Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print

Source Code of org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print.LayerPrinter$PrintJob

* Copyright (c) 2012 Original authors and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
*     Original authors and others - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.Messages;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.config.IConfigRegistry;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.ILayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print.command.PrintEntireGridCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print.command.TurnViewportOffCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print.command.TurnViewportOnCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.summaryrow.command.CalculateSummaryRowValuesCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.util.IClientAreaProvider;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrintDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer;
import org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

* This class is used to print a layer. Usually you create an instance by using
* the top most layer in the layer stack. For grids this is the GridLayer,
* otherwise the ViewportLayer is a good choice.
public class LayerPrinter {

    private final IConfigRegistry configRegistry;
    private final ILayer layer;
    private final IClientAreaProvider originalClientAreaProvider;
    public static final int FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_PRINTER_DPI = 300;

    final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
            "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm a"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    private final String footerDate;

     * @param layer
     *            The layer to print. Usually the top most layer in the layer
     *            stack. For grids this should be the GridLayer, for custom
     *            CompositeLayer compositions the CompositeLayer, otherwise the
     *            ViewportLayer is a good choice.
     * @param configRegistry
     *            The ConfigRegistry needed for rendering to the print GC.
    public LayerPrinter(ILayer layer, IConfigRegistry configRegistry) {
        this.layer = layer;
        this.configRegistry = configRegistry;
        this.originalClientAreaProvider = layer.getClientAreaProvider();
        this.footerDate = dateFormat.format(new Date());

     * Computes the scale factor to match the printer resolution.
     * @param printer
     *            The printer that will be used.
     * @return The amount to scale the screen resolution by, to match the
     *         printer the resolution.
    private Point computeScaleFactor(Printer printer) {
        Point screenDPI = Display.getDefault().getDPI();
        Point printerDPI = printer.getDPI();

        int scaleFactorX = printerDPI.x / screenDPI.x;
        int scaleFactorY = printerDPI.y / screenDPI.y;
        return new Point(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);

     * @return The size of the layer to fit all the contents.
    private Rectangle getTotalArea() {
        return new Rectangle(0, 0, layer.getWidth(), layer.getHeight());

     * Calculates number of horizontal and vertical pages needed to print the
     * entire layer.
     * @param printer
     *            The printer that will be used.
     * @return The number of horizontal and vertical pages that are needed to
     *         print the layer.
    private Point getPageCount(Printer printer) {
        Rectangle layerArea = getTotalArea();
        Rectangle printArea = computePrintArea(printer);
        Point scaleFactor = computeScaleFactor(printer);

        int numOfHorizontalPages = layerArea.width
                / (printArea.width / scaleFactor.x);
        int numOfVerticalPages = layerArea.height
                / (printArea.height / scaleFactor.y);

        // Adjusting for 0 index
        return new Point(numOfHorizontalPages + 1, numOfVerticalPages + 1);

     * Will first open the PrintDialog to let a user configure the print job and
     * then starts the print job.
     * @param shell
     *            The shell which should be the parent of the PrintDialog.
    public void print(final Shell shell) {
        // turn viewport off to ensure calculation of the print pages for the
        // whole table
        layer.doCommand(new TurnViewportOffCommand());

        Printer printer = null;
        try {
            printer = setupPrinter(shell);
            if (printer == null) {
        } finally {
            // turn viewport on
            layer.doCommand(new TurnViewportOnCommand());

        // Note: As we are operating on the same layer instance that is shown in
        // the UI
        // executing the print job asynchronously will not cause a real
        // asynchronous
        // execution. The UI will hang until the print job is done, because we
        // access
        // the information to print from the same instance.
        // For further developments we need to ensure that for printing a deep
        // copy
        // of the layer needs to be performed instead of operating on the same
        // instance.
        Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new PrintJob(printer));

     * Checks if a given page number should be printed. Page is allowed to print
     * if: User asked to print all pages or Page in a specified range
     * @param printerData
     *            The printer settings made by the user. Needed to determine if
     *            a page should be printed dependent to the scope
     * @param currentPage
     *            The page that should be checked
     * @return <code>true</code> if the given page should be printed,
     *         <code>false</code> if not
    private boolean shouldPrint(PrinterData printerData, int totalPageCount) {
        if (printerData.scope == PrinterData.PAGE_RANGE) {
            return totalPageCount >= printerData.startPage
                    && totalPageCount <= printerData.endPage;
        return true;

     * Opens the PrintDialog to let the user specify the printer and print
     * configurations to use.
     * @param shell
     *            The Shell which should be the parent for the PrintDialog
     * @return The selected printer with the print configuration made by the
     *         user.
    private Printer setupPrinter(final Shell shell) {
        Printer defaultPrinter = new Printer();
        Point pageCount = getPageCount(defaultPrinter);

        final PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(shell);
        printDialog.setEndPage(pageCount.x * pageCount.y);

        PrinterData printerData =;
        if (printerData == null) {
            return null;
        return new Printer(printerData);

     * Computes the print area, including margins
     * @param printer
     *            The printer that will be used.
     * @return The print area that will be used to render the table.
    private Rectangle computePrintArea(Printer printer) {
        // Get the printable area
        Rectangle rect = printer.getClientArea();

        // Compute the trim
        Rectangle trim = printer.computeTrim(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Get the printer's DPI
        Point dpi = printer.getDPI();
        dpi.x = dpi.x / 2;
        dpi.y = dpi.y / 2;

        // Calculate the printable area, using 1 inch margins
        int left = trim.x + dpi.x;
        if (left < rect.x)
            left = rect.x;

        int right = (rect.width + trim.x + trim.width) - dpi.x;
        if (right > rect.width)
            right = rect.width;

        int top = trim.y + dpi.y;
        if (top < rect.y)
            top = rect.y;

        int bottom = (rect.height + trim.y + trim.height) - dpi.y;
        if (bottom > rect.height)
            bottom = rect.height;

        return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);

     * The job for printing the layer.
    private class PrintJob implements Runnable {
         * The printer that will be used.
        private final Printer printer;

         * @param printer
         *            The printer that will be used.
        private PrintJob(Printer printer) {
            this.printer = printer;

        public void run() {
            if (printer.startJob("NatTable")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                // if a SummaryRowLayer is in the layer stack, we need to ensure
                // that the values are calculated
                layer.doCommand(new CalculateSummaryRowValuesCommand());

                // ensure that the viewport is turned off
                layer.doCommand(new TurnViewportOffCommand());

                // set the size of the layer according to the print setttings
                // made by the user

                final Rectangle printerClientArea = computePrintArea(printer);
                final Point scaleFactor = computeScaleFactor(printer);
                final Point pageCount = getPageCount(printer);
                GC gc = new GC(printer);

                // Print pages Left to Right and then Top to Down
                int currentPage = 1;
                for (int verticalPageNumber = 0; verticalPageNumber < pageCount.y; verticalPageNumber++) {

                    for (int horizontalPageNumber = 0; horizontalPageNumber < pageCount.x; horizontalPageNumber++) {

                        // Calculate bounds for the next page
                        Rectangle printBounds = new Rectangle(
                                (printerClientArea.width / scaleFactor.x)
                                        * horizontalPageNumber,
                                ((printerClientArea.height - FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_PRINTER_DPI) / scaleFactor.y)
                                        * verticalPageNumber,
                                printerClientArea.width / scaleFactor.x,
                                (printerClientArea.height - FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_PRINTER_DPI)
                                        / scaleFactor.y);

                        if (shouldPrint(printer.getPrinterData(), currentPage)) {

                            Transform printerTransform = new Transform(printer);

                            // Adjust for DPI difference between display and
                            // printer
                                    .scale(scaleFactor.x, scaleFactor.y);

                            // Adjust for margins
                                    / scaleFactor.x, printerClientArea.y
                                    / scaleFactor.y);

                            // Grid will not automatically print the pages at
                            // the left margin.
                            // Example: page 1 will print at x = 0, page 2 at x
                            // = 100, page 3 at x = 300
                            // Adjust to print from the left page margin. i.e x
                            // = 0
                            printerTransform.translate(-1 * printBounds.x, -1
                                    * printBounds.y);

                            printLayer(gc, printBounds);

                            printFooter(gc, currentPage, printBounds);




         * Set the client area of the layer so it matches the print settings
         * made by the user. In case a user selected to print everything, the
         * size needs to be extended so that all the contents fit in the
         * viewport to ensure that we print the <i>entire</i> table.
         * @param printerData
         *            The PrinterData that was configured by the user on the
         *            PrintDialog.
        private void setLayerSize(PrinterData printerData) {
            if (printerData.scope == PrinterData.SELECTION) {
            } else {
                final Rectangle fullLayerSize = getTotalArea();

                layer.setClientAreaProvider(new IClientAreaProvider() {
                    public Rectangle getClientArea() {
                        return fullLayerSize;

                // in case the whole layer should be printed or only the
                // selected pages,
                // we need to ensure to set the starting point to 0/0
                layer.doCommand(new PrintEntireGridCommand());

         * Print the part of the layer that matches the given print bounds.
         * @param gc
         *            The print GC to render the layer to.
         * @param printBounds
         *            The bounds of the print page.
        private void printLayer(GC gc, Rectangle printBounds) {
            layer.getLayerPainter().paintLayer(layer, gc, 0, 0, printBounds,

         * Print the footer to the page.
         * @param gc
         *            The print GC to render the footer to.
         * @param totalPageCount
         *            The total number of pages that are printed.
         * @param printBounds
         *            The bounds of the print page.
        private void printFooter(GC gc, int totalPageCount,
                Rectangle printBounds) {

            gc.drawLine(printBounds.x, printBounds.y + printBounds.height + 10,
                    printBounds.x + printBounds.width, printBounds.y
                            + printBounds.height + 10);

                    Messages.getString("") + " " + totalPageCount, //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    printBounds.x, printBounds.y + printBounds.height + 15);

            // Approximate width of the date string: 140
            gc.drawText(footerDate, printBounds.x + printBounds.width - 140,
                    printBounds.y + printBounds.height + 15);

         * Restores the layer state to match the display characteristics again.
         * This is done by resetting the client area provider and turning the
         * viewport on again.
        private void restoreLayerState() {
            layer.doCommand(new TurnViewportOnCommand());



Related Classes of org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.print.LayerPrinter$PrintJob

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