$Id: c052f0a5259ea0b52155173413003584672e75e6 $
This software is released under a BSD-style license:
Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Brian M. Clapper. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any,
must include the following acknowlegement:
"This product includes software developed by Brian M. Clapper
(bmc@clapper.org, http://www.clapper.org/bmc/). That software is
copyright (c) 2004-2007 Brian M. Clapper."
Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,
if wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.
3. Neither the names "clapper.org", "clapper.org Java Utility Library",
nor any of the names of the project contributors may be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior
written permission. For written permission, please contact
4. Products derived from this software may not be called "clapper.org
Java Utility Library", nor may "clapper.org" appear in their names
without prior written permission of Brian M. Clapper.
package org.clapper.util.config;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import org.clapper.util.logging.Logger;
import org.clapper.util.text.TextUtil;
import org.clapper.util.text.UnixShellVariableSubstituter;
import org.clapper.util.text.VariableDereferencer;
import org.clapper.util.text.VariableNameChecker;
import org.clapper.util.text.VariableSubstitutionException;
import org.clapper.util.text.VariableSubstituter;
import org.clapper.util.text.XStringBuffer;
import org.clapper.util.io.FileUtil;
* <p><tt>Configuration</tt> implements a parser, generator and in-memory
* store for a configuration file whose syntax is reminiscent of classic
* Windows .INI files, though with many extensions.</p>
* <h3>Syntax</h3>
* <p>A configuration file is broken into sections, and each section is
* introduced by a section name in brackets. For example:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>
* [main]
* installation.directory=/usr/local/foo
* program.directory: /usr/local/foo/programs
* [search]
* searchCommand: find /usr/local/foo -type f -name '*.class'
* [display]
* searchFailedMessage=Search failed, sorry.
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>Notes and caveats:</p>
* <ul>
* <li> At least one section is required.
* <li> Sections may be empty.
* <li> It is an error to have any variable definitions before the first
* section header.
* <li> The section name "system" is reserved. It doesn't really exist, but
* it's used during variable substitution (see below) to substitute from
* <tt>System.properties</tt>.
* <li> The section name "program" is reserved. It doesn't really exist, but
* it's used during variable substitution to substitute certain canned
* values, such as the running process's working directory.
* </ul>
* <h4>Section Name Syntax</h4>
* <p>There can be any amount of whitespace before and after the brackets
* in a section name; the whitespace is ignored. Section names may consist
* of alphanumeric characters and periods. Anything else is not
* permitted.</p>
* <h4>Variable Syntax</h4>
* <p>Each section contains zero or more variable settings. Similar to a
* <tt>Properties</tt> file, the variables are specified as name/value
* pairs, separated by an equal sign ("=") or a colon (":"). Variable names
* are case-sensitive and may contain any printable character (including
* white space), other than '$', '{', and '}' Variable values may contain
* anything at all. The parser ignores whitespace on either side of the "="
* or ":"; that is, leading whitespace in the value is skipped. The way to
* include leading whitespace in a value is escape the whitespace
* characters with backslashes. (See below).</p>
* <h4>Continuation Lines</h4>
* <p>Variable definitions may span multiple lines; each line to be
* continued must end with a backslash ("\") character, which escapes the
* meaning of the newline, causing it to be treated like a space character.
* The following line is treated as a logical continuation of the first
* line; however, any leading whitespace is removed from continued lines.
* For example, the following four variable assignments all have the
* same value:
* <blockquote><pre>
* [test]
* a: one two three
* b: one two three
* c: one two \
* three
* d: one \
* two \
* three
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>Because leading whitespace is skipped, all four variables have the
* value "one two three".</p>
* <p>Only variable definition lines may be continued. Section header
* lines, comment lines (see below) and include directives (see below)
* cannot span multiple lines.</p>
* <h4>Expansions of Variable Values</h4>
* <p>The configuration parser preprocesses each variable's value,
* replacing embedded metacharacter sequences and substituting variable
* references. You can use backslashes to escape the special characters
* that the parser uses to recognize metacharacter and variable sequences;
* you can also use single quotes. See <a href="#RawValues">Suppressing
* Metacharacter Expansion and Variable Substitution</a>, below, for more
* details.</p>
* <h5>Metacharacters</h5>
* <p>The parser recognizes Java-style ASCII escape sequences <tt>\t</tt>,
* <tt>\n</tt>, <tt>\r</tt>, <tt>\\</tt>, <tt>\"</tt>, <tt>\'</tt>,
* <tt>\ </tt> (a backslash and a space), and
* <tt>\u</tt><i>xxxx</i> are recognized and converted to single
* characters. Note that metacharacter expansion is performed <i>before</i>
* variable substitution.</p>
* <h5>Variable Substitution</h5>
* <p>A variable value can interpolate the values of other variables, using
* a variable substitution syntax. The general form of a variable reference
* is <tt>${sectionName:varName?default}</tt>.</p>
* <ul>
* <li><tt>sectionName</tt> is the name of the section containing the
* variable to substitute; if omitted, it defaults to the current
* section.
* <li><tt>varName</tt> is the name of the variable to substitute.
* <li><tt>default</tt> is the default value for the variable, if the
* variable is undefined. If omitted, a reference to an undefined
* variable (or undefined section) will either result in an exception
* or will be replaced with an empty string, depending on the setting
* of the "abort on undefined value" flag. See
* {@link #setAbortOnUndefinedVariable}.
* </ul>
* <p>If a variable reference specifies a section name, the referenced section
* must precede the current section. It is not possible to substitute the value
* of a variable in a section that occurs later in the file.</p>
* <p>The section names "system", "env", and "program" are reserved for
* special "pseudosections."</p>
* <p>The "system" pseudosection is used to interpolate values from Java's
* <tt>System.properties</tt> class. For instance,
* <tt>${system:user.home}</tt> substitutes the value of the
* <tt>user.home</tt> system property (typically, the home directory of the
* user running <i>curn</i>). Similarly, <tt>${system:user.name}</tt>
* substitutes the user's name.</p>
* <p>For example:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>
* [main]
* installation.directory=${system:user.home?/tmp}/this_package
* program.directory: ${installation.directory}/foo/programs
* [search]
* searchCommand: find ${main:installation.directory} -type f -name '*.class'
* [display]
* searchFailedMessage=Search failed, sorry.
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>The "env" pseudosection is used to interpolate values from the
* environment. On UNIX systems, for instance, <tt>${env:HOME}</tt>
* substitutes user's home directory (and is, therefore, a synonym for
* <tt>${system:user.home}</tt>. On some versions of Windows,
* <tt>${env:USERNAME}</tt> will substitute the name of the user running
* <i>curn</i>. Note: On UNIX systems, environment variable names are
* typically case-sensitive; for instance, <tt>${env:USER}</tt> and
* <tt>${env:user}</tt> refer to different environment variables. On
* Windows systems, environment variable names are typically
* case-insensitive; <tt>${env:USERNAME}</tt> and <tt>${env:username}</tt>
* are equivalent.</p>
* <p>The "program" pseudosection is a placeholder for various special
* variables provided by the <tt>Configuration</tt> class. Those variables
* are:</p>
* <table border="1" align="left" width="100%" class="nested-table">
* <tr valign="top">
* <th align="left">Variable</th>
* <th align="left">Description</th>
* <th align="left">Examples</th>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td align="left"><tt>cwd</tt></td>
* <td align="left">
* the program's current working directory. Thus,
* <tt>${program:cwd}</tt> will substitute the working directory,
* with the appropriate system-specific file separator. On a Windows
* system, the file separator character (a backslash) will be doubled,
* to ensure that it is properly interpreted by the configuration file
* parsing logic.
* </td>
* <td align="left"> </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td align="left"><tt>cwd.url</tt></td>
* <td align="left">
* the program's current working directory as a <tt>file</tt> URL,
* without the trailing "/". Useful when you need to create a URL
* reference to something relative to the current directory. This is
* especially useful on Windows, where
* <blockquote><pre>file://${program:cwd}/something.txt</pre></blockquote>
* produces an invalid URL, with a mixture of backslashes and
* forward slashes. By contrast,
* <blockquote><pre>${program:cwd.url}/something.txt</pre></blockquote>
* always produces a valid URL, regardless of the underlying host
* operating system.
* </td>
* <td align="left"> </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td align="left"><tt>now</tt></td>
* <td align="left">
* the current time, formatted by calling
* <tt>java.util.Date.toString()</tt> with the default locale.
* </td>
* <td align="left"> </td>
* </tr>
* <tr valign="top">
* <td align="left" nowrap>
* <tt>now</tt> <i>delim</i> <i>fmt</i> [<i>delim</i> <i>lang delim country</i>]]
* </td>
* <td align="left">
* <p>The current date/time, formatted with the specified
* <tt>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</tt> format string. If specified,
* the given locale and country code will be used; otherwise, the
* default system locale will be used. <i>lang</i> is a Java language
* code, such as "en", "fr", etc. <i>country</i> is a 2-letter country
* code, e.g., "UK", "US", "CA", etc. <i>delim</i> is a user-chosen
* delimiter that separates the variable name ("<tt>now</tt>") from the
* format and the optional locale fields. The delimiter can be anything
* that doesn't appear in the format string, the variable name, or
* the locale.</p>
* <p>Note: <tt>SimpleDateFormat</tt> requires that literal strings
* (i.e., strings that should not be processed as part of the format)
* be enclosed in quotes. For instance:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss z</pre></blockquote>
* <p>Because single quotes are special characters in configuration
* files, it's important to escape them if you use them inside date
* formats. So, to include the above string in a configuration
* file's <tt>${program:now}</tt> reference, use the following:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>${program:now/yyyy.MM.dd \'at\' hh:mm:ss z}</pre></blockquote>
* <p>See <a href="#RawValues">Suppressing Metacharacter Expansion
* and Variable Substitution</a>, below, for more details.</p>
* </td>
* <td align="left">
* <pre> ${program:now|yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss z}
* ${program:now|yyyy/MM/dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z|en|US}
* ${program:now|dd MMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss z|fr|FR}</pre>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p>Notes and caveats:</p>
* <ul>
* <li> <tt>Configuration</tt> uses the
* {@link UnixShellVariableSubstituter} class to do variable
* substitution, so it honors all the syntax conventions supported
* by that class.
* <li> A variable that directly or indirectly references itself via
* variable substitution will cause the parser to throw an exception.
* <li> Variable substitutions are only permitted within variable
* values and include targets (see below). They are ignored in variable
* names, section names, and comments.
* <li> Variable substitution is performed <i>after</i> metacharacter
* expansion (so don't include metacharacter sequences in your variable
* names).
* <li> To include a literal "$" character in a variable value, escape
* it with a backslash, e.g., "<tt>var=value with \$ dollar sign</tt>"
* </ul>
* <h5><a name="RawValues">Suppressing Metacharacter Expansion and Variable
* Substitution</a></h5>
* <p>To prevent the parser from interpreting metacharacter sequences,
* variable substitutions and other special characters, enclose part or
* all of the value in single quotes.
* <p>For example, suppose you want to set variable "prompt" to the
* literal value "Enter value. To specify a newline, use \n." The following
* configuration file line will do the trick:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>prompt: 'Enter value. To specify a newline, use \n'
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>Similarly, to set variable "abc" to the literal string "${foo}"
* suppressing the parser's attempts to expand "${foo}" as a variable
* reference, you could use:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>abc: '${foo}'</pre></blockquote>
* <p>To include a literal single quote, you must escape it with a
* backslash.</p>
* <p>Note: It's also possible, though hairy, to escape the special meaning
* of special characters via the backslash character. For instance, you can
* escape the variable substitution lead-in character, '$', with a
* backslash. e.g., "\$". This technique is not recommended, however,
* because you have to double-escape any backslash characters that you want
* to be preserved literally. For instance, to get "\t", you must specify
* "\\\\t". To get a literal backslash, specify "\\\\". (Yes, that's four
* backslashes, just to get a single unescaped one.) This double-escaping
* is a regrettable side effect of how the configuration file parses
* variable values: It makes two separate passes over the value (one for
* metacharacter expansion and another for variable expansion). Each of
* those passes honors and processes backslash escapes. This problem would
* go away if the configuration file parser parsed both metacharacter
* sequences and variable substitutions itself, in one pass. It doesn't
* currently do that, because I wanted to make use of the existing
* {@link XStringBuffer#decodeMetacharacters()} method and the
* {@link UnixShellVariableSubstituter} class. In general, you're better off
* just sticking with single quotes.</p>
* <h5>Double Quotes</h5>
* <p>Double quotes can be used to escape the special meaning of white
* space, while still permitting metacharacters and variable references to
* be expanded. (Metacharacter and variable references are not expanded
* between single quotes.) When retrieving a variable's value via
* {@link #getConfigurationValue}, a program will not be able to tell whether
* double quotes were used or not, since {@link #getConfigurationValue}
* returns the "cooked" value as a single string. However, callers can use
* the {@link #getConfigurationTokens} method to retrieve the parsed tokens
* that comprise a configuration value. Double- and single-quoted strings are
* returned as individual tokens.</p>
* <h4>Includes</h4>
* <p>A special include directive permits inline inclusion of another
* configuration file. The include directive takes two forms:
* <blockquote><pre>
* %include "path"
* %include "URL"
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>For example:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>
* %include "/home/bmc/mytools/common.cfg"
* %include "http://configs.example.com/mytools/common.cfg"
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>The included file may contain any content that is valid for this
* parser. It may contain just variable definitions (i.e., the contents of
* a section, without the section header), or it may contain a complete
* configuration file, with individual sections. Since
* <tt>Configuration</tt> recognizes a variable syntax that is
* essentially identical to Java's properties file syntax, it's also legal
* to include a properties file, provided it's included within a valid
* section.</p>
* <p>Note: Attempting to include a file from itself, either directly or
* indirectly, will cause the parser to throw an exception.</p>
* <h4>Comments and Blank Lines</h4>
* <p>A comment line is a one whose first non-whitespace character is a "#"
* or a "!". This comment syntax is identical to the one supported by a
* Java properties file. A blank line is a line containing no content, or
* one containing only whitespace. Blank lines and comments are ignored.</p>
* @version <tt>$Revision$</tt>
* @author Copyright © 2004-2007 Brian M. Clapper
public class Configuration
implements VariableDereferencer, VariableNameChecker
private static final String COMMENT_CHARS = "#!";
private static final char SECTION_START = '[';
private static final char SECTION_END = ']';
private static final String INCLUDE = "%include";
private static final int MAX_INCLUDE_NESTING_LEVEL = 50;
private static final String SYSTEM_SECTION_NAME = "system";
private static final String PROGRAM_SECTION_NAME = "program";
private static final String ENV_SECTION_NAME = "env";
private static final int SYSTEM_SECTION_ID = 0;
private static final int PROGRAM_SECTION_ID = 1;
private static final int ENV_SECTION_ID = 2;
private static final int FIRST_CONFIG_SECTION_ID = 3;
* Line types
private static enum LineType
* Contains one logical input line.
private static class Line
int number = 0;
LineType type = LineType.COMMENT;
XStringBuffer buffer = new XStringBuffer();
// Nothing to do
void newLine()
buffer.setLength (0);
* Context for variable substitution
private class SubstitutionContext
Variable currentVariable;
int totalSubstitutions = 0;
SubstitutionContext (Variable v)
currentVariable = v;
* Container for data used only during parsing.
private class ParseContext
* Current section. Only set during parsing.
Section currentSection = null;
* Current variable name being processed. Used during the variable
* substitution parsing phase.
Variable currentVariable = null;
* Current include file nesting level. Used as a fail-safe during
* parsing.
int includeFileNestingLevel = 0;
* Table of files/URLs currently open. Used during include
* processing.
Set<String> openURLs = new HashSet<String>();
// Nothing to do
Private Data Items
* The URL of the configuration file, if available
private URL configURL = null;
* List of sections, in order encountered. Each element is a reference to
* a Section object.
private List<Section> sectionsInOrder = new ArrayList<Section>();
* Sections by name. Each index is a string. Each value is a reference to
* a Section object.
private Map<String, Section> sectionsByName =
new HashMap<String, Section>();
* Special section for System.properties
private static Section systemSection;
* Special section for program properties
private Section programSection;
* Special section for env properties
private Section envSection;
* Section ID values.
private int nextSectionIDValue = FIRST_CONFIG_SECTION_ID;
* For logging
private static final Logger log = new Logger (Configuration.class);
* Whether or not to abort if a variable is undefined
private boolean abortOnUndefinedVariable = true;
* The substituter
private UnixShellVariableSubstituter varSubstituter =
new UnixShellVariableSubstituter();
* Construct an empty <tt>Configuration</tt> object. The object may
* later be filled with configuration data via one of the <tt>load()</tt>
* methods, or by calls to {@link #addSection addSection()} and
* {@link #setVariable setVariable()}.
public Configuration()
// Nothing to do
Public Methods
* Add a new section to this configuration data.
* @param sectionName the name of the new section
* @throws SectionExistsException a section by that name already exists
* @see #containsSection
* @see #getSectionNames
* @see #setVariable
public void addSection (String sectionName)
throws SectionExistsException
if (sectionsByName.get (sectionName) != null)
throw new SectionExistsException (sectionName);
makeNewSection (sectionName);
* Clear this object of all configuration data.
public void clear()
configURL = null;
* Determine whether this object contains a specified section.
* @param sectionName the section name
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the section exists in this configuration,
* <tt>false</tt> if not.
* @see #getSectionNames
* @see #addSection
public final boolean containsSection (String sectionName)
return (sectionsByName.get (sectionName) != null);
* Get the URL of the configuration file, if available.
* @return the URL of the configuration file, or null if the file
* was parsed from an <tt>InputStream</tt>
public URL getConfigurationFileURL()
return configURL;
* Get the names of the sections in this object, in the order they were
* parsed and/or added.
* @param collection the <tt>Collection</tt> to which to add the section
* names. The names are added in the order they were
* parsed and/or added to this object; of course, the
* <tt>Collection</tt> may reorder them.
* @return the <tt>collection</tt> parameter, for convenience
* @see #getVariableNames
public Collection<String> getSectionNames (Collection<String> collection)
for (Section section : sectionsInOrder)
collection.add (section.getName());
return collection;
* Get the names of the sections in this object, in the order they were
* parsed and/or added.
* @return a new <tt>Collection</tt> of section names
* @see #getVariableNames
public Collection<String> getSectionNames()
return getSectionNames (new ArrayList<String>());
* Get the names of the all the variables in a section, in the order
* they were parsed and/or added.
* @param sectionName the name of the section to access
* @param collection the <tt>Collection</tt> to which to add the variable
* names. The names are added in the order they were
* parsed and/or added to this object; of course, the
* <tt>Collection</tt> may reorder them.
* @return the <tt>collection</tt> parameter, for convenience
* @throws NoSuchSectionException no such section
* @see #getSectionNames
* @see #containsSection
* @see #getVariableValue
public Collection<String> getVariableNames (String sectionName,
Collection<String> collection)
throws NoSuchSectionException
Section section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
throw new NoSuchSectionException (sectionName);
collection.addAll (section.getVariableNames());
return collection;
* Get the names of the all the variables in a section, in the order
* they were parsed and/or added.
* @param sectionName the name of the section to access
* @return a new <tt>Collection</tt> of variable names
* @throws NoSuchSectionException no such section
* @see #getSectionNames
* @see #containsSection
* @see #getVariableValue
public Collection<String> getVariableNames (String sectionName)
throws NoSuchSectionException
return getVariableNames (sectionName, new ArrayList<String>());
* Get the value for a variable. This method returns a "collapsed"
* value, with any quotes stripped. It's impossible to tell where
* quoted substrings appeared. If you need to know where individual
* tokens begin and end, use the {@link #getConfigurationTokens}
* method. For example, if the configuration line looks like this:
* <blockquote><pre>foo: abc "def ghi" jkl</pre></blockquote>
* this method will return the string
* <blockquote><pre>abc def ghi jkl</pre></blockquote>
* whereas {@link #getConfigurationTokens} will return the following
* individual tokens:
* <blockquote><pre>
* abc
* def ghi
* jkl
* </pre></blockquote>
* Getting the tokens preserves the white space-escaping properties of
* the double quotes.
* @param sectionName the name of the section containing the variable
* @param variableName the variable name
* @return the value for the variable (which may be the empty string)
* @throws NoSuchSectionException the named section does not exist
* @throws NoSuchVariableException the section has no such variable
* @see #getConfigurationTokens
public String getConfigurationValue (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws NoSuchSectionException,
Section section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
throw new NoSuchSectionException (sectionName);
Variable variable = null;
variable = section.getVariable (variableName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
if (variable == null)
throw new NoSuchVariableException (sectionName, variableName);
return variable.getCookedValue();
* Get the raw value (i.e., without any substitutions) for a variable.
* @param sectionName the name of the section containing the variable
* @param variableName the variable name
* @return the value for the variable (which may be the empty string)
* @throws NoSuchSectionException the named section does not exist
* @throws NoSuchVariableException the section has no such variable
* @see #getConfigurationValue
public String getRawValue (String sectionName, String variableName)
throws NoSuchSectionException,
Section section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
throw new NoSuchSectionException (sectionName);
Variable variable = null;
variable = section.getVariable (variableName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
if (variable == null)
throw new NoSuchVariableException (sectionName, variableName);
return variable.getRawValue();
* Get the value for a variable as a series of tokens. This is the
* method to use if you need to retain any white space between quotes.
* With the {@link #getConfigurationValue} method, it's impossible to
* tell where quoted substrings appeared. For example, if the
* configuration line looks like this:
* <blockquote><pre>foo: abc "def ghi" jkl mno</pre></blockquote>
* {@link #getConfigurationValue} will return the string
* <blockquote><pre>abc def ghi jkl mno</pre></blockquote>
* whereas this method will return the following individual tokens:
* <blockquote><pre>
* abc
* def ghi
* jkl
* mno
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>Getting the tokens preserves the white space-escaping properties of
* the double quotes.</p>
* @param sectionName the name of the section containing the variable
* @param variableName the variable name
* @return the value tokens for the variable, or null if the value
* exists but was empty
* @throws ConfigurationException some configuration error
* @see #getConfigurationValue
* @since Version 2.1.3
public String[] getConfigurationTokens (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws ConfigurationException
Section section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
throw new NoSuchSectionException (sectionName);
Variable variable = null;
variable = section.getVariable (variableName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
log.error ("Can't get value for variable \"" +
variableName +
"\" in section \"" +
sectionName +
if (variable == null)
throw new NoSuchVariableException (sectionName, variableName);
// The "cooked" tokens are split into literal (i.e., quoted) and
// non-quoted pieces. This is almost never what a caller wants.
// Instead, the caller wants individual tokens, with quoted parts
// represented as a single token. For instance, given:
// abc def ghi
// the caller wants:
// abc
// def
// ghi
// Similarly, given:
// abc "def ghi" jkl
// the caller wants:
// abc
// def ghi
// jkl
// Fortunately, the parser keeps track of whether a segment was
// literal or not, so this is easy to manufacture.
ValueSegment[] cookedSegments = variable.getCookedSegments();
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
if (cookedSegments != null)
for (ValueSegment segment : cookedSegments)
String cookedToken = segment.toString();
if (segment.isLiteral || segment.isWhiteSpaceEscaped)
// Was quoted. Use it as is.
// Break it into white space-delimited tokens.
String[] tokens = TextUtil.split(cookedToken);
for (String token : tokens)
return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
* Convenience method to get and convert an optional integer parameter.
* The default value applies if the variable is missing or is there but
* has an empty value.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @param defaultValue default value if not found
* @return the value, or the default value if not found
* @throws ConfigurationException some configuration error
* @see #getOptionalCardinalValue
* @see #getRequiredIntegerValue
public int getOptionalIntegerValue (String sectionName,
String variableName,
int defaultValue)
throws ConfigurationException
int result = defaultValue;
result = getRequiredIntegerValue(sectionName, variableName);
catch (NoSuchVariableException ex)
// Use default
return result;
* Convenience method to get and convert a required integer parameter.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @return the value
* @throws ConfigurationException some configuration error, including bad
* numeric value
* @see #getRequiredCardinalValue
* @see #getOptionalIntegerValue
public int getRequiredIntegerValue (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws ConfigurationException
String sNum = getConfigurationValue (sectionName, variableName);
return Integer.parseInt (sNum);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException
"Bad numeric value \"{0}\" for variable \"{1}\" in section " +
new Object[]
* Convenience method to get and convert an optional non-negative integer
* parameter. The default value applies if the variable is missing or
* is there but has an empty value. (The term "cardinal" is borrowed from
* the
* {@link <a href="http://www.research.compaq.com/SRC/m3defn/html/ordinal.html">Modula-3</a>}
* language.)
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @param defaultValue default value if not found. Must be non-negative.
* @return the value, or the default value if not found
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value, or other config error
* @see #getOptionalIntegerValue
* @see #getRequiredCardinalValue
public int getOptionalCardinalValue (String sectionName,
String variableName,
int defaultValue)
throws ConfigurationException
assert (defaultValue >= 0);
int result = defaultValue;
result = getRequiredCardinalValue(sectionName, variableName);
catch (NoSuchVariableException ex)
// Accept default
return result;
* Convenience method to get and convert a required integer parameter.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @return the value
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value, or other config error
* @see #getOptionalCardinalValue
* @see #getRequiredIntegerValue
public int getRequiredCardinalValue (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws ConfigurationException
String sNum = getConfigurationValue (sectionName, variableName);
int i = getRequiredIntegerValue (sectionName, variableName);
if (i < 0)
throw new ConfigurationException
"Bad negative numeric value \"{0}\" " +
"for variable \"{1}\" in section \"{2}\"",
new Object[]
return i;
* Convenience method to get and convert an optional floating point
* numeric parameter. The default value applies if the variable is
* missing or is there but has an empty value.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @param defaultValue default value if not found
* @return the value, or the default value if not found
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value or other config error
public double getOptionalDoubleValue (String sectionName,
String variableName,
double defaultValue)
throws ConfigurationException
double result = defaultValue;
result = getRequiredDoubleValue(sectionName, variableName);
catch (NoSuchVariableException ex)
// Accept default
return result;
* Convenience method to get and convert a required floating point
* numeric parameter.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @return the value
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value or other config error
public double getRequiredDoubleValue (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws ConfigurationException
String sNum = getConfigurationValue (sectionName, variableName);
return Double.parseDouble (sNum);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException (Package.BUNDLE_NAME,
"Bad floating point value " +
"\"{0}\" for variable \"{1}\" " +
"in section \"{2}\"",
new Object[]
* Convenience method to get and convert an optional boolean parameter.
* The default value applies if the variable is missing or is there
* but has an empty value.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @param defaultValue default value if not found
* @return the value, or the default value if not found
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value, or other config error
public boolean getOptionalBooleanValue (String sectionName,
String variableName,
boolean defaultValue)
throws ConfigurationException
boolean result;
String s = getConfigurationValue (sectionName, variableName);
if (TextUtil.stringIsEmpty (s))
result = defaultValue;
result = TextUtil.booleanFromString (s);
catch (NoSuchVariableException ex)
result = defaultValue;
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException (ex.getMessage());
return result;
* Convenience method to get and convert a required boolean parameter.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @return the value
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value, or other config error
public boolean getRequiredBooleanValue (String sectionName,
String variableName)
throws ConfigurationException
String val = getConfigurationValue(sectionName, variableName);
return TextUtil.booleanFromString(val);
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException
"Bad boolean value \"{0}\" for variable \"{1}\" in " +
"section \"{2}\".\n",
new Object[] {val, variableName, sectionName});
* Convenience method to get an optional string value. The default
* value applies if the variable is missing or is there but has an
* empty value.
* @param sectionName section name
* @param variableName variable name
* @param defaultValue default value if not found
* @return the value, or the default value if not found
* @throws ConfigurationException bad numeric value or other config error
public String getOptionalStringValue (String sectionName,
String variableName,
String defaultValue)
throws ConfigurationException
String result;
result = getConfigurationValue (sectionName, variableName);
if (TextUtil.stringIsEmpty (result))
result = defaultValue;
catch (NoSuchVariableException ex)
result = defaultValue;
return result;
* Get the value associated with a given variable. Required by the
* {@link VariableDereferencer} interface, this method is used during
* parsing to handle variable substitutions (but also potentially
* useful by other applications). See this class's documentation for
* details on variable references.
* @param varName The name of the variable for which the value is
* desired.
* @param context a context object, passed through from the caller
* to the dereferencer, or null if there isn't one.
* For this class, the context object is a
* SubstitutionContext variable.
* @return The variable's value. If the variable has no value, this
* method must return null.
* @throws VariableSubstitutionException variable references itself
public String getVariableValue (String varName, Object context)
throws VariableSubstitutionException
int i;
Section section;
String sectionName;
String value = null;
SubstitutionContext substContext = (SubstitutionContext) context;
Section variableParentSection;
Variable currentVariable;
checkVariableName (varName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
throw new VariableSubstitutionException (ex);
currentVariable = substContext.currentVariable;
if (currentVariable.getName().equals (varName))
throw new VariableSubstitutionException
"Attempt to substitute value for variable " +
"\"{0}\" within itself.",
new Object[] {varName});
variableParentSection = substContext.currentVariable.getSection();
i = varName.indexOf (':');
if (i == -1)
// No section in the variable reference. Use the variable's
// context.
section = variableParentSection;
sectionName = section.getName();
sectionName = varName.substring (0, i);
varName = varName.substring (i + 1);
if (sectionName.equals (SYSTEM_SECTION_NAME))
section = systemSection;
else if (sectionName.equals (PROGRAM_SECTION_NAME))
section = programSection;
else if (sectionName.equals (ENV_SECTION_NAME))
section = envSection;
section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
if (abortOnUndefinedVariable)
throw new VariableSubstitutionException
"Reference to variable \"{0}\" in nonexistent section " +
new Object[] {varName, sectionName});
if (variableParentSection.getID() < section.getID())
String parentSectionName = variableParentSection.getName();
String thisSectionName = section.getName();
throw new VariableSubstitutionException
"Variable \"{0}\" in section \"{1}\" cannot substitute " +
"the value of variable \"{2}\" from section \"{3}\", " +
"because section \"{3}\" appears after section \"{1}\" " +
"in the configuration file.",
new Object[]
Variable varToSubst;
varToSubst = section.getVariable (varName);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
throw new VariableSubstitutionException (ex.getMessage());
if (varToSubst != null)
value = varToSubst.getCookedValue();
return value;
* Required by the {@link VariableNameChecker} interface, this method
* determines whether a character may legally be used in a variable name
* or not.
* @param c The character to test
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the character may be part of a variable name,
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise
* @see VariableSubstituter#substitute
public boolean legalVariableCharacter (char c)
return ! (UnixShellVariableSubstituter.isVariableMetacharacter (c));
* Load configuration from a <tt>File</tt>. Any existing data is
* discarded.
* @param file the file
* @throws IOException read error
* @throws ConfigurationException parse error
public void load(File file)
throws IOException,
load(file, null);
* Load configuration from a <tt>File</tt>. Any existing data is
* discarded.
* @param file the file
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @throws IOException read error
* @throws ConfigurationException parse error
public void load(File file, String encoding)
throws IOException,
URL url = file.toURI().toURL();
parse (new FileInputStream(file), encoding, url);
this.configURL = url;
* Load configuration from a file specified as a pathname. Any existing
* data is discarded.
* @param path the path
* @throws FileNotFoundException specified file doesn't exist
* @throws IOException can't open or read file
* @throws ConfigurationException error in configuration data
public void load(String path)
throws IOException,
load(path, null);
* Load configuration from a file specified as a pathname. Any existing data
* is discarded.
* @param path the path
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @throws FileNotFoundException specified file doesn't exist
* @throws IOException can't open or read file
* @throws ConfigurationException error in configuration data
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException bad encoding
public void load(String path, String encoding)
throws IOException,
URL url = new File(path).toURI().toURL();
parse(new FileInputStream(path), encoding, url);
this.configURL = url;
* Load the configuration from a URL.
* @param url the URL
* @throws IOException on I/O error
* @throws ConfigurationException on configuration error
public void load(URL url)
throws IOException,
load(url, null);
* Load the configuration from a URL.
* @param url the URL
* @param encoding the encoding, if known, or null
* @throws IOException on I/O error
* @throws ConfigurationException on configuration error
public void load(URL url, String encoding)
throws IOException,
parse(url.openStream(), encoding, url);
this.configURL = url;
* Load configuration from an <tt>InputStream</tt>. Any existing data
* is discarded.
* @param iStream the <tt>InputStream</tt>
* @throws IOException can't open or read URL
* @throws ConfigurationException error in configuration data
public void load(InputStream iStream)
throws IOException,
load(iStream, null);
* Load configuration from an <tt>InputStream</tt>. Any existing data
* is discarded.
* @param iStream the <tt>InputStream</tt>
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @throws IOException can't open or read URL
* @throws ConfigurationException error in configuration data
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException bad encoding
public void load(InputStream iStream, String encoding)
throws IOException,
parse(iStream, encoding, null);
* Set a variable's value. If the variable does not exist, it is created.
* If it does exist, its current value is overwritten with the new one.
* Metacharacters and variable references are not expanded unless the
* <tt>expand</tt> parameter is <tt>true</tt>. An <tt>expand</tt> value
* of <tt>false</tt> is useful when creating new configuration data to
* be written later.
* @param sectionName name of existing section to contain the variable
* @param variableName name of variable to set
* @param value variable's value
* @param expand <tt>true</tt> to expand metacharacters and variable
* references in the value, <tt>false</tt> to leave
* the value untouched.
* @throws NoSuchSectionException section does not exist
* @throws VariableSubstitutionException variable substitution error
public void setVariable (String sectionName,
String variableName,
String value,
boolean expand)
throws NoSuchSectionException,
Section section = sectionsByName.get (sectionName);
if (section == null)
throw new NoSuchSectionException (sectionName);
Variable variable;
variable = section.getVariable (variableName);
if (variable != null)
variable = section.addVariable(variableName, value);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
throw new VariableSubstitutionException (ex.getMessage());
if (expand)
substituteVariables(variable, varSubstituter, true);
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
throw new VariableSubstitutionException (ex.getMessage());
* Get the value of the flag that controls whether the
* <tt>Configuration</tt> object will abort when it encounters an
* undefined variable. If this flag is clear, then an undefined variable
* is expanded to an empty string. If this flag is set, then an undefined
* value results in a {@link ConfigurationException}.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the "abort on undefined variable" capability
* is enabled, <tt>false</tt> if it is disabled.
* @see #setAbortOnUndefinedVariable
public boolean getAbortOnUndefinedVariable()
return abortOnUndefinedVariable;
* Set or clear the flag that controls whether the <tt>Configuration</tt>
* object will abort when it encounters an undefined variable. If this
* flag is clear, then an undefined variable is expanded to an empty
* string. If this flag is set, then an undefined value results in a
* {@link ConfigurationException}. The flag defaults to <tt>true</tt>.
* @param enable <tt>true</tt> to enable the "abort on undefined variable"
* flag, <tt>false</tt> to disable it.
* @see #getAbortOnUndefinedVariable
public void setAbortOnUndefinedVariable(boolean enable)
abortOnUndefinedVariable = enable;
* Writes the configuration data to a <tt>PrintWriter</tt>. The sections
* and variables within the sections are written in the order they were
* originally read from the file. Non-printable characters (and a few
* others) are encoded into metacharacter sequences. Comments are not
* propagated, since they are not retained when the data is parsed.
* @param out where to write the configuration data
* @throws ConfigurationException on error
* @see XStringBuffer#encodeMetacharacters()
public void write (PrintWriter out)
throws ConfigurationException
XStringBuffer value = new XStringBuffer();
boolean firstSection = true;
out.print (COMMENT_CHARS.charAt (0));
out.print (" Written by ");
out.println (this.getClass().getName());
out.print (COMMENT_CHARS.charAt (0));
out.print (" on ");
out.println (new Date().toString());
for (Section section : sectionsInOrder)
if (! firstSection)
out.println (SECTION_START + section.getName() + SECTION_END);
firstSection = false;
for (String varName : section.getVariableNames())
Variable var = section.getVariable (varName);
value.setLength (0);
value.append (var.getRawValue());
out.println (varName + ": " + value.toString());
* Writes the configuration data to a <tt>PrintStream</tt>. The sections
* and variables within the sections are written in the order they were
* originally read from the file. Non-printable characters (and a few
* others) are encoded into metacharacter sequences. Comments and
* variable references are not propagated, since they are not retained
* when the data is parsed.
* @param out where to write the configuration data
* @throws ConfigurationException on error
* @see XStringBuffer#encodeMetacharacters()
public void write (PrintStream out)
throws ConfigurationException
PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter (out);
write (w);
Private Methods
* Parse configuration data from the specified stream.
* @param in the input stream
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @param url the URL associated with the stream, or null if not known
* @throws ConfigurationException parse error
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException bad encoding
private synchronized void parse (InputStream in, String encoding, URL url)
throws ConfigurationException,
loadConfiguration (in, encoding, url, new ParseContext());
* Load the configuration data into memory, without processing
* metacharacters or variable substitution. Includes are processed,
* though.
* @param in input stream
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @param url URL associated with the stream, or null if not known
* @param parseContext current parsing context
* @throws ConfigurationException parse error
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException bad encoding
private void loadConfiguration(InputStream in,
String encoding,
URL url,
ParseContext parseContext)
throws ConfigurationException,
BufferedReader r;
Line line = new Line();
String sURL = url.toExternalForm();
// Now, create the phantom program, env and system sections. These
// MUST be created first, or other sections won't be able to
// substitute from them. (i.e., They must have the lowest IDs.)
programSection = new ProgramSection (PROGRAM_SECTION_NAME,
systemSection = new SystemSection (SYSTEM_SECTION_NAME,
envSection = new EnvSection (ENV_SECTION_NAME, ENV_SECTION_ID);
if (parseContext.openURLs.contains (sURL))
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Attempt to include \"{2}\" " +
"from itself, either directly or indirectly.",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
parseContext.openURLs.add (sURL);
// Parse the entire file into memory before doing variable
// substitution and metacharacter expansion.
InputStreamReader ir;
if (encoding == null)
ir = new InputStreamReader(in);
ir = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding);
r = new BufferedReader(ir);
while (readLogicalLine (r, line))
switch (line.type)
case BLANK:
handleInclude (line, url, encoding, parseContext);
parseContext.currentSection = handleNewSection (line,
if (parseContext.currentSection == null)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Variable assignment " +
"before first section.",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number)
handleVariable (line, url, parseContext);
throw new IllegalStateException
("Bug: line.type=" + line.type);
catch (IOException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException
(getExceptionPrefix (line, url) +
parseContext.openURLs.remove (sURL);
* Handle a new section.
* @param line line buffer
* @param url URL currently being processed, or null if unknown
* @return a new Section object, which has been stored in the appropriate
* places
* @throws ConfigurationException configuration error
private Section handleNewSection (Line line, URL url)
throws ConfigurationException
String s = line.buffer.toString().trim();
if (s.charAt (0) != SECTION_START)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Section does not begin with \"{2}\"",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
String.valueOf (SECTION_START)
else if (s.charAt (s.length() - 1) != SECTION_END)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Section does not end with \"{2}\"",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
String.valueOf (SECTION_END)
return makeNewSection (s.substring (1, s.length() - 1));
* Handle a new variable during parsing.
* @param line line buffer
* @param url URL currently being processed, or null if unknown
* @param parseContext current parsing context
* @throws ConfigurationException configuration error
private void handleVariable (Line line,
URL url,
ParseContext parseContext)
throws ConfigurationException
char[] s = line.buffer.toString().toCharArray();
int iSep;
for (iSep = 0; iSep < s.length; iSep++)
if ((s[iSep] == ':') || (s[iSep] == '='))
if (iSep == s.length)
throw new ConfigurationException (Package.BUNDLE_NAME,
"{0}, line {1}: Missing \"=\" " +
"or \":\" for variable " +
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number)
if (iSep == 0)
throw new ConfigurationException (Package.BUNDLE_NAME,
"{0}, line {1}: Missing " +
"variable name for variable " +
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number)
int i = 0;
int j = iSep - 1;
while (Character.isWhitespace (s[i]))
while (Character.isWhitespace (s[j]))
if (i > j)
throw new ConfigurationException (Package.BUNDLE_NAME,
"{0}, line {1}: Missing " +
"variable name for variable " +
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number)
String varName = new String (s, i, j - i + 1);
if (varName.length() == 0)
throw new ConfigurationException (Package.BUNDLE_NAME,
"{0}, line {1}: Missing " +
"variable name for variable " +
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number)
checkVariableName (varName);
i = skipWhitespace (s, iSep + 1);
j = s.length - i;
Section currentSection = parseContext.currentSection;
String value = new String (s, i, j);
Variable existing = currentSection.getVariable (varName);
if (existing != null)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Section \"{2}\" has a " +
"duplicate definition for variable " +
"\"{3}\". The first instance was defined " +
"on line {4}.",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
String.valueOf (existing.getLineWhereDefined())
Variable newVar = currentSection.addVariable (varName,
// Expand the metacharacters and variable references in the variable.
decodeMetacharacters (newVar);
substituteVariables (newVar, varSubstituter, false);
catch (VariableSubstitutionException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException (ex.getMessage());
* Determine whether a variable name is legal, throwing an exception if
* it isn't.
* @param varName the name to check
* @throws ConfigurationException bad variable name
private void checkVariableName (String varName)
throws ConfigurationException
for (char c : varName.toCharArray())
if (! legalVariableCharacter (c))
throw new ConfigurationException
"\"{0}\" is an illegal variable name",
new Object[] {varName});
* Handle an include directive.
* @param line line buffer
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @param url URL currently being processed, or null if unknown
* @param parseContext current parsing context
* @throws IOException I/O error opening or reading include
* @throws ConfigurationException configuration error
private void handleInclude (Line line,
URL url,
String encoding,
ParseContext parseContext)
throws IOException,
if (parseContext.includeFileNestingLevel >= MAX_INCLUDE_NESTING_LEVEL)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Exceeded maximum nested " +
"include level of {2}.",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
String s = line.buffer.toString();
// Parse the file name.
String includeTarget = s.substring (INCLUDE.length() + 1).trim();
int len = includeTarget.length();
// Make sure double quotes surround the file or URL.
if ((len < 2) ||
(! includeTarget.startsWith ("\"")) ||
(! includeTarget.endsWith ("\"")))
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Malformed \"{2}\" directive",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
// Extract the file.
includeTarget = includeTarget.substring (1, len - 1);
if (includeTarget.length() == 0)
throw new ConfigurationException
"{0}, line {1}: Missing file name or URL " +
"in \"{2}\" directive",
new Object[]
String.valueOf (line.number),
// Process the include
loadInclude (new URL (includeTarget), encoding, parseContext);
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
// Not obviously a URL. First, determine whether it has
// directory information or not. If not, try to use the
// parent's directory information.
if (FileUtil.isAbsolutePath (includeTarget))
loadInclude (new URL (url.getProtocol(),
// It's relative to the parent. If the parent URL is not
// specified, then we can't do anything except try to load
// the include as is. It'll probably fail...
if (url == null)
loadInclude (new File (includeTarget).toURI().toURL(),
String parent = new File (url.getFile()).getParent();
if (parent == null)
parent = "";
loadInclude (new URL (url.getProtocol(),
parent + "/" + includeTarget),
* Actually attempts to load an include reference. This is basically just
* a simplified front-end to loadConfiguration().
* @param url the URL to be included
* @param encoding the encoding to use, or null for the default
* @param parseContext current parsing context
* @throws IOException I/O error
* @throws ConfigurationException configuration error
private void loadInclude (URL url,
String encoding,
ParseContext parseContext)
throws IOException,
loadConfiguration (url.openStream(), encoding, url, parseContext);
* Read the next logical line of input from a config file.
* @param r the reader
* @param line where to store the line. The line number in this
* object is incremented, the "buffer" field is updated,
* and the "type" field is set appropriately.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if a line was read, <tt>false</tt> for EOF.
* @throws ConfigurationException read error
private boolean readLogicalLine (BufferedReader r, Line line)
throws ConfigurationException
boolean continued = false;
boolean gotSomething = false;
for (;;)
String s;
s = r.readLine();
catch (IOException ex)
throw new ConfigurationException (ex.toString());
if (s == null)
gotSomething = true;
// Strip leading white space on all lines.
int i;
char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
i = skipWhitespace (chars, 0);
if (i < chars.length)
s = s.substring (i);
s = "";
if (! continued)
// First line. Determine what it is.
if (s.length() == 0)
line.type = LineType.BLANK;
else if (COMMENT_CHARS.indexOf (s.charAt (0)) != -1)
line.type = LineType.COMMENT;
else if (s.charAt (0) == SECTION_START)
line.type = LineType.SECTION;
else if (new StringTokenizer (s).nextToken().equals (INCLUDE))
line.type = LineType.INCLUDE;
line.type = LineType.VARIABLE;
if ((line.type == LineType.VARIABLE) && (hasContinuationMark (s)))
continued = true;
line.buffer.append (s.substring (0, s.length() - 1));
line.buffer.append (s);
return gotSomething;
* Determine whether a line has a continuation mark or not.
* @param s the line
* @return true if there's a continuation mark, false if not
private boolean hasContinuationMark (String s)
boolean has = false;
if (s.length() > 0)
char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
if (chars[chars.length-1] == '\\')
// Possibly. See if there are an odd number of them.
int total = 0;
for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (chars[i] != '\\')
has = ((total % 2) == 1);
return has;
* Get an appropriate exception prefix (e.g., line number, etc.)
* @param line line buffer
* @param url URL currently being processed, or null if unknown
* @return a suitable string
private String getExceptionPrefix (Line line, URL url)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (url != null)
buf.append (url.toExternalForm());
buf.append (", line ");
buf.append ("Line ");
buf.append (line.number);
buf.append (": ");
return buf.toString();
* Handle metacharacter substitution for a variable value.
* @param var The current variable being processed
* @throws VariableSubstitutionException variable substitution error
* @throws ConfigurationException some other configuration error
private void decodeMetacharacters (Variable var)
throws VariableSubstitutionException,
ValueSegment[] segments = var.getCookedSegments();
for (ValueSegment segment : segments)
if (segment.isLiteral)
* Handle variable substitution for a variable value.
* @param var The current variable being processed
* @param substituter VariableSubstituter to use
* @param concatSegments Re-concatenate the segments
* @throws VariableSubstitutionException variable substitution error
* @throws ConfigurationException some other configuration error
private void substituteVariables (Variable var,
VariableSubstituter substituter,
boolean concatSegments)
throws VariableSubstitutionException,
ValueSegment[] segments = var.getCookedSegments();
SubstitutionContext context = new SubstitutionContext (var);
for (ValueSegment segment : segments)
// Keep substituting the current variable's value until there
// no more substitutions are performed. This handles the case
// where a dereferenced variable value contains its own
// variable references.
if (segment.isLiteral)
String s = segment.segmentBuf.toString();
context.totalSubstitutions = 0;
s = substituter.substitute (s, this, this, context);
while (context.totalSubstitutions > 0);
segment.segmentBuf.setLength (0);
segment.segmentBuf.append (s);
if (concatSegments)
* Get index of first non-whitespace character.
* @param chars character array to check
* @param start starting point
* @return index of first non-whitespace character past "start", or -1
private int skipWhitespace (char[] chars, int start)
while (start < chars.length)
if (! Character.isWhitespace (chars[start]))
return start;
* Create and save a new Section.
* @param sectionName the name
* @return the Section object, which has been saved.
private Section makeNewSection (String sectionName)
int id = nextSectionID();
Section section = new Section (sectionName, id);
sectionsInOrder.add (section);
sectionsByName.put (sectionName, section);
return section;
* Get the next section ID
* @return the ID
private synchronized int nextSectionID()
return ++nextSectionIDValue;