Package net.TheDgtl.iChat

Source Code of net.TheDgtl.iChat.iChatAPI

package net.TheDgtl.iChat;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.anjocaido.groupmanager.permissions.AnjoPermissionsHandler;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo;

import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionGroup;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.PermissionUser;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsEx;

import com.platymuus.bukkit.permissions.Group;

import de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.ApiLayer;
import de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.CalculableType;

public class iChatAPI {
  private iChat ichat;
  iChatAPI(iChat ichat) {
    this.ichat = ichat;
   * @param p - Player object that is chatting
   * @param msg - Message to be formatted
   * @param chatFormat - The requested chat format string
   * @return - New message format with variables parsed
  public String parseChat(Player p, String msg, String chatFormat) {
    return parseChat(p, msg, chatFormat, false);
  public String parseChat(Player p, String msg, String chatFormat, Boolean parseName) {
    // Variables we can use in a message
    String group =;
    String prefix = getPrefix(p);
    String suffix = getSuffix(p);
    if (prefix == null) prefix = "";
    if (suffix == null) suffix = "";
    if (group == null) group = "";
    String healthbar = healthBar(p);
    String health = String.valueOf(p.getHealth());
    String world = p.getWorld().getName();
     if (world.contains("_nether"))
       world = world.replace("_nether", " Nether");
     if (world.contains("_the_end"))
       world = world.replace("_the_end", " End");
    // Timestamp support
    Date now = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(ichat.dateFormat);
    // Offset the time if needed
    if (ichat.timeOffset != null) {
      String offset = Integer.toString(ichat.timeOffset);
      if (ichat.timeOffset == 0) offset = "";
      if (ichat.timeOffset > 0) offset = "+" + offset;
      dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + offset));
    String time = dateFormat.format(now);
    // We're sending this to String.format, so we need to escape those pesky % symbols
    msg = msg.replaceAll("%", "%%");
    // Add coloring if the player has permission
    if (!checkPermissions(p, "ichat.color")) {
      boolean hasColor = true;
      boolean hasFormat = true;
      // Strip color if they lack permission
      if (!checkPermissions(p, "ichat.format.color")) {
        msg = msg.replaceAll("(&+([a-fA-F0-9]))", "");
        hasColor = false;
      // Strip formatting if they lack permission
      if (!checkPermissions(p, "ichat.format.formatting")) {
        msg = msg.replaceAll("(&+([k-oK-OrR]))", "");
        hasFormat = false;
      // Legacy: Strip all if they lack any permission
      if (!hasColor && !hasFormat) {
        msg = msg.replaceAll("(&+([a-fA-Fk-oK-OrR0-9]))", "");
    String format = parseVars(chatFormat, p);
    if (format == null) return msg;
    String iName = p.getDisplayName();
    if (!parseName) {
      iName = parseChat(p, "", ichat.iNameFormat, true);
    // Order is important, this allows us to use all variables in the suffix and prefix! But no variables in the message
    String[] search = new String[] {"+suffix,+s", "+prefix,+p", "+group,+g", "+healthbar,+hb", "+health,+h", "+world,+w", "+time,+t", "+name,+n", "+displayname,+d", "+iname,+in", "+message", "+m"};
    String[] replace = new String[] { suffix, prefix, group, healthbar, health, world, time, p.getName(), p.getDisplayName(), iName, "+m", msg };
    return replaceVars(format, search, replace);
  public Long getConnectTime(Player p) {
    Long conTime = ichat.connectList.get(p.getName());
    if (conTime == null) return -1L;
    return conTime;
  public Long getOnlineTime(Player p) {
    Long conTime = getConnectTime(p);
    if (conTime == null) return -1L;
    Long onTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L) - conTime;
    return onTime;
  public String prettyTime(Long time) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(time % 60).append("s");
    if (time >= 60) {
      Long min = time / 60;
      sb.insert(0, " " + min % 60 + "m");
    if (time >= 3600) {
      Long hour = time / 3600;
      sb.insert(0, " " + hour + "h");
    return sb.toString();
   * Permissions handling from mChat by MiracleM4n with modification by Drakia
    public String parseChat(Player player, String msg) {
        return parseChat(player, msg, ichat.chatFormat);

    public String parsePlayerName(Player player) {
        return parseChat(player, "", ichat.iNameFormat, true);

     * Info Stuff
    public String getRawInfo(Player player, String info) {
      if (info.equals("group")) {
        if (ichat.bPerm != null) {
          return getbPermGroup(player);
        if (ichat.pbPlug != null) {
          return getPermBGroup(player);
        if (ichat.pexPlug != null) {
          return getPexGroup(player);
        if (ichat.gMan != null) {
          return getGManGroup(player);
        if (ichat.permissions != null) {
          return getPermissionsGroup(player);
        if (ichat.priv != null) {
          return getPrivilegesGroup(player);
          return getSuperPermGroup(player);

        return getVariable(player, info);

    public String getRawPrefix(Player player) {
        return getRawInfo(player, "prefix");

    public String getRawSuffix(Player player) {
        return getRawInfo(player, "suffix");

    public String getRawGroup(Player player) {
        return getRawInfo(player, "group");

    public String getInfo(Player player, String info) {
        return addColor(getRawInfo(player, info));

    public String getPrefix(Player player) {
        return getInfo(player, "prefix");

    public String getSuffix(Player player) {
        return getInfo(player, "suffix");

    public String getGroup(Player player) {
        return getInfo(player, "group");
   * Return a health bar string.
  public String healthBar(Player player) {
    float maxHealth = 20;
    float barLength = 10;
    float health = player.getHealth();
    int fill = Math.round( (health / maxHealth) * barLength );
    String barColor = "&2";
    // 0-40: Red  40-70: Yellow  70-100: Green
    if (fill <= 4) barColor = "&4";
    else if (fill <= 7) barColor = "&e";
    else barColor = "&2";

    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < barLength; i++) {
      if (i == fill) out.append("&8");
    return out.toString();
    public String addColor(String string) {
      return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', string);
    public Boolean checkPermissions(Player player, String node) {
      // Permissions
        if (ichat.permissions != null) {
            if (ichat.permissions.has(player, node))
                return true;
        // SuperPerms
        } else if (player.hasPermission(node)) {
              return true;
        // Op Fallback
        } else if (player.isOp()) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * Private non-API functions
     * Bukkit Permission Stuff
    private String getVariable(Player player, String info) {
      return, info);
    private String getbPermGroup(Player player) {
      String[] groups = ApiLayer.getGroups(player.getWorld().getName(), CalculableType.USER, player.getName());
      if (groups.length == 0) return "";
      return groups[0];
    private String getPermBGroup(Player player) {
      // Because of a softdepend issue in Bukkit, this plugin may not be enabled
      if (!ichat.pbPlug.isEnabled()) return "";
      List<Group> groups = ichat.pbPlug.getGroups(player.getName());
      if (groups.size() == 0) return "";
      return groups.get(0).getName();
    private String getPexGroup(Player player) {
      PermissionUser user = PermissionsEx.getUser(player);
      if (user == null) return "";
      PermissionGroup[] groups = user.getGroups(player.getWorld().getName());
      if (groups.length == 0) return "";
      return groups[0].getName();
    private String getGManGroup(Player player) {
      if (!ichat.gMan.isEnabled()) return "";
      AnjoPermissionsHandler handler = ichat.gMan.getWorldsHolder().getWorldPermissions(player);
      if (handler == null) return "";
      return handler.getGroup(player.getName());
    private String getSuperPermGroup(Player player) {
      Set<PermissionAttachmentInfo> perms = player.getEffectivePermissions();
      for (PermissionAttachmentInfo perm : perms) {
        if (perm.getPermission().startsWith("group.") &&
            perm.getValue()) {
          String group = perm.getPermission().substring(6);
          return, "name");
      return "";
     * Permissions Stuff
    private String getPermissionsGroup(Player player) {
        String pName = player.getName();
        String world = player.getWorld().getName();

        if (ichat.permissions3) {
            String group = ichat.permissions.getPrimaryGroup(world, pName);

            if (group == null)
                return "";

            return group;
        } else {
            String group = ichat.permissions.getGroup(world, pName);

            if (group == null)
                return "";

            return group;
     * Privileges Stuff
    private String getPrivilegesGroup(Player player) {
      if (!ichat.priv.isEnabled()) return "";
      net.krinsoft.privileges.groups.Group group = ichat.priv.getGroupManager().getGroup((OfflinePlayer)player);
      if (group == null || group.getName() == null) return "";
      return group.getName();
   * Parse given text string for permissions variables
    private String parseVars(String format, Player p) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\+\\{(.*?)\\}");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(format);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (matcher.find()) {
      String var = getRawInfo(p,;
      matcher.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(var));
    return sb.toString();
   * Parse a given text string and replace the variables/color codes.
    private String replaceVars(String format, String[] search, String[] replace) {
    if (search.length != replace.length) return "";
    for (int i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
      if (search[i].contains(",")) {
        for (String s : search[i].split(",")) {
          if (s == null || replace[i] == null) continue;
          format = format.replace(s, replace[i]);
      } else {
        format = format.replace(search[i], replace[i]);
    return addColor(format);

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