package cambridge;
import cambridge.behaviors.AltAdderStaticBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.ConditionalAttributeBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.ElseBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.ElseIfBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.ForeachBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.FromBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.HideBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.IfBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.OverridesStaticBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.RepeatBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.SelectedBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.WhileBehavior;
import cambridge.behaviors.WithBehavior;
import cambridge.model.Attribute;
import cambridge.model.AttributeKey;
import cambridge.model.DynamicAttribute;
import cambridge.parser.expressions.FunctionRunner;
import cambridge.parser.expressions.IfFunction;
import cambridge.parser.expressions.ResourceBundleFunction;
import cambridge.parser.expressions.StaticMethodCaller;
import cambridge.runtime.Filter;
import cambridge.runtime.LowerCaseFilter;
import cambridge.runtime.SimpleDateFormatFilter;
import cambridge.runtime.UpperCaseFilter;
import cambridge.tags.DummyTag;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>Cambridge is a singleton which holds mappings of names to behaviors, functions, filters
* etc.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>If new behaviors are to be added or the default ones are to be overridden, this
* can be achieved by getting an instance of Cambridge first</p>
public class Cambridge {
private static Cambridge instance;
public static String DefaultNamespaceURI = "";
private final HashMap<String, FunctionRunner> functions = new HashMap<String, FunctionRunner>();
private final HashMap<String, Class<? extends Filter>> filters = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Filter>>();
private final HashSet<String> namespaces;
private final HashMap<String, String> namespaceMappings;
private final HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, BehaviorProvider<? extends TagBehavior>> providers;
private final HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, Class<? extends StaticBehavior>> staticBehaviorClasses;
private final HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, StaticBehavior> staticBehaviors;
private final HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, Class<? extends DynamicTag>> dynamicTagClasses;
private final HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, DynamicTagProvider> dynamicTagProviders;
* This is an internal class to support the builder pattern for binding behaviors
public class Bind {
final DynamicAttributeKey k;
Bind(DynamicAttributeKey k) {
this.k = k;
public void to(BehaviorProvider<? extends TagBehavior> provider) {
providers.put(k, provider);
* This is an internal class to support the builder pattern for binding static behaviors
public class BindStatic {
final DynamicAttributeKey k;
BindStatic(DynamicAttributeKey k) {
this.k = k;
public void to(Class<? extends StaticBehavior> behaviorClass) {
staticBehaviorClasses.put(k, behaviorClass);
* This is an internal class to support the builder pattern for binding tags
public class BindTag {
final DynamicAttributeKey[] keys;
BindTag(DynamicAttributeKey[] k) {
this.keys = k;
public void to(Class<? extends DynamicTag> tagClass) {
for (DynamicAttributeKey k : keys) {
dynamicTagClasses.put(k, tagClass);
public void toProvider(DynamicTagProvider provider) {
for (DynamicAttributeKey k : keys) {
dynamicTagProviders.put(k, provider);
* <p>Maps the provided function name to the Function implementation.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>These registered functions are only available if you use the built-in expression language.
* If you decide to use MVEL or OGNL as your expression language, you should consult
* the documentation of that project in defining functions</p>
* @param name Function name
* @param runner Function runner
* @see FunctionRunner The implementation of a function
public void registerFunction(String name, FunctionRunner runner) {
functions.put(name, runner);
* FunctionRunners are classes that implement a function in Cambridge Template Engine
* Expression Language.
* <p/>
* This method returns the instance of a FunctionRunner by name. FunctionRunner implementations
* should be thread safe.
* @param name Name of the FunctionRunner
* @return Returns an instance of FunctionRunner if there is one with the name provided.
* Returns null otherwise.
public FunctionRunner getFunctionRunner(String name) {
return functions.get(name);
* Registers an expression filter for the given name to be used in built in
* Expression Language. Filters are used to format variable rendering.
* @param name Name of the filter
* @param filter Class implementing the filter
public void registerFilter(String name, Class<? extends Filter> filter) {
filters.put(name.toLowerCase(), filter);
* Returns an instance of Filter by name. During template parsing/compilation
* phase, an instance of Filter is created for each time it is used in a template.
* The same Filter instance gets re-used throughout template document lifecycle.
* @param name Name of the filter to be returned.
* @param line Line number on the template which tries to instantiate a filter instance
* @param col Column number on the template which tries to instantiate a filter instance
* @return Returns an instance of the Filter
* @throws TemplateParsingException Might be thrown if the filter is unknown or can not be instantiated.
public Filter getFilter(String name, int line, int col) throws TemplateParsingException {
try {
String key = name.toLowerCase();
Class<? extends Filter> filterClass = filters.get(key);
if (filterClass == null)
throw new TemplateParsingException("Unknown filter: " + name, line, col);
return filterClass.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new TemplateParsingException("Could not instantiate filter: " + name, e, line, col);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new TemplateParsingException("Could not instantiate filter: " + name, e, line, col);
* Maps the specified namespace uri to provided name or names as default name for
* the namespace uri.
* <p/>
* For cambridge template engine's built-in behaviors and tags, "a" is the default
* namespace short name. If you create your own behaviors or tags, you can
* use this method to map your namespace uri to a default namespace.
* <p/>
* Behavior libraries may also call this method to set default namespace for
* the behaviors or tags that they provide.
* @param uri URI of the behavior or tag
* @param names List of names that may be used as default names.
public void mapNamespace(String uri, String... names) {
for (String n : names) {
namespaceMappings.put(n, uri);
* Returns the namespace uri for the given name if there is a previously set
* matching default name for the namespace uri.
* @param name Namespace name
* @return Returns the URI if the provided name is the default name for a namespace
public String getDefaultNamespace(String name) {
return namespaceMappings.get(name);
* Bind an attribute with the specified namespace uri and attribute name
* to a dynamic behavior. The returned Bind object should be used to complete
* the mapping to a Behavior Provider.
* @param uri Namespace uri
* @param attribute Attribute name
* @return Returns a Bind object which will be used to map the namespace to a Behavior.
public Bind bind(String uri, String attribute) {
DynamicAttributeKey key = new DynamicAttributeKey(uri, "", attribute);
return new Bind(key);
* Bind an attribute with the specified namespace uri and the attribute name
* as a static behavior. The returned BindStatic object should be used to
* complete the mapping to class that implements {@link StaticBehavior}
* @param uri Namespace uri
* @param attribute Attribute name
* @return Returns a BindStatic object which will be used to map the namespace to a StaticBehavior class.
public BindStatic bindStatic(String uri, String attribute) {
DynamicAttributeKey key = new DynamicAttributeKey(uri, "", attribute);
return new BindStatic(key);
* Checks if there is a static behavior that is defined for the supplied namespace
* uri and the attribute name.
* @param uri Namespace uri
* @param attribute Attribute name
* @return Returns true if the attribute is defined as a static behavior attribute.
public boolean isStaticAttribute(String uri, String attribute) {
DynamicAttributeKey key = new DynamicAttributeKey(uri, "", attribute);
return staticBehaviorClasses.containsKey(key);
* Binds a tag which has the supplied namespace uri and the provided tag name
* or names (Multiple tag names may be used as aliases) to a class that extends
* {@link DynamicTag}.
* @param uri Namespace uri
* @param tagName Name of the tag with aliases
* @return Returns a BindTag object that should be used to complete the mapping to the Tag class.
public BindTag bindTag(String uri, String... tagName) {
DynamicAttributeKey[] keys = new DynamicAttributeKey[tagName.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tagName.length; i++) {
String a = tagName[i];
keys[i] = new DynamicAttributeKey(uri, "", a);
return new BindTag(keys);
* Checks if the supplied uri has been registered for a tag behavior or tag.
* @param uri Namespace uri
* @return Returns true if the namespace uri has been registered
public boolean isRegisteredNamespace(String uri) {
return namespaces.contains(uri);
* Using the BehaviorProvider that is registered for a specific namespace uri and attribute name
* that is supplied (as a DynamicAttributeKey object), this method creates a new instance of the
* TagBehavior and returns it. This method is called internally while template parsing occurs.
* @param key The attribute key which identifies the attribute with the namespace uri and attribute name.
* @param attributes Other attributes of the tag that has this dynamic attribute.
* @param line Line number of the tag attribute that is initiating this behavior
* @param col Column number of the tag attribute that is initiating this behavior
* @return Returns an instance of TagBehavior for the matching behavior implementation.
* @throws BehaviorInstantiationException
* @throws ExpressionParsingException
public TagBehavior getBehavior(DynamicAttributeKey key, Map<AttributeKey, Attribute> attributes, int line, int col) throws BehaviorInstantiationException, ExpressionParsingException {
BehaviorProvider<? extends TagBehavior> provider = providers.get(key);
if (provider != null) {
return provider.get((DynamicAttribute) attributes.get(key.toAttributeKey()), attributes, line, col);
return null;
* If there is any static behavior assigned to the supplied DynamicAttributeKey object,
* this method creates and returns an instance of that.
* <p/>
* If there is no static behavior associated with the supplied key, it returns null.
* @param key Dynamic attribute key (Namespace uri + attribute name)
* @return Returns a new instance of StaticBehavior for the supplied static attribute.
public StaticBehavior getStaticBehavior(DynamicAttributeKey key) {
StaticBehavior b = staticBehaviors.get(key);
if (b != null) {
return b;
Class<? extends StaticBehavior> clazz = staticBehaviorClasses.get(key);
if (clazz == null) {
return null;
try {
b = clazz.newInstance();
staticBehaviors.put(key, b);
return b;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
return null;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
* Creates and returns an instance of DynamicTag for the supplied dynamic attribute
* key. If there is no dynamic tag associated with the supplied key, returns null.
* @param key Dynamic attribute key.
* @return Returns a new instance of DynamicTag for the supplied key.
public DynamicTag getDynamicTag(DynamicAttributeKey key) {
Class<? extends DynamicTag> clazz = dynamicTagClasses.get(key);
if (clazz == null) {
DynamicTagProvider provider = dynamicTagProviders.get(key);
if (provider != null) {
return provider.getInstance();
return null;
try {
return clazz.newInstance();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
return null;
* @return Returns the Cambridge singleton.
public static Cambridge getInstance() {
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
synchronized (Cambridge.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Cambridge();
return instance;
* Initializes the internal collections and sets up the default/built-in behaviors and tags.
protected Cambridge() {
namespaces = new HashSet<String>();
namespaceMappings = new HashMap<String, String>();
providers = new HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, BehaviorProvider<? extends TagBehavior>>();
staticBehaviorClasses = new HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, Class<? extends StaticBehavior>>();
staticBehaviors = new HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, StaticBehavior>();
dynamicTagClasses = new HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, Class<? extends DynamicTag>>();
dynamicTagProviders = new HashMap<DynamicAttributeKey, DynamicTagProvider>();
* Setup defaults.
mapNamespace(DefaultNamespaceURI, "a", "cambridge");
registerFunction("text", new ResourceBundleFunction());
registerFunction("if", new IfFunction());
try {
registerFunction("format", new StaticMethodCaller(String.class.getMethod("format", String.class, Object[].class)));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// Never going to happen
registerFilter("lower", LowerCaseFilter.class);
registerFilter("upper", UpperCaseFilter.class);
registerFilter("dateformat", SimpleDateFormatFilter.class);
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "if").to(IfBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "elseif").to(ElseIfBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "else").to(ElseBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "foreach").to(ForeachBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "while").to(WhileBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "with").to(WithBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "from").to(FromBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "repeat").to(RepeatBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "selectedIf").to(SelectedBehavior.getProvider());
bind(DefaultNamespaceURI, "next").to(ConditionalAttributeBehavior.getProvider());
bindStatic(DefaultNamespaceURI, "addAlt").to(AltAdderStaticBehavior.class);
bindStatic(DefaultNamespaceURI, "hide").to(HideBehavior.class);
bindStatic(DefaultNamespaceURI, "overrides").to(OverridesStaticBehavior.class);
bindTag(DefaultNamespaceURI, "hidden", "span").to(DummyTag.class);