package yalp.mvc.results;
import java.util.Map;
import yalp.Yalp;
import yalp.exceptions.UnexpectedException;
import yalp.libs.MimeTypes;
import yalp.mvc.Http;
import yalp.mvc.Http.Request;
import yalp.mvc.Http.Response;
import yalp.mvc.Scope;
import yalp.templates.TemplateLoader;
* 404 not found
public class NotFound extends Result {
* @param why a description of the problem
public NotFound(String why) {
* @param method routed method
* @param path routed path
public NotFound(String method, String path) {
super(method + " " + path);
public void apply(Request request, Response response) {
response.status = Http.StatusCode.NOT_FOUND;
String format = request.format;
if (request.isAjax() && "html".equals(format)) {
format = "txt";
response.contentType = MimeTypes.getContentType("xx." + format);
Map<String, Object> binding = Scope.RenderArgs.current().data;
binding.put("result", this);
binding.put("session", Scope.Session.current());
binding.put("request", Http.Request.current());
binding.put("flash", Scope.Flash.current());
binding.put("params", Scope.Params.current());
binding.put("yalp", new Yalp());
String errorHtml = "Not found";
try {
errorHtml = TemplateLoader.load("errors/404." + (format == null ? "html" : format)).render(binding);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnexpectedException(e);