/* Copyright (C) 2011 Garrett Fleenor
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License (COPYING.txt) for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This is a port of libnoise ( http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/index.html ). Original implementation by Jason Bevins
package net.royawesome.jlibnoise.module.combiner;
import net.royawesome.jlibnoise.Utils;
import net.royawesome.jlibnoise.exception.NoModuleException;
import net.royawesome.jlibnoise.module.Module;
public class Select extends Module {
/// Default edge-falloff value for the noise::module::Select noise module.
public static final double DEFAULT_SELECT_EDGE_FALLOFF = 0.0;
/// Default lower bound of the selection range for the
/// noise::module::Select noise module.
public static final double DEFAULT_SELECT_LOWER_BOUND = -1.0;
/// Default upper bound of the selection range for the
/// noise::module::Select noise module.
public static final double DEFAULT_SELECT_UPPER_BOUND = 1.0;
/// Edge-falloff value.
/// Lower bound of the selection range.
/// Upper bound of the selection range.
public Select() {
public Module getControlModule() {
if (SourceModule == null || SourceModule[2] == null) {
throw new NoModuleException();
return SourceModule[2];
public void setControlModule(Module m) {
if (m == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the module cannot be null");
SourceModule[2] = m;
public double getEdgeFalloff() {
return edgeFalloff;
public void setEdgeFalloff(double edgeFalloff) {
// Make sure that the edge falloff curves do not overlap.
double boundSize = upperBound - lowerBound;
this.edgeFalloff = (edgeFalloff > boundSize / 2) ? boundSize / 2 : edgeFalloff;
public double getLowerBound() {
return lowerBound;
public double getUpperBound() {
return upperBound;
public void setBounds(double upper, double lower) {
if (lower > upper)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("lower must be less than upper");
this.lowerBound = lower;
this.upperBound = upper;
public int GetSourceModuleCount() {
return 3;
public double GetValue(double x, double y, double z) {
if (SourceModule[0] == null)
throw new NoModuleException();
if (SourceModule[1] == null)
throw new NoModuleException();
if (SourceModule[2] == null)
throw new NoModuleException();
double controlValue = SourceModule[2].GetValue(x, y, z);
double alpha;
if (edgeFalloff > 0.0) {
if (controlValue < (lowerBound - edgeFalloff)) {
// The output value from the control module is below the selector
// threshold; return the output value from the first source module.
return SourceModule[0].GetValue(x, y, z);
} else if (controlValue < (lowerBound + edgeFalloff)) {
// The output value from the control module is near the lower end of the
// selector threshold and within the smooth curve. Interpolate between
// the output values from the first and second source modules.
double lowerCurve = (lowerBound - edgeFalloff);
double upperCurve = (lowerBound + edgeFalloff);
alpha = Utils.SCurve3((controlValue - lowerCurve) / (upperCurve - lowerCurve));
return Utils.LinearInterp(SourceModule[0].GetValue(x, y, z), SourceModule[1].GetValue(x, y, z), alpha);
} else if (controlValue < (upperBound - edgeFalloff)) {
// The output value from the control module is within the selector
// threshold; return the output value from the second source module.
return SourceModule[1].GetValue(x, y, z);
} else if (controlValue < (upperBound + edgeFalloff)) {
// The output value from the control module is near the upper end of the
// selector threshold and within the smooth curve. Interpolate between
// the output values from the first and second source modules.
double lowerCurve = (upperBound - edgeFalloff);
double upperCurve = (upperBound + edgeFalloff);
alpha = Utils.SCurve3((controlValue - lowerCurve) / (upperCurve - lowerCurve));
return Utils.LinearInterp(SourceModule[1].GetValue(x, y, z), SourceModule[0].GetValue(x, y, z), alpha);
} else {
// Output value from the control module is above the selector threshold;
// return the output value from the first source module.
return SourceModule[0].GetValue(x, y, z);
} else {
if (controlValue < lowerBound || controlValue > upperBound) {
return SourceModule[0].GetValue(x, y, z);
} else {
return SourceModule[1].GetValue(x, y, z);