package com.wesabe.api.accounts.entities;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize;
import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFound;
import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFoundAction;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
// REVIEW -- Dec 20, 2008: Unify amount getters and setters.
// Because a Txaction's currency is that of its account, setting the amount
// of a Txaction cannot change its currency. Right now the setter accepts
// a BigDecimal, which is fine since the only writing we do here is in
// tests, but once BRCM gets over the read-only hump, this will start to be
// more important. I'd like this to have a consistent interface, and use
// Money instances, perhaps throwing a CurrencyMismatchException if things
// don't line up right.
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findInAccounts",
query = "SELECT t FROM Txaction t" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH t.merchant AS m" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts)" +
" ORDER BY t.datePosted ASC, t.sequence DESC, t.createdAt ASC"
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findMostRecentInAccounts",
query = "SELECT t FROM Txaction t" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH t.merchant AS m" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts)" +
" ORDER BY t.datePosted DESC, t.sequence ASC, t.createdAt DESC"
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findFirstDatePosted",
query = "SELECT MIN(t.datePosted) FROM Txaction t" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts)"
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findInDateRange",
query = "SELECT t FROM Txaction t" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH t.merchant AS m" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts) AND t.datePosted >= :startDate AND t.datePosted < :endDate" +
" ORDER BY t.datePosted ASC, t.sequence DESC, t.createdAt ASC"
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findBeforeDate",
query = "SELECT t FROM Txaction t" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH t.merchant AS m" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts) AND t.datePosted < :endDate" +
" ORDER BY t.datePosted ASC, t.sequence DESC, t.createdAt ASC"
name = "com.wesabe.api.accounts.Txaction.findAfterDate",
query = "SELECT t FROM Txaction t" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH t.merchant AS m" +
" WHERE t.account IN (:accounts) AND t.datePosted >= :startDate" +
" ORDER BY t.datePosted ASC, t.sequence DESC, t.createdAt ASC"
public class Txaction implements Monetary, Comparable<Txaction> {
private Integer id;
private BigDecimal amount;
private DateTime datePosted;
private DateTime originalDatePosted;
private DateTime createdAt;
@JoinColumn(name="transfer_txaction_id", nullable=true)
// FIXME -- Apr 29, 2009: Make txactions.transfer_txaction_id a foreign key.
// It hurts my brain that we have to tell our Hibernate to not complain when
// we try to load things. Oy.
private Txaction transferTxaction;
private Integer sequence;
private Integer status = TxactionStatus.ACTIVE.getValue();
private String rawName;
private String filteredName;
private String memo;
private String note;
private boolean tagged;
private Account account;
private List<TaggedAmount> taggedAmounts = Lists.newLinkedList();
private Merchant merchant;
private String checkNumber;
private Set<Attachment> attachments = Sets.newHashSet();
public Txaction() {
public Txaction(Account account, BigDecimal amount, DateTime datePosted) {
this.account = account;
this.amount = amount;
this.datePosted = datePosted;
this.originalDatePosted = datePosted;
public int getId() {
return id;
public DateTime getDatePosted() {
return datePosted;
public DateTime getOriginalDatePosted() {
return originalDatePosted;
public Account getAccount() {
return account;
public Integer getSequence() {
return sequence;
public void setSequence(Integer sequence) {
this.sequence = sequence;
public boolean isTagged() {
return tagged;
public void setTagged(boolean flag) {
this.tagged = flag;
public DateTime getCreatedAt() {
return createdAt;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.wesabe.api.accounts.entities.Monetary#getAmount()
public Money getAmount() throws UnknownCurrencyCodeException {
return new Money(amount, account.getCurrency());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.wesabe.api.accounts.entities.Monetary#getConvertedAmount(java.util.Currency,
public Money getConvertedAmount(Currency target,
CurrencyExchangeRateMap exchangeRates)
throws ExchangeRateNotFoundException, UnknownCurrencyCodeException {
return getAmount().convert(exchangeRates, target, datePosted);
public Txaction getTransferTxaction() {
return transferTxaction;
public void setTransferTxaction(Txaction transferTxaction) {
this.transferTxaction = transferTxaction;
public boolean isTransfer() {
return transferTxaction != null;
public boolean isPairedTransfer() {
return transferTxaction != null && !transferTxaction.equals(this);
public TxactionStatus getStatus() {
return TxactionStatus.byValue(status);
public boolean isDeleted() {
return getStatus() == TxactionStatus.DELETED;
public void setStatus(TxactionStatus status) {
this.status = Integer.valueOf(status.getValue());
public List<TaggedAmount> getTaggedAmounts() {
return taggedAmounts;
public Money getAmountByFilteringTags(Set<Tag> filteredTags) {
final Money txactionAmount = getAmount().abs();
Money filteredAmount = new Money(BigDecimal.ZERO, account.getCurrency());
for (TaggedAmount taggedAmount : taggedAmounts) {
if (filteredTags.contains(taggedAmount.getTag())) {
filteredAmount = filteredAmount.add(taggedAmount.getAmount().abs());
if (txactionAmount.compareTo(filteredAmount) <= 0) {
return new Money(BigDecimal.ZERO, account.getCurrency());
return txactionAmount.subtract(filteredAmount).multiply(getAmount().signum());
public Money getConvertedAmountByFilteringTags(Set<Tag> filteredTags, Currency target,
CurrencyExchangeRateMap exchangeRates) throws ExchangeRateNotFoundException,
UnknownCurrencyCodeException {
return getAmountByFilteringTags(filteredTags).convert(exchangeRates, target, datePosted);
public TaggedAmount addTag(Tag tag) {
return addTag(tag, null);
public TaggedAmount addTag(Tag tag, BigDecimal amount) {
final TaggedAmount taggedAmount = new TaggedAmount(this, tag, amount);
return taggedAmount;
public boolean isDisabled() {
return getStatus() == TxactionStatus.DISABLED;
public boolean isUnedited() {
return (getMerchant() == null) || (!isTagged() && !isTransfer());
public int compareTo(Txaction other) {
final int equal = 0;
int result = getDatePosted().compareTo(other.getDatePosted());
if ((result == equal) && (getSequence() != null) && (other.getSequence() != null)) {
result = other.getSequence().compareTo(getSequence());
if ((result == equal) && (getCreatedAt() != null) && (other.getCreatedAt() != null)) {
result = getCreatedAt().compareTo(other.getCreatedAt());
return result;
public String getUneditedName() {
String uneditedName = "";
if ((rawName != null) && (rawName.trim().length() != 0)) {
uneditedName += rawName;
if ((memo != null) && (memo.trim().length() != 0)) {
uneditedName += (uneditedName.length() == 0 ? "" : " / ") + memo;
return uneditedName;
public String getFilteredName() {
return filteredName;
public Merchant getMerchant() {
return merchant;
public void setMerchant(Merchant merchant) {
this.merchant = merchant;
public String getCheckNumber() {
return checkNumber;
public String getNote() {
return note;
public Set<Attachment> getAttachments() {
return attachments;
public void setAccount(Account account) {
this.account = account;
public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public String toString() {
return "<Txaction amount=" + amount + ", merchant=" + merchant + ", taggedAmounts="
+ taggedAmounts + ">";
public void setDatePosted(DateTime datePosted) {
this.datePosted = datePosted;