Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.editor

Source Code of org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.editor.TextCellEditor

* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Original authors and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
*     Original authors and others - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.editor;

import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.ControlDecoration;
import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecoration;
import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.EditConfigAttributes;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.config.RenderErrorHandling;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.widget.EditModeEnum;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;

* {@link ICellEditor} implementation that wraps a SWT {@link Text} control to
* support text editing. This is also the default editor in NatTable if you
* didn't configure something else.
public class TextCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor {

     * The Text control which is the editor wrapped by this TextCellEditor.
    private Text text = null;

     * Flag to configure if the wrapped text editor control is editable or not.
    private boolean editable = true;

     * Flag to configure whether the editor should commit and move the selection
     * in the corresponding way if the up or down key is pressed.
    private final boolean commitOnUpDown;

     * Flag to configure whether the selection should move after a value was
     * committed after pressing enter.
    private final boolean moveSelectionOnEnter;

     * The selection mode that should be used on activating the wrapped text
     * control. By default the behaviour is to set the selection at the end of
     * the containing text if the text editor control is activated with an
     * initial value. If it is activated only specifying the original canonical
     * value, the default behaviour is to select the whole text contained in the
     * text editor control.
     * <p>
     * You can override this default behaviour by setting an
     * {@link EditorSelectionEnum} explicitly. With this you are able e.g. to
     * set the selection at the beginning of the contained text, so writing in
     * the text control will result in prefixing.
     * <p>
     * Note that on overriding the behaviour, you override both activation
     * cases.
    private EditorSelectionEnum selectionMode;

     * The {@link ControlDecorationProvider} responsible for adding a
     * {@link ControlDecoration} to the wrapped editor control. Can be
     * configured via convenience methods of this TextCellEditor.
    protected final ControlDecorationProvider decorationProvider = new ControlDecorationProvider();

     * The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is used for showing conversion errors
     * on typing into this editor. By default this is the
     * {@link RenderErrorHandling} which will render the content in the editor
     * red to indicate a conversion error.
    private IEditErrorHandler inputConversionErrorHandler = new RenderErrorHandling(

     * The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is used for showing validation errors
     * on typing into this editor. By default this is the
     * {@link RenderErrorHandling} which will render the content in the editor
     * red to indicate a validation error.
    private IEditErrorHandler inputValidationErrorHandler = new RenderErrorHandling(

     * Flag to determine whether this editor should try to commit and close on
     * pressing the enter key. The default is of course <code>true</code>, but
     * for a multi line text editor, the enter key should be treated as
     * inserting a new line instead of committing.
    protected boolean commitOnEnter = true;

     * Creates the default TextCellEditor that does not commit on pressing the
     * up/down arrow keys and will not move the selection on committing a value
     * by pressing enter.
    public TextCellEditor() {

     * Creates a TextCellEditor that will not move the selection on committing a
     * value by pressing enter.
     * @param commitOnUpDown
     *            Flag to configure whether the editor should commit and move
     *            the selection in the corresponding way if the up or down key
     *            is pressed.
    public TextCellEditor(boolean commitOnUpDown) {
        this(commitOnUpDown, false);

     * Creates a TextCellEditor.
     * @param commitOnUpDown
     *            Flag to configure whether the editor should commit and move
     *            the selection in the corresponding way if the up or down key
     *            is pressed.
     * @param moveSelectionOnEnter
     *            Flag to configure whether the selection should move after a
     *            value was committed after pressing enter.
    public TextCellEditor(boolean commitOnUpDown, boolean moveSelectionOnEnter) {
        this.commitOnUpDown = commitOnUpDown;
        this.moveSelectionOnEnter = moveSelectionOnEnter;

    protected Control activateCell(final Composite parent,
            Object originalCanonicalValue) {
        this.text = createEditorControl(parent);

        // If the originalCanonicalValue is a Character it is possible the
        // editor is activated by keypress
        if (originalCanonicalValue instanceof Character) {
            selectText(this.selectionMode != null ? this.selectionMode
                    : EditorSelectionEnum.END);
        // if there is no initial value, handle the original canonical value to
        // transfer it to the text control
        else {
            selectText(this.selectionMode != null ? this.selectionMode
                    : EditorSelectionEnum.ALL);

        if (!isEditable()) {

        // show an error decoration if this is enabled

        // if the input error handlers are of type RenderErrorHandler (default)
        // than
        // we also check for a possible configured error styling in the
        // configuration
        // Note: this is currently only implemented in here, as the
        // TextCellEditor is
        // the only editor that supports just in time conversion/validation
        if (this.inputConversionErrorHandler instanceof RenderErrorHandling) {
            IStyle conversionErrorStyle = this.configRegistry
                            DisplayMode.EDIT, this.labelStack.getLabels());

            ((RenderErrorHandling) this.inputConversionErrorHandler)

        if (this.inputValidationErrorHandler instanceof RenderErrorHandling) {
            IStyle validationErrorStyle = this.configRegistry
                            DisplayMode.EDIT, this.labelStack.getLabels());

            ((RenderErrorHandling) this.inputValidationErrorHandler)


        return this.text;

    public String getEditorValue() {
        return this.text.getText();

    public void setEditorValue(Object value) {
                .setText(value != null && value.toString().length() > 0 ? value
                        .toString() : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public Text getEditorControl() {
        return this.text;

    public Text createEditorControl(Composite parent) {
        int style = HorizontalAlignmentEnum.getSWTStyle(this.cellStyle);
        if (this.editMode == EditModeEnum.DIALOG) {
            style = style | SWT.BORDER;
        return createEditorControl(parent, style);

     * Creates the editor control that is wrapped by this ICellEditor. Will use
     * the style configurations in ConfigRegistry for styling the control.
     * @param parent
     *            The Composite that will be the parent of the new editor
     *            control. Can not be <code>null</code>
     * @param style
     *            The SWT style of the text control to create.
     * @return The created editor control that is wrapped by this ICellEditor.
    protected Text createEditorControl(final Composite parent, int style) {
        // create the Text control based on the specified style
        final Text textControl = new Text(parent, style);

        // set style information configured in the associated cell style

                .setCursor(new Cursor(Display.getDefault(), SWT.CURSOR_IBEAM));

        // add a key listener that will commit or close the editor for special
        // key strokes
        // and executes conversion/validation on input to the editor
        textControl.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {

            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) {
                if (commitOnEnter
                        && (event.keyCode == SWT.CR || event.keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR)) {

                    boolean commit = (event.stateMask == SWT.ALT) ? false
                            : true;
                    MoveDirectionEnum move = MoveDirectionEnum.NONE;
                    if (moveSelectionOnEnter && editMode == EditModeEnum.INLINE) {
                        if (event.stateMask == 0) {
                            move = MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN;
                        } else if (event.stateMask == SWT.SHIFT) {
                            move = MoveDirectionEnum.UP;

                    if (commit)

                    if (editMode == EditModeEnum.DIALOG) {
                } else if (event.keyCode == SWT.ESC && event.stateMask == 0) {
                } else if (commitOnUpDown && editMode == EditModeEnum.INLINE) {
                    if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_UP) {
                    } else if (event.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN) {

            public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
                try {
                    // always do the conversion
                    Object canonicalValue = getCanonicalValue(inputConversionErrorHandler);
                    // and always do the validation
                    // even if for commiting the validation should be skipped,
                    // on editing
                    // a validation failure should be made visible
                    // otherwise there would be no need for validation!
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // do nothing as exceptions caused by conversion or
                    // validation are handled already
                    // we just need this catch block for stopping the process if
                    // conversion failed with
                    // an exception

        return textControl;

    public void close() {
        // ensure to reset the error handlers in case this editor was closed
        // rendering invalid
        // this is necessary because if the editor is closed rendering invalid,
        // opening the editor
        // again inserting an invalid value again, it is not rendered invalid
        // because of a wrong
        // state in the internal error handlers
        if (this.inputConversionErrorHandler != null)
        if (this.inputValidationErrorHandler != null)



     * @return <code>true</code> if the wrapped Text control is editable,
     *         <code>false</code> if not.
    public boolean isEditable() {
        return editable;

     * @param editable
     *            <code>true</code> if the wrapped Text control should be
     *            editable, <code>false</code> if not.
    public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
        this.editable = editable;

     * Returns the current configured selection mode that is used on activating
     * the wrapped text editor control. By default this is <code>null</code>
     * which causes the following default behaviour. If the text editor control
     * is activated with an initial value then the selection is set at the end
     * of the containing text. If it is activated only specifying the original
     * canonical value, the default behaviour is to select the whole text
     * contained in the text editor control.
     * @return The current configured selection mode, <code>null</code> for
     *         default behaviour.
    public final EditorSelectionEnum getSelectionMode() {
        return selectionMode;

     * Set the selection mode that should be used on the content of the wrapped
     * text editor control when it gets activated. By setting a value explicitly
     * you configure the selection mode for both cases, activating the wrapped
     * text editor control with and without an initial value. Setting this value
     * to <code>null</code> will reactivate the default behaviour like described
     * here {@link TextCellEditor#getSelectionMode()}.
     * @param selectionMode
     *            The selection mode that should be used on the content of the
     *            wrapped text editor control when it gets activated.
    public final void setSelectionMode(EditorSelectionEnum selectionMode) {
        this.selectionMode = selectionMode;

     * Will set the selection to the wrapped text control regarding the
     * configured {@link EditorSelectionEnum}.
     * <p>
     * This method is called
     * @see Text#setSelection(int, int)
    private void selectText(EditorSelectionEnum selectionMode) {
        int textLength = this.text.getText().length();
        if (textLength > 0) {
            if (selectionMode == EditorSelectionEnum.ALL) {
                this.text.setSelection(0, textLength);
            } else if (selectionMode == EditorSelectionEnum.END) {
                this.text.setSelection(textLength, textLength);
            } else if (selectionMode == EditorSelectionEnum.START) {

     * @return The {@link ControlDecorationProvider} responsible for adding a
     *         {@link ControlDecoration} to the wrapped editor control.
    public ControlDecorationProvider getDecorationProvider() {
        return this.decorationProvider;

     * Enables/disables the error decoration for the wrapped text control.
     * @param enabled
     *            <code>true</code> if an error decoration should be added to
     *            the wrapped text control, <code>false</code> if not.
    public void setErrorDecorationEnabled(boolean enabled) {

     * Set the error description text that will be shown in the decoration
     * hover.
     * @param errorText
     *            The text to be shown as a description for the decoration, or
     *            <code>null</code> if there should be no description.
     * @see ControlDecoration#setDescriptionText(String)
    public void setErrorDecorationText(String errorText) {

     * Force the error decoration hover to show immediately.
     * @param customErrorText
     *            The text to show in the hover popup.
     * @see ControlDecoration#show()
     * @see ControlDecoration#showHoverText(String)
    public void showErrorDecorationHover(String customErrorText) {

     * Set the id of the {@link FieldDecoration} to be used by the local
     * {@link ControlDecorationProvider}.
     * @param fieldDecorationId
     *            The String to determine the {@link FieldDecoration} to use by
     *            the {@link ControlDecoration} that is provided by this
     *            {@link ControlDecorationProvider}.
     * @see FieldDecorationRegistry#getFieldDecoration(String)
    public void setFieldDecorationId(String fieldDecorationId) {

     * Set the position of the control decoration relative to the control. It
     * should include style bits describing both the vertical and horizontal
     * orientation.
     * @param decorationPositionOverride
     *            bit-wise or of position constants (<code>SWT.TOP</code>,
     *            <code>SWT.BOTTOM</code>, <code>SWT.LEFT</code>,
     *            <code>SWT.RIGHT</code>, and <code>SWT.CENTER</code>).
     * @see ControlDecoration#ControlDecoration(Control, int)
    public void setDecorationPositionOverride(int decorationPositionOverride) {

     * @return The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is used for showing conversion
     *         errors on typing into this editor. By default this is the
     *         {@link RenderErrorHandling} which will render the content in the
     *         editor red to indicate a conversion error.
    public IEditErrorHandler getInputConversionErrorHandler() {
        return this.inputConversionErrorHandler;

     * @param inputConversionErrorHandler
     *            The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is should be used for
     *            showing conversion errors on typing into this editor.
    public void setInputConversionErrorHandler(
            IEditErrorHandler inputConversionErrorHandler) {
        this.inputConversionErrorHandler = inputConversionErrorHandler;

     * @return The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is used for showing validation
     *         errors on typing into this editor. By default this is the
     *         {@link RenderErrorHandling} which will render the content in the
     *         editor red to indicate a validation error.
    public IEditErrorHandler getInputValidationErrorHandler() {
        return this.inputValidationErrorHandler;

     * @param inputValidationErrorHandler
     *            The {@link IEditErrorHandler} that is should used for showing
     *            validation errors on typing into this editor.
    public void setInputValidationErrorHandler(
            IEditErrorHandler inputValidationErrorHandler) {
        this.inputValidationErrorHandler = inputValidationErrorHandler;

Related Classes of org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.edit.editor.TextCellEditor

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