != null
&& visibleColumns.contains(columnOrder[i])) {
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext();) {
final Object columnId = it.next();
if (!newOrder.contains(columnId)) {
visibleColumns = newOrder;
// Assure visual refresh
* Getter for property currentPageFirstItem.
* @return the Value of property currentPageFirstItem.
public int getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex() {
return currentPageFirstItemIndex;
void setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(int newIndex, boolean needsPageBufferReset) {
if (newIndex < 0) {
newIndex = 0;
* minimize Container.size() calls which may be expensive. For example
* it may cause sql query.
final int size = size();
* The table is not capable of displaying an item in the container as
* the first if there are not enough items following the selected item
* so the whole table (pagelength) is filled.
int maxIndex = size - pageLength;
if (maxIndex < 0) {
maxIndex = 0;
* If the new index is on the last page we set the index to be the first
* item on that last page and make a note of the real index for the
* client side to be able to move the scroll position to the correct
* position.
int indexOnLastPage = -1;
if (newIndex > maxIndex) {
indexOnLastPage = newIndex;
newIndex = maxIndex;
// Refresh first item id
if (items instanceof Container.Indexed) {
try {
currentPageFirstItemId = getIdByIndex(newIndex);
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
currentPageFirstItemId = null;
currentPageFirstItemIndex = newIndex;
if (needsPageBufferReset) {
* The flag currentPageFirstItemIndexOnLastPage denotes a user
* set scrolling position on the last page via
* setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex() and shouldn't be changed by
* the table component internally changing the firstvisible item
* on lazy row fetching. Doing so would make the scrolling
* position not be updated correctly when the lazy rows are
* finally rendered.
boolean isLastRowPossiblyPartiallyVisible = true;
if (indexOnLastPage != -1) {
* If the requested row was greater than maxIndex, the last
* row should be fully visible (See
* TestCurrentPageFirstItem).
isLastRowPossiblyPartiallyVisible = false;
int extraRows = isLastRowPossiblyPartiallyVisible ? 0 : 1;
currentPageFirstItemIndexOnLastPage = currentPageFirstItemIndex
+ extraRows;
} else {
currentPageFirstItemIndexOnLastPage = -1;
} else {
// For containers not supporting indexes, we must iterate the
// container forwards / backwards
// next available item forward or backward
currentPageFirstItemId = firstItemId();
// Go forwards in the middle of the list (respect borders)
while (currentPageFirstItemIndex < newIndex
&& !isLastId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemId = nextItemId(currentPageFirstItemId);
// If we did hit the border
if (isLastId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemIndex = size - 1;
// Go backwards in the middle of the list (respect borders)
while (currentPageFirstItemIndex > newIndex
&& !isFirstId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemId = prevItemId(currentPageFirstItemId);
// If we did hit the border
if (isFirstId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemIndex = 0;
// Go forwards once more
while (currentPageFirstItemIndex < newIndex
&& !isLastId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
currentPageFirstItemId = nextItemId(currentPageFirstItemId);
// If for some reason we do hit border again, override
// the user index request
if (isLastId(currentPageFirstItemId)) {
newIndex = currentPageFirstItemIndex = size - 1;
if (needsPageBufferReset) {
// Assures the visual refresh
* Setter for property currentPageFirstItem.
* @param newIndex
* the New value of property currentPageFirstItem.
public void setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(int newIndex) {
setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(newIndex, true);
* Getter for property selectable.
* <p>
* The table is not selectable by default.
* </p>
* @return the Value of property selectable.
public boolean isSelectable() {
return selectable;
* Setter for property selectable.
* <p>
* The table is not selectable by default.
* </p>
* @param selectable
* the New value of property selectable.
public void setSelectable(boolean selectable) {
if (this.selectable != selectable) {
this.selectable = selectable;
* Getter for property columnHeaderMode.
* @return the Value of property columnHeaderMode.
public ColumnHeaderMode getColumnHeaderMode() {
return columnHeaderMode;
* Setter for property columnHeaderMode.
* @param columnHeaderMode
* the New value of property columnHeaderMode.
public void setColumnHeaderMode(ColumnHeaderMode columnHeaderMode) {
if (columnHeaderMode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Column header mode can not be null");
if (columnHeaderMode != this.columnHeaderMode) {
this.columnHeaderMode = columnHeaderMode;
* Refreshes the rows in the internal cache. Only if
* {@link #resetPageBuffer()} is called before this then all values are
* guaranteed to be recreated.
protected void refreshRenderedCells() {
if (!isAttached()) {
if (!isContentRefreshesEnabled) {
// Collects the basic facts about the table page
final int pagelen = getPageLength();
int rows, totalRows;
rows = totalRows = size();
int firstIndex = Math
.min(getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(), totalRows - 1);
if (rows > 0 && firstIndex >= 0) {
rows -= firstIndex;
if (pagelen > 0 && pagelen < rows) {
rows = pagelen;
// If "to be painted next" variables are set, use them
if (lastToBeRenderedInClient - firstToBeRenderedInClient > 0) {
rows = lastToBeRenderedInClient - firstToBeRenderedInClient + 1;
if (firstToBeRenderedInClient >= 0) {
if (firstToBeRenderedInClient < totalRows) {
firstIndex = firstToBeRenderedInClient;
} else {
firstIndex = totalRows - 1;
} else {
// initial load
// #8805 send one extra row in the beginning in case a partial
// row is shown on the UI
if (firstIndex > 0) {
firstIndex = firstIndex - 1;
rows = rows + 1;
firstToBeRenderedInClient = firstIndex;
if (totalRows > 0) {
if (rows + firstIndex > totalRows) {
rows = totalRows - firstIndex;
} else {
rows = 0;
// Saves the results to internal buffer
pageBuffer = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, true);
if (rows > 0) {
pageBufferFirstIndex = firstIndex;
if (getPageLength() != 0) {
private void maybeThrowCacheUpdateExceptions() {
if (!exceptionsDuringCachePopulation.isEmpty()) {
Throwable[] causes = new Throwable[exceptionsDuringCachePopulation
throw new CacheUpdateException(this,
"Error during Table cache update.", causes);
* Exception thrown when one or more exceptions occurred during updating of
* the Table cache.
* <p>
* Contains all exceptions which occurred during the cache update. The first
* occurred exception is set as the cause of this exception. All occurred
* exceptions can be accessed using {@link #getCauses()}.
* </p>
public static class CacheUpdateException extends RuntimeException {
private Throwable[] causes;
private Table table;
public CacheUpdateException(Table table, String message,
Throwable[] causes) {
super(maybeSupplementMessage(message, causes.length), causes[0]);
this.table = table;
this.causes = causes;
private static String maybeSupplementMessage(String message,
int causeCount) {
if (causeCount > 1) {
return message + " Additional causes not shown.";
} else {
return message;
* Returns the cause(s) for this exception
* @return the exception(s) which caused this exception
public Throwable[] getCauses() {
return causes;
public Table getTable() {
return table;
* Removes rows that fall outside the required cache.
private void removeUnnecessaryRows() {
int minPageBufferIndex = getMinPageBufferIndex();
int maxPageBufferIndex = getMaxPageBufferIndex();
int maxBufferSize = maxPageBufferIndex - minPageBufferIndex + 1;
* Number of rows that were previously cached. This is not necessarily
* the same as pageLength if we do not have enough rows in the
* container.
int currentlyCachedRowCount = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
if (currentlyCachedRowCount <= maxBufferSize) {
// removal unnecessary
/* Figure out which rows to get rid of. */
int firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer = -1;
if (minPageBufferIndex > pageBufferFirstIndex) {
firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer = pageBufferFirstIndex;
} else if (maxPageBufferIndex < pageBufferFirstIndex
+ currentlyCachedRowCount) {
firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer = maxPageBufferIndex + 1;
if (firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer - pageBufferFirstIndex < currentlyCachedRowCount) {
* Unregister all components that fall beyond the cache limits after
* inserting the new rows.
firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer, currentlyCachedRowCount
- firstCacheRowToRemoveInPageBuffer);
* Requests that the Table should be repainted as soon as possible.
* Note that a {@code Table} does not necessarily repaint its contents when
* this method has been called. See {@link #refreshRowCache()} for forcing
* an update of the contents.
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #markAsDirty()} instead
public void requestRepaint() {
* Requests that the Table should be repainted as soon as possible.
* Note that a {@code Table} does not necessarily repaint its contents when
* this method has been called. See {@link #refreshRowCache()} for forcing
* an update of the contents.
public void markAsDirty() {
// Overridden only for javadoc
public void markAsDirtyRecursive() {
// Avoid sending a partial repaint (#8714)
private void removeRowsFromCacheAndFillBottom(int firstIndex, int rows) {
int totalCachedRows = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
int totalRows = size();
int firstIndexInPageBuffer = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
* firstIndexInPageBuffer is the first row to be removed. "rows" rows
* after that should be removed. If the page buffer does not contain
* that many rows, we only remove the rows that actually are in the page
* buffer.
if (firstIndexInPageBuffer + rows > totalCachedRows) {
rows = totalCachedRows - firstIndexInPageBuffer;
* Unregister components that will no longer be in the page buffer to
* make sure that no components leak.
unregisterComponentsAndPropertiesInRows(firstIndex, rows);
* The number of rows that should be in the cache after this operation
* is done (pageBuffer currently contains the expanded items).
int newCachedRowCount = totalCachedRows;
if (newCachedRowCount + pageBufferFirstIndex > totalRows) {
newCachedRowCount = totalRows - pageBufferFirstIndex;
* The index at which we should render the first row that does not come
* from the previous page buffer.
int firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer = totalCachedRows - rows;
int firstAppendedRow = firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer
+ pageBufferFirstIndex;
* Calculate the maximum number of new rows that we can add to the page
* buffer. Less than the rows we removed if the container does not
* contain that many items afterwards.
int maxRowsToRender = (totalRows - firstAppendedRow);
int rowsToAdd = rows;
if (rowsToAdd > maxRowsToRender) {
rowsToAdd = maxRowsToRender;
Object[][] cells = null;
if (rowsToAdd > 0) {
cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstAppendedRow, rowsToAdd, false);
* Create the new cache buffer by copying the first rows from the old
* buffer, moving the following rows upwards and appending more rows if
* applicable.
Object[][] newPageBuffer = new Object[pageBuffer.length][newCachedRowCount];
for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int row = 0; row < firstIndexInPageBuffer; row++) {
// Copy the first rows
newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][row];
for (int row = firstIndexInPageBuffer; row < firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer; row++) {
// Move the rows that were after the expanded rows
newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][row + rows];
for (int row = firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer; row < newCachedRowCount; row++) {
// Add the newly rendered rows. Only used if rowsToAdd > 0
// (cells != null)
newPageBuffer[i][row] = cells[i][row
- firstAppendedRowInPageBuffer];
pageBuffer = newPageBuffer;
private Object[][] getVisibleCellsUpdateCacheRows(int firstIndex, int rows) {
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, false);
int cacheIx = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;
// update the new rows in the cache.
int totalCachedRows = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
int end = Math.min(cacheIx + rows, totalCachedRows);
for (int ix = cacheIx; ix < end; ix++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
pageBuffer[i][ix] = cells[i][ix - cacheIx];
return cells;
* @param firstIndex
* The position where new rows should be inserted
* @param rows
* The maximum number of rows that should be inserted at position
* firstIndex. Less rows will be inserted if the page buffer is
* too small.
* @return
private Object[][] getVisibleCellsInsertIntoCache(int firstIndex, int rows) {
"Insert {0} rows at index {1} to existing page buffer requested",
new Object[] { rows, firstIndex });
int minPageBufferIndex = getMinPageBufferIndex();
int maxPageBufferIndex = getMaxPageBufferIndex();
int maxBufferSize = maxPageBufferIndex - minPageBufferIndex + 1;
if (getPageLength() == 0) {
// If pageLength == 0 then all rows should be rendered
maxBufferSize = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length + rows;
* Number of rows that were previously cached. This is not necessarily
* the same as maxBufferSize.
int currentlyCachedRowCount = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
/* If rows > size available in page buffer */
if (firstIndex + rows - 1 > maxPageBufferIndex) {
rows = maxPageBufferIndex - firstIndex + 1;
* "rows" rows will be inserted at firstIndex. Find out how many old
* rows fall outside the new buffer so we can unregister components in
* the cache.
* if there are rows before the new pageBuffer limits they must be
* removed
int lastCacheRowToRemove = minPageBufferIndex - 1;
int rowsFromBeginning = lastCacheRowToRemove - pageBufferFirstIndex + 1;
if (lastCacheRowToRemove >= pageBufferFirstIndex) {
} else {
rowsFromBeginning = 0;
* the rows that fall outside of the new pageBuffer limits after the new
* rows are inserted must also be removed
int firstCacheRowToRemove = firstIndex;
* IF there is space remaining in the buffer after the rows have been
* inserted, we can keep more rows.
int numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows = Math.min(pageBufferFirstIndex
+ currentlyCachedRowCount + rows, maxPageBufferIndex + 1)
- (firstIndex + rows - 1);
if (numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows > 0) {
firstCacheRowToRemove += numberOfOldRowsAfterInsertedRows;
int rowsFromAfter = currentlyCachedRowCount
- (firstCacheRowToRemove - pageBufferFirstIndex);
if (rowsFromAfter > 0) {
* Unregister all components that fall beyond the cache limits after
* inserting the new rows.
// Calculate the new cache size
int newCachedRowCount = maxBufferSize;
if (pageBufferFirstIndex + currentlyCachedRowCount + rows - 1 < maxPageBufferIndex) {
// there aren't enough rows to fill the whole potential -> use what
// there is
newCachedRowCount -= maxPageBufferIndex
- (pageBufferFirstIndex + currentlyCachedRowCount + rows - 1);
} else if (minPageBufferIndex < pageBufferFirstIndex) {
newCachedRowCount -= pageBufferFirstIndex - minPageBufferIndex;
/* calculate the internal location of the new rows within the new cache */
int firstIndexInNewPageBuffer = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex
- rowsFromBeginning;
/* Paint the new rows into a separate buffer */
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, false);
* Create the new cache buffer and fill it with the data from the old
* buffer as well as the inserted rows.
Object[][] newPageBuffer = new Object[pageBuffer.length][newCachedRowCount];
for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int row = 0; row < firstIndexInNewPageBuffer; row++) {
// Copy the first rows
newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][rowsFromBeginning + row];
for (int row = firstIndexInNewPageBuffer; row < firstIndexInNewPageBuffer
+ rows; row++) {
// Copy the newly created rows
newPageBuffer[i][row] = cells[i][row
- firstIndexInNewPageBuffer];
for (int row = firstIndexInNewPageBuffer + rows; row < newCachedRowCount; row++) {
// Move the old rows down below the newly inserted rows
newPageBuffer[i][row] = pageBuffer[i][rowsFromBeginning + row
- rows];
pageBuffer = newPageBuffer;
pageBufferFirstIndex = Math.max(pageBufferFirstIndex
+ rowsFromBeginning, minPageBufferIndex);
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
"Page Buffer now contains {0} rows ({1}-{2})",
new Object[] {
+ pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length - 1) });
return cells;
private int getMaxPageBufferIndex() {
int total = size();
if (getPageLength() == 0) {
// everything is shown at once, no caching
return total - 1;
// Page buffer must not become larger than pageLength*cacheRate after
// the current page
int maxPageBufferIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex()
+ (int) (getPageLength() * (1 + getCacheRate()));
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
if (maxPageBufferIndex >= total) {
maxPageBufferIndex = total - 1;
return maxPageBufferIndex;
private int getMinPageBufferIndex() {
if (getPageLength() == 0) {
// everything is shown at once, no caching
return 0;
// Page buffer must not become larger than pageLength*cacheRate before
// the current page
int minPageBufferIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex()
- (int) (getPageLength() * getCacheRate());
if (minPageBufferIndex < 0) {
minPageBufferIndex = 0;
return minPageBufferIndex;
* Render rows with index "firstIndex" to "firstIndex+rows-1" to a new
* buffer.
* Reuses values from the current page buffer if the rows are found there.
* @param firstIndex
* @param rows
* @param replaceListeners
* @return
private Object[][] getVisibleCellsNoCache(int firstIndex, int rows,
boolean replaceListeners) {
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
"Render visible cells for rows {0}-{1}",
new Object[] { firstIndex, (firstIndex + rows - 1) });
final Object[] colids = getVisibleColumns();
final int cols = colids.length;
HashSet<Property<?>> oldListenedProperties = listenedProperties;
HashSet<Component> oldVisibleComponents = visibleComponents;
if (replaceListeners) {
// initialize the listener collections, this should only be done if
// the entire cache is refreshed (through refreshRenderedCells)
listenedProperties = new HashSet<Property<?>>();
visibleComponents = new HashSet<Component>();
Object[][] cells = new Object[cols + CELL_FIRSTCOL][rows];
if (rows == 0) {
return cells;
final RowHeaderMode headmode = getRowHeaderMode();
final boolean[] iscomponent = new boolean[cols];
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
iscomponent[i] = columnGenerators.containsKey(colids[i])
|| Component.class.isAssignableFrom(getType(colids[i]));
int firstIndexNotInCache;
if (pageBuffer != null && pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length > 0) {
firstIndexNotInCache = pageBufferFirstIndex
+ pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
} else {
firstIndexNotInCache = -1;
// Creates the page contents
int filledRows = 0;
if (items instanceof Container.Indexed) {
// more efficient implementation for containers supporting access by
// index
List<?> itemIds = getItemIds(firstIndex, rows);
for (int i = 0; i < rows && i < itemIds.size(); i++) {
Object id = itemIds.get(i);
// Start by parsing the values, id should already be set
parseItemIdToCells(cells, id, i, firstIndex, headmode, cols,
colids, firstIndexNotInCache, iscomponent,
} else {
// slow back-up implementation for cases where the container does
// not support access by index
// Gets the first item id
Object id = firstItemId();
for (int i = 0; i < firstIndex; i++) {
id = nextItemId(id);
for (int i = 0; i < rows && id != null; i++) {
// Start by parsing the values, id should already be set
parseItemIdToCells(cells, id, i, firstIndex, headmode, cols,
colids, firstIndexNotInCache, iscomponent,
// Gets the next item id for non indexed container
id = nextItemId(id);
// Assures that all the rows of the cell-buffer are valid
if (filledRows != cells[0].length) {
final Object[][] temp = new Object[cells.length][filledRows];
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < filledRows; j++) {
temp[i][j] = cells[i][j];
cells = temp;
return cells;
protected List<Object> getItemIds(int firstIndex, int rows) {
return (List<Object>) ((Container.Indexed) items).getItemIds(
firstIndex, rows);
* Update a cache array for a row, register any relevant listeners etc.
* This is an internal method extracted from
* {@link #getVisibleCellsNoCache(int, int, boolean)} and should be removed
* when the Table is rewritten.
private void parseItemIdToCells(Object[][] cells, Object id, int i,
int firstIndex, RowHeaderMode headmode, int cols, Object[] colids,
int firstIndexNotInCache, boolean[] iscomponent,
HashSet<Property<?>> oldListenedProperties) {
cells[CELL_ITEMID][i] = id;
cells[CELL_KEY][i] = itemIdMapper.key(id);
if (headmode != ROW_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN) {
switch (headmode) {
case INDEX:
cells[CELL_HEADER][i] = String.valueOf(i + firstIndex + 1);
try {
cells[CELL_HEADER][i] = getItemCaption(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
cells[CELL_HEADER][i] = "";
try {
cells[CELL_ICON][i] = getItemIcon(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
cells[CELL_ICON][i] = null;
GeneratedRow generatedRow = rowGenerator != null ? rowGenerator
.generateRow(this, id) : null;
cells[CELL_GENERATED_ROW][i] = generatedRow;
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
if (isColumnCollapsed(colids[j])) {
Property<?> p = null;
Object value = "";
boolean isGeneratedRow = generatedRow != null;
boolean isGeneratedColumn = columnGenerators.containsKey(colids[j]);
boolean isGenerated = isGeneratedRow || isGeneratedColumn;
if (!isGenerated) {
try {
p = getContainerProperty(id, colids[j]);
} catch (Exception e) {
value = null;
if (isGeneratedRow) {
if (generatedRow.isSpanColumns() && j > 0) {
value = null;
} else if (generatedRow.isSpanColumns() && j == 0
&& generatedRow.getValue() instanceof Component) {
value = generatedRow.getValue();
} else if (generatedRow.getText().length > j) {
value = generatedRow.getText()[j];
} else {
// check if current pageBuffer already has row
int index = firstIndex + i;
if (p != null || isGenerated) {
int indexInOldBuffer = index - pageBufferFirstIndex;
if (index < firstIndexNotInCache
&& index >= pageBufferFirstIndex
&& pageBuffer[CELL_GENERATED_ROW][indexInOldBuffer] == null
&& id.equals(pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID][indexInOldBuffer])) {
// we already have data in our cache,
// recycle it instead of fetching it via
// getValue/getPropertyValue
value = pageBuffer[CELL_FIRSTCOL + j][indexInOldBuffer];
if (!isGeneratedColumn && iscomponent[j]
|| !(value instanceof Component)) {
listenProperty(p, oldListenedProperties);
} else {
if (isGeneratedColumn) {
ColumnGenerator cg = columnGenerators
try {
value = cg.generateCell(this, id, colids[j]);
} catch (Exception e) {
value = null;
if (value != null && !(value instanceof Component)
&& !(value instanceof String)) {
// Avoid errors if a generator returns
// something
// other than a Component or a String
value = value.toString();
} else if (iscomponent[j]) {
try {
value = p.getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
value = null;
listenProperty(p, oldListenedProperties);
} else if (p != null) {
try {
value = getPropertyValue(id, colids[j], p);
} catch (Exception e) {
value = null;
* If returned value is Component (via fieldfactory
* or overridden getPropertyValue) we expect it to
* listen property value changes. Otherwise if
* property emits value change events, table will
* start to listen them and refresh content when
* needed.
if (!(value instanceof Component)) {
listenProperty(p, oldListenedProperties);
} else {
try {
value = getPropertyValue(id, colids[j], null);
} catch (Exception e) {
value = null;
if (value instanceof Component) {
registerComponent((Component) value);
cells[CELL_FIRSTCOL + j][i] = value;
protected void registerComponent(Component component) {
"Registered {0}: {1}",
new Object[] { component.getClass().getSimpleName(),
component.getCaption() });
if (!equals(component.getParent())) {
private void listenProperty(Property<?> p,
HashSet<Property<?>> oldListenedProperties) {
if (p instanceof Property.ValueChangeNotifier) {
if (oldListenedProperties == null
|| !oldListenedProperties.contains(p)) {
((Property.ValueChangeNotifier) p).addListener(this);
* register listened properties, so we can do proper cleanup to free
* memory. Essential if table has loads of data and it is used for a
* long time.
* @param firstIx
* Index of the first row to process. Global index, not relative
* to page buffer.
* @param count
private void unregisterComponentsAndPropertiesInRows(int firstIx, int count) {
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
"Unregistering components in rows {0}-{1}",
new Object[] { firstIx, (firstIx + count - 1) });
Object[] colids = getVisibleColumns();
if (pageBuffer != null && pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length > 0) {
int bufSize = pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length;
int ix = firstIx - pageBufferFirstIndex;
ix = ix < 0 ? 0 : ix;
if (ix < bufSize) {
count = count > bufSize - ix ? bufSize - ix : count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
for (int c = 0; c < colids.length; c++) {
Object cellVal = pageBuffer[CELL_FIRSTCOL + c][i + ix];
if (cellVal instanceof Component
&& visibleComponents.contains(cellVal)) {
unregisterComponent((Component) cellVal);
} else {
Property<?> p = getContainerProperty(
pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID][i + ix], colids[c]);
if (p instanceof ValueChangeNotifier
&& listenedProperties.contains(p)) {
((ValueChangeNotifier) p).removeListener(this);
* Helper method to remove listeners and maintain correct component
* hierarchy. Detaches properties and components if those are no more
* rendered in client.
* @param oldListenedProperties
* set of properties that where listened in last render
* @param oldVisibleComponents
* set of components that where attached in last render
private void unregisterPropertiesAndComponents(
HashSet<Property<?>> oldListenedProperties,
HashSet<Component> oldVisibleComponents) {
if (oldVisibleComponents != null) {
for (final Iterator<Component> i = oldVisibleComponents.iterator(); i
.hasNext();) {
Component c = i.next();
if (!visibleComponents.contains(c)) {
if (oldListenedProperties != null) {
for (final Iterator<Property<?>> i = oldListenedProperties
.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Property.ValueChangeNotifier o = (ValueChangeNotifier) i.next();
if (!listenedProperties.contains(o)) {
* This method cleans up a Component that has been generated when Table is
* in editable mode. The component needs to be detached from its parent and
* if it is a field, it needs to be detached from its property data source
* in order to allow garbage collection to take care of removing the unused
* component from memory.
* Override this method and getPropertyValue(Object, Object, Property) with
* custom logic if you need to deal with buffered fields.
* @see #getPropertyValue(Object, Object, Property)
* @param oldVisibleComponents
* a set of components that should be unregistered.
protected void unregisterComponent(Component component) {
"Unregistered {0}: {1}",
new Object[] { component.getClass().getSimpleName(),
component.getCaption() });
* Also remove property data sources to unregister listeners keeping the
* fields in memory.
if (component instanceof Field) {
Field<?> field = (Field<?>) component;
Property<?> associatedProperty = associatedProperties
if (associatedProperty != null
&& field.getPropertyDataSource() == associatedProperty) {
// Remove the property data source only if it's the one we
// added in getPropertyValue
* Sets the row header mode.
* <p>
* The mode can be one of the following ones:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN}: The row captions are hidden.</li>
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_ID}: Items Id-objects <code>toString()</code>
* is used as row caption.
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_ITEM}: Item-objects <code>toString()</code>
* is used as row caption.
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_PROPERTY}: Property set with
* {@link #setItemCaptionPropertyId(Object)} is used as row header.
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_ID}: Items Id-objects
* <code>toString()</code> is used as row header. If caption is explicitly
* specified, it overrides the id-caption.
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_EXPLICIT}: The row headers must be explicitly
* specified.</li>
* <li>{@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_INDEX}: The index of the item is used as row
* caption. The index mode can only be used with the containers implementing
* <code>Container.Indexed</code> interface.</li>
* </ul>
* The default value is {@link #ROW_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN}
* </p>
* @param mode
* the One of the modes listed above.
public void setRowHeaderMode(RowHeaderMode mode) {
if (mode != null) {
rowHeaderMode = mode;
if (mode != RowHeaderMode.HIDDEN) {
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before
// as the content has not changed, only the alignments.
* Gets the row header mode.
* @return the Row header mode.
* @see #setRowHeaderMode(int)
public RowHeaderMode getRowHeaderMode() {
return rowHeaderMode;
* Adds the new row to table and fill the visible cells (except generated
* columns) with given values.
* @param cells
* the Object array that is used for filling the visible cells
* new row. The types must be settable to visible column property
* types.
* @param itemId
* the Id the new row. If null, a new id is automatically
* assigned. If given, the table cant already have a item with
* given id.
* @return Returns item id for the new row. Returns null if operation fails.
public Object addItem(Object[] cells, Object itemId)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
// remove generated columns from the list of columns being assigned
final LinkedList<Object> availableCols = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object id = it.next();
if (!columnGenerators.containsKey(id)) {
// Checks that a correct number of cells are given
if (cells.length != availableCols.size()) {
return null;
// Creates new item
Item item;
if (itemId == null) {
itemId = items.addItem();
if (itemId == null) {
return null;
item = items.getItem(itemId);
} else {
item = items.addItem(itemId);
if (item == null) {
return null;
// Fills the item properties
for (int i = 0; i < availableCols.size(); i++) {
if (!(items instanceof Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier)) {
return itemId;
* Discards and recreates the internal row cache. Call this if you make
* changes that affect the rows but the information about the changes are
* not automatically propagated to the Table.
* <p>
* Do not call this e.g. if you have updated the data model through a
* Property. These types of changes are automatically propagated to the
* Table.
* <p>
* A typical case when this is needed is if you update a generator (e.g.
* CellStyleGenerator) and want to ensure that the rows are redrawn with new
* styles.
* <p>
* <i>Note that calling this method is not cheap so avoid calling it
* unnecessarily.</i>
* @since 6.7.2
public void refreshRowCache() {
* Sets the Container that serves as the data source of the viewer. As a
* side-effect the table's selection value is set to null as the old
* selection might not exist in new Container.<br>
* <br>
* All rows and columns are generated as visible using this method. If the
* new container contains properties that are not meant to be shown you
* should use {@link Table#setContainerDataSource(Container, Collection)}
* instead, especially if the table is editable.
* <p>
* Keeps propertyValueConverters if the corresponding id exists in the new
* data source and is of a compatible type.
* </p>
* @param newDataSource
* the new data source.
public void setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource) {
if (newDataSource == null) {
newDataSource = new IndexedContainer();
Collection<Object> generated;
if (columnGenerators != null) {
generated = columnGenerators.keySet();
} else {
generated = Collections.emptyList();
List<Object> visibleIds = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (generated.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for (Object id : newDataSource.getContainerPropertyIds()) {
// don't add duplicates
if (!generated.contains(id)) {
// generated columns to the end
setContainerDataSource(newDataSource, visibleIds);
* Sets the container data source and the columns that will be visible.
* Columns are shown in the collection's iteration order.
* <p>
* Keeps propertyValueConverters if the corresponding id exists in the new
* data source and is of a compatible type.
* </p>
* @see Table#setContainerDataSource(Container)
* @see Table#setVisibleColumns(Object[])
* @see Table#setConverter(Object, Converter<String, ?>)
* @param newDataSource
* the new data source.
* @param visibleIds
* IDs of the visible columns
public void setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource,
Collection<?> visibleIds) {
if (newDataSource == null) {
newDataSource = new IndexedContainer();
if (visibleIds == null) {
visibleIds = new ArrayList<Object>();
// Retain propertyValueConverters if their corresponding ids are
// properties of the new
// data source and are of a compatible type
if (propertyValueConverters != null) {
Collection<?> newPropertyIds = newDataSource
LinkedList<Object> retainableValueConverters = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (Object propertyId : newPropertyIds) {
Converter<String, ?> converter = getConverter(propertyId);
if (converter != null) {
if (typeIsCompatible(converter.getModelType(),
newDataSource.getType(propertyId))) {
// Assures that the data source is ordered by making unordered
// containers ordered by wrapping them
if (newDataSource instanceof Container.Ordered) {
} else {
super.setContainerDataSource(new ContainerOrderedWrapper(
// Resets page position
currentPageFirstItemId = null;
currentPageFirstItemIndex = 0;
// Resets column properties
if (collapsedColumns != null) {
// don't add the same id twice
Collection<Object> col = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (Iterator<?> it = visibleIds.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object id = it.next();
if (!col.contains(id)) {
// Assure visual refresh
* Checks if class b can be safely assigned to class a.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
private boolean typeIsCompatible(Class<?> a, Class<?> b) {
// TODO Implement this check properly
// Basically we need to do a a.isAssignableFrom(b)
// with special considerations for primitive types.
return true;
* Gets items ids from a range of key values
* @param startRowKey
* The start key
* @param endRowKey
* The end key
* @return
private LinkedHashSet<Object> getItemIdsInRange(Object itemId,
final int length) {
LinkedHashSet<Object> ids = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
assert itemId != null; // should not be null unless client-server
// are out of sync
itemId = nextItemId(itemId);
return ids;
* Handles selection if selection is a multiselection
* @param variables
* The variables
private void handleSelectedItems(Map<String, Object> variables) {
final String[] ka = (String[]) variables.get("selected");
final String[] ranges = (String[]) variables.get("selectedRanges");
Set<Object> renderedButNotSelectedItemIds = getCurrentlyRenderedItemIds();
HashSet<Object> newValue = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(
(Collection<Object>) getValue());
if (variables.containsKey("clearSelections")) {
// the client side has instructed to swipe all previous selections
* Then add (possibly some of them back) rows that are currently
* selected on the client side (the ones that the client side is aware
* of).
for (int i = 0; i < ka.length; i++) {
// key to id
final Object id = itemIdMapper.get(ka[i]);
if (!isNullSelectionAllowed()
&& (id == null || id == getNullSelectionItemId())) {
// skip empty selection if nullselection is not allowed
} else if (id != null && containsId(id)) {
/* Add range items aka shift clicked multiselection areas */
if (ranges != null) {
for (String range : ranges) {
String[] split = range.split("-");
Object startItemId = itemIdMapper.get(split[0]);
int length = Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
LinkedHashSet<Object> itemIdsInRange = getItemIdsInRange(
startItemId, length);
* finally clear all currently rendered rows (the ones that the client
* side counterpart is aware of) that the client didn't send as selected
if (!isNullSelectionAllowed() && newValue.isEmpty()) {
// empty selection not allowed, keep old value
setValue(newValue, true);
private Set<Object> getCurrentlyRenderedItemIds() {
HashSet<Object> ids = new HashSet<Object>();
if (pageBuffer != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length; i++) {
return ids;
/* Component basics */
* Invoked when the value of a variable has changed.
* @see com.vaadin.ui.Select#changeVariables(java.lang.Object,
* java.util.Map)
public void changeVariables(Object source, Map<String, Object> variables) {
boolean clientNeedsContentRefresh = false;
if (!isSelectable() && variables.containsKey("selected")) {
// Not-selectable is a special case, AbstractSelect does not support
// TODO could be optimized.
variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(variables);
* The AbstractSelect cannot handle the multiselection properly, instead
* we handle it ourself
else if (isSelectable() && isMultiSelect()
&& variables.containsKey("selected")
&& multiSelectMode == MultiSelectMode.DEFAULT) {
variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(variables);
super.changeVariables(source, variables);
// Client might update the pagelength if Table height is fixed
if (variables.containsKey("pagelength")) {
// Sets pageLength directly to avoid repaint that setter causes
pageLength = (Integer) variables.get("pagelength");
// Page start index
if (variables.containsKey("firstvisible")) {
final Integer value = (Integer) variables.get("firstvisible");
if (value != null) {
setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(value.intValue(), false);
// Sets requested firstrow and rows for the next paint
if (variables.containsKey("reqfirstrow")
|| variables.containsKey("reqrows")) {
try {
firstToBeRenderedInClient = ((Integer) variables
lastToBeRenderedInClient = ((Integer) variables
} catch (Exception e) {
// FIXME: Handle exception
"Could not parse the first and/or last rows.", e);
// respect suggested rows only if table is not otherwise updated
// (row caches emptied by other event)
if (!containerChangeToBeRendered) {
Integer value = (Integer) variables.get("reqfirstrow");
if (value != null) {
reqFirstRowToPaint = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) variables.get("reqrows");
if (value != null) {
reqRowsToPaint = value.intValue();
int size = size();
// sanity check
if (reqFirstRowToPaint >= size) {
reqFirstRowToPaint = size;
if (reqFirstRowToPaint + reqRowsToPaint > size) {
reqRowsToPaint = size - reqFirstRowToPaint;
if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
"Client wants rows {0}-{1}",
new Object[] { reqFirstRowToPaint,
(reqFirstRowToPaint + reqRowsToPaint - 1) });
clientNeedsContentRefresh = true;
if (isSortEnabled()) {
// Sorting
boolean doSort = false;
if (variables.containsKey("sortcolumn")) {
final String colId = (String) variables.get("sortcolumn");
if (colId != null && !"".equals(colId) && !"null".equals(colId)) {
final Object id = columnIdMap.get(colId);
setSortContainerPropertyId(id, false);
doSort = true;
if (variables.containsKey("sortascending")) {
final boolean state = ((Boolean) variables.get("sortascending"))
if (state != sortAscending) {
setSortAscending(state, false);
doSort = true;
if (doSort) {
// Dynamic column hide/show and order
// Update visible columns
if (isColumnCollapsingAllowed()) {
if (variables.containsKey("collapsedcolumns")) {
try {
final Object[] ids = (Object[]) variables
Set<Object> idSet = new HashSet<Object>();
for (Object id : ids) {
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext();) {
Object propertyId = it.next();
if (isColumnCollapsed(propertyId)) {
if (!idSet.contains(propertyId)) {
setColumnCollapsed(propertyId, false);
} else if (idSet.contains(propertyId)) {
setColumnCollapsed(propertyId, true);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// FIXME: Handle exception
"Could not determine column collapsing state", e);
clientNeedsContentRefresh = true;
if (isColumnReorderingAllowed()) {
if (variables.containsKey("columnorder")) {
try {
final Object[] ids = (Object[]) variables
// need a real Object[], ids can be a String[]
final Object[] idsTemp = new Object[ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
idsTemp[i] = columnIdMap.get(ids[i].toString());
if (hasListeners(ColumnReorderEvent.class)) {
fireEvent(new ColumnReorderEvent(this));
} catch (final Exception e) {
// FIXME: Handle exception
"Could not determine column reordering state", e);
clientNeedsContentRefresh = true;
// Actions
if (variables.containsKey("action")) {
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(
(String) variables.get("action"), ",");
if (st.countTokens() == 2) {
final Object itemId = itemIdMapper.get(st.nextToken());
final Action action = actionMapper.get(st.nextToken());
if (action != null && (itemId == null || containsId(itemId))
&& actionHandlers != null) {
for (Handler ah : actionHandlers) {
ah.handleAction(action, this, itemId);
* Handles click event
* @param variables
private void handleClickEvent(Map<String, Object> variables) {
// Item click event
if (variables.containsKey("clickEvent")) {
String key = (String) variables.get("clickedKey");
Object itemId = itemIdMapper.get(key);
Object propertyId = null;
String colkey = (String) variables.get("clickedColKey");
// click is not necessary on a property
if (colkey != null) {
propertyId = columnIdMap.get(colkey);
MouseEventDetails evt = MouseEventDetails
.deSerialize((String) variables.get("clickEvent"));
Item item = getItem(itemId);
if (item != null) {
fireEvent(new ItemClickEvent(this, item, itemId, propertyId,
// Header click event
else if (variables.containsKey("headerClickEvent")) {
MouseEventDetails details = MouseEventDetails
.deSerialize((String) variables.get("headerClickEvent"));
Object cid = variables.get("headerClickCID");
Object propertyId = null;
if (cid != null) {
propertyId = columnIdMap.get(cid.toString());
fireEvent(new HeaderClickEvent(this, propertyId, details));
// Footer click event
else if (variables.containsKey("footerClickEvent")) {
MouseEventDetails details = MouseEventDetails
.deSerialize((String) variables.get("footerClickEvent"));
Object cid = variables.get("footerClickCID");
Object propertyId = null;
if (cid != null) {
propertyId = columnIdMap.get(cid.toString());
fireEvent(new FooterClickEvent(this, propertyId, details));
* Handles the column resize event sent by the client.
* @param variables
private void handleColumnResizeEvent(Map<String, Object> variables) {
if (variables.containsKey("columnResizeEventColumn")) {
Object cid = variables.get("columnResizeEventColumn");
Object propertyId = null;
if (cid != null) {
propertyId = columnIdMap.get(cid.toString());
Object prev = variables.get("columnResizeEventPrev");
int previousWidth = -1;
if (prev != null) {
previousWidth = Integer.valueOf(prev.toString());
Object curr = variables.get("columnResizeEventCurr");
int currentWidth = -1;
if (curr != null) {
currentWidth = Integer.valueOf(curr.toString());
fireColumnResizeEvent(propertyId, previousWidth, currentWidth);
private void fireColumnResizeEvent(Object propertyId, int previousWidth,
int currentWidth) {
* Update the sizes on the server side. If a column previously had a
* expand ratio and the user resized the column then the expand ratio
* will be turned into a static pixel size.
setColumnWidth(propertyId, currentWidth);
fireEvent(new ColumnResizeEvent(this, propertyId, previousWidth,
private void handleColumnWidthUpdates(Map<String, Object> variables) {
if (variables.containsKey("columnWidthUpdates")) {
String[] events = (String[]) variables.get("columnWidthUpdates");
for (String str : events) {
String[] eventDetails = str.split(":");
Object propertyId = columnIdMap.get(eventDetails[0]);
if (propertyId == null) {
int width = Integer.valueOf(eventDetails[1]);
setColumnWidth(propertyId, width);
* Go to mode where content updates are not done. This is due we want to
* bypass expensive content for some reason (like when we know we may have
* other content changes on their way).
* @return true if content refresh flag was enabled prior this call
protected boolean disableContentRefreshing() {
boolean wasDisabled = isContentRefreshesEnabled;
isContentRefreshesEnabled = false;
return wasDisabled;
* Go to mode where content content refreshing has effect.
* @param refreshContent
* true if content refresh needs to be done
protected void enableContentRefreshing(boolean refreshContent) {
isContentRefreshesEnabled = true;
if (refreshContent) {
// Ensure that client gets a response
public void beforeClientResponse(boolean initial) {
// Ensure pageBuffer is filled before sending the response to avoid
// calls to markAsDirty during paint
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect#paintContent(com.vaadin.
* terminal.PaintTarget)
public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
isBeingPainted = true;
try {
} finally {
isBeingPainted = false;
private void doPaintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
* Body actions - Actions which has the target null and can be invoked
* by right clicking on the table body.
final Set<Action> actionSet = findAndPaintBodyActions(target);
final Object[][] cells = getVisibleCells();
int rows = findNumRowsToPaint(target, cells);
int total = size();
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
// Table attributes
paintTableAttributes(target, rows, total);
// Rows
if (isPartialRowUpdate() && painted && !target.isFullRepaint()) {
paintPartialRowUpdate(target, actionSet);
} else if (target.isFullRepaint() || isRowCacheInvalidated()) {
paintRows(target, cells, actionSet);
* Send the page buffer indexes to ensure that the client side stays in
* sync. Otherwise we _might_ have the situation where the client side
* discards too few or too many rows, causing out of sync issues.
int pageBufferLastIndex = pageBufferFirstIndex
+ pageBuffer[CELL_ITEMID].length - 1;
// Actions
paintActions(target, actionSet);
// Available columns
if (keyMapperReset) {
keyMapperReset = false;
target.addAttribute(TableConstants.ATTRIBUTE_KEY_MAPPER_RESET, true);
if (dropHandler != null) {
painted = true;
private void setRowCacheInvalidated(boolean invalidated) {
rowCacheInvalidated = invalidated;
protected boolean isRowCacheInvalidated() {
return rowCacheInvalidated;
private void paintPartialRowUpdate(PaintTarget target, Set<Action> actionSet)
throws PaintException {
paintPartialRowUpdates(target, actionSet);
paintPartialRowAdditions(target, actionSet);
private void paintPartialRowUpdates(PaintTarget target,
Set<Action> actionSet) throws PaintException {
final boolean[] iscomponent = findCellsWithComponents();
int firstIx = getFirstUpdatedItemIndex();
int count = getUpdatedRowCount();
target.addAttribute("firsturowix", firstIx);
target.addAttribute("numurows", count);
// Partial row updates bypass the normal caching mechanism.
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsUpdateCacheRows(firstIx, count);
for (int indexInRowbuffer = 0; indexInRowbuffer < count; indexInRowbuffer++) {
final Object itemId = cells[CELL_ITEMID][indexInRowbuffer];
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
// Remove null selection item if null selection is not allowed
paintRow(target, cells, isEditable(), actionSet, iscomponent,
indexInRowbuffer, itemId);
private void paintPartialRowAdditions(PaintTarget target,
Set<Action> actionSet) throws PaintException {
final boolean[] iscomponent = findCellsWithComponents();
int firstIx = getFirstAddedItemIndex();
int count = getAddedRowCount();
if (!shouldHideAddedRows()) {
"Paint rows for add. Index: {0}, count: {1}.",
new Object[] { firstIx, count });
// Partial row additions bypass the normal caching mechanism.
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsInsertIntoCache(firstIx, count);
if (cells[0].length < count) {
// delete the rows below, since they will fall beyond the cache
// page.
target.addAttribute("delbelow", true);
count = cells[0].length;
for (int indexInRowbuffer = 0; indexInRowbuffer < count; indexInRowbuffer++) {
final Object itemId = cells[CELL_ITEMID][indexInRowbuffer];
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
// Remove null selection item if null selection is not
// allowed
paintRow(target, cells, isEditable(), actionSet, iscomponent,
indexInRowbuffer, itemId);
} else {
"Paint rows for remove. Index: {0}, count: {1}.",
new Object[] { firstIx, count });
removeRowsFromCacheAndFillBottom(firstIx, count);
target.addAttribute("hide", true);
target.addAttribute("firstprowix", firstIx);
target.addAttribute("numprows", count);
* Subclass and override this to enable partial row updates and additions,
* which bypass the normal caching mechanism. This is useful for e.g.
* TreeTable.
* @return true if this update is a partial row update, false if not. For
* plain Table it is always false.
protected boolean isPartialRowUpdate() {
return false;
* Subclass and override this to enable partial row additions, bypassing the
* normal caching mechanism. This is useful for e.g. TreeTable, where
* expanding a node should only fetch and add the items inside of that node.
* @return The index of the first added item. For plain Table it is always
* 0.
protected int getFirstAddedItemIndex() {
return 0;
* Subclass and override this to enable partial row additions, bypassing the
* normal caching mechanism. This is useful for e.g. TreeTable, where
* expanding a node should only fetch and add the items inside of that node.
* @return the number of rows to be added, starting at the index returned by
* {@link #getFirstAddedItemIndex()}. For plain Table it is always
* 0.
protected int getAddedRowCount() {
return 0;
* Subclass and override this to enable removing of rows, bypassing the
* normal caching and lazy loading mechanism. This is useful for e.g.
* TreeTable, when you need to hide certain rows as a node is collapsed.
* This should return true if the rows pointed to by
* {@link #getFirstAddedItemIndex()} and {@link #getAddedRowCount()} should
* be hidden instead of added.
* @return whether the rows to add (see {@link #getFirstAddedItemIndex()}
* and {@link #getAddedRowCount()}) should be added or hidden. For
* plain Table it is always false.
protected boolean shouldHideAddedRows() {
return false;
* Subclass and override this to enable partial row updates, bypassing the
* normal caching and lazy loading mechanism. This is useful for updating
* the state of certain rows, e.g. in the TreeTable the collapsed state of a
* single node is updated using this mechanism.
* @return the index of the first item to be updated. For plain Table it is
* always 0.
protected int getFirstUpdatedItemIndex() {
return 0;
* Subclass and override this to enable partial row updates, bypassing the
* normal caching and lazy loading mechanism. This is useful for updating
* the state of certain rows, e.g. in the TreeTable the collapsed state of a
* single node is updated using this mechanism.
* @return the number of rows to update, starting at the index returned by
* {@link #getFirstUpdatedItemIndex()}. For plain table it is always
* 0.
protected int getUpdatedRowCount() {
return 0;
private void paintTableAttributes(PaintTarget target, int rows, int total)
throws PaintException {
if (cacheRate != CACHE_RATE_DEFAULT) {
target.addAttribute("cr", cacheRate);
target.addAttribute("cols", getVisibleColumns().length);
target.addAttribute("rows", rows);
(reqFirstRowToPaint >= 0 ? reqFirstRowToPaint
: firstToBeRenderedInClient));
target.addAttribute("totalrows", total);
if (getPageLength() != 0) {
target.addAttribute("pagelength", getPageLength());
if (areColumnHeadersEnabled()) {
target.addAttribute("colheaders", true);
if (rowHeadersAreEnabled()) {
target.addAttribute("rowheaders", true);
target.addAttribute("colfooters", columnFootersVisible);
// The cursors are only shown on pageable table
if (getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex() != 0 || getPageLength() > 0) {
target.addVariable(this, "firstvisible",
target.addVariable(this, "firstvisibleonlastpage",
* Resets and paints "to be painted next" variables. Also reset pageBuffer
private void resetVariablesAndPageBuffer(PaintTarget target)
throws PaintException {
reqFirstRowToPaint = -1;
reqRowsToPaint = -1;
containerChangeToBeRendered = false;
target.addVariable(this, "reqrows", reqRowsToPaint);
target.addVariable(this, "reqfirstrow", reqFirstRowToPaint);
private boolean areColumnHeadersEnabled() {
return getColumnHeaderMode() != ColumnHeaderMode.HIDDEN;
private void paintVisibleColumns(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
if (rowHeadersAreEnabled()) {
target.addAttribute("cid", ROW_HEADER_COLUMN_KEY);
paintColumnWidth(target, ROW_HEADER_FAKE_PROPERTY_ID);
paintColumnExpandRatio(target, ROW_HEADER_FAKE_PROPERTY_ID);
final Collection<?> sortables = getSortableContainerPropertyIds();
for (Object colId : visibleColumns) {
if (colId != null) {
target.addAttribute("cid", columnIdMap.key(colId));
final String head = getColumnHeader(colId);
target.addAttribute("caption", (head != null ? head : ""));
final String foot = getColumnFooter(colId);
target.addAttribute("fcaption", (foot != null ? foot : ""));
if (isColumnCollapsed(colId)) {
target.addAttribute("collapsed", true);
if (areColumnHeadersEnabled()) {
if (getColumnIcon(colId) != null) {
target.addAttribute("icon", getColumnIcon(colId));
if (sortables.contains(colId)) {
target.addAttribute("sortable", true);
if (!Align.LEFT.equals(getColumnAlignment(colId))) {
target.addAttribute("align", getColumnAlignment(colId)
paintColumnWidth(target, colId);
paintColumnExpandRatio(target, colId);
private void paintAvailableColumns(PaintTarget target)
throws PaintException {
if (columnCollapsingAllowed) {
final HashSet<Object> collapsedCols = new HashSet<Object>();
for (Object colId : visibleColumns) {
if (isColumnCollapsed(colId)) {
final String[] collapsedKeys = new String[collapsedCols.size()];
int nextColumn = 0;
for (Object colId : visibleColumns) {
if (isColumnCollapsed(colId)) {
collapsedKeys[nextColumn++] = columnIdMap.key(colId);
target.addVariable(this, "collapsedcolumns", collapsedKeys);
final String[] noncollapsibleKeys = new String[noncollapsibleColumns
nextColumn = 0;
for (Object colId : noncollapsibleColumns) {
noncollapsibleKeys[nextColumn++] = columnIdMap.key(colId);
target.addVariable(this, "noncollapsiblecolumns",
private void paintActions(PaintTarget target, final Set<Action> actionSet)
throws PaintException {
if (!actionSet.isEmpty()) {
target.addVariable(this, "action", "");
for (Action a : actionSet) {
if (a.getCaption() != null) {
target.addAttribute("caption", a.getCaption());
if (a.getIcon() != null) {
target.addAttribute("icon", a.getIcon());
target.addAttribute("key", actionMapper.key(a));
private void paintColumnOrder(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
if (columnReorderingAllowed) {
final String[] colorder = new String[visibleColumns.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Object colId : visibleColumns) {
colorder[i++] = columnIdMap.key(colId);
target.addVariable(this, "columnorder", colorder);
private void paintSorting(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
// Sorting
if (getContainerDataSource() instanceof Container.Sortable) {
target.addVariable(this, "sortcolumn",
target.addVariable(this, "sortascending", sortAscending);
private void paintRows(PaintTarget target, final Object[][] cells,
final Set<Action> actionSet) throws PaintException {
final boolean[] iscomponent = findCellsWithComponents();
// cells array contains all that are supposed to be visible on client,
// but we'll start from the one requested by client
int start = 0;
if (reqFirstRowToPaint != -1 && firstToBeRenderedInClient != -1) {
start = reqFirstRowToPaint - firstToBeRenderedInClient;
int end = cells[0].length;
if (reqRowsToPaint != -1) {
end = start + reqRowsToPaint;
// sanity check
if (lastToBeRenderedInClient != -1 && lastToBeRenderedInClient < end) {
end = lastToBeRenderedInClient + 1;
if (start > cells[CELL_ITEMID].length || start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (end > cells[CELL_ITEMID].length) {
end = cells[CELL_ITEMID].length;
for (int indexInRowbuffer = start; indexInRowbuffer < end; indexInRowbuffer++) {
final Object itemId = cells[CELL_ITEMID][indexInRowbuffer];
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
// Remove null selection item if null selection is not allowed
paintRow(target, cells, isEditable(), actionSet, iscomponent,
indexInRowbuffer, itemId);
private boolean[] findCellsWithComponents() {
final boolean[] isComponent = new boolean[visibleColumns.size()];
int ix = 0;
for (Object columnId : visibleColumns) {
if (columnGenerators.containsKey(columnId)) {
isComponent[ix++] = true;
} else {
final Class<?> colType = getType(columnId);
isComponent[ix++] = colType != null
&& Component.class.isAssignableFrom(colType);
return isComponent;
private void paintVisibleColumnOrder(PaintTarget target) {
// Visible column order
final ArrayList<String> visibleColOrder = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Object columnId : visibleColumns) {
if (!isColumnCollapsed(columnId)) {
target.addAttribute("vcolorder", visibleColOrder.toArray());
private Set<Action> findAndPaintBodyActions(PaintTarget target) {
Set<Action> actionSet = new LinkedHashSet<Action>();
if (actionHandlers != null) {
final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Handler ah : actionHandlers) {
// Getting actions for the null item, which in this case means
// the body item
final Action[] actions = ah.getActions(null, this);
if (actions != null) {
for (Action action : actions) {
target.addAttribute("alb", keys.toArray());
return actionSet;
private boolean shouldHideNullSelectionItem() {
return !isNullSelectionAllowed() && getNullSelectionItemId() != null
&& containsId(getNullSelectionItemId());
private int findNumRowsToPaint(PaintTarget target, final Object[][] cells)
throws PaintException {
int rows;
if (reqRowsToPaint >= 0) {
rows = reqRowsToPaint;
} else {
rows = cells[0].length;
if (alwaysRecalculateColumnWidths) {
// TODO experimental feature for now: tell the client to
// recalculate column widths.
// We'll only do this for paints that do not originate from
// table scroll/cache requests (i.e when reqRowsToPaint<0)
target.addAttribute("recalcWidths", true);
return rows;
private void paintSelectMode(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
if (multiSelectMode != MultiSelectMode.DEFAULT) {
target.addAttribute("multiselectmode", multiSelectMode.ordinal());
if (isSelectable()) {
target.addAttribute("selectmode", (isMultiSelect() ? "multi"
: "single"));
} else {
target.addAttribute("selectmode", "none");
if (!isNullSelectionAllowed()) {
target.addAttribute("nsa", false);
// selection support
// The select variable is only enabled if selectable
if (isSelectable()) {
target.addVariable(this, "selected", findSelectedKeys());
private String[] findSelectedKeys() {
LinkedList<String> selectedKeys = new LinkedList<String>();
if (isMultiSelect()) {
HashSet<?> sel = new HashSet<Object>((Set<?>) getValue());
Collection<?> vids = getVisibleItemIds();
for (Iterator<?> it = vids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Object id = it.next();
if (sel.contains(id)) {
} else {
Object value = getValue();
if (value == null) {
value = getNullSelectionItemId();
if (value != null) {
return selectedKeys.toArray(new String[selectedKeys.size()]);
private void paintDragMode(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
if (dragMode != TableDragMode.NONE) {
target.addAttribute("dragmode", dragMode.ordinal());
private void paintTabIndex(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
// The tab ordering number
if (getTabIndex() > 0) {
target.addAttribute("tabindex", getTabIndex());
private void paintColumnWidth(PaintTarget target, final Object columnId)
throws PaintException {
if (columnWidths.containsKey(columnId)) {
target.addAttribute("width", getColumnWidth(columnId));
private void paintColumnExpandRatio(PaintTarget target,
final Object columnId) throws PaintException {
if (columnExpandRatios.containsKey(columnId)) {
target.addAttribute("er", getColumnExpandRatio(columnId));
private boolean rowHeadersAreEnabled() {
return getRowHeaderMode() != ROW_HEADER_MODE_HIDDEN;
private void paintRow(PaintTarget target, final Object[][] cells,
final boolean iseditable, final Set<Action> actionSet,
final boolean[] iscomponent, int indexInRowbuffer,
final Object itemId) throws PaintException {
paintRowAttributes(target, cells, actionSet, indexInRowbuffer, itemId);
// cells
int currentColumn = 0;
for (final Iterator<Object> it = visibleColumns.iterator(); it
.hasNext(); currentColumn++) {
final Object columnId = it.next();
if (columnId == null || isColumnCollapsed(columnId)) {
* For each cell, if a cellStyleGenerator is specified, get the
* specific style for the cell. If there is any, add it to the
* target.
if (cellStyleGenerator != null) {
String cellStyle = cellStyleGenerator.getStyle(this, itemId,
if (cellStyle != null && !cellStyle.equals("")) {
target.addAttribute("style-" + columnIdMap.key(columnId),
if ((iscomponent[currentColumn] || iseditable || cells[CELL_GENERATED_ROW][indexInRowbuffer] != null)
&& Component.class.isInstance(cells[CELL_FIRSTCOL
+ currentColumn][indexInRowbuffer])) {
final Component c = (Component) cells[CELL_FIRSTCOL
+ currentColumn][indexInRowbuffer];
if (c == null
|| !LegacyCommunicationManager
.isComponentVisibleToClient(c)) {
} else {
LegacyPaint.paint(c, target);
} else {
target.addText((String) cells[CELL_FIRSTCOL + currentColumn][indexInRowbuffer]);
paintCellTooltips(target, itemId, columnId);
private void paintCellTooltips(PaintTarget target, Object itemId,
Object columnId) throws PaintException {
if (itemDescriptionGenerator != null) {
String itemDescription = itemDescriptionGenerator
.generateDescription(this, itemId, columnId);
if (itemDescription != null && !itemDescription.equals("")) {
target.addAttribute("descr-" + columnIdMap.key(columnId),
private void paintRowTooltips(PaintTarget target, Object itemId)
throws PaintException {
if (itemDescriptionGenerator != null) {
String rowDescription = itemDescriptionGenerator
.generateDescription(this, itemId, null);
if (rowDescription != null && !rowDescription.equals("")) {
target.addAttribute("rowdescr", rowDescription);
private void paintRowAttributes(PaintTarget target, final Object[][] cells,
final Set<Action> actionSet, int indexInRowbuffer,
final Object itemId) throws PaintException {
// tr attributes
paintRowIcon(target, cells, indexInRowbuffer);
paintRowHeader(target, cells, indexInRowbuffer);
paintGeneratedRowInfo(target, cells, indexInRowbuffer);
if (isSelected(itemId)) {
target.addAttribute("selected", true);
// Actions
if (actionHandlers != null) {
final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Handler ah : actionHandlers) {
final Action[] aa = ah.getActions(itemId, this);
if (aa != null) {
for (int ai = 0; ai < aa.length; ai++) {
final String key = actionMapper.key(aa[ai]);
target.addAttribute("al", keys.toArray());
* For each row, if a cellStyleGenerator is specified, get the specific
* style for the cell, using null as propertyId. If there is any, add it
* to the target.
if (cellStyleGenerator != null) {
String rowStyle = cellStyleGenerator.getStyle(this, itemId, null);
if (rowStyle != null && !rowStyle.equals("")) {
target.addAttribute("rowstyle", rowStyle);
paintRowTooltips(target, itemId);
paintRowAttributes(target, itemId);
private void paintGeneratedRowInfo(PaintTarget target, Object[][] cells,
int indexInRowBuffer) throws PaintException {
GeneratedRow generatedRow = (GeneratedRow) cells[CELL_GENERATED_ROW][indexInRowBuffer];
if (generatedRow != null) {
target.addAttribute("gen_html", generatedRow.isHtmlContentAllowed());
target.addAttribute("gen_span", generatedRow.isSpanColumns());
generatedRow.getValue() instanceof Component);
protected void paintRowHeader(PaintTarget target, Object[][] cells,
int indexInRowbuffer) throws PaintException {
if (rowHeadersAreEnabled()) {
if (cells[CELL_HEADER][indexInRowbuffer] != null) {
(String) cells[CELL_HEADER][indexInRowbuffer]);
protected void paintRowIcon(PaintTarget target, final Object[][] cells,
int indexInRowbuffer) throws PaintException {
if (rowHeadersAreEnabled()
&& cells[CELL_ICON][indexInRowbuffer] != null) {
(Resource) cells[CELL_ICON][indexInRowbuffer]);
* A method where extended Table implementations may add their custom
* attributes for rows.
* @param target
* @param itemId
protected void paintRowAttributes(PaintTarget target, Object itemId)
throws PaintException {
* Gets the cached visible table contents.
* @return the cached visible table contents.
private Object[][] getVisibleCells() {
if (pageBuffer == null) {
return pageBuffer;
* Gets the value of property.
* By default if the table is editable the fieldFactory is used to create
* editors for table cells. Otherwise formatPropertyValue is used to format
* the value representation.
* @param rowId
* the Id of the row (same as item Id).
* @param colId
* the Id of the column.
* @param property
* the Property to be presented.
* @return Object Either formatted value or Component for field.
* @see #setTableFieldFactory(TableFieldFactory)
protected Object getPropertyValue(Object rowId, Object colId,
Property property) {
if (isEditable() && fieldFactory != null) {
final Field<?> f = fieldFactory.createField(
getContainerDataSource(), rowId, colId, this);
if (f != null) {
// Remember that we have made this association so we can remove
// it when the component is removed
associatedProperties.put(f, property);
bindPropertyToField(rowId, colId, property, f);
return f;
return formatPropertyValue(rowId, colId, property);
* Binds an item property to a field generated by TableFieldFactory. The
* default behavior is to bind property straight to Field. If
* Property.Viewer type property (e.g. PropertyFormatter) is already set for
* field, the property is bound to that Property.Viewer.
* @param rowId
* @param colId
* @param property
* @param field
* @since 6.7.3
protected void bindPropertyToField(Object rowId, Object colId,
Property property, Field field) {
// check if field has a property that is Viewer set. In that case we
// expect developer has e.g. PropertyFormatter that he wishes to use and
// assign the property to the Viewer instead.
boolean hasFilterProperty = field.getPropertyDataSource() != null
&& (field.getPropertyDataSource() instanceof Property.Viewer);
if (hasFilterProperty) {
((Property.Viewer) field.getPropertyDataSource())
} else {
* Formats table cell property values. By default the property.toString()
* and return a empty string for null properties.
* @param rowId
* the Id of the row (same as item Id).
* @param colId
* the Id of the column.
* @param property
* the Property to be formatted.
* @return the String representation of property and its value.
* @since 3.1
protected String formatPropertyValue(Object rowId, Object colId,
Property<?> property) {
if (property == null) {
return "";
Converter<String, Object> converter = null;
if (hasConverter(colId)) {
converter = getConverter(colId);
} else {
converter = (Converter) ConverterUtil.getConverter(String.class,
property.getType(), getSession());
Object value = property.getValue();
if (converter != null) {
return converter.convertToPresentation(value, String.class,
return (null != value) ? value.toString() : "";
/* Action container */
* Registers a new action handler for this container
* @see com.vaadin.event.Action.Container#addActionHandler(Action.Handler)
public void addActionHandler(Action.Handler actionHandler) {
if (actionHandler != null) {
if (actionHandlers == null) {
actionHandlers = new LinkedList<Handler>();
actionMapper = new KeyMapper<Action>();
if (!actionHandlers.contains(actionHandler)) {
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before as the content has not changed, only the action
// handlers.
* Removes a previously registered action handler for the contents of this
* container.
* @see com.vaadin.event.Action.Container#removeActionHandler(Action.Handler)
public void removeActionHandler(Action.Handler actionHandler) {
if (actionHandlers != null && actionHandlers.contains(actionHandler)) {
if (actionHandlers.isEmpty()) {
actionHandlers = null;
actionMapper = null;
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before as the content has not changed, only the action
// handlers.
* Removes all action handlers
public void removeAllActionHandlers() {
actionHandlers = null;
actionMapper = null;
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before as the content has not changed, only the action
// handlers.
/* Property value change listening support */
* Notifies this listener that the Property's value has changed.
* Also listens changes in rendered items to refresh content area.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Property.ValueChangeListener#valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent)
public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) {
if (equals(event.getProperty())
|| event.getProperty() == getPropertyDataSource()) {
} else {
containerChangeToBeRendered = true;
* Clears the current page buffer. Call this before
* {@link #refreshRenderedCells()} to ensure that all content is updated
* from the properties.
protected void resetPageBuffer() {
firstToBeRenderedInClient = -1;
lastToBeRenderedInClient = -1;
reqFirstRowToPaint = -1;
reqRowsToPaint = -1;
pageBuffer = null;
* Notifies the component that it is connected to an application.
* @see com.vaadin.ui.Component#attach()
public void attach() {
* Notifies the component that it is detached from the application
* @see com.vaadin.ui.Component#detach()
public void detach() {
* Removes all Items from the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container#removeAllItems()
public boolean removeAllItems() {
currentPageFirstItemId = null;
currentPageFirstItemIndex = 0;
return super.removeAllItems();
* Removes the Item identified by <code>ItemId</code> from the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container#removeItem(Object)
public boolean removeItem(Object itemId) {
final Object nextItemId = nextItemId(itemId);
final boolean ret = super.removeItem(itemId);
if (ret && (itemId != null) && (itemId.equals(currentPageFirstItemId))) {
currentPageFirstItemId = nextItemId;
if (!(items instanceof Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier)) {
return ret;
* Removes a Property specified by the given Property ID from the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container#removeContainerProperty(Object)
public boolean removeContainerProperty(Object propertyId)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
// If a visible property is removed, remove the corresponding column
// If a propertyValueConverter was defined for the property, remove it.
return super.removeContainerProperty(propertyId);
* Adds a new property to the table and show it as a visible column.
* @param propertyId
* the Id of the proprty.
* @param type
* the class of the property.
* @param defaultValue
* the default value given for all existing items.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container#addContainerProperty(Object, Class,
* Object)
public boolean addContainerProperty(Object propertyId, Class<?> type,
Object defaultValue) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
boolean visibleColAdded = false;
if (!visibleColumns.contains(propertyId)) {
visibleColAdded = true;
if (!super.addContainerProperty(propertyId, type, defaultValue)) {
if (visibleColAdded) {
return false;
if (!(items instanceof Container.PropertySetChangeNotifier)) {
return true;
* Adds a new property to the table and show it as a visible column.
* @param propertyId
* the Id of the proprty
* @param type
* the class of the property
* @param defaultValue
* the default value given for all existing items
* @param columnHeader
* the Explicit header of the column. If explicit header is not
* needed, this should be set null.
* @param columnIcon
* the Icon of the column. If icon is not needed, this should be
* set null.
* @param columnAlignment
* the Alignment of the column. Null implies align left.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if the operation is not supported.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container#addContainerProperty(Object, Class,
* Object)
public boolean addContainerProperty(Object propertyId, Class<?> type,
Object defaultValue, String columnHeader, Resource columnIcon,
Align columnAlignment) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (!this.addContainerProperty(propertyId, type, defaultValue)) {
return false;
setColumnAlignment(propertyId, columnAlignment);
setColumnHeader(propertyId, columnHeader);
setColumnIcon(propertyId, columnIcon);
return true;
* Adds a generated column to the Table.
* <p>
* A generated column is a column that exists only in the Table, not as a
* property in the underlying Container. It shows up just as a regular
* column.
* </p>
* <p>
* A generated column will override a property with the same id, so that the
* generated column is shown instead of the column representing the
* property. Note that getContainerProperty() will still get the real
* property.
* </p>
* <p>
* Table will not listen to value change events from properties overridden
* by generated columns. If the content of your generated column depends on
* properties that are not directly visible in the table, attach value
* change listener to update the content on all depended properties.
* Otherwise your UI might not get updated as expected.
* </p>
* <p>
* Also note that getVisibleColumns() will return the generated columns,
* while getContainerPropertyIds() will not.
* </p>
* @param id
* the id of the column to be added
* @param generatedColumn
* the {@link ColumnGenerator} to use for this column
public void addGeneratedColumn(Object id, ColumnGenerator generatedColumn) {
if (generatedColumn == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can not add null as a GeneratedColumn");
if (columnGenerators.containsKey(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can not add the same GeneratedColumn twice, id:" + id);
} else {
columnGenerators.put(id, generatedColumn);
* add to visible column list unless already there (overriding
* column from DS)
if (!visibleColumns.contains(id)) {
* Returns the ColumnGenerator used to generate the given column.
* @param columnId
* The id of the generated column
* @return The ColumnGenerator used for the given columnId or null.
public ColumnGenerator getColumnGenerator(Object columnId)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return columnGenerators.get(columnId);
* Removes a generated column previously added with addGeneratedColumn.
* @param columnId
* id of the generated column to remove
* @return true if the column could be removed (existed in the Table)
public boolean removeGeneratedColumn(Object columnId) {
if (columnGenerators.containsKey(columnId)) {
// remove column from visibleColumns list unless it exists in
// container (generator previously overrode this column)
if (!items.getContainerPropertyIds().contains(columnId)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns item identifiers of the items which are currently rendered on the
* client.
* <p>
* Note, that some due to historical reasons the name of the method is bit
* misleading. Some items may be partly or totally out of the viewport of
* the table's scrollable area. Actually detecting rows which can be
* actually seen by the end user may be problematic due to the client server
* architecture. Using {@link #getCurrentPageFirstItemId()} combined with
* {@link #getPageLength()} may produce good enough estimates in some
* situations.
* @see com.vaadin.ui.Select#getVisibleItemIds()
public Collection<?> getVisibleItemIds() {
final LinkedList<Object> visible = new LinkedList<Object>();
final Object[][] cells = getVisibleCells();
// may be null if the table has not been rendered yet (e.g. not attached
// to a layout)
if (null != cells) {
for (int i = 0; i < cells[CELL_ITEMID].length; i++) {
return visible;
* Container datasource item set change. Table must flush its buffers on
* change.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.ItemSetChangeListener#containerItemSetChange(com.vaadin.data.Container.ItemSetChangeEvent)
public void containerItemSetChange(Container.ItemSetChangeEvent event) {
if (isBeingPainted) {
// super method clears the key map, must inform client about this to
// avoid getting invalid keys back (#8584)
keyMapperReset = true;
int currentFirstItemIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex();
if (event.getContainer().size() == 0) {
repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex();
} else {
if (repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex != -1) {
currentFirstItemIndex = repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex;
* Reset repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex.
* Next string should be commented (removed) if we want to have
* possibility to restore scroll position during adding items to
* container one by one via add() but not only addAll(). The
* problem in this case: we cannot track what happened between
* add() and add()... So it is ambiguous where to stop restore
* scroll position.
repairOnReAddAllRowsDataScrollPositionItemIndex = -1;
// ensure that page still has first item in page, ignore buffer refresh
// (forced in this method)
setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(currentFirstItemIndex, false);
* Container datasource property set change. Table must flush its buffers on
* change.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.PropertySetChangeListener#containerPropertySetChange(com.vaadin.data.Container.PropertySetChangeEvent)
public void containerPropertySetChange(
Container.PropertySetChangeEvent event) {
if (isBeingPainted) {
// sanitetize visibleColumns. note that we are not adding previously
// non-existing properties as columns
Collection<?> containerPropertyIds = getContainerDataSource()
LinkedList<Object> newVisibleColumns = new LinkedList<Object>(
for (Iterator<Object> iterator = newVisibleColumns.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Object id = iterator.next();
if (!(containerPropertyIds.contains(id) || columnGenerators
.containsKey(id))) {
// same for collapsed columns
for (Iterator<Object> iterator = collapsedColumns.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Object id = iterator.next();
if (!(containerPropertyIds.contains(id) || columnGenerators
.containsKey(id))) {
* Adding new items is not supported.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if set to true.
* @see com.vaadin.ui.Select#setNewItemsAllowed(boolean)
public void setNewItemsAllowed(boolean allowNewOptions)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
if (allowNewOptions) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Gets the ID of the Item following the Item that corresponds to itemId.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#nextItemId(java.lang.Object)
public Object nextItemId(Object itemId) {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).nextItemId(itemId);
* Gets the ID of the Item preceding the Item that corresponds to the
* itemId.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#prevItemId(java.lang.Object)
public Object prevItemId(Object itemId) {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).prevItemId(itemId);
* Gets the ID of the first Item in the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#firstItemId()
public Object firstItemId() {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).firstItemId();
* Gets the ID of the last Item in the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#lastItemId()
public Object lastItemId() {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).lastItemId();
* Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the first Item in
* the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#isFirstId(java.lang.Object)
public boolean isFirstId(Object itemId) {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).isFirstId(itemId);
* Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the last Item in
* the Container.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#isLastId(java.lang.Object)
public boolean isLastId(Object itemId) {
return ((Container.Ordered) items).isLastId(itemId);
* Adds new item after the given item.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#addItemAfter(java.lang.Object)
public Object addItemAfter(Object previousItemId)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
Object itemId = ((Container.Ordered) items)
if (!(items instanceof Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier)) {
return itemId;
* Adds new item after the given item.
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Ordered#addItemAfter(java.lang.Object,
* java.lang.Object)
public Item addItemAfter(Object previousItemId, Object newItemId)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
Item item = ((Container.Ordered) items).addItemAfter(previousItemId,
if (!(items instanceof Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier)) {
return item;
* Sets the TableFieldFactory that is used to create editor for table cells.
* The TableFieldFactory is only used if the Table is editable. By default
* the DefaultFieldFactory is used.
* @param fieldFactory
* the field factory to set.
* @see #isEditable
* @see DefaultFieldFactory
public void setTableFieldFactory(TableFieldFactory fieldFactory) {
this.fieldFactory = fieldFactory;
// Assure visual refresh
* Gets the TableFieldFactory that is used to create editor for table cells.
* The FieldFactory is only used if the Table is editable.
* @return TableFieldFactory used to create the Field instances.
* @see #isEditable
public TableFieldFactory getTableFieldFactory() {
return fieldFactory;
* Is table editable.
* If table is editable a editor of type Field is created for each table
* cell. The assigned FieldFactory is used to create the instances.
* To provide custom editors for table cells create a class implementins the
* FieldFactory interface, and assign it to table, and set the editable
* property to true.
* @return true if table is editable, false oterwise.
* @see Field
* @see FieldFactory
public boolean isEditable() {
return editable;
* Sets the editable property.
* If table is editable a editor of type Field is created for each table
* cell. The assigned FieldFactory is used to create the instances.
* To provide custom editors for table cells create a class implementins the
* FieldFactory interface, and assign it to table, and set the editable
* property to true.
* @param editable
* true if table should be editable by user.
* @see Field
* @see FieldFactory
public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
this.editable = editable;
// Assure visual refresh
* Sorts the table.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if the container data source does not implement
* Container.Sortable
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Sortable#sort(java.lang.Object[],
* boolean[])
public void sort(Object[] propertyId, boolean[] ascending)
throws UnsupportedOperationException {
final Container c = getContainerDataSource();
if (c instanceof Container.Sortable) {
final int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex();
boolean refreshingPreviouslyEnabled = disableContentRefreshing();
((Container.Sortable) c).sort(propertyId, ascending);
if (refreshingPreviouslyEnabled) {
if (propertyId.length > 0 && ascending.length > 0) {
// The first propertyId is the primary sorting criterion,
// therefore the sort indicator should be there
sortAscending = ascending[0];
sortContainerPropertyId = propertyId[0];
} else {
sortAscending = true;
sortContainerPropertyId = null;
} else if (c != null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Underlying Data does not allow sorting");
* Sorts the table by currently selected sorting column.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if the container data source does not implement
* Container.Sortable
public void sort() {
if (getSortContainerPropertyId() == null) {
sort(new Object[] { sortContainerPropertyId },
new boolean[] { sortAscending });
* Gets the container property IDs, which can be used to sort the item.
* <p>
* Note that the {@link #isSortEnabled()} state affects what this method
* returns. Disabling sorting causes this method to always return an empty
* collection.
* </p>
* @see com.vaadin.data.Container.Sortable#getSortableContainerPropertyIds()
public Collection<?> getSortableContainerPropertyIds() {
final Container c = getContainerDataSource();
if (c instanceof Container.Sortable && isSortEnabled()) {
return ((Container.Sortable) c).getSortableContainerPropertyIds();
} else {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
* Gets the currently sorted column property ID.
* @return the Container property id of the currently sorted column.
public Object getSortContainerPropertyId() {
return sortContainerPropertyId;
* Sets the currently sorted column property id.
* @param propertyId
* the Container property id of the currently sorted column.
public void setSortContainerPropertyId(Object propertyId) {
setSortContainerPropertyId(propertyId, true);
* Internal method to set currently sorted column property id. With doSort
* flag actual sorting may be bypassed.
* @param propertyId
* @param doSort
private void setSortContainerPropertyId(Object propertyId, boolean doSort) {
if ((sortContainerPropertyId != null && !sortContainerPropertyId
|| (sortContainerPropertyId == null && propertyId != null)) {
sortContainerPropertyId = propertyId;
if (doSort) {
// Assures the visual refresh. This should not be necessary as
// sort() calls refreshRowCache
* Is the table currently sorted in ascending order.
* @return <code>true</code> if ascending, <code>false</code> if descending.
public boolean isSortAscending() {
return sortAscending;
* Sets the table in ascending order.
* @param ascending
* <code>true</code> if ascending, <code>false</code> if
* descending.
public void setSortAscending(boolean ascending) {
setSortAscending(ascending, true);
* Internal method to set sort ascending. With doSort flag actual sort can
* be bypassed.
* @param ascending
* @param doSort
private void setSortAscending(boolean ascending, boolean doSort) {
if (sortAscending != ascending) {
sortAscending = ascending;
if (doSort) {
// Assures the visual refresh. This should not be necessary as
// sort() calls refreshRowCache
* Is sorting disabled altogether.
* True iff no sortable columns are given even in the case where data source
* would support this.
* @return True iff sorting is disabled.
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #isSortEnabled()} instead
public boolean isSortDisabled() {
return !isSortEnabled();
* Checks if sorting is enabled.
* @return true if sorting by the user is allowed, false otherwise
public boolean isSortEnabled() {
return sortEnabled;
* Disables the sorting by the user altogether.
* @param sortDisabled
* True iff sorting is disabled.
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #setSortEnabled(boolean)} instead
public void setSortDisabled(boolean sortDisabled) {
* Enables or disables sorting.
* <p>
* Setting this to false disallows sorting by the user. It is still possible
* to call {@link #sort()}.
* </p>
* @param sortEnabled
* true to allow the user to sort the table, false to disallow it
public void setSortEnabled(boolean sortEnabled) {
if (this.sortEnabled != sortEnabled) {
this.sortEnabled = sortEnabled;
* Used to create "generated columns"; columns that exist only in the Table,
* not in the underlying Container. Implement this interface and pass it to
* Table.addGeneratedColumn along with an id for the column to be generated.
public interface ColumnGenerator extends Serializable {
* Called by Table when a cell in a generated column needs to be
* generated.
* @param source
* the source Table
* @param itemId
* the itemId (aka rowId) for the of the cell to be generated
* @param columnId
* the id for the generated column (as specified in
* addGeneratedColumn)
* @return A {@link Component} that should be rendered in the cell or a
* {@link String} that should be displayed in the cell. Other
* return values are not supported.
public abstract Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId,
Object columnId);
* Set cell style generator for Table.
* @param cellStyleGenerator
* New cell style generator or null to remove generator.
public void setCellStyleGenerator(CellStyleGenerator cellStyleGenerator) {
this.cellStyleGenerator = cellStyleGenerator;
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before as the content has not changed, only the style generators
* Get the current cell style generator.
public CellStyleGenerator getCellStyleGenerator() {
return cellStyleGenerator;
* Allow to define specific style on cells (and rows) contents. Implements
* this interface and pass it to Table.setCellStyleGenerator. Row styles are
* generated when porpertyId is null. The CSS class name that will be added
* to the cell content is <tt>v-table-cell-content-[style name]</tt>, and
* the row style will be <tt>v-table-row-[style name]</tt>.
public interface CellStyleGenerator extends Serializable {
* Called by Table when a cell (and row) is painted.
* @param source
* the source Table
* @param itemId
* The itemId of the painted cell
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId of the cell, null when getting row style
* @return The style name to add to this cell or row. (the CSS class
* name will be v-table-cell-content-[style name], or
* v-table-row-[style name] for rows)
public abstract String getStyle(Table source, Object itemId,
Object propertyId);
public void addItemClickListener(ItemClickListener listener) {
addListener(TableConstants.ITEM_CLICK_EVENT_ID, ItemClickEvent.class,
listener, ItemClickEvent.ITEM_CLICK_METHOD);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addItemClickListener(ItemClickListener)}
public void addListener(ItemClickListener listener) {
public void removeItemClickListener(ItemClickListener listener) {
ItemClickEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeItemClickListener(ItemClickListener)}
public void removeListener(ItemClickListener listener) {
// Identical to AbstractCompoenentContainer.setEnabled();
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (getParent() != null && !getParent().isEnabled()) {
// some ancestor still disabled, don't update children
} else {
* Sets the drag start mode of the Table. Drag start mode controls how Table
* behaves as a drag source.
* @param newDragMode
public void setDragMode(TableDragMode newDragMode) {
dragMode = newDragMode;
* @return the current start mode of the Table. Drag start mode controls how
* Table behaves as a drag source.
public TableDragMode getDragMode() {
return dragMode;
* Concrete implementation of {@link DataBoundTransferable} for data
* transferred from a table.
* @see {@link DataBoundTransferable}.
* @since 6.3
public class TableTransferable extends DataBoundTransferable {
protected TableTransferable(Map<String, Object> rawVariables) {
super(Table.this, rawVariables);
Object object = rawVariables.get("itemId");
if (object != null) {
setData("itemId", itemIdMapper.get((String) object));
object = rawVariables.get("propertyId");
if (object != null) {
setData("propertyId", columnIdMap.get((String) object));
public Object getItemId() {
return getData("itemId");
public Object getPropertyId() {
return getData("propertyId");
public Table getSourceComponent() {
return (Table) super.getSourceComponent();
public TableTransferable getTransferable(Map<String, Object> rawVariables) {
TableTransferable transferable = new TableTransferable(rawVariables);
return transferable;
public DropHandler getDropHandler() {
return dropHandler;
public void setDropHandler(DropHandler dropHandler) {
this.dropHandler = dropHandler;
public AbstractSelectTargetDetails translateDropTargetDetails(
Map<String, Object> clientVariables) {
return new AbstractSelectTargetDetails(clientVariables);
* Sets the behavior of how the multi-select mode should behave when the
* table is both selectable and in multi-select mode.
* <p>
* Note, that on some clients the mode may not be respected. E.g. on touch
* based devices CTRL/SHIFT base selection method is invalid, so touch based
* browsers always use the {@link MultiSelectMode#SIMPLE}.
* @param mode
* The select mode of the table
public void setMultiSelectMode(MultiSelectMode mode) {
multiSelectMode = mode;
* Returns the select mode in which multi-select is used.
* @return The multi select mode
public MultiSelectMode getMultiSelectMode() {
return multiSelectMode;
* Lazy loading accept criterion for Table. Accepted target rows are loaded
* from server once per drag and drop operation. Developer must override one
* method that decides on which rows the currently dragged data can be
* dropped.
* <p>
* Initially pretty much no data is sent to client. On first required
* criterion check (per drag request) the client side data structure is
* initialized from server and no subsequent requests requests are needed
* during that drag and drop operation.
public static abstract class TableDropCriterion extends ServerSideCriterion {
private Table table;
private Set<Object> allowedItemIds;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.ServerSideCriterion#getIdentifier
* ()
protected String getIdentifier() {
return TableDropCriterion.class.getCanonicalName();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.AcceptCriterion#accepts(com.vaadin
* .event.dd.DragAndDropEvent)
public boolean accept(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent) {
AbstractSelectTargetDetails dropTargetData = (AbstractSelectTargetDetails) dragEvent
table = (Table) dragEvent.getTargetDetails().getTarget();
Collection<?> visibleItemIds = table.getVisibleItemIds();
allowedItemIds = getAllowedItemIds(dragEvent, table,
(Collection<Object>) visibleItemIds);
return allowedItemIds.contains(dropTargetData.getItemIdOver());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.vaadin.event.dd.acceptcriteria.AcceptCriterion#paintResponse(
* com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget)
public void paintResponse(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
* send allowed nodes to client so subsequent requests can be
* avoided
Object[] array = allowedItemIds.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
String key = table.itemIdMapper.key(array[i]);
array[i] = key;
target.addAttribute("allowedIds", array);
* @param dragEvent
* @param table
* the table for which the allowed item identifiers are
* defined
* @param visibleItemIds
* the list of currently rendered item identifiers, accepted
* item id's need to be detected only for these visible items
* @return the set of identifiers for items on which the dragEvent will
* be accepted
protected abstract Set<Object> getAllowedItemIds(
DragAndDropEvent dragEvent, Table table,
Collection<Object> visibleItemIds);
* Click event fired when clicking on the Table headers. The event includes
* a reference the the Table the event originated from, the property id of
* the column which header was pressed and details about the mouse event
* itself.
public static class HeaderClickEvent extends ClickEvent {
public static final Method HEADER_CLICK_METHOD;
static {
try {
// Set the header click method
HEADER_CLICK_METHOD = HeaderClickListener.class
new Class[] { HeaderClickEvent.class });
} catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {
// This should never happen
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e);
// The property id of the column which header was pressed
private final Object columnPropertyId;
public HeaderClickEvent(Component source, Object propertyId,
MouseEventDetails details) {
super(source, details);
columnPropertyId = propertyId;
* Gets the property id of the column which header was pressed
* @return The column propety id
public Object getPropertyId() {
return columnPropertyId;
* Click event fired when clicking on the Table footers. The event includes
* a reference the the Table the event originated from, the property id of
* the column which header was pressed and details about the mouse event
* itself.
public static class FooterClickEvent extends ClickEvent {
public static final Method FOOTER_CLICK_METHOD;
static {
try {
// Set the header click method
FOOTER_CLICK_METHOD = FooterClickListener.class
new Class[] { FooterClickEvent.class });
} catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {
// This should never happen
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e);
// The property id of the column which header was pressed
private final Object columnPropertyId;
* Constructor
* @param source
* The source of the component
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId of the column
* @param details
* The mouse details of the click
public FooterClickEvent(Component source, Object propertyId,
MouseEventDetails details) {
super(source, details);
columnPropertyId = propertyId;
* Gets the property id of the column which header was pressed
* @return The column propety id
public Object getPropertyId() {
return columnPropertyId;
* Interface for the listener for column header mouse click events. The
* headerClick method is called when the user presses a header column cell.
public interface HeaderClickListener extends Serializable {
* Called when a user clicks a header column cell
* @param event
* The event which contains information about the column and
* the mouse click event
public void headerClick(HeaderClickEvent event);
* Interface for the listener for column footer mouse click events. The
* footerClick method is called when the user presses a footer column cell.
public interface FooterClickListener extends Serializable {
* Called when a user clicks a footer column cell
* @param event
* The event which contains information about the column and
* the mouse click event
public void footerClick(FooterClickEvent event);
* Adds a header click listener which handles the click events when the user
* clicks on a column header cell in the Table.
* <p>
* The listener will receive events which contain information about which
* column was clicked and some details about the mouse event.
* </p>
* @param listener
* The handler which should handle the header click events.
public void addHeaderClickListener(HeaderClickListener listener) {
HeaderClickEvent.class, listener,
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addHeaderClickListener(HeaderClickListener)}
public void addListener(HeaderClickListener listener) {
* Removes a header click listener
* @param listener
* The listener to remove.
public void removeHeaderClickListener(HeaderClickListener listener) {
HeaderClickEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeHeaderClickListener(HeaderClickListener)}
public void removeListener(HeaderClickListener listener) {
* Adds a footer click listener which handles the click events when the user
* clicks on a column footer cell in the Table.
* <p>
* The listener will receive events which contain information about which
* column was clicked and some details about the mouse event.
* </p>
* @param listener
* The handler which should handle the footer click events.
public void addFooterClickListener(FooterClickListener listener) {
FooterClickEvent.class, listener,
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addFooterClickListener(FooterClickListener)}
public void addListener(FooterClickListener listener) {
* Removes a footer click listener
* @param listener
* The listener to remove.
public void removeFooterClickListener(FooterClickListener listener) {
FooterClickEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeFooterClickListener(FooterClickListener)}
public void removeListener(FooterClickListener listener) {
* Gets the footer caption beneath the rows
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId of the column *
* @return The caption of the footer or NULL if not set
public String getColumnFooter(Object propertyId) {
return columnFooters.get(propertyId);
* Sets the column footer caption. The column footer caption is the text
* displayed beneath the column if footers have been set visible.
* @param propertyId
* The properyId of the column
* @param footer
* The caption of the footer
public void setColumnFooter(Object propertyId, String footer) {
if (footer == null) {
} else {
columnFooters.put(propertyId, footer);
* Sets the footer visible in the bottom of the table.
* <p>
* The footer can be used to add column related data like sums to the bottom
* of the Table using setColumnFooter(Object propertyId, String footer).
* </p>
* @param visible
* Should the footer be visible
public void setFooterVisible(boolean visible) {
if (visible != columnFootersVisible) {
columnFootersVisible = visible;
* Is the footer currently visible?
* @return Returns true if visible else false
public boolean isFooterVisible() {
return columnFootersVisible;
* This event is fired when a column is resized. The event contains the
* columns property id which was fired, the previous width of the column and
* the width of the column after the resize.
public static class ColumnResizeEvent extends Component.Event {
public static final Method COLUMN_RESIZE_METHOD;
static {
try {
COLUMN_RESIZE_METHOD = ColumnResizeListener.class
new Class[] { ColumnResizeEvent.class });
} catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {
// This should never happen
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e);
private final int previousWidth;
private final int currentWidth;
private final Object columnPropertyId;
* Constructor
* @param source
* The source of the event
* @param propertyId
* The columns property id
* @param previous
* The width in pixels of the column before the resize event
* @param current
* The width in pixels of the column after the resize event
public ColumnResizeEvent(Component source, Object propertyId,
int previous, int current) {
previousWidth = previous;
currentWidth = current;
columnPropertyId = propertyId;
* Get the column property id of the column that was resized.
* @return The column property id
public Object getPropertyId() {
return columnPropertyId;
* Get the width in pixels of the column before the resize event
* @return Width in pixels
public int getPreviousWidth() {
return previousWidth;
* Get the width in pixels of the column after the resize event
* @return Width in pixels
public int getCurrentWidth() {
return currentWidth;
* Interface for listening to column resize events.
public interface ColumnResizeListener extends Serializable {
* This method is triggered when the column has been resized
* @param event
* The event which contains the column property id, the
* previous width of the column and the current width of the
* column
public void columnResize(ColumnResizeEvent event);
* Adds a column resize listener to the Table. A column resize listener is
* called when a user resizes a columns width.
* @param listener
* The listener to attach to the Table
public void addColumnResizeListener(ColumnResizeListener listener) {
ColumnResizeEvent.class, listener,
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addColumnResizeListener(ColumnResizeListener)}
public void addListener(ColumnResizeListener listener) {
* Removes a column resize listener from the Table.
* @param listener
* The listener to remove
public void removeColumnResizeListener(ColumnResizeListener listener) {
ColumnResizeEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeColumnResizeListener(ColumnResizeListener)}
public void removeListener(ColumnResizeListener listener) {
* This event is fired when a columns are reordered by the end user user.
public static class ColumnReorderEvent extends Component.Event {
public static final Method METHOD;
static {
try {
METHOD = ColumnReorderListener.class.getDeclaredMethod(
new Class[] { ColumnReorderEvent.class });
} catch (final java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {
// This should never happen
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e);
* Constructor
* @param source
* The source of the event
public ColumnReorderEvent(Component source) {
* Interface for listening to column reorder events.
public interface ColumnReorderListener extends Serializable {
* This method is triggered when the column has been reordered
* @param event
public void columnReorder(ColumnReorderEvent event);
* Adds a column reorder listener to the Table. A column reorder listener is
* called when a user reorders columns.
* @param listener
* The listener to attach to the Table
public void addColumnReorderListener(ColumnReorderListener listener) {
ColumnReorderEvent.class, listener, ColumnReorderEvent.METHOD);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addColumnReorderListener(ColumnReorderListener)}
public void addListener(ColumnReorderListener listener) {
* Removes a column reorder listener from the Table.
* @param listener
* The listener to remove
public void removeColumnReorderListener(ColumnReorderListener listener) {
ColumnReorderEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeColumnReorderListener(ColumnReorderListener)}
public void removeListener(ColumnReorderListener listener) {
* Set the item description generator which generates tooltips for cells and
* rows in the Table
* @param generator
* The generator to use or null to disable
public void setItemDescriptionGenerator(ItemDescriptionGenerator generator) {
if (generator != itemDescriptionGenerator) {
itemDescriptionGenerator = generator;
// Assures the visual refresh. No need to reset the page buffer
// before as the content has not changed, only the descriptions
* Get the item description generator which generates tooltips for cells and
* rows in the Table.
public ItemDescriptionGenerator getItemDescriptionGenerator() {
return itemDescriptionGenerator;
* Row generators can be used to replace certain items in a table with a
* generated string. The generator is called each time the table is
* rendered, which means that new strings can be generated each time.
* Row generators can be used for e.g. summary rows or grouping of items.
public interface RowGenerator extends Serializable {
* Called for every row that is painted in the Table. Returning a
* GeneratedRow object will cause the row to be painted based on the
* contents of the GeneratedRow. A generated row is by default styled
* similarly to a header or footer row.
* <p>
* The GeneratedRow data object contains the text that should be
* rendered in the row. The itemId in the container thus works only as a
* placeholder.
* <p>
* If GeneratedRow.setSpanColumns(true) is used, there will be one
* String spanning all columns (use setText("Spanning text")). Otherwise
* you can define one String per visible column.
* <p>
* If GeneratedRow.setRenderAsHtml(true) is used, the strings can
* contain HTML markup, otherwise all strings will be rendered as text
* (the default).
* <p>
* A "v-table-generated-row" CSS class is added to all generated rows.
* For custom styling of a generated row you can combine a RowGenerator
* with a CellStyleGenerator.
* <p>
* @param table
* The Table that is being painted
* @param itemId
* The itemId for the row
* @return A GeneratedRow describing how the row should be painted or
* null to paint the row with the contents from the container
public GeneratedRow generateRow(Table table, Object itemId);
public static class GeneratedRow implements Serializable {
private boolean htmlContentAllowed = false;
private boolean spanColumns = false;
private String[] text = null;
* Creates a new generated row. If only one string is passed in, columns
* are automatically spanned.
* @param text
public GeneratedRow(String... text) {
setSpanColumns(text == null || text.length == 1);
* Pass one String if spanColumns is used, one String for each visible
* column otherwise
public void setText(String... text) {
if (text == null || (text.length == 1 && text[0] == null)) {
text = new String[] { "" };
this.text = text;
protected String[] getText() {
return text;
protected Object getValue() {
return getText();
protected boolean isHtmlContentAllowed() {
return htmlContentAllowed;
* If set to true, all strings passed to {@link #setText(String...)}
* will be rendered as HTML.
* @param htmlContentAllowed
public void setHtmlContentAllowed(boolean htmlContentAllowed) {
this.htmlContentAllowed = htmlContentAllowed;
protected boolean isSpanColumns() {
return spanColumns;
* If set to true, only one string will be rendered, spanning the entire
* row.
* @param spanColumns
public void setSpanColumns(boolean spanColumns) {
this.spanColumns = spanColumns;
* Assigns a row generator to the table. The row generator will be able to
* replace rows in the table when it is rendered.
* @param generator
* the new row generator
public void setRowGenerator(RowGenerator generator) {
rowGenerator = generator;
* @return the current row generator
public RowGenerator getRowGenerator() {
return rowGenerator;
* Sets a converter for a property id.
* <p>
* The converter is used to format the the data for the given property id
* before displaying it in the table.
* </p>
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId to format using the converter
* @param converter
* The converter to use for the property id
public void setConverter(Object propertyId, Converter<String, ?> converter) {
if (!getContainerPropertyIds().contains(propertyId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PropertyId " + propertyId
+ " must be in the container");
if (!typeIsCompatible(converter.getModelType(), getType(propertyId))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property type ("
+ getType(propertyId)
+ ") must match converter source type ("
+ converter.getModelType() + ")");
(Converter<String, Object>) converter);
* Checks if there is a converter set explicitly for the given property id.
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId to check
* @return true if a converter has been set for the property id, false
* otherwise
protected boolean hasConverter(Object propertyId) {
return propertyValueConverters.containsKey(propertyId);
* Returns the converter used to format the given propertyId.
* @param propertyId
* The propertyId to check
* @return The converter used to format the propertyId or null if no
* converter has been set
public Converter<String, Object> getConverter(Object propertyId) {
return propertyValueConverters.get(propertyId);
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
if (visible) {
// We need to ensure that the rows are sent to the client when the
// Table is made visible if it has been rendered as invisible.
public Iterator<Component> iterator() {
if (visibleComponents == null) {
Collection<Component> empty = Collections.emptyList();
return empty.iterator();
return visibleComponents.iterator();
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link #iterator()} instead.
public Iterator<Component> getComponentIterator() {
return iterator();
private final Logger getLogger() {
if (logger == null) {
logger = Logger.getLogger(Table.class.getName());
return logger;