* @(#)BranchTable.java
* JReversePro - Java Decompiler / Disassembler.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Karthik Kumar.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jreversepro.decompile.simulate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.jreversepro.CustomLoggerFactory;
import org.jreversepro.jvm.Opcodes;
import org.jreversepro.reflect.Method;
import org.jreversepro.reflect.ExceptionThrown;
import org.jreversepro.reflect.instruction.Instruction;
* BranchTable manages the objects of GotoEntry and BranchEntry.
* @author Karthik Kumar
public class BranchTable implements BranchConstants, Opcodes {
* @param method
* Method reference.
public BranchTable(Method method) {
mJSRTarget = new Vector<Integer>();
mMonitor = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
branches = new Vector<BranchEntry>();
switches = new Vector<Instruction>();
gotos = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
this.method = method;
* Setter method for the branch tables.
* @param aBranches
* Branches to be added.
public void setTables(List<BranchEntry> aBranches) {
* Getter method for goto tables.
* @return Map of goto table entries. key - goto pc. value - target of that
* goto table.
public Map<Integer, Integer> getGotoTable() {
return gotos;
* Adds a Goto entry to the internal data structure.
* @param startPc
* StartPc of the goto statement.
* @param targetPc
* TargetPc of the goto statement.
public void addGotoEntry(int startPc, int targetPc) {
gotos.put(Integer.valueOf(startPc), Integer.valueOf(targetPc));
* Adds a new branch entry to the list of branches.
* @param ent
* branch entry to be added.
public void add(BranchEntry ent) {
* Checks if the Pc passed as argument is the target for any JSR instructions.
* @param currPc
* Pc for which it is to be checked if it is the target for any JSR
* instruction.
* @return true, if there exists a JSR instruction with its target currPc.
* false, otherwise.
public boolean isJSRTarget(int currPc) {
return mJSRTarget.contains(Integer.valueOf(currPc));
* This adds the pc given as input as a JSR target.
* @param targetPc
* TargetPc for a JSR instruction that is to be added to the internal
* data structure ( list ).
public void addJSRPc(int targetPc) {
Integer intPc = Integer.valueOf(targetPc);
if (!mJSRTarget.contains(intPc)) {
* When a RET instruction is encountered we add a branch with the last element
* of the JSR target lists. JSR instructions signify 'synchronized' and
* catch..all blocks.
* @param retPc
* PC of the instruction which is a RET.
public void addRetPc(int retPc) {
int startPc = mJSRTarget.lastElement().intValue();
branches.add(new BranchEntry(method, startPc, startPc, retPc, TYPE_JSR, "",
"", ""));
* This sorts the list containing branches such that no branch overlaps with
* the one previously existing. See JBranchComparator for more details.
public void sort() {
Collections.sort(branches, new BranchComparator());
* Adds a monitor Pc.
* @param aMonitorPc
* Pc that is monitorenter.
* @param aMonObject
* Object that is 'monitored'. In the sense object for which lock is
* obtained before entering a 'synchronized' object.
public void addMonitorPc(int aMonitorPc, String aMonObject) {
mMonitor.put(Integer.valueOf(aMonitorPc), aMonObject);
* Returns the monitor type for the monitor that begins with Pc.
* @param monitorBeginPc
* Pc that begins with the monitor.
* @return monitor object associated with this branch.
public String doesMonitorBegin(int monitorBeginPc) {
return mMonitor.get(Integer.valueOf(monitorBeginPc));
* Identifies the else..if and else branches. Identifies catch.. branches.
* @throws RevEngineException
* Thrown in case of any error.
public void identifyMoreBranches() {
for (BranchEntry jbe : branches) {
int gotoStartPc = jbe.getEndBlockPc() - 3;
int gotoNextPc = gotoStartPc + 3;
Integer obj = gotos.get( Integer.valueOf(gotoStartPc));
switch (jbe.getType()) {
case TYPE_IF:
if (obj != null) {
// Before adding else, check for else if.
int gotoTargetPc = obj.intValue();
if (gotoTargetPc - gotoStartPc == 3) {
BranchEntry elsif = contains(startsWith(gotoNextPc), TYPE_IF);
if (elsif == null) {
BranchEntry caseEntry = contains(startsWith(gotoNextPc), TYPE_CASE);
if (caseEntry == null) {
BranchEntry elseEntry = new BranchEntry(method, gotoNextPc,
gotoNextPc, gotoTargetPc, TYPE_ELSE, jbe.opr1, jbe.opr2,
} else {
if (gotos.containsValue( Integer.valueOf(jbe.getStartPc()))) {
* Adds the switch entries and the case entries under the same to the branch
* table.
* @param switchEntry
* switch table containing entries about switch statements.
public void addSwitch(SwitchTable switchEntry) {
int defaultByte = switchEntry.getDefaultByte();
int maxTarget = defaultByte;
List<CaseEntry> enumCases = switchEntry.getCases();
logger.fine("No: Case Entries " + enumCases.size());
for (CaseEntry singleCase : enumCases) {
int caseTarget = singleCase.getTarget();
int endCase = singleCase.getEndTarget();
List<String> caseValues = singleCase.getValues();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String singleCaseValue : caseValues) {
sb.append(singleCaseValue + ",");
BranchEntry ent = new BranchEntry(method, caseTarget, caseTarget,
endCase, TYPE_CASE, sb.toString(), "", "");
* List of JException entries.
* @param excTryTable
* Individual entries being JException.
public void addTryBlocks(List<ExceptionThrown> excTryTable) {
for (ExceptionThrown exc : excTryTable) {
int insIndex = exc.getStartPc();
if (insIndex == -1) {
int endPc = exc.getEndPc();
String syncLock = doesMonitorBegin(insIndex - 1);
if (syncLock != null) {
branches.add(new BranchEntry(method, insIndex, insIndex, endPc,
TYPE_SYNC, syncLock, "", ""));
} else {
branches.add(new BranchEntry(method, insIndex, insIndex, endPc, (exc
.isAny()) ? TYPE_TRY_ANY : TYPE_TRY, "", "", ""));
* For the given pc return the target of the instruction. The instruction is a
* goto statement.
* @param startPc
* Start Pc.
* @return the TargetPc for the goto instruction at the startPc
public int findGotoTarget(int startPc) {
Integer gotoStartPc = Integer.valueOf(startPc);
Integer obj = gotos.get(gotoStartPc);
if (obj == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return obj.intValue();
* Returns the list of branches that starts with the mentioned aInsIndex.
* @param aInsIndex
* Instruction index.
* @return List of JBranchEntry - list of branches that starts with the
* mentioned instruction index.
* @throws RevEngineException
* thrown in case of an error.
public List<BranchEntry> startsWith(int aInsIndex) {
List<BranchEntry> branchEntries = new ArrayList<BranchEntry>();
for (BranchEntry jbe : branches) {
if (jbe.doesStartWith(aInsIndex)) {
return branchEntries;
* Delete the branch that corresponds to a else .. branch starting with the
* given Pc
* @param startElse
* PC for which the else statement is to be deleted.
public void deleteElse(int startElse) {
for (int i = 0; i < branches.size(); i++) {
BranchEntry jbe = branches.get(i);
if (jbe.getType() == TYPE_ELSE && jbe.getStartPc() == startElse) {
* Returns the first branch in the mentioned branchlist that matches the
* particular type.
* @param listBranchEntries
* list of branch entries.
* @param type
* Type that is to be searched for.
* @return first branch entry that matches the type mentioned in the list
* given.
public static BranchEntry contains(List<BranchEntry> listBranchEntries,
int type) {
if (listBranchEntries.size() == 0) {
return null;
for (final BranchEntry ent : listBranchEntries) {
if (ent.getType() == type) {
return ent;
return null;
* @param byteIns
* List of Instructions.
* @return null.
private Instruction getNextGoto(List<Instruction> byteIns) {
return null;
* @param byteIns
* BytecodeInstruction List.
* @param start
* StartPc.
* @param end
* EndPc.
* @return Returns a JInstruction reference.
public Instruction findGotoIns(List<Instruction> byteIns, int start, int end) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < byteIns.size(); i++) {
if (byteIns.get(i).currentPc == start) {
Instruction ins = byteIns.get(i);
while (ins != null && ins.opcode != OPCODE_GOTO
&& ins.opcode != OPCODE_GOTOW) {
if (ins.currentPc == end) {
ins = null;
} else if (ins.opcode == OPCODE_RETURN) {
// TODO: Revisit this code
// ins = byteIns.get(ins.position + 1);
// TODO: Revisit this piece of code.
// ins = byteIns.get(ins.position + 1);
return ins;
* Stringifies the braches alone.
* @return Returns a Stringifed version of the branches alone.
public String branchesToString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
int size = branches.size();
if (size > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
sb.append(branches.get(i) + "\n");
return sb.toString();
* @return Stringified form of the class
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
int size = gotos.size();
if (size > 0) {
for (Object obj : gotos.entrySet()) {
sb.append(obj.toString() + "\n");
size = mJSRTarget.size();
if (size > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
sb.append(mJSRTarget.get(i) + "\n");
return sb.toString();
* List of branch representations.
List<BranchEntry> branches;
* gotos Key - StartPc ( java.lang.Integer ) Value - TargetPc ( Absolute
* target -java.lang.Integer).
Map<Integer, Integer> gotos;
* List of switch instructions. Individual members are JInstruction.
List<Instruction> switches;
* It is a Vector of 'Integer's. The integers are the target of the jump sub
* routine instruction.
Vector<Integer> mJSRTarget;
* Map of monitor instructions.
Map<Integer, String> mMonitor;
/** Method reference * */
Method method;
private final Logger logger = CustomLoggerFactory.createLogger();