* Copyright 2000-2014 Vaadin Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.vaadin.ui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.vaadin.data.Container;
import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.SimpleStringFilter;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.BlurListener;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusEvent;
import com.vaadin.event.FieldEvents.FocusListener;
import com.vaadin.server.PaintException;
import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget;
import com.vaadin.server.Resource;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.ComboBoxConstants;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode;
* A filtering dropdown single-select. Suitable for newItemsAllowed, but it's
* turned of by default to avoid mistakes. Items are filtered based on user
* input, and loaded dynamically ("lazy-loading") from the server. You can turn
* on newItemsAllowed and change filtering mode (and also turn it off), but you
* can not turn on multi-select mode.
public class ComboBox extends AbstractSelect implements
AbstractSelect.Filtering, FieldEvents.BlurNotifier,
FieldEvents.FocusNotifier {
private String inputPrompt = null;
* Holds value of property pageLength. 0 disables paging.
protected int pageLength = 10;
// Current page when the user is 'paging' trough options
private int currentPage = -1;
private FilteringMode filteringMode = FilteringMode.STARTSWITH;
private String filterstring;
private String prevfilterstring;
* Number of options that pass the filter, excluding the null item if any.
private int filteredSize;
* Cache of filtered options, used only by the in-memory filtering system.
private List<Object> filteredOptions;
* Flag to indicate that request repaint is called by filter request only
private boolean optionRequest;
* True while painting to suppress item set change notifications that could
* be caused by temporary filtering.
private boolean isPainting;
* Flag to indicate whether to scroll the selected item visible (select the
* page on which it is) when opening the popup or not. Only applies to
* single select mode.
* This requires finding the index of the item, which can be expensive in
* many large lazy loading containers.
private boolean scrollToSelectedItem = true;
* If text input is not allowed, the ComboBox behaves like a pretty
* NativeSelect - the user can not enter any text and clicking the text
* field opens the drop down with options
private boolean textInputAllowed = true;
public ComboBox() {
public ComboBox(String caption, Collection<?> options) {
super(caption, options);
public ComboBox(String caption, Container dataSource) {
super(caption, dataSource);
public ComboBox(String caption) {
* Initialize the ComboBox with default settings
private void initDefaults() {
* Gets the current input prompt.
* @see #setInputPrompt(String)
* @return the current input prompt, or null if not enabled
public String getInputPrompt() {
return inputPrompt;
* Sets the input prompt - a textual prompt that is displayed when the
* select would otherwise be empty, to prompt the user for input.
* @param inputPrompt
* the desired input prompt, or null to disable
public void setInputPrompt(String inputPrompt) {
this.inputPrompt = inputPrompt;
private boolean isFilteringNeeded() {
return filterstring != null && filterstring.length() > 0
&& filteringMode != FilteringMode.OFF;
public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException {
isPainting = true;
try {
if (inputPrompt != null) {
if (!textInputAllowed) {
target.addAttribute(ComboBoxConstants.ATTR_NO_TEXT_INPUT, true);
// clear caption change listeners
// The tab ordering number
if (getTabIndex() != 0) {
target.addAttribute("tabindex", getTabIndex());
// If the field is modified, but not committed, set modified
// attribute
if (isModified()) {
target.addAttribute("modified", true);
if (isNewItemsAllowed()) {
target.addAttribute("allownewitem", true);
boolean needNullSelectOption = false;
if (isNullSelectionAllowed()) {
target.addAttribute("nullselect", true);
needNullSelectOption = (getNullSelectionItemId() == null);
if (!needNullSelectOption) {
target.addAttribute("nullselectitem", true);
// Constructs selected keys array
String[] selectedKeys = new String[(getValue() == null
&& getNullSelectionItemId() == null ? 0 : 1)];
target.addAttribute("pagelength", pageLength);
target.addAttribute("filteringmode", getFilteringMode().toString());
// Paints the options and create array of selected id keys
int keyIndex = 0;
if (currentPage < 0) {
optionRequest = false;
currentPage = 0;
filterstring = "";
boolean nullFilteredOut = isFilteringNeeded();
// null option is needed and not filtered out, even if not on
// current
// page
boolean nullOptionVisible = needNullSelectOption
&& !nullFilteredOut;
// first try if using container filters is possible
List<?> options = getOptionsWithFilter(nullOptionVisible);
if (null == options) {
// not able to use container filters, perform explicit in-memory
// filtering
options = getFilteredOptions();
filteredSize = options.size();
options = sanitetizeList(options, nullOptionVisible);
final boolean paintNullSelection = needNullSelectOption
&& currentPage == 0 && !nullFilteredOut;
if (paintNullSelection) {
target.addAttribute("caption", "");
target.addAttribute("key", "");
final Iterator<?> i = options.iterator();
// Paints the available selection options from data source
while (i.hasNext()) {
final Object id = i.next();
if (!isNullSelectionAllowed() && id != null
&& id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId())
&& !isSelected(id)) {
// Gets the option attribute values
final String key = itemIdMapper.key(id);
final String caption = getItemCaption(id);
final Resource icon = getItemIcon(id);
// Paints the option
if (icon != null) {
target.addAttribute("icon", icon);
target.addAttribute("caption", caption);
if (id != null && id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId())) {
target.addAttribute("nullselection", true);
target.addAttribute("key", key);
if (keyIndex < selectedKeys.length && isSelected(id)) {
// at most one item can be selected at a time
selectedKeys[keyIndex++] = key;
target.addAttribute("totalitems", size()
+ (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0));
if (filteredSize > 0 || nullOptionVisible) {
target.addAttribute("totalMatches", filteredSize
+ (nullOptionVisible ? 1 : 0));
// Paint variables
target.addVariable(this, "selected", selectedKeys);
if (isNewItemsAllowed()) {
target.addVariable(this, "newitem", "");
target.addVariable(this, "filter", filterstring);
target.addVariable(this, "page", currentPage);
currentPage = -1; // current page is always set by client
optionRequest = true;
} finally {
isPainting = false;
* Sets whether it is possible to input text into the field or whether the
* field area of the component is just used to show what is selected. By
* disabling text input, the comboBox will work in the same way as a
* {@link NativeSelect}
* @see #isTextInputAllowed()
* @param textInputAllowed
* true to allow entering text, false to just show the current
* selection
public void setTextInputAllowed(boolean textInputAllowed) {
this.textInputAllowed = textInputAllowed;
* Returns true if the user can enter text into the field to either filter
* the selections or enter a new value if {@link #isNewItemsAllowed()}
* returns true. If text input is disabled, the comboBox will work in the
* same way as a {@link NativeSelect}
* @return
public boolean isTextInputAllowed() {
return textInputAllowed;
* Returns the filtered options for the current page using a container
* filter.
* As a size effect, {@link #filteredSize} is set to the total number of
* items passing the filter.
* The current container must be {@link Filterable} and {@link Indexed}, and
* the filtering mode must be suitable for container filtering (tested with
* {@link #canUseContainerFilter()}).
* Use {@link #getFilteredOptions()} and
* {@link #sanitetizeList(List, boolean)} if this is not the case.
* @param needNullSelectOption
* @return filtered list of options (may be empty) or null if cannot use
* container filters
protected List<?> getOptionsWithFilter(boolean needNullSelectOption) {
Container container = getContainerDataSource();
if (pageLength == 0 && !isFilteringNeeded()) {
// no paging or filtering: return all items
filteredSize = container.size();
assert filteredSize >= 0;
return new ArrayList<Object>(container.getItemIds());
if (!(container instanceof Filterable)
|| !(container instanceof Indexed)
|| getItemCaptionMode() != ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY) {
return null;
Filterable filterable = (Filterable) container;
Filter filter = buildFilter(filterstring, filteringMode);
// adding and removing filters leads to extraneous item set
// change events from the underlying container, but the ComboBox does
// not process or propagate them based on the flag filteringContainer
if (filter != null) {
// try-finally to ensure that the filter is removed from container even
// if a exception is thrown...
try {
Indexed indexed = (Indexed) container;
int indexToEnsureInView = -1;
// if not an option request (item list when user changes page), go
// to page with the selected item after filtering if accepted by
// filter
Object selection = getValue();
if (isScrollToSelectedItem() && !optionRequest && selection != null) {
// ensure proper page
indexToEnsureInView = indexed.indexOfId(selection);
filteredSize = container.size();
assert filteredSize >= 0;
currentPage = adjustCurrentPage(currentPage, needNullSelectOption,
indexToEnsureInView, filteredSize);
int first = getFirstItemIndexOnCurrentPage(needNullSelectOption,
int last = getLastItemIndexOnCurrentPage(needNullSelectOption,
filteredSize, first);
// Compute the number of items to fetch from the indexes given or
// based on the filtered size of the container
int lastItemToFetch = Math.min(last, filteredSize - 1);
int nrOfItemsToFetch = (lastItemToFetch + 1) - first;
List<?> options = indexed.getItemIds(first, nrOfItemsToFetch);
return options;
} finally {
// to the outside, filtering should not be visible
if (filter != null) {
* Constructs a filter instance to use when using a Filterable container in
* the <code>ITEM_CAPTION_MODE_PROPERTY</code> mode.
* Note that the client side implementation expects the filter string to
* apply to the item caption string it sees, so changing the behavior of
* this method can cause problems.
* @param filterString
* @param filteringMode
* @return
protected Filter buildFilter(String filterString,
FilteringMode filteringMode) {
Filter filter = null;
if (null != filterString && !"".equals(filterString)) {
switch (filteringMode) {
case OFF:
filter = new SimpleStringFilter(getItemCaptionPropertyId(),
filterString, true, true);
filter = new SimpleStringFilter(getItemCaptionPropertyId(),
filterString, true, false);
return filter;
public void containerItemSetChange(Container.ItemSetChangeEvent event) {
if (!isPainting) {
* Makes correct sublist of given list of options.
* If paint is not an option request (affected by page or filter change),
* page will be the one where possible selection exists.
* Detects proper first and last item in list to return right page of
* options. Also, if the current page is beyond the end of the list, it will
* be adjusted.
* @param options
* @param needNullSelectOption
* flag to indicate if nullselect option needs to be taken into
* consideration
private List<?> sanitetizeList(List<?> options, boolean needNullSelectOption) {
if (pageLength != 0 && options.size() > pageLength) {
int indexToEnsureInView = -1;
// if not an option request (item list when user changes page), go
// to page with the selected item after filtering if accepted by
// filter
Object selection = getValue();
if (isScrollToSelectedItem() && !optionRequest && selection != null) {
// ensure proper page
indexToEnsureInView = options.indexOf(selection);
int size = options.size();
currentPage = adjustCurrentPage(currentPage, needNullSelectOption,
indexToEnsureInView, size);
int first = getFirstItemIndexOnCurrentPage(needNullSelectOption,
int last = getLastItemIndexOnCurrentPage(needNullSelectOption,
size, first);
return options.subList(first, last + 1);
} else {
return options;
* Returns the index of the first item on the current page. The index is to
* the underlying (possibly filtered) contents. The null item, if any, does
* not have an index but takes up a slot on the first page.
* @param needNullSelectOption
* true if a null option should be shown before any other options
* (takes up the first slot on the first page, not counted in
* index)
* @param size
* number of items after filtering (not including the null item,
* if any)
* @return first item to show on the UI (index to the filtered list of
* options, not taking the null item into consideration if any)
private int getFirstItemIndexOnCurrentPage(boolean needNullSelectOption,
int size) {
// Not all options are visible, find out which ones are on the
// current "page".
int first = currentPage * pageLength;
if (needNullSelectOption && currentPage > 0) {
return first;
* Returns the index of the last item on the current page. The index is to
* the underlying (possibly filtered) contents. If needNullSelectOption is
* true, the null item takes up the first slot on the first page,
* effectively reducing the first page size by one.
* @param needNullSelectOption
* true if a null option should be shown before any other options
* (takes up the first slot on the first page, not counted in
* index)
* @param size
* number of items after filtering (not including the null item,
* if any)
* @param first
* index in the filtered view of the first item of the page
* @return index in the filtered view of the last item on the page
private int getLastItemIndexOnCurrentPage(boolean needNullSelectOption,
int size, int first) {
// page length usable for non-null items
int effectivePageLength = pageLength
- (needNullSelectOption && (currentPage == 0) ? 1 : 0);
return Math.min(size - 1, first + effectivePageLength - 1);
* Adjusts the index of the current page if necessary: make sure the current
* page is not after the end of the contents, and optionally go to the page
* containg a specific item. There are no side effects but the adjusted page
* index is returned.
* @param page
* page number to use as the starting point
* @param needNullSelectOption
* true if a null option should be shown before any other options
* (takes up the first slot on the first page, not counted in
* index)
* @param indexToEnsureInView
* index of an item that should be included on the page (in the
* data set, not counting the null item if any), -1 for none
* @param size
* number of items after filtering (not including the null item,
* if any)
private int adjustCurrentPage(int page, boolean needNullSelectOption,
int indexToEnsureInView, int size) {
if (indexToEnsureInView != -1) {
int newPage = (indexToEnsureInView + (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0))
/ pageLength;
page = newPage;
// adjust the current page if beyond the end of the list
if (page * pageLength > size) {
page = (size + (needNullSelectOption ? 1 : 0)) / pageLength;
return page;
* Filters the options in memory and returns the full filtered list.
* This can be less efficient than using container filters, so use
* {@link #getOptionsWithFilter(boolean)} if possible (filterable container
* and suitable item caption mode etc.).
* @return
protected List<?> getFilteredOptions() {
if (!isFilteringNeeded()) {
prevfilterstring = null;
filteredOptions = new LinkedList<Object>(getItemIds());
return filteredOptions;
if (filterstring.equals(prevfilterstring)) {
return filteredOptions;
Collection<?> items;
if (prevfilterstring != null
&& filterstring.startsWith(prevfilterstring)) {
items = filteredOptions;
} else {
items = getItemIds();
prevfilterstring = filterstring;
filteredOptions = new LinkedList<Object>();
for (final Iterator<?> it = items.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final Object itemId = it.next();
String caption = getItemCaption(itemId);
if (caption == null || caption.equals("")) {
} else {
caption = caption.toLowerCase();
switch (filteringMode) {
if (caption.indexOf(filterstring) > -1) {
if (caption.startsWith(filterstring)) {
return filteredOptions;
* Invoked when the value of a variable has changed.
* @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#changeVariables(java.lang.Object,
* java.util.Map)
public void changeVariables(Object source, Map<String, Object> variables) {
// Not calling super.changeVariables due the history of select
// component hierarchy
// Selection change
if (variables.containsKey("selected")) {
final String[] ka = (String[]) variables.get("selected");
// Single select mode
if (ka.length == 0) {
// Allows deselection only if the deselected item is visible
final Object current = getValue();
final Collection<?> visible = getVisibleItemIds();
if (visible != null && visible.contains(current)) {
setValue(null, true);
} else {
final Object id = itemIdMapper.get(ka[0]);
if (id != null && id.equals(getNullSelectionItemId())) {
setValue(null, true);
} else {
setValue(id, true);
String newFilter;
if ((newFilter = (String) variables.get("filter")) != null) {
// this is a filter request
currentPage = ((Integer) variables.get("page")).intValue();
filterstring = newFilter;
if (filterstring != null) {
filterstring = filterstring.toLowerCase();
} else if (isNewItemsAllowed()) {
// New option entered (and it is allowed)
final String newitem = (String) variables.get("newitem");
if (newitem != null && newitem.length() > 0) {
// rebuild list
filterstring = null;
prevfilterstring = null;
if (variables.containsKey(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID)) {
fireEvent(new FocusEvent(this));
if (variables.containsKey(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID)) {
fireEvent(new BlurEvent(this));
public void setFilteringMode(FilteringMode filteringMode) {
this.filteringMode = filteringMode;
public FilteringMode getFilteringMode() {
return filteringMode;
public void addBlurListener(BlurListener listener) {
addListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener,
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by {@link #addBlurListener(BlurListener)}
public void addListener(BlurListener listener) {
public void removeBlurListener(BlurListener listener) {
removeListener(BlurEvent.EVENT_ID, BlurEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeBlurListener(BlurListener)}
public void removeListener(BlurListener listener) {
public void addFocusListener(FocusListener listener) {
addListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener,
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #addFocusListener(FocusListener)}
public void addListener(FocusListener listener) {
public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener listener) {
removeListener(FocusEvent.EVENT_ID, FocusEvent.class, listener);
* @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by
* {@link #removeFocusListener(FocusListener)}
public void removeListener(FocusListener listener) {
* ComboBox does not support multi select mode.
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ListSelect}, {@link OptionGroup} or
* {@link TwinColSelect} instead
* @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect#setMultiSelect(boolean)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if trying to activate multiselect mode
public void setMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect) {
if (multiSelect) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Multiselect not supported");
* ComboBox does not support multi select mode.
* @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ListSelect}, {@link OptionGroup} or
* {@link TwinColSelect} instead
* @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect#isMultiSelect()
* @return false
public boolean isMultiSelect() {
return false;
* Returns the page length of the suggestion popup.
* @return the pageLength
public int getPageLength() {
return pageLength;
* Sets the page length for the suggestion popup. Setting the page length to
* 0 will disable suggestion popup paging (all items visible).
* @param pageLength
* the pageLength to set
public void setPageLength(int pageLength) {
this.pageLength = pageLength;
* Sets whether to scroll the selected item visible (directly open the page
* on which it is) when opening the combo box popup or not. Only applies to
* single select mode.
* This requires finding the index of the item, which can be expensive in
* many large lazy loading containers.
* @param scrollToSelectedItem
* true to find the page with the selected item when opening the
* selection popup
public void setScrollToSelectedItem(boolean scrollToSelectedItem) {
this.scrollToSelectedItem = scrollToSelectedItem;
* Returns true if the select should find the page with the selected item
* when opening the popup (single select combo box only).
* @see #setScrollToSelectedItem(boolean)
* @return true if the page with the selected item will be shown when
* opening the popup
public boolean isScrollToSelectedItem() {
return scrollToSelectedItem;