package com.torrent4j.model;
import static com.torrent4j.util.HashType.MD5;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.torrent4j.TorrentController;
import com.torrent4j.model.metadata.MetadataFile;
import com.torrent4j.model.metadata.MetadataInfo;
import com.torrent4j.model.metadata.TorrentMetadata;
import com.torrent4j.strategy.TorrentStrategy;
import com.torrent4j.strategy.standard.StandardTorrentStrategy;
import com.torrent4j.util.Range;
import com.torrent4j.util.bencoding.BDecoder;
import com.torrent4j.util.bencoding.BMap;
* The main Torrent instance class. With this class, all torrent state is stored
* and external interaction can be performed.
* @author <a href="">Rogiel</a>
public class Torrent {
* The torrent strategy
private final TorrentStrategy strategy;
* The torrent meta data
private final TorrentMetadata metadata;
* The torrent hash
private final TorrentHash hash;
* The torrent pieces
private final List<TorrentPiece> pieces = new ArrayList<>();
* The torrent files
private final List<TorrentFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
* The torrent traffic control
private final TorrentTrafficControl trafficControl = new TorrentTrafficControl(this);
* The torrent swarm (list of all peers)
private final TorrentSwarm swarm = new TorrentSwarm(this);
* The torrent already downloaded pieces
private final TorrentCompletePieces completedPieces;
* The current controller for this torrent object. If not attached to any
* controller, its value is <code>null</code>.
private TorrentController controller;
* Creates a new torrent instance
* @param strategy
* the torrent strategy
* @param metadata
* the torrent meta data
public Torrent(TorrentStrategy strategy, TorrentMetadata metadata) {
this.strategy = strategy;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.hash = new TorrentHash(this, metadata.getInfoHash());
// parse file list
final MetadataInfo info = metadata.getInfo();
final byte[] pieceHashes = info.getPieceHashes();
final int pieces = pieceHashes.length / 20;
long piecesLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pieces; i++) {
final byte[] hash = Arrays.copyOfRange(pieceHashes, i * 20,
(i + 1) * 20);
final int length = (int) (i + 1 == pieces ? (info.getLength() - piecesLength)
: info.getPieceLength());
this.pieces.add(new TorrentPiece(this, hash, i, info
.getPieceLength() * i, length));
piecesLength += length;
final Path torrentPath = Paths.get(info.getName());
long offset = 0;
for (final MetadataFile metaFile : info.getFiles()) {
byte[] hash = null;
if (metaFile.getHash() != null)
hash = MD5.fromString(metaFile.getHash());
final List<TorrentPiece> filePieces = getPieces(Range
.getRangeByLength(offset, metaFile.getLength()));
final TorrentFile file = new TorrentFile(this, offset,
metaFile.getLength(), filePieces,
torrentPath.resolve(metaFile.getFileName()), hash);
for (final TorrentPiece piece : filePieces) {
offset += metaFile.getLength();
completedPieces = new TorrentCompletePieces(this);
// try {
// this.localPeer.setPeerID(new String(Hex
// .decodeHex("851054102530302d9c640cd409c769266ad3a04f"
// .toCharArray())));
// } catch (DecoderException e) {
// }
* Creates a new torrent instance with {@link StandardTorrentStrategy} as
* default strategy
* @param metadata
* the torrent meta data
public Torrent(TorrentMetadata metadata) {
this(new StandardTorrentStrategy(), metadata);
* @return this torrent's strategy
public TorrentStrategy getStrategy() {
return strategy;
* @return this torrent's meta data
public TorrentMetadata getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* @return this torrent's hash
public TorrentHash getHash() {
return hash;
* @return this torrent's pieces
public List<TorrentPiece> getPieces() {
return pieces;
* Determines all the pieces that contains at least one byte inside the
* requested range.
* @param range
* the range to look for pieces
* @return the pieces inside the requested <code>range</code>
public List<TorrentPiece> getPieces(Range range) {
final List<TorrentPiece> pieces = new ArrayList<>();
for (final TorrentPiece piece : this.pieces) {
if (piece.getTorrentRange().intersects(range))
return pieces;
* @param index
* the piece index
* @return the piece at the requested index, if any.
public TorrentPiece getPiece(int index) {
if ((index + 1) > pieces.size())
return null;
return pieces.get(index);
* @return all the files for this torrent
public List<TorrentFile> getFiles() {
return files;
* Determines all the files that contains at least one byte inside the
* requested range.
* @param range
* the range to search for files
* @return the list of files inside the requested <code>range</code>
public List<TorrentFile> getFiles(Range range) {
final List<TorrentFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (final TorrentFile file : this.files) {
if (file.getTorrentRange().intersects(range))
return files;
* @return the sum of all file sizes
public long getTorrentSize() {
long size = 0;
for (final TorrentFile file : files) {
size += file.getLength();
return size;
* @return the trafficControl
public TorrentTrafficControl getTrafficControl() {
return trafficControl;
* @return the torrent swarm
public TorrentSwarm getSwarm() {
return swarm;
* @return the downloaded pieces
public TorrentCompletePieces getCompletedPieces() {
return completedPieces;
* @return this torrent's controller, if any.
public TorrentController getController() {
return controller;
* Sets the current controller. <b>This method should not be invoked
* manually!</b>
* @param controller
* the controller to set
public void setController(TorrentController controller) {
this.controller = controller;
* @return the torrent protocol
public TorrentProtocol getProtocol() {
return controller.getProtocol();
public String toString() {
return "Torrent [hash=" + hash + "]";
* Load an torrent from an {@link InputStream}
* @param in
* the {@link InputStream}
* @return the loaded {@link Torrent} instance
* @throws IOException
* if any error occur while reading the torrent file
public static Torrent load(InputStream in) throws IOException {
final Object node = new BDecoder(in).readElement();
final TorrentMetadata metadata = new TorrentMetadata((BMap) node);
return new Torrent(metadata);
* Load an torrent from an {@link InputStream}
* @param file
* the file {@link Path}
* @return the loaded {@link Torrent} instance
* @throws IOException
* if any error occur while reading the torrent file
public static Torrent load(Path file) throws IOException {
return load(Files.newInputStream(file));
* Load an torrent from an {@link File}
* @param file
* the {@link File}
* @return the loaded {@link Torrent} instance
* @throws IOException
* if any error occur while reading the torrent file
public static Torrent load(File file) throws IOException {
if (file == null)
throw new InvalidParameterException("File cannot be null");
return load(new FileInputStream(file));
* Load an torrent from an {@link Byte} array
* @param content
* the {@link Byte} array
* @return the loaded {@link Torrent} instance
* @throws IOException
* if any error occur while reading the torrent file
public static Torrent load(byte[] content) throws IOException {
return load(new ByteArrayInputStream(content));
* Load an torrent from an {@link File}
* @param url
* the {@link URL}
* @return the loaded {@link Torrent} instance
* @throws IOException
* if any error occur while reading the torrent file
public static Torrent load(URL url) throws IOException {
if (url == null)
throw new InvalidParameterException("File cannot be null");
return load(url.openStream());