package hudson.plugins.performance;
import hudson.EnvVars;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor;
import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
import hudson.tasks.Recorder;
import hudson.util.ListBoxModel;
import hudson.util.VariableResolver;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class PerformancePublisher extends Recorder {
public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> {
public String getDisplayName() {
return Messages.Publisher_DisplayName();
public String getHelpFile() {
return "/plugin/performance/help.html";
public List<PerformanceReportParserDescriptor> getParserDescriptors() {
return PerformanceReportParserDescriptor.all();
public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) {
return true;
* Populate the comparison type dynamically based on the user selection from
* the previous time
* @return the name of the option selected in the previous run
public ListBoxModel doFillComparisonTypeItems() {
ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel();
//getting the user selected value
String temp = getOptionType();
if(temp.equalsIgnoreCase("ART")) {
items.add("Average Response Time", "ART");
items.add("Median Response Time", "MRT");
items.add("Percentile Response Time", "PRT");
} else if(temp.equalsIgnoreCase("MRT")) {
items.add("Median Response Time", "MRT");
items.add("Percentile Response Time", "PRT");
items.add("Average Response Time", "ART");
} else if(temp.equalsIgnoreCase("PRT")) {
items.add("Percentile Response Time", "PRT");
items.add("Average Response Time", "ART");
items.add("Median Response Time", "MRT");
return items;
private int errorFailedThreshold = 0;
private int errorUnstableThreshold = 0;
private String errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold = "";
private double relativeFailedThresholdPositive = 0;
private double relativeFailedThresholdNegative = 0;
private double relativeUnstableThresholdPositive = 0;
private double relativeUnstableThresholdNegative = 0;
private int nthBuildNumber = 0;
private boolean modeRelativeThresholds = false;
private String configType="ART";
private boolean modeOfThreshold = false;
private boolean compareBuildPrevious = false;
public static final String ART = "ART";
public static final String MRT = "MRT";
public static final String PRT = "PRT";
public static String optionType="ART";
File xmlfile = null;
String xmlDir = null;
String xml="";
private static final String archive_directory = "archive";
private boolean modePerformancePerTestCase = false;
* @deprecated as of 1.3. for compatibility
private transient String filename;
* Configured report parsers.
private List<PerformanceReportParser> parsers;
private boolean modeThroughput;
public PerformancePublisher(int errorFailedThreshold,
int errorUnstableThreshold,
String errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold,
double relativeFailedThresholdPositive,
double relativeFailedThresholdNegative,
double relativeUnstableThresholdPositive,
double relativeUnstableThresholdNegative,
int nthBuildNumber,
boolean modePerformancePerTestCase,
String comparisonType,
boolean modeOfThreshold,
boolean compareBuildPrevious,
List<? extends PerformanceReportParser> parsers,
boolean modeThroughput) {
this.errorFailedThreshold = errorFailedThreshold;
this.errorUnstableThreshold = errorUnstableThreshold;
this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold = errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold;
this.relativeFailedThresholdPositive = relativeFailedThresholdPositive;
this.relativeFailedThresholdNegative = relativeFailedThresholdNegative;
this.relativeUnstableThresholdPositive = relativeUnstableThresholdPositive;
this.relativeUnstableThresholdNegative = relativeUnstableThresholdNegative;
this.nthBuildNumber = nthBuildNumber;
this.configType = comparisonType;
PerformancePublisher.optionType = comparisonType;
this.modeOfThreshold = modeOfThreshold;
this.compareBuildPrevious = compareBuildPrevious;
if (parsers == null)
parsers = Collections.emptyList();
this.parsers = new ArrayList<PerformanceReportParser>(parsers);
this.modePerformancePerTestCase = modePerformancePerTestCase;
this.modeThroughput = modeThroughput;
public static File getPerformanceReport(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build,
String parserDisplayName, String performanceReportName) {
return new File(build.getRootDir(),
public Action getProjectAction(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
return new PerformanceProjectAction(project);
public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService() {
return BuildStepMonitor.BUILD;
public List<PerformanceReportParser> getParsers() {
return parsers;
* <p>
* Delete the date suffix appended to the Performance result files by the
* Maven Performance plugin
* </p>
* @param performanceReportWorkspaceName
* @return the name of the PerformanceReport in the Build
public static String getPerformanceReportBuildFileName(
String performanceReportWorkspaceName) {
String result = performanceReportWorkspaceName;
if (performanceReportWorkspaceName != null) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("-[0-9]*\\.xml");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(performanceReportWorkspaceName);
if (matcher.find()) {
result = matcher.replaceAll(".xml");
return result;
* look for performance reports based in the configured parameter includes.
* 'includes' is - an Ant-style pattern - a list of files and folders
* separated by the characters ;:,
protected static List<FilePath> locatePerformanceReports(FilePath workspace,
String includes) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// First use ant-style pattern
try {
FilePath[] ret = workspace.list(includes);
if (ret.length > 0) {
return Arrays.asList(ret);
//Agoley : Possible fix, if we specify more than one result file pattern
try {
String parts[] = includes.split("\\s*[;:,]+\\s*");
List<FilePath> files = new ArrayList<FilePath>();
for (String path : parts) {
FilePath[] ret = workspace.list(path);
if (ret.length > 0) {
if (!files.isEmpty()) return files;
} catch (IOException e) {
//Agoley: seems like this block doesn't work
// If it fails, do a legacy search
ArrayList<FilePath> files = new ArrayList<FilePath>();
String parts[] = includes.split("\\s*[;:,]+\\s*");
for (String path : parts) {
FilePath src = workspace.child(path);
if (src.exists()) {
if (src.isDirectory()) {
} else {
if (!files.isEmpty()) return files;
//give up and just try direct matching on string
File directFile = new File(includes);
if(directFile.exists()) files.add(new FilePath(directFile));
return files;
public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
double thresholdTolerance = 0.00000001;
Result result = Result.SUCCESS;
//For absolute error/unstable threshold..
if (!modeOfThreshold) {
try {
List<UriReport> curruriList = null;
HashMap<String, String> responseTimeThresholdMap = null;
if (!"".equals(this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold) && this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold != null) {
responseTimeThresholdMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] lines = this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold.split("\n");
for (String line : lines) {
String[] components = line.split(":");
if (components.length == 2) {
logger.println("Setting threshold: " + components[0] +":"+ components[1]);
responseTimeThresholdMap.put(components[0], components[1]);
if (errorUnstableThreshold >= 0 && errorUnstableThreshold <= 100) {
logger.println("Performance: Percentage of errors greater or equal than "
+ errorUnstableThreshold + "% sets the build as "
+ Result.UNSTABLE.toString().toLowerCase());
else {
logger.println("Performance: No threshold configured for making the test "
+ Result.UNSTABLE.toString().toLowerCase());
if (errorFailedThreshold >= 0 && errorFailedThreshold <= 100) {
logger.println("Performance: Percentage of errors greater or equal than "
+ errorFailedThreshold + "% sets the build as "
+ Result.FAILURE.toString().toLowerCase());
else {
logger.println("Performance: No threshold configured for making the test "
+ Result.FAILURE.toString().toLowerCase());
// add the report to the build object.
PerformanceBuildAction a = new PerformanceBuildAction(build, logger, parsers);
for (PerformanceReportParser parser : parsers) {
String glob = parser.glob;
//Replace any runtime environment variables such as ${sample_var}
EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener);
glob = Util.replaceMacro(glob, env);
logger.println("Performance: Recording " + parser.getReportName() + " reports '" + glob + "'");
List<FilePath> files = locatePerformanceReports(build.getWorkspace(), glob);
if (files.isEmpty()) {
if (build.getResult().isWorseThan(Result.UNSTABLE)) {
return true;
logger.println("Performance: no " + parser.getReportName()
+ " files matching '" + glob
+ "' have been found. Has the report generated?. Setting Build to "
+ build.getResult());
return true;
List<File> localReports = copyReportsToMaster(build, logger, files, parser.getDescriptor().getDisplayName());
Collection<PerformanceReport> parsedReports = parser.parse(build, localReports, listener);
// mark the build as unstable or failure depending on the outcome.
for (PerformanceReport r : parsedReports) {
xmlDir = build.getRootDir().getAbsolutePath();
xmlDir += "/"+archive_directory;
String[] arr = glob.split("/");
if(!new File(xmlDir).exists()){
new File(xmlDir).mkdirs();
xmlfile = new File(xmlDir+"/dashBoard_"+arr[arr.length-1].split("\\.")[0]+".xml");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(xmlfile.getAbsoluteFile());
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
xml += "<results>\n";
xml += "<absoluteDefinition>\n";
String unstable = "\t<unstable>";
String failed = "\t<failed>";
String calc = "\t<calculated>";
unstable += errorUnstableThreshold;
failed += errorFailedThreshold;
String avg = "", med = "", perct = "";
avg += "<average>\n";
med += "<median>\n";
perct += "<percentile>\n";
double errorPercent = r.errorPercent();
calc += errorPercent;
curruriList = r.getUriListOrdered();
if (errorFailedThreshold >= 0 && errorPercent - errorFailedThreshold > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.FAILURE;
} else if (errorUnstableThreshold >= 0 && errorPercent - errorUnstableThreshold > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.UNSTABLE;
long average = r.getAverage();
logger.println(r.getReportFileName() + " has an average of: "+ Long.toString(average));
try {
if (responseTimeThresholdMap != null && responseTimeThresholdMap.get(r.getReportFileName()) != null) {
if (Long.parseLong(responseTimeThresholdMap.get(r.getReportFileName())) <= average) {
logger.println("UNSTABLE: " + r.getReportFileName() + " has exceeded the threshold of ["+Long.parseLong(responseTimeThresholdMap.get(r.getReportFileName()))+"] with the time of ["+Long.toString(average)+"]");
result = Result.UNSTABLE;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
logger.println("ERROR: Threshold set to a non-number [" + responseTimeThresholdMap.get(r.getReportFileName()) + "]");
result = Result.FAILURE;
if (result.isWorseThan(build.getResult())) {
logger.println("Performance: File " + r.getReportFileName()
+ " reported " + errorPercent
+ "% of errors [" + result + "]. Build status is: "
+ build.getResult());
for (int i = 0; i < curruriList.size(); i++){
avg += "\t<"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
avg += "\t\t<currentBuildAvg>"+curruriList.get(i).getAverage()+"</currentBuildAvg>\n";
avg += "\t</"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
med += "\t<"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
med += "\t\t<currentBuildMed>"+curruriList.get(i).getMedian()+"</currentBuildMed>\n";
med += "\t</"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
perct += "\t<"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
perct += "\t\t<currentBuild90Line>"+curruriList.get(i).get90Line()+"</currentBuild90Line>\n";
perct += "\t</"+curruriList.get(i).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
unstable += "</unstable>";
failed += "</failed>";
calc += "</calculated>";
avg += "</average>\n";
med += "</median>\n";
perct += "</percentile>\n";
xml += unstable+"\n";
xml += failed+"\n";
xml += calc+"\n";
xml += "</absoluteDefinition>\n";
xml += avg;
xml += med;
xml += perct;
xml += "</results>";
} catch(Exception e) {
} else {
// For relative comparisons between builds...
try {
String name ="";
FileWriter fw = null;
BufferedWriter bw = null;
String relative = "<relativeDefinition>\n";
String unstable = "\t<unstable>\n";
String failed = "\t<failed>\n";
String buildNo = "\t<buildNum>";
String inside = "";
String avg = "", med = "", perct = "";
unstable += "\t\t<negative>"+relativeUnstableThresholdNegative+"</negative>\n";
unstable += "\t\t<positive>"+relativeUnstableThresholdPositive+"</positive>\n";
failed += "\t\t<negative>"+relativeFailedThresholdNegative+"</negative>\n";
failed += "\t\t<positive>"+relativeFailedThresholdPositive+"</positive>\n";
unstable += "\t</unstable>\n";
failed += "\t</failed>\n";
avg += "<average>\n";
med += "<median>\n";
perct += "<percentile>\n";
if (relativeFailedThresholdNegative <= 100 && relativeFailedThresholdPositive <= 100 ) {
logger.println("Performance: Percentage of relative difference outside -"
+ relativeFailedThresholdNegative + " to +" +relativeFailedThresholdPositive+" % sets the build as "
+ Result.FAILURE.toString().toLowerCase());
} else {
logger.println("Performance: No threshold configured for making the test "
+ Result.FAILURE.toString().toLowerCase());
if (relativeUnstableThresholdNegative <= 100 && relativeUnstableThresholdPositive <= 100 ) {
logger.println("Performance: Percentage of relative difference outside -"
+ relativeUnstableThresholdNegative + " to +" +relativeUnstableThresholdPositive+" % sets the build as "
+ Result.UNSTABLE.toString().toLowerCase());
} else {
logger.println("Performance: No threshold configured for making the test "
+ Result.UNSTABLE.toString().toLowerCase());
List<UriReport> curruriList = null;
// add the report to the build object.
PerformanceBuildAction a = new PerformanceBuildAction(build, logger, parsers);
for (PerformanceReportParser parser : parsers) {
String glob = parser.glob;
name = glob;
List<FilePath> files = locatePerformanceReports(build.getWorkspace(), glob);
if (files.isEmpty()) {
if (build.getResult().isWorseThan(Result.UNSTABLE)) {
return true;
logger.println("Performance: no " + parser.getReportName()
+ " files matching '" + glob
+ "' have been found. Has the report generated?. Setting Build to "
+ build.getResult());
return true;
List<File> localReports = copyReportsToMaster(build, logger, files, parser.getDescriptor().getDisplayName());
Collection<PerformanceReport> parsedReports = parser.parse(build, localReports, listener);
for (PerformanceReport r : parsedReports) {
// URI list is the list of labels in the current JMeter results file
curruriList = r.getUriListOrdered();
xmlDir = build.getRootDir().getAbsolutePath();
xmlDir += "/"+archive_directory;
String[] arr = name.split("/");
if(!new File(xmlDir).exists()){
new File(xmlDir).mkdirs();
xmlfile = new File(xmlDir+"/dashBoard_"+arr[arr.length-1].split("\\.")[0]+".xml");
fw = new FileWriter(xmlfile.getAbsoluteFile());
bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
bw.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
// getting previous build/nth previous build..
AbstractBuild prevBuild = null;
buildNo += "previous";
prevBuild = getPrevBuild(build, listener);
} else {
buildNo += nthBuildNumber;
prevBuild = getnthBuild(build, listener);
buildNo += "</buildNum>\n";
relative += buildNo + unstable + failed;
relative += "</relativeDefinition>";
List<UriReport> prevuriList = null;
if (prevBuild != null) {
PerformanceBuildAction b = new PerformanceBuildAction(prevBuild, logger, parsers);
//getting files related to the previous build selected
for (PerformanceReportParser parser : parsers) {
String glob = parser.glob;
logger.println("Performance: Recording " + parser.getReportName()+ " reports '" + glob + "'");
List<File> localReports = getExistingReports(prevBuild, logger, parser.getDescriptor().getDisplayName());
Collection<PerformanceReport> parsedReports = parser.parse(prevBuild, localReports, listener);
for (PerformanceReport r : parsedReports) {
//uri list is the list of labels in the previous jmeter results file
prevuriList = r.getUriListOrdered();
result = Result.SUCCESS;
String failedLabel = null, unStableLabel = null;
double relativeDiff=0, relativeDiffPercent=0;
logger.print("\nComparison build no. - "+prevBuild.number+" and "+build.number +" using ");
//Comparing both builds based on either average, median or 90 percentile response time...
if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("ART")) {
logger.println("Average response time\n\n");
logger.println("PrevBuildURI\tCurrentBuildURI\t\tPrevBuildURIAvg\t\tCurrentBuildURIAvg\tRelativeDiff\tRelativeDiffPercentage ");
} else if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("MRT")) {
logger.println("Median response time\n\n");
logger.println("PrevBuildURI\tCurrentBuildURI\t\tPrevBuildURIMed\t\tCurrentBuildURIMed\tRelativeDiff\tRelativeDiffPercentage ");
} else if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("PRT")) {
logger.println("90 Percentile response time\n\n");
logger.println("PrevBuildURI\tCurrentBuildURI\t\tPrevBuildURI90%\t\tCurrentBuildURI90%\tRelativeDiff\tRelativeDiffPercentage ");
//comparing the labels and calculating the differences...
for (int i = 0; i < prevuriList.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < curruriList.size(); j++) {
if(prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri().equalsIgnoreCase(curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri())) {
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).getAverage() - prevuriList.get(i).getAverage();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).getAverage();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
avg += "\t<"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
avg += "\t\t<previousBuildAvg>"+prevuriList.get(i).getAverage()+"</previousBuildAvg>\n";
avg += "\t\t<currentBuildAvg>"+curruriList.get(j).getAverage()+"</currentBuildAvg>\n";
avg += "\t\t<relativeDiff>"+relativeDiff+"</relativeDiff>\n";
avg += "\t\t<relativeDiffPercent>"+relativeDiffPercent+"</relativeDiffPercent>\n";
avg += "\t</"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).getMedian() - prevuriList.get(i).getMedian();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).getMedian();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
med += "\t<"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
med += "\t\t<previousBuildMed>"+prevuriList.get(i).getMedian()+"</previousBuildMed>\n";
med += "\t\t<currentBuildMed>"+curruriList.get(j).getMedian()+"</currentBuildMed>\n";
med += "\t\t<relativeDiff>"+relativeDiff+"</relativeDiff>\n";
med += "\t\t<relativeDiffPercent>"+relativeDiffPercent+"</relativeDiffPercent>\n";
med += "\t</"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).get90Line() - prevuriList.get(i).get90Line();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).get90Line();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
perct += "\t<"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
perct += "\t\t<previousBuild90Line>"+prevuriList.get(i).get90Line()+"</previousBuild90Line>\n";
perct += "\t\t<currentBuild90Line>"+curruriList.get(j).get90Line()+"</currentBuild90Line>\n";
perct += "\t\t<relativeDiff>"+relativeDiff+"</relativeDiff>\n";
perct += "\t\t<relativeDiffPercent>"+relativeDiffPercent+"</relativeDiffPercent>\n";
perct += "\t</"+curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri()+">\n";
if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("ART")) {
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).getAverage() - prevuriList.get(i).getAverage();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).getAverage();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
logger.println(prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri() + "\t" + curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri() + "\t\t" +
prevuriList.get(i).getAverage() + "\t\t\t" + curruriList.get(j).getAverage() + "\t\t\t" + relativeDiff + "\t\t" + relativeDiffPercent);
} else if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("MRT")) {
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).getMedian() - prevuriList.get(i).getMedian();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).getMedian();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
logger.println(prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri() + "\t" + curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri() + "\t\t" +
prevuriList.get(i).getMedian() + "\t\t\t" + curruriList.get(j).getMedian() + "\t\t\t" + relativeDiff + "\t\t" + relativeDiffPercent);
} else if(configType.equalsIgnoreCase("PRT")) {
relativeDiff = curruriList.get(j).get90Line() - prevuriList.get(i).get90Line();
relativeDiffPercent = ((double) relativeDiff * 100) / prevuriList.get(i).get90Line();
relativeDiffPercent = Math.round(relativeDiffPercent * 100);
relativeDiffPercent = relativeDiffPercent/100;
logger.println(prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri() + "\t" + curruriList.get(j).getStaplerUri() + "\t\t" +
prevuriList.get(i).get90Line() + "\t\t\t" + curruriList.get(j).get90Line() + "\t\t\t" + relativeDiff + "\t\t" + relativeDiffPercent);
//setting the build status based on the differences calculated...
if(relativeDiffPercent < 0) {
if (relativeFailedThresholdNegative >= 0 && Math.abs(relativeDiffPercent) - relativeFailedThresholdNegative > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.FAILURE;
failedLabel = prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri();
} else if (relativeUnstableThresholdNegative >= 0 && Math.abs(relativeDiffPercent) - relativeUnstableThresholdNegative > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.UNSTABLE;
unStableLabel = prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri();
} else if(relativeDiffPercent >= 0) {
if (relativeFailedThresholdPositive >= 0 && Math.abs(relativeDiffPercent) - relativeFailedThresholdPositive > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.FAILURE;
failedLabel = prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri();
} else if (relativeUnstableThresholdPositive >= 0 && Math.abs(relativeDiffPercent) - relativeUnstableThresholdPositive > thresholdTolerance) {
result = Result.UNSTABLE;
unStableLabel = prevuriList.get(i).getStaplerUri();
if (result.isWorseThan(build.getResult())) {
String labelResult = "\nThe label ";
logger.print((failedLabel != null) ? labelResult + "\"" + failedLabel + "\"" + " caused the build to fail\n" : (unStableLabel != null) ? labelResult + "\"" + unStableLabel + "\"" + " made the build unstable\n" : "");
avg += "</average>\n";
med += "</median>\n";
perct += "</percentile>";
inside += avg + med + perct;
} catch (Exception e){
return true;
private List<File> copyReportsToMaster(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build,
PrintStream logger, List<FilePath> files, String parserDisplayName)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
List<File> localReports = new ArrayList<File>();
for (FilePath src : files) {
final File localReport = getPerformanceReport(build, parserDisplayName,
if (src.isDirectory()) {
logger.println("Performance: File '" + src.getName()
+ "' is a directory, not a Performance Report");
src.copyTo(new FilePath(localReport));
return localReports;
public Object readResolve() {
// data format migration
if (parsers == null)
parsers = new ArrayList<PerformanceReportParser>();
if (filename != null) {
parsers.add(new JMeterParser(filename));
filename = null;
return this;
public int getErrorFailedThreshold() {
return errorFailedThreshold;
public void setErrorFailedThreshold(int errorFailedThreshold) {
this.errorFailedThreshold = Math.max(0, Math.min(errorFailedThreshold, 100));
public int getErrorUnstableThreshold() {
return errorUnstableThreshold;
public void setErrorUnstableThreshold(int errorUnstableThreshold) {
this.errorUnstableThreshold = Math.max(0, Math.min(errorUnstableThreshold,
public String getErrorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold(){
return this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold;
public void setErrorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold(String errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold){
this.errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold = errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold;
public boolean isModePerformancePerTestCase() {
return modePerformancePerTestCase;
public void setModePerformancePerTestCase(boolean modePerformancePerTestCase) {
this.modePerformancePerTestCase = modePerformancePerTestCase;
public boolean getModePerformancePerTestCase(){
return modePerformancePerTestCase;
public String getFilename() {
return filename;
public void setFilename(String filename) {
this.filename = filename;
public boolean isART() {
return configType.compareToIgnoreCase(PerformancePublisher.ART) == 0;
public boolean isMRT() {
return configType.compareToIgnoreCase(PerformancePublisher.MRT) == 0;
public boolean isPRT() {
return configType.compareToIgnoreCase(PerformancePublisher.PRT) == 0;
public static File[] getPerformanceReportDirectory(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build,
String parserDisplayName, PrintStream logger) {
File folder = new File(build.getRootDir() + "/" + PerformanceReportMap.getPerformanceReportFileRelativePath(parserDisplayName, ""));
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
return listOfFiles;
* Gets the Build object entered in the text box "Compare with nth Build"
* @param build, listener
* @return build object
* @throws IOException
// @psingh5 -
public AbstractBuild getnthBuild(AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener)
throws IOException {
PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
AbstractBuild nthBuild = build;
int nextBuildNumber = build.number - nthBuildNumber;
for (int i = 1; i <= nextBuildNumber; i++) {
nthBuild = (AbstractBuild) nthBuild.getPreviousBuild();
if (nthBuild == null)
return null;
return (nthBuildNumber == 0) ? null : nthBuild;
* Gets the previous build...
* @param build
* @param listener
* @return build object
* @throws IOException
public AbstractBuild getPrevBuild(AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener)
throws IOException {
PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
AbstractBuild nthBuild = build;
nthBuild = (AbstractBuild) nthBuild.getPreviousBuild();
if (nthBuild == null) {
return null;
} else {
return nthBuild;
private List<File> getExistingReports(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, PrintStream logger, String parserDisplayName)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
List<File> localReports = new ArrayList<File>();
final File localReport[] = getPerformanceReportDirectory(build, parserDisplayName, logger);
for (int i = 0; i < localReport.length; i++) {
String name = localReport[i].getName();
String[] arr = name.split("\\.");
//skip the serialized jmeter report file
return localReports;
public static String getOptionType() {
return optionType;
public double getRelativeFailedThresholdPositive() {
return relativeFailedThresholdPositive;
public double getRelativeFailedThresholdNegative() {
return relativeFailedThresholdNegative;
public void setRelativeFailedThresholdPositive(double relativeFailedThresholdPositive) {
this.relativeFailedThresholdPositive = Math.max(0, Math.min(relativeFailedThresholdPositive, 100));
public void setRelativeFailedThresholdNegative(double relativeFailedThresholdNegative) {
this.relativeFailedThresholdNegative = Math.max(0, Math.min(relativeFailedThresholdNegative, 100));
public double getRelativeUnstableThresholdPositive() {
return relativeUnstableThresholdPositive;
public double getRelativeUnstableThresholdNegative() {
return relativeUnstableThresholdNegative;
public void setRelativeUnstableThresholdPositive(double relativeUnstableThresholdPositive) {
this.relativeUnstableThresholdPositive = Math.max(0, Math.min(relativeUnstableThresholdPositive,
public void setRelativeUnstableThresholdNegative(double relativeUnstableThresholdNegative) {
this.relativeUnstableThresholdNegative = Math.max(0, Math.min(relativeUnstableThresholdNegative,
public int getNthBuildNumber() {
return nthBuildNumber;
public void setNthBuildNumber(int nthBuildNumber) {
this.nthBuildNumber = Math.max(0, Math.min(nthBuildNumber,Integer.MAX_VALUE));
public String getConfigType() {
return configType;
public void setConfigType(String configType) {
this.configType = configType;
public boolean getModeOfThreshold() {
return modeOfThreshold;
public void setModeOfThreshold(boolean modeOfThreshold) {
this.modeOfThreshold = modeOfThreshold;
public boolean getCompareBuildPrevious() {
return compareBuildPrevious;
public void setCompareBuildPrevious(boolean compareBuildPrevious) {
this.compareBuildPrevious = compareBuildPrevious;
public void setModeRelativeThresholds(boolean modeRelativeThresholds) {
this.modeRelativeThresholds = modeRelativeThresholds;
public boolean getModeRelativeThresholds() {
return modeRelativeThresholds;
public boolean isModeThroughput() {
return modeThroughput;
public void setModeThroughput(boolean modeThroughput) {
this.modeThroughput = modeThroughput;