package winterwell.utils.containers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import winterwell.utils.StrUtils;
import winterwell.utils.TodoException;
import winterwell.utils.Utils;
* A simple tree data structure. TODO iteration lets you step through all the
* values.
* @author daniel
* @testedby {@link TreeTest}
public class Tree<X> implements Iterable<X>, ITree<X> {
private final List<ITree<X>> children = new ArrayList<ITree<X>>();
private ITree<X> parent;
private X x;
* Create a value-less tree root.
public Tree() {
public Tree(ITree<X> parent, X value) {
* Create a tree root.
* @param value
public Tree(X value) {
public void addChild(ITree<X> childNode) {
assert !children.contains(childNode);
* TODO should this be a method?
* @return all tree nodes from this node downwards (inc this node).
* flattened so that a parent comes before its children.
public List<Tree<X>> flatten() {
List<Tree<X>> flat = new ArrayList<Tree<X>>();
return flat;
private void flatten2(List<Tree<X>> flat) {
for (ITree<X> kid : children) {
((Tree<X>) kid).flatten2(flat);
public List<X> flattenToValues() {
List<Tree<X>> f = flatten();
List<X> vs = new ArrayList<X>(f.size());
for (Tree<X> n : f) {
if (n.getValue() == null) {
return vs;
public List<? extends ITree<X>> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(children);
* Convenience for getting the node-values of the child nodes.
* @return
* @see #getChildren()
public List<X> getChildValues() {
ArrayList<X> vs = new ArrayList<X>(children.size());
for (ITree<X> kid : getChildren()) {
return vs;
public int getDepth() {
int max = 0;
for (ITree k : children) {
max = Math.max(max, k.getDepth());
return max + 1;
public List<Tree<X>> getLeaves() {
// inefficient - a tree walker would be better
List<Tree<X>> all = flatten();
List<Tree<X>> leaves = new ArrayList<Tree<X>>();
for (Tree<X> n : all) {
if (n.isLeaf()) {
return leaves;
* Convenience for drilling down through a tree.
* @param childIndices
* E.g. 0,1,2 indicates the 2nd child (zero-indexed) of the 1st
* child of the 0th child of this node.
* @return
public ITree<X> getNode(int... childIndices) {
ITree<X> node = this;
for (int i : childIndices) {
node = node.getChildren().get(i);
return node;
* Search through this node & sub-nodes for one with the right value
* @param v
* Can be null
* @return node with value equals to v, or null
public ITree<X> getNodeByValue(X v) {
for (ITree<X> n : flatten()) {
if (Utils.equals(v, n.getValue()))
return n;
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see winterwell.utils.containers.ITree#getOnlyChild()
public ITree<X> getOnlyChild() {
assert children.size() == 1;
return children.get(0);
public ITree<X> getParent() {
return parent;
public X getValue() {
return x;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see winterwell.utils.containers.ITree#isLeaf()
public boolean isLeaf() {
return children.size() == 0;
public Iterator<X> iterator() {
List<X> flat = flattenToValues();
return flat.iterator();
public void removeChild(ITree<X> childNode) {
boolean ok = children.remove(childNode);
assert ok : this;
public synchronized void setParent(ITree<X> parent) {
if (this.parent != null) {
this.parent = parent;
if (parent != null) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see winterwell.utils.containers.ITree#setValue(X)
public void setValue(X value) {
x = value;
public String toString() {
return toString2(0, 5);
* @param maxDepth
* max-depth
* @return
public String toString2(int depth, final int maxDepth) {
assert depth <= maxDepth;
assert maxDepth > 0;
String s = toString3();
if (isLeaf())
return s;
if (maxDepth == depth)
return s + " ...";
for (ITree<X> t : children) {
s += "\n" + StrUtils.repeat('-', depth)
+ ((Tree<X>) t).toString2(depth, maxDepth);
return s;
protected String toString3() {
return toString4_nodeName() + (x == null ? "" : ":" + x.toString());
protected String toString4_nodeName() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();
// FIXME not used
final class TreeIterator<X> implements Iterator<X> {
private final Iterator<? extends ITree<X>> it;
private boolean rootSent;
private final Tree<X> tree;
public TreeIterator(Tree<X> tree) {
this.tree = tree;
it = tree.getChildren().iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
return !rootSent || it.hasNext();
public X next() {
if (!rootSent) {
rootSent = true;
return tree.getValue();
throw new TodoException();
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();