* Skeleton class for the Lucene search program implementation
* Created on 2011-12-21
* Jouni Tuominen <jouni.tuominen@aalto.fi>
package ir_course;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMDirectory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
public class LuceneSearchApp {
// Queries for A3 can be hard-coded
public static final int OUR_SEARCH_TASK = 8;
public int relevantsInDocument;
private final String[] queries = { "simulation industrial environment",
"computer and physical model simulation",
"industrial process simulation",
"manufacturing process models" };
private int relevantDocumentCount;
private StandardAnalyzer analyzer;
private Directory index;
public LuceneSearchApp() {
public void index(List<DocumentInCollection> docs)
throws CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException,
IOException {
analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_40);
index = new RAMDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_40,
IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(index, config);
for (DocumentInCollection xmlDoc : docs) {
addDoc(w, xmlDoc);
private void addDoc(IndexWriter w, DocumentInCollection xmlDoc)
throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {
Document doc = new Document();
FieldType textFieldType = new FieldType();
boolean boolean_relevance = xmlDoc.isRelevant();
// String cast for relevance. Empty = False, 1 = True
String relevance = "";
if (boolean_relevance && xmlDoc.getSearchTaskNumber() == OUR_SEARCH_TASK)
relevance = "1";
// Index all the searchable content into one field and the title to
// another for reference
doc.add(new Field("title", xmlDoc.getTitle(), textFieldType));
doc.add(new Field("content", xmlDoc.getTitle() + " "
+ xmlDoc.getAbstractText(), textFieldType));
doc.add(new Field("relevance", relevance, textFieldType));
* Counts the number of documents and number of relevant document
private void analyzeDocumentCollection(List<DocumentInCollection> docs) {
int documentCount = 0;
int relevantDocumentCount = 0;
for (DocumentInCollection doc : docs) {
// Relevant if our search task and isRelevant is true
if (doc.getSearchTaskNumber() == OUR_SEARCH_TASK
&& doc.isRelevant()) {
// Save the values
this.relevantDocumentCount = relevantDocumentCount;
public static void main(String[] args) throws CorruptIndexException,
LockObtainFailedException, IOException {
if (args.length > 0) {
LuceneSearchApp engine = new LuceneSearchApp();
// Read and index XML collection
DocumentCollectionParser parser = new DocumentCollectionParser();
List<DocumentInCollection> docs = parser.getDocuments();
// Create searchers
BM25Searcher bm25Searcher = new BM25Searcher(engine.index);
VSMSearcher vsmSearcher = new VSMSearcher(engine.index);
int queryNumber = 0;
// Save the Average Precision and calculate the Mean Average Precision later
double vsmAveragePrecisions = 0;
double bm25AveragePrecisions = 0;
// Save the 11-point results and calculate average precision later
List<List<PrecisionRecall>> vsm11points = new ArrayList<List<PrecisionRecall>>();
List<List<PrecisionRecall>> bm2511points = new ArrayList<List<PrecisionRecall>>();
for (String query : engine.queries) {
int docsSize = docs.size();
String name = "q" + queryNumber + " " + query;
name = name.replace(" ", "_");
PrecisionRecallCalculator vsmPrecisionRecall = new PrecisionRecallCalculator("vsm_" + name, engine.relevantDocumentCount);
PrecisionRecallCalculator bm25PrecisionRecall = new PrecisionRecallCalculator("bm25_" + name, engine.relevantDocumentCount);
SearchResults vsmResults = null;
SearchResults bm25Results = null;
// Inner loop is for calculating precision and recall for
// different limit counts.
for(int limit = 1; limit < docsSize; limit++) {
vsmResults = vsmSearcher.VSMsearch(query, limit);
bm25Results = bm25Searcher.BM25search(query, limit);
vsmPrecisionRecall.calculate(vsmResults, limit);
bm25PrecisionRecall.calculate(bm25Results, limit);
vsmAveragePrecisions += vsmPrecisionRecall.avgPrecision;
bm25AveragePrecisions += bm25PrecisionRecall.avgPrecision;
// Print results (to file)
// Uncomment if you want to write these results to file
// Not needed, the assignment required non-interpolated vsmPrecisionRecall.printInterpolatedResults();
// Not needed, the assignment required non-interpolated bm25PrecisionRecall.printInterpolatedResults();
// Print results (to console)
System.out.println("\nQuery: ");
System.out.println("\nTop documents:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
System.out.println("\nTop documents:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
int queries = engine.queries.length;
// Calculate Mean Average Precision (MAP)
double vsmMeanAveragePrecision = vsmAveragePrecisions / (double) queries;
double bm25MeanAveragePrecision = bm25AveragePrecisions / (double) queries;
System.out.println("\nMean Average Precisions:\n");
System.out.println("VSM: " + vsmMeanAveragePrecision);
System.out.println("BM25: " + bm25MeanAveragePrecision);
List<PrecisionRecall> vsmElevenPointAvgPrecision = new ArrayList<PrecisionRecall>();
List<PrecisionRecall> bm25ElevenPointAvgPrecision = new ArrayList<PrecisionRecall>();
// Calculate arithmetic mean
for(int recallStep = 0; recallStep < 11; recallStep++) {
double vsmPrecisionAvg = 0;
double bm25PrecisionAvg = 0;
// Let's calculate recall avg, although they should be the same
double vsmRecallAvg = 0;
double bm25RecallAvg = 0;
for(int query = 0; query < queries; query++) {
PrecisionRecall vsm = vsm11points.get(query).get(recallStep);
PrecisionRecall bm25 = bm2511points.get(query).get(recallStep);
vsmPrecisionAvg += vsm.precision;
vsmRecallAvg += vsm.recall;
bm25PrecisionAvg += bm25.precision;
bm25RecallAvg += bm25.recall;
// Debugging System.out.println("VSM recall: " + vsm.recall);
// Debugging System.out.println("BM25 recall: " + bm25.recall);
vsmPrecisionAvg /= ((double) queries);
vsmRecallAvg /= ((double) queries);
bm25PrecisionAvg /= ((double) queries);
bm25RecallAvg /= ((double) queries);
vsmElevenPointAvgPrecision.add(new PrecisionRecall(vsmPrecisionAvg, vsmRecallAvg));
bm25ElevenPointAvgPrecision.add(new PrecisionRecall(bm25PrecisionAvg, bm25RecallAvg));
// Debugging System.out.println("Step: " + recallStep + ", vsmPresicion: " + vsmPrecisionAvg + ", vsmRecall: " + vsmRecallAvg + ", bm25Precision: " + bm25PrecisionAvg + ", bm25Recall " + bm25RecallAvg);
System.out.println("\nVSM Eleven-point average precision:\n");
System.out.println("Recall, Precision");
for(PrecisionRecall stepResult : vsmElevenPointAvgPrecision) {
System.out.println(stepResult.recall + ", " + stepResult.precision);
System.out.println("\nBM25 Eleven-point average precision:\n");
System.out.println("Recall, Precision");
for(PrecisionRecall stepResult : bm25ElevenPointAvgPrecision) {
System.out.println(stepResult.recall + ", " + stepResult.precision);
} else
.println("ERROR: the path of a XML Feed file has to be passed "
+ "as a command line argument.");