package org.reflections;
import org.reflections.scanners.Scanner;
import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner;
import org.reflections.scanners.TypeAnnotationsScanner;
import org.reflections.serializers.Serializer;
import org.reflections.serializers.XmlSerializer;
import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper;
import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.reflections.util.FilterBuilder;
import org.reflections.util.Utils;
import org.reflections.vfs.Vfs;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.reflections.util.Utils.*;
* Reflections one-stop-shop object
* <p>Reflections scans your classpath, indexes the metadata, allows you to query it on runtime
* and may save and collect that information for many modules within your project.
* <p>Using Reflections you can query your metadata such as:
* <ul>
* <li>get all subtypes of some type
* <li>get all types/methods/fields annotated with some annotation, w/o annotation parameters matching
* </ul>
* <p>a typical use of Reflections would be:
* <pre>
* Reflections reflections = new Reflections("my.package.prefix"); //replace my.package.prefix with your package prefix, of course
* Set<Class<? extends SomeType>> subTypes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(SomeType.class);
* Set<Class<?>> annotated = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(SomeAnnotation.class);
* Set<Class<?>> annotated1 = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(
* new SomeAnnotation() {public String value() {return "1";}
* public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {return SomeAnnotation.class;}});
* </pre>
* basically, to use Reflections for scanning and querying, instantiate it with a {@link org.reflections.Configuration}, for example
* <pre>
* new Reflections(
* new ConfigurationBuilder()
* .filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder().include("your project's common package prefix here..."))
* .setUrls(ClasspathHelper.forClassLoader())
* .setScanners(new SubTypesScanner(), new TypeAnnotationsScanner()));
* </pre>
* and than use the convenient methods to query the metadata, such as {@link #getSubTypesOf},
* {@link #getTypesAnnotatedWith}, {@link #getMethodsAnnotatedWith}, {@link #getFieldsAnnotatedWith}, {@link #getResources}
* <br>use {@link #getStore()} to access and query the store directly
* <p>in order to save a metadata use {@link #save(String)} or {@link #save(String, org.reflections.serializers.Serializer)}
* for example with {@link org.reflections.serializers.XmlSerializer} or {@link org.reflections.serializers.JavaCodeSerializer}
* <p>in order to collect pre saved metadata and avoid re-scanning, use {@link #collect(String,, org.reflections.serializers.Serializer...)}}
* <p><i>* be aware that when using the constructor new Reflections("my.package"), only urls with prefix 'my.package' will be scanned,
* and any transitive classes in other urls will not be scanned (for example if my.package.SomeClass extends other.package.OtherClass,
* than the later will not be scanned). in that case use the other constructors and specify the relevant packages/urls
* <p><p><p>For Javadoc, source code, and more information about Reflections Library, see
public class Reflections extends ReflectionUtils {
@Nullable public static Logger log = findLogger(Reflections.class);
protected final transient Configuration configuration;
private Store store;
* constructs a Reflections instance and scan according to given {@link Configuration}
* <p>it is preferred to use {@link org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder}
public Reflections(final Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
store = new Store(configuration.getExecutorService() != null); //concurrent?
if (configuration.getScanners() != null && !configuration.getScanners().isEmpty()) {
//inject to scanners
for (Scanner scanner : configuration.getScanners()) {
* a convenient constructor for scanning within a package prefix.
* <p>this actually create a {@link Configuration} with:
* <br> - urls that contain resources with name {@code prefix}
* <br> - filterInputsBy where name starts with the given {@code prefix}
* <br> - scanners set to the given {@code scanners}, otherwise defaults to {@link TypeAnnotationsScanner} and {@link SubTypesScanner}.
* @param prefix package prefix, to be used with {@link ClasspathHelper#forPackage(String, ClassLoader...)} )}
* @param scanners optionally supply scanners, otherwise defaults to {@link TypeAnnotationsScanner} and {@link SubTypesScanner}
public Reflections(final String prefix, @Nullable final Scanner... scanners) {
this((Object) prefix, scanners);
* a convenient constructor for Reflections, where given {@code Object...} parameter types can be either:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link String} - would add urls using {@link ClasspathHelper#forPackage(String, ClassLoader...)} ()}</li>
* <li>{@link Class} - would add urls using {@link ClasspathHelper#forClass(Class, ClassLoader...)} </li>
* <li>{@link ClassLoader} - would use this classloaders in order to find urls in {@link ClasspathHelper#forPackage(String, ClassLoader...)} and {@link ClasspathHelper#forClass(Class, ClassLoader...)}</li>
* <li>{@link Scanner} - would use given scanner, overriding the default scanners</li>
* <li>{@link URL} - would add the given url for scanning</li>
* <li>{@link Object[]} - would use each element as above</li>
* </ul>
* use any parameter type in any order. this constructor uses instanceof on each param and instantiate a {@link ConfigurationBuilder} appropriately.
* if you prefer the usual statically typed constructor, don't use this, although it can be very useful.
* <br><br>for example:
* <pre>
* new Reflections("my.package", classLoader);
* //or
* new Reflections("my.package", someScanner, anotherScanner, classLoader);
* //or
* new Reflections(myUrl, myOtherUrl);
* </pre>
public Reflections(final Object... params) {
protected Reflections() {
configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder();
store = new Store(false);
protected void scan() {
if (configuration.getUrls() == null || configuration.getUrls().isEmpty()) {
if (log != null) log.error("given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration");
} else {
if (log != null && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder urls = new StringBuilder();
for (URL url : configuration.getUrls()) {
log.debug("going to scan these urls:\n" + urls);
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
int scannedUrls = 0;
ExecutorService executorService = configuration.getExecutorService();
if (executorService == null) {
for (URL url : configuration.getUrls()) {
try {
for (final Vfs.File file : Vfs.fromURL(url).getFiles()) {
} catch (ReflectionsException e) {
if (log != null) log.error("could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuing", e);
} else {
//todo use CompletionService
List<Future<?>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
for (URL url : configuration.getUrls()) {
try {
for (final Vfs.File file : Vfs.fromURL(url).getFiles()) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (ReflectionsException e) {
if (log != null) log.error("could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuing", e);
for (Future future : futures) {
try { future.get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
} finally {
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
Integer keys = store.getKeysCount();
Integer values = store.getValuesCount();
if (log != null)"Reflections took %d ms to scan %d urls, producing %d keys and %d values %s",
time, scannedUrls, keys, values,
executorService != null && executorService instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor ?
format("[using %d cores]", ((ThreadPoolExecutor) executorService).getMaximumPoolSize()) : ""));
private void scan(Vfs.File file) {
String input = file.getRelativePath().replace('/', '.');
if (configuration.acceptsInput(input)) {
for (Scanner scanner : configuration.getScanners()) {
try {
if (scanner.acceptsInput(input)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("could not scan file " + file.toString() + " with scanner " + scanner.getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
/** collect saved Reflection xml resources and merge it into a Reflections instance
* <p>by default, resources are collected from all urls that contains the package META-INF/reflections
* and includes files matching the pattern .*-reflections.xml
* */
public static Reflections collect() {
return collect("META-INF/reflections", new FilterBuilder().include(".*-reflections.xml"));
* collect saved Reflections resources from all urls that contains the given packagePrefix and matches the given resourceNameFilter
* and de-serializes them using the default serializer {@link org.reflections.serializers.XmlSerializer} or using the optionally supplied optionalSerializer
* <p>
* it is preferred to use a designated resource prefix (for example META-INF/reflections but not just META-INF),
* so that relevant urls could be found much faster
* @param optionalSerializer - optionally supply one serializer instance. if not specified or null, {@link XmlSerializer} will be used
public static Reflections collect(final String packagePrefix, final Predicate<String> resourceNameFilter, @Nullable Serializer... optionalSerializer) {
Serializer serializer = optionalSerializer != null && optionalSerializer.length == 1 ? optionalSerializer[0] : new XmlSerializer();
final Reflections reflections = new Reflections();
for (final Vfs.File file : Vfs.findFiles(ClasspathHelper.forPackage(packagePrefix), packagePrefix, resourceNameFilter)) {
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = file.openInputStream();
if (log != null)"Reflections collected metadata from " + file + " using serializer " + serializer.getClass().getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ReflectionsException("could not merge " + file, e);
} finally {
return reflections;
/** merges saved Reflections resources from the given input stream, using the serializer configured in this instance's Configuration
* <br> useful if you know the serialized resource location and prefer not to look it up the classpath
* */
public Reflections collect(final InputStream inputStream) {
try {
if (log != null)"Reflections collected metadata from input stream using serializer " + configuration.getSerializer().getClass().getName());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ReflectionsException("could not merge input stream", ex);
return this;
/** merges saved Reflections resources from the given file, using the serializer configured in this instance's Configuration
* useful if you know the serialized resource location and prefer not to look it up the classpath
* */
public Reflections collect(final File file) {
FileInputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
return collect(inputStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ReflectionsException("could not obtain input stream from file " + file, e);
} finally {
* merges a Reflections instance metadata into this instance
public Reflections merge(final Reflections reflections) {
return this;
@Nullable public <T extends Scanner> T get(Class<T> scannerClass) {
for (Scanner scanner : configuration.getScanners()) {
if (scanner.getClass().equals(scannerClass)) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) scanner;
return null;
* gets all sub types in hierarchy of a given type
* <p/>depends on SubTypesScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> getSubTypesOf(final Class<T> type) {
Set<String> subTypes = store.getSubTypesOf(type.getName());
return this.<T>toClasses(subTypes);
* get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations
* <p>{@link java.lang.annotation.Inherited} is honored
* <p><i>Note that this (@Inherited) meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated type is used for anything other than a class.
* Also, this meta-annotation causes annotations to be inherited only from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no effect.</i>
* <p/>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner and SubTypesScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
Set<String> typesAnnotatedWith = store.getTypesAnnotatedWith(annotation.getName());
return toClasses(typesAnnotatedWith);
* get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations
* <p>{@link java.lang.annotation.Inherited} is honored according to given honorInherited
* <p><i>Note that this (@Inherited) meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated type is used for anything other than a class.
* Also, this meta-annotation causes annotations to be inherited only from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no effect.</i>
* <p/>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner and SubTypesScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation, boolean honorInherited) {
Set<String> typesAnnotatedWith = store.getTypesAnnotatedWith(annotation.getName(), honorInherited);
return toClasses(typesAnnotatedWith);
* get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations, including annotation member values matching
* <p>{@link java.lang.annotation.Inherited} is honored
* <p/>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(final Annotation annotation) {
return getTypesAnnotatedWith(annotation, true);
* get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations, including annotation member values matching
* <p>{@link java.lang.annotation.Inherited} is honored according to given honorInherited
* <p/>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(final Annotation annotation, boolean honorInherited) {
Set<String> types = store.getTypesAnnotatedWithDirectly(annotation.annotationType().getName());
Set<Class<?>> annotated = getAll(toClasses(types), withAnnotation(annotation));
Set<String> inherited = store.getInheritedSubTypes(names(annotated), annotation.annotationType().getName(), honorInherited);
return toClasses(inherited);
* get all methods annotated with a given annotation
* <p/>depends on MethodAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Method> getMethodsAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
Set<String> annotatedWith = store.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(annotation.getName());
Set<Method> result = Sets.newHashSet();
for (String annotated : annotatedWith) {
result.add(getMethodFromDescriptor(annotated, configuration.getClassLoaders()));
return result;
* get all methods annotated with a given annotation, including annotation member values matching
* <p/>depends on MethodAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Method> getMethodsAnnotatedWith(final Annotation annotation) {
return getAll(getMethodsAnnotatedWith(annotation.annotationType()), withAnnotation(annotation));
* get all fields annotated with a given annotation
* <p/>depends on FieldAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Field> getFieldsAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
final Set<Field> result = Sets.newHashSet();
Collection<String> annotatedWith = store.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(annotation.getName());
for (String annotated : annotatedWith) {
result.add(getFieldFromString(annotated, configuration.getClassLoaders()));
return result;
* get all methods annotated with a given annotation, including annotation member values matching
* <p/>depends on FieldAnnotationsScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
public Set<Field> getFieldsAnnotatedWith(final Annotation annotation) {
return getAll(getFieldsAnnotatedWith(annotation.annotationType()), withAnnotation(annotation));
/** get resources relative paths where simple name (key) matches given namePredicate
* <p>depends on ResourcesScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
* */
public Set<String> getResources(final Predicate<String> namePredicate) {
return store.getResources(namePredicate);
/** get resources relative paths where simple name (key) matches given regular expression
* <p>depends on ResourcesScanner configured, otherwise an empty set is returned
* <pre>Set<String> xmls = reflections.getResources(".*\\.xml");</pre>
public Set<String> getResources(final Pattern pattern) {
return getResources(new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean apply(String input) {
return pattern.matcher(input).matches();
private <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> toClasses(Set<String> names) {
return Sets.newHashSet(ReflectionUtils.<T>forNames(names, configuration.getClassLoaders()));
/** returns the store used for storing and querying the metadata */
public Store getStore() {
return store;
* serialize to a given directory and filename
* <p>* it is preferred to specify a designated directory (for example META-INF/reflections),
* so that it could be found later much faster using the load method
* <p>see the documentation for the save method on the configured {@link org.reflections.serializers.Serializer}
public File save(final String filename) {
return save(filename, configuration.getSerializer());
* serialize to a given directory and filename using given serializer
* <p>* it is preferred to specify a designated directory (for example META-INF/reflections),
* so that it could be found later much faster using the load method
public File save(final String filename, final Serializer serializer) {
File file =, filename);
if (log != null) //noinspection ConstantConditions"Reflections successfully saved in " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " using " + serializer.getClass().getSimpleName());
return file;