* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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* License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* Contributor(s): Alexandre Iline.
* The Original Software is the Jemmy library.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Software is Alexandre Iline.
* All Rights Reserved.
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
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* $Id$ $Revision$ $Date$
package org.netbeans.jemmy.util;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.*;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.QueueTool.QueueAction;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.*;
* Allows to "dump" current GUI state into XML file.
* Uses operators' getDump methods to gather the information.
* @author Alexandre Iline (alexandre.iline@sun.com)
public class Dumper {
* Prints XML DTD information.
* @param writer a writer to write to.
public static void printDTD(PrintWriter writer) {
printDTD(writer, "");
* Prints XML DTD information.
* @param writer a stream to write to.
public static void printDTD(PrintStream writer) {
printDTD(new PrintWriter(writer));
* Prints XML DTD information into file.
* @param fileName a file to write to.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public static void printDTD(String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException {
printDTD(new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)));
* Prints component hierarchy (GUI dump)
* starting from <code>comp</code> component.
* @param comp a component to get information from.
* @param writer a writer to write to.
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, final PrintWriter writer, final DumpController listener) {
QueueTool qt = new QueueTool();
Component[] comps;
if(comp != null) {
comps = new Component[1];
comps[0] = comp;
} else {
comps = Frame.getFrames();
final Component[] comps_final = comps;
qt.invokeAndWait(new QueueAction("dumpComponent") {
public Object launch() throws Exception {
dumpSome("dump", comps_final, writer, "", listener);
return null;
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, PrintWriter writer) {
dumpComponent(comp, writer, new DumpController() {
public boolean onComponentDump(Component comp) {
public boolean onPropertyDump(Component comp, String name, String value) {
* Prints component hierarchy (GUI dump).
* starting from <code>comp</code> component.
* @param comp a component to get information from.
* @param writer a stream to write to.
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, PrintStream writer) {
dumpComponent(comp, new PrintWriter(writer));
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, PrintStream writer, DumpController listener) {
dumpComponent(comp, new PrintWriter(writer), listener);
* Prints component hierarchy (GUI dump) into file.
* @param comp a component to get information from.
* @param fileName a file to write to.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException {
dumpComponent(comp, new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)));
public static void dumpComponent(Component comp, String fileName, DumpController listener)
throws FileNotFoundException {
dumpComponent(comp, new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)), listener);
* Prints all component hierarchy (GUI dump).
* @param writer a writer to write to.
public static void dumpAll(PrintWriter writer) {
dumpComponent(null, writer);
public static void dumpAll(PrintWriter writer, DumpController listener) {
dumpComponent(null, writer, listener);
* Prints all component hierarchy (GUI dump).
* @param writer a stream to write to.
public static void dumpAll(PrintStream writer) {
dumpAll(new PrintWriter(writer));
public static void dumpAll(PrintStream writer, DumpController listener) {
dumpAll(new PrintWriter(writer), listener);
* Prints component hierarchy (GUI dump) into file.
* @param fileName a file to write to.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public static void dumpAll(String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException {
dumpAll(new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)));
public static void dumpAll(String fileName, DumpController listener)
throws FileNotFoundException {
dumpAll(new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName)), listener);
private static final String tabIncrease = " ";
private static void printTagStart(PrintWriter writer, String tag, String tab) {
writer.println(tab + "<" + tag + ">");
private static void printTagOpening(PrintWriter writer, String tag, String tab) {
writer.print(tab + "<" + tag);
private static void printTagClosing(PrintWriter writer, String tag) {
private static void printTagEnd(PrintWriter writer, String tag, String tab) {
writer.println(tab + "</" + tag + ">");
private static void printEmptyTagOpening(PrintWriter writer, String tag, String tab) {
writer.print(tab + "<" + tag);
private static void printEmptyTagClosing(PrintWriter writer, String tag) {
private static void dumpSome(String tag, Component[] comps, PrintWriter writer, String tab, DumpController listener) {
if(comps.length > 0) {
printTagStart(writer, tag, tab);
for(int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
dumpOne(comps[i], writer, tab + tabIncrease, listener);
printTagEnd(writer, tag, tab);
private static void dumpOne(Component component, PrintWriter writer, String tab, DumpController listener) {
//whether to dump at all
boolean toDump = listener.onComponentDump(component);
if(toDump) {
try {
Operator oper = Operator.createOperator(component);
Hashtable componentDump = oper.getDump();
printTagOpening(writer, "component", tab);
writer.print(" operator=\"" +
oper.getClass().getName() + "\"");
printTagClosing(writer, "component");
Object[] keys = componentDump.keySet().toArray();
String name, value;
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
name = (String)keys[i];
value = ((String)componentDump.get(keys[i]));
if(listener.onPropertyDump(component, name, value)) {
printEmptyTagOpening(writer, "property", tab + tabIncrease);
writer.print(" name=\"" +
escape(name) + "\" value=\"" +
escape(value) + "\"");
printEmptyTagClosing(writer, "property");
} catch(Exception e) {
printTagStart(writer, "component", tab);
printEmptyTagOpening(writer, "exception", tab + tabIncrease);
writer.print(" toString=\"" +
escape(e.toString()) + "\"");
printEmptyTagClosing(writer, "exception");
if(component instanceof Window) {
dumpSome("subwindows", ((Window)component).getOwnedWindows(), writer, tab + tabIncrease, listener);
if(component instanceof Container) {
dumpSome("subcomponents", ((Container)component).getComponents(), writer, tab + tabIncrease, listener);
if(toDump) {
printTagEnd(writer, "component", tab);
private static void printHeader(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
writer.println("<!DOCTYPE dump [");
printDTD(writer, tabIncrease);
private static void printDTD(PrintWriter writer, String tab) {
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT dump (component*)>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT component (property+, subcomponents?, subwindows?, exception?)>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT subcomponents (component+)>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT subwindows (component+)>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT property EMPTY>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ELEMENT exception EMPTY>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ATTLIST component");
writer.println(tab + " operator CDATA #IMPLIED>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ATTLIST exception");
writer.println(tab + " toString CDATA #REQUIRED>");
writer.println(tab + "<!ATTLIST property");
writer.println(tab + " name CDATA #REQUIRED");
writer.println(tab + " value CDATA #REQUIRED>");
public static String escape(String str) {
return str.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<")
.replaceAll(">", ">").replaceAll("\"", """);