* Copyright (c) 2013 University of Le Havre
* @file NetStreamDecoder.java
* @date May 31, 2013
* @author Yoann Pigné
package org.graphstream.stream.netstream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.graphstream.stream.thread.ThreadProxyPipe;
public class DefaultNetStreamDecoder implements NetStreamDecoder {
* Show debugging messages.
protected boolean debug = true;
* The current pipe commands are being written to.
protected ThreadProxyPipe currentStream;
* Pairs (key,value) where the key is the listener ID and the value the MBox
* of the listener. This can be modified by other threads and must be
* properly locked.
* @see #register(String,ThreadProxyPipe)
// protected HashMap<String,MBox> boxes = new HashMap<String,MBox>();
protected HashMap<String, ThreadProxyPipe> streams = new HashMap<String, ThreadProxyPipe>();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.graphstream.stream.netstream.NetStreamDecoder#getStream(java.lang.String)
public synchronized ThreadProxyPipe getStream(String name) {
ThreadProxyPipe s = streams.get(name);
if (s == null) {
s = new ThreadProxyPipe();
streams.put(name, s);
return s;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.graphstream.stream.netstream.NetStreamDecoder#getDefaultStream()
public synchronized ThreadProxyPipe getDefaultStream() {
ThreadProxyPipe s = streams.get("default");
if (s == null) {
s = new ThreadProxyPipe();
streams.put("default", s);
return s;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.graphstream.stream.netstream.NetStreamDecoder#register(java.lang.String, org.graphstream.stream.thread.ThreadProxyPipe)
public synchronized void register(String name, ThreadProxyPipe stream)
throws Exception {
if (streams.containsKey(name))
throw new Exception("name " + name + " already registered");
streams.put(name, stream);
if (debug)
debug("registered pipe %s", name);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.graphstream.stream.netstream.NetStreamDecoder#decodeMessage(java.io.InputStream)
public void decodeMessage(InputStream in) throws IOException {
int cmd = 0;
// First read the name of the stream that will be addressed.
String stream = readString(in);
if (debug) {
debug("Stream \"%s\" is addressed in this message.", stream);
currentStream = getStream(stream);
cmd = in.read();
if (cmd != -1) {
if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_NODE) {
} else if ((cmd & 0xFF) == (NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_NODE & 0xFF)) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_EDGE) {
} else if (NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_EDGE == cmd) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_STEP) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CLEARED) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_NODE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_EDGE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_EDGE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_EDGE_ATTR) {
} else if (cmd == NetStreamConstants.EVENT_END) {
debug("NetStreamReceiver : Client properly ended the connection.");
} else {
debug("NetStreamReceiver: Don't know this command: " + cmd);
cmd = in.read();
* @param in
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_EDGE
protected void serve_EVENT_DEL_EDGE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received DEL_EDGE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String edgeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
currentStream.edgeAttributeRemoved(sourceId, timeId, edgeId, attrId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_EDGE_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_CHG_EDGE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received CHG_EDGE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String edgeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
int oldValueType = readType(in);
Object oldValue = readValue(in, oldValueType);
int newValueType = readType(in);
Object newValue = readValue(in, newValueType);
currentStream.edgeAttributeChanged(sourceId, timeId, edgeId, attrId,
oldValue, newValue);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_EDGE_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_ADD_EDGE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received ADD_EDGE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String edgeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
Object value = readValue(in, readType(in));
currentStream.edgeAttributeAdded(sourceId, timeId, edgeId, attrId,
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_NODE_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_DEL_NODE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received DEL_NODE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String nodeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
currentStream.nodeAttributeRemoved(sourceId, timeId, nodeId, attrId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_CHG_NODE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String nodeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
int oldValueType = readType(in);
Object oldValue = readValue(in, oldValueType);
int newValueType = readType(in);
Object newValue = readValue(in, newValueType);
currentStream.nodeAttributeChanged(sourceId, timeId, nodeId, attrId,
oldValue, newValue);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_ADD_NODE_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String nodeId = readString(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
Object value = readValue(in, readType(in));
currentStream.nodeAttributeAdded(sourceId, timeId, nodeId, attrId,
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_DEL_GRAPH_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
currentStream.graphAttributeRemoved(sourceId, timeId, attrId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_CHG_GRAPH_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
int oldValueType = readType(in);
Object oldValue = readValue(in, oldValueType);
int newValueType = readType(in);
Object newValue = readValue(in, newValueType);
currentStream.graphAttributeChanged(sourceId, timeId, attrId, oldValue,
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR
protected void serve_EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String attrId = readString(in);
Object value = readValue(in, readType(in));
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer | EVENT_ADD_GRAPH_ATTR | %s=%s", attrId,
currentStream.graphAttributeAdded(sourceId, timeId, attrId, value);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_CLEARED
protected void serve_EVENT_CLEARED(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_CLEARED command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
currentStream.graphCleared(sourceId, timeId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_STEP
protected void serve_EVENT_STEP(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_STEP command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
double time = readDouble(in);
currentStream.stepBegins(sourceId, timeId, time);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_DEL_EDGE
protected void serve_EVENT_DEL_EDGE(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_DEL_EDGE command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String edgeId = readString(in);
currentStream.edgeRemoved(sourceId, timeId, edgeId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_EDGE
protected void serve_EVENT_ADD_EDGE(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received ADD_EDGE command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String edgeId = readString(in);
String from = readString(in);
String to = readString(in);
boolean directed = readBoolean(in);
currentStream.edgeAdded(sourceId, timeId, edgeId, from, to, directed);
* @see NetStreamConstants.DEL_NODE
protected void serve_DEL_NODE(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received DEL_NODE command.");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String nodeId = readString(in);
currentStream.nodeRemoved(sourceId, timeId, nodeId);
* @see NetStreamConstants.EVENT_ADD_NODE
protected void serve_EVENT_ADD_NODE(InputStream in) {
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: Received EVENT_ADD_NODE command");
String sourceId = readString(in);
long timeId = readUnsignedVarint(in);
String nodeId = readString(in);
currentStream.nodeAdded(sourceId, timeId, nodeId);
* @param in
* @return
protected int readType(InputStream in) {
try {
int data = 0;
if ((data = in.read()) == -1) {
debug("readType : could not read type");
return 0;
if (debug) {
debug("NetStreamServer: type "+data);
return data;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readType: could not read type");
return 0;
protected Object readValue(InputStream in, int valueType) {
if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN == valueType) {
return readBoolean(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readBooleanArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_BYTE == valueType) {
return readByte(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readByteArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_SHORT == valueType) {
return readShort(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_SHORT_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readShortArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_INT == valueType) {
return readInt(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_INT_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readIntArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_LONG == valueType) {
return readLong(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_LONG_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readLongArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_FLOAT == valueType) {
return readFloat(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readFloatArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE == valueType) {
return readDouble(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readDoubleArray(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_STRING == valueType) {
return readString(in);
} else if (NetStreamConstants.TYPE_ARRAY == valueType) {
return readArray(in);
return null;
* @param in
* @return
protected Object[] readArray(InputStream in) {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
Object[] array = new Object[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
array[i] = readValue(in, readType(in));
return array;
protected String readString(InputStream in) {
try {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
byte[] data = new byte[len];
if (in.read(data, 0, len) != len) {
return null;
String s = new String(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
return s;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readString: could not read string");
return null;
protected Boolean readBoolean(InputStream in) {
int data = 0;
try {
data = in.read();
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readByte: could not read");
return data == 0 ? false : true;
protected Byte readByte(InputStream in) {
byte data = 0;
try {
data = (byte) in.read();
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readByte: could not read");
return data;
protected long readUnsignedVarint(InputStream in) {
try {
int size = 0;
long[] data = new long[9];
do {
data[size] = in.read();
//int bt =data[size-1];
//if (bt < 0) bt = (bt & 127) + (bt & 128);
//System.out.println("test "+bt+" -> "+(data[size - 1]& 128) );
} while ((data[size - 1] & 128) == 128);
long number = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
number ^= (data[i] & 127L) << (i * 7L);
return number;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readUnsignedVarintFromInteger: could not read");
return 0L;
protected long readVarint(InputStream in) {
long number = readUnsignedVarint(in);
return ((number & 1) == 0) ? number >> 1 : -(number >> 1);
protected Short readShort(InputStream in) {
return (short) readVarint(in);
protected Integer readInt(InputStream in) {
return (int) readVarint(in);
protected Long readLong(InputStream in) {
return readVarint(in);
protected Float readFloat(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = new byte[4];
try {
if (in.read(data, 0, 4) != 4) {
debug("readFloat: could not read");
return 0f;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readFloat: could not read");
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
return bb.getFloat();
protected Double readDouble(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = new byte[8];
try {
if (in.read(data, 0, 8) != 8) {
debug("readDouble: could not read");
return 0.0;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readDouble: could not read");
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
return bb.getDouble();
* @param in
* @return
* @throws IOException
protected Integer[] readIntArray(InputStream in) {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
Integer[] res = new Integer[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = (int) readVarint(in);
return res;
protected Boolean[] readBooleanArray(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = null;
try {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
data = new byte[len];
if (in.read(data, 0, len) != len) {
debug("readBooleanArray: could not read array");
return null;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);
Boolean[] res = new Boolean[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte b = bb.get();
res[i] = b == 0 ? false : true;
return res;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readBooleanArray: could not read array");
return null;
protected Byte[] readByteArray(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = null;
try {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
data = new byte[len];
if (in.read(data, 0, len) != len) {
debug("readByteArray: could not read array");
return null;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);
Byte[] res = new Byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = bb.get();
return res;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readBooleanArray: could not read array");
return null;
protected Double[] readDoubleArray(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = null;
try {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
data = new byte[len * 8];
if (in.read(data, 0, len * 8) != len * 8) {
debug("readDoubleArray: could not read array");
return null;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8 * len);
Double[] res = new Double[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = bb.getDouble();
return res;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readDoubleArray: could not read array");
return null;
protected Float[] readFloatArray(InputStream in) {
byte[] data = null;
try {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
data = new byte[len * 4];
if (in.read(data, 0, len * 4) != len * 4) {
debug("readFloatArray: could not read array");
return null;
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * len);
Float[] res = new Float[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = bb.getFloat();
return res;
} catch (IOException e) {
debug("readFloatArray: could not read array");
return null;
protected Long[] readLongArray(InputStream in) {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
Long[] res = new Long[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = readVarint(in);
return res;
protected Short[] readShortArray(InputStream in) {
int len = (int) readUnsignedVarint(in);
Short[] res = new Short[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
res[i] = (short) readVarint(in);
return res;
protected void debug(String message, Object... data) {
// System.err.print( LIGHT_YELLOW );
System.err.printf("[//NetStreamDecoder | ");
// System.err.print( RESET );
System.err.printf(message, data);
// System.err.print( LIGHT_YELLOW );
// System.err.println( RESET );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.graphstream.stream.netstream.NetStreamDecoder#setDebugOn(boolean)
public void setDebugOn(boolean on) {
debug = on;