* Yobi, Project Hosting SW
* Copyright 2013 NAVER Corp.
* http://yobi.io
* @Author Suwon Chae
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package controllers;
import info.schleichardt.play2.mailplugin.Mailer;
import models.AuthInfo;
import utils.PasswordReset;
import models.User;
import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException;
import org.apache.commons.mail.SimpleEmail;
import play.Configuration;
import play.Logger;
import play.data.DynamicForm;
import play.mvc.*;
import play.i18n.Messages;
import utils.Constants;
import views.html.user.login;
import views.html.user.resetPassword;
import views.html.site.lostPassword;
import static play.data.Form.form;
public class PasswordResetApp extends Controller {
public static Result lostPassword(){
// render(message: String, sender: String, errorMessage: String, isSent: Boolean)
return ok(lostPassword.render("site.resetPasswordEmail.title", null, null, false));
public static Result requestResetPasswordEmail(){
DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest();
String loginId = requestData.get("loginId");
String emailAddress = requestData.get("emailAddress");
Logger.debug("request reset password email by [" + loginId + ":" + emailAddress + "]");
User targetUser = User.findByLoginId(loginId);
boolean isMailSent = false;
String errorMessage = null;
if(!targetUser.isAnonymous() && targetUser.email.equals(emailAddress)) {
String hashString = PasswordReset.generateResetHash(targetUser.loginId);
PasswordReset.addHashToResetTable(targetUser.loginId, hashString);
isMailSent = sendPasswordResetMail(targetUser, hashString);
} else {
Logger.debug("wrong user: " + loginId);
errorMessage = Messages.get("site.resetPasswordEmail.invalidRequest");
return ok(lostPassword.render("site.resetPasswordEmail.title", emailAddress, errorMessage, isMailSent));
private static boolean sendPasswordResetMail(User user, String hashString) {
Configuration config = play.Play.application().configuration();
String sender = config.getString("smtp.user") + "@" + config.getString("smtp.domain");
String resetPasswordUrl = getResetPasswordUrl(hashString);
try {
SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail();
.setSubject("[" + utils.Config.getSiteName() + "] " + Messages.get("site.resetPasswordEmail.title"))
.setMsg(Messages.get("site.resetPasswordEmail.mailContents") + "\n\n" + resetPasswordUrl)
Logger.debug("password reset mail send: " +Mailer.send(email));
return true;
} catch (EmailException e) {
return false;
private static String getResetPasswordUrl(String hashString) {
Configuration config = play.Play.application().configuration();
String hostname = config.getString("application.hostname");
if(hostname == null) hostname = request().host();
return "http://" + hostname + "/resetPassword?s=" + hashString;
public static Result resetPasswordForm(String hashString){
return ok(resetPassword.render("title.resetPassword", form(User.class), hashString));
public static Result resetPassword(){
DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest();
String hashString = requestData.get("hashString");
String newPassword = requestData.get("password");
PasswordReset.resetPassword(hashString, newPassword);
Logger.debug("Password was reset");
} else {
Logger.debug("Not a valid request!");
flash(Constants.WARNING, "user.loginWithNewPassword");
return ok(login.render("title.login", form(AuthInfo.class), null));