Package yalp.libs

Source Code of yalp.libs.OAuth$TokenPair

package yalp.libs;

import oauth.signpost.OAuthConsumer;
import oauth.signpost.OAuthProvider;
import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthConsumer;
import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthProvider;
import oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthCommunicationException;
import oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthException;
import oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthExpectationFailedException;
import oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthMessageSignerException;
import oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthNotAuthorizedException;
import yalp.mvc.Http.Request;
import yalp.mvc.Scope.Params;

* Library to access ressources protected by OAuth 1.0a. For OAuth 2.0, see yalp.libs.OAuth2.
public class OAuth {

    private ServiceInfo info;
    private OAuthProvider provider;

    private OAuth(ServiceInfo info) { = info;
        provider = new DefaultOAuthProvider(info.requestTokenURL, info.accessTokenURL, info.authorizationURL);

     * Create an OAuth object for the service described in info
     * @param info must contain all informations related to the service
     * @return the OAuth object
    public static OAuth service(ServiceInfo info) {
        return new OAuth(info);

    public static boolean isVerifierResponse() {
        return Params.current().get("oauth_verifier") != null;

     * Request the request token and secret.
     * @return a Response object holding either the result in case of a success or the error
    public Response retrieveRequestToken() {
        return retrieveRequestToken(Request.current().getBase() + Request.current().url);

     * Request the request token and secret.
     * @param callbackURL the URL where the provider should redirect to
     * @return a Response object holding either the result in case of a success or the error
    public Response retrieveRequestToken(String callbackURL) {
        OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(info.consumerKey, info.consumerSecret);
        try {
            provider.retrieveRequestToken(consumer, callbackURL);
        } catch (OAuthException e) {
            return Response.error(new Error(e));
        return Response.success(consumer.getToken(), consumer.getTokenSecret());

     * Exchange a request token for an access token.
     * @param requestTokenResponse a successful response obtained from retrieveRequestToken
     * @return a Response object holding either the result in case of a success or the error
    public Response retrieveAccessToken(Response requestTokenResponse) {
        return retrieveAccessToken(requestTokenResponse.token, requestTokenResponse.secret);

     * Exchange a request token for an access token.
     * @param token  the token obtained from a previous call
     * @param secret your application secret
     * @return a Response object holding either the result in case of a success or the error
    public Response retrieveAccessToken(String token, String secret) {
        OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(info.consumerKey, info.consumerSecret);
        consumer.setTokenWithSecret(token, secret);
        String verifier = Params.current().get("oauth_verifier");
        try {
            provider.retrieveAccessToken(consumer, verifier);
        } catch (OAuthException e) {
            return Response.error(new Error(e));
        return Response.success(consumer.getToken(), consumer.getTokenSecret());

     * Request the unauthorized token and secret. They can then be read with getTokens()
     * @return the url to redirect the user to get the verifier and continue the process
     * @deprecated use retrieveRequestToken() instead
    public TokenPair requestUnauthorizedToken() {
        Response response = retrieveRequestToken();
        return new TokenPair(response.token, response.secret);

     * @deprecated use retrieveAccessToken() instead
    public TokenPair requestAccessToken(TokenPair tokenPair) {
        Response response = retrieveAccessToken(tokenPair.token, tokenPair.secret);
        return new TokenPair(response.token, response.secret);

    public String redirectUrl(String token) {
        return oauth.signpost.OAuth.addQueryParameters(provider.getAuthorizationWebsiteUrl(),
                oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, token);

    public String redirectUrl(TokenPair tokenPair) {
        return oauth.signpost.OAuth.addQueryParameters(provider.getAuthorizationWebsiteUrl(),
                oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, tokenPair.token);

     * Information relative to an OAuth 1.0 provider.
    public static class ServiceInfo {
        public String requestTokenURL;
        public String accessTokenURL;
        public String authorizationURL;
        public String consumerKey;
        public String consumerSecret;

        public ServiceInfo(String requestTokenURL,
                           String accessTokenURL,
                           String authorizationURL,
                           String consumerKey,
                           String consumerSecret) {
            this.requestTokenURL = requestTokenURL;
            this.accessTokenURL = accessTokenURL;
            this.authorizationURL = authorizationURL;
            this.consumerKey = consumerKey;
            this.consumerSecret = consumerSecret;

     * Response to an OAuth 1.0 request.
     * If success token and secret are non null, and error is null.
     * If error token and secret are null, and error is non null.
    public static class Response {
        public final String token;
        public final String secret;
        public final Error error;

        private Response(String token, String secret, Error error) {
            this.token = token;
            this.secret = secret;
            this.error = error;

         * Create a new success response
         * @param pair the TokenPair returned by the provider
         * @return a new Response object holding the token pair
        private static Response success(String token, String secret) {
            return new Response(token, secret, null);

        private static Response error(Error error) {
            return new Response(null, null, error);

        public String toString() {
            return (error != null) ? ("Error: " + error)
                    : ("Success: " + token + " - " + secret);

    public static class Error {
        public final OAuthException exception;
        public final Type type;
        public final String details;

        public enum Type {

        private Error(OAuthException exception) {
            this.exception = exception;
            if (this.exception instanceof OAuthMessageSignerException) {
                this.type = Type.MESSAGE_SIGNER;
            } else if (this.exception instanceof OAuthNotAuthorizedException) {
                this.type = Type.NOT_AUTHORIZED;
            } else if (this.exception instanceof OAuthExpectationFailedException) {
                this.type = Type.EXPECTATION_FAILED;
            } else if (this.exception instanceof OAuthCommunicationException) {
                this.type = Type.COMMUNICATION;
            } else {
                this.type = Type.OTHER;
            this.details = exception.getMessage();

        public String details() {
            return details;

        public String toString() {
            return "OAuth.Error: " + type + " - " + details;

    public static class TokenPair {
        public String token;
        public String secret;

        public TokenPair(String token, String secret) {
            this.token = token;
            this.secret = secret;

        public String toString() {
            return token + " - " + secret;


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