Package com.taskadapter.redmineapi

Source Code of com.taskadapter.redmineapi.AttachmentIntegrationTest

package com.taskadapter.redmineapi;

import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Attachment;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Issue;
import com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.IssueFactory;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.UUID;

import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

public class AttachmentIntegrationTest {

    private static RedmineManager mgr;
    private static String projectKey;
    private static IssueManager issueManager;
    private static AttachmentManager attachmentManager;

    public static void oneTimeSetup() {
        mgr = IntegrationTestHelper.createRedmineManager();

        issueManager = mgr.getIssueManager();
        attachmentManager = mgr.getAttachmentManager();
        projectKey = IntegrationTestHelper.createProject(mgr);

    public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
        IntegrationTestHelper.deleteProject(mgr, projectKey);

    public void uploadAttachment() throws RedmineException, IOException {
        final byte[] content = new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
        final Attachment attach1 = attachmentManager.uploadAttachment("test.bin",
                "application/ternary", content);
        final Issue testIssue = IssueFactory.createWithSubject("This is upload ticket!");
        final Issue createdIssue = issueManager.createIssue(projectKey, testIssue);
        try {
            final Collection<Attachment> attachments = createdIssue.getAttachments();
            final Attachment added = attachments.iterator().next();
            final byte[] receivedContent = attachmentManager.downloadAttachmentContent(added);
            assertArrayEquals(content, receivedContent);

            Issue issueById = issueManager.getIssueById(createdIssue.getId(), Include.attachments);
        } finally {

    public void addAttachment() throws RedmineException, IOException {
        File tempFile = File.createTempFile("redmine_test_", ".tmp");
        FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempFile.getAbsolutePath());
        String attachmentContent = "some text";

        final Issue issue = IssueFactory.createWithSubject("task with attachment");
        final Issue createdIssue = issueManager.createIssue(projectKey, issue);
        attachmentManager.addAttachmentToIssue(createdIssue.getId(), tempFile, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.getMimeType());
        try {
            Issue loadedIssue = issueManager.getIssueById(createdIssue.getId(), Include.attachments);
            final Collection<Attachment> attachments = loadedIssue.getAttachments();
            Attachment next = attachments.iterator().next();
            final byte[] receivedContent = attachmentManager.downloadAttachmentContent(next);
            String contentAsString = new String(receivedContent);
        } finally {

    @Test(expected = IOException.class)
    public void testUploadException() throws RedmineException, IOException {
        final InputStream content = new InputStream() {
            public int read() throws IOException {
                throw new IOException("Unsupported read!");
        attachmentManager.uploadAttachment("test.bin", "application/ternary", content);

     * Tests the retrieval of an {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Attachment} by ID.
     * @throws RedmineException               thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws IOException                    thrown in case something went wrong while performing I/O
     *                                        operations
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws NotFoundException              thrown in case the objects requested for could not be found
    // TODO reactivate once Redmine REST API allows for creating attachments
    public void testGetAttachmentById() throws RedmineException {
        // TODO where do we get a valid attachment number from? We can't create
        // an attachment by our own for the test as the Redmine REST API does
        // not support that.
        int attachmentID = 1;
        Attachment attachment = attachmentManager.getAttachmentById(attachmentID);
        assertNotNull("Attachment retrieved by ID " + attachmentID
                + " should not be null", attachment);
        assertNotNull("Content URL of attachment retrieved by ID "
                + attachmentID + " should not be null",
        // TODO more asserts on the attachment once this delivers an attachment

     * Tests the download of the content of an
     * {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Attachment}.
     * @throws RedmineException               thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws IOException                    thrown in case something went wrong while performing I/O
     *                                        operations
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws NotFoundException              thrown in case the objects requested for could not be found
    // TODO reactivate once Redmine REST API allows for creating attachments
    public void testDownloadAttachmentContent() throws RedmineException {
        // TODO where do we get a valid attachment number from? We can't create
        // an attachment by our own for the test as the Redmine REST API does
        // not support that.
        int attachmentID = 1;
        // retrieve issue attachment
        Attachment attachment = attachmentManager.getAttachmentById(attachmentID);
        // download attachment content
        byte[] attachmentContent = attachmentManager.downloadAttachmentContent(attachment);
        assertNotNull("Download of content of attachment with content URL " + attachment.getContentURL()
                + " should not be null", attachmentContent);

     * Tests the retrieval of an {@link Issue}, inlcuding the
     * {@link com.taskadapter.redmineapi.bean.Attachment}s.
     * @throws RedmineException               thrown in case something went wrong in Redmine
     * @throws IOException                    thrown in case something went wrong while performing I/O
     *                                        operations
     * @throws RedmineAuthenticationException thrown in case something went wrong while trying to login
     * @throws NotFoundException              thrown in case the objects requested for could not be found
    public void testGetIssueWithAttachments() throws RedmineException {
        Issue newIssue = null;
        try {
            // create at least 1 issue
            Issue issueToCreate = IssueFactory.createWithSubject("testGetIssueAttachment_"
                    + UUID.randomUUID());
            newIssue = issueManager.createIssue(projectKey, issueToCreate);
            // TODO create test attachments for the issue once the Redmine REST
            // API allows for it
            // retrieve issue attachments
            Issue retrievedIssue = issueManager.getIssueById(newIssue.getId(),
            assertNotNull("List of attachments retrieved for issue "
                    + newIssue.getId()
                    + " delivered by Redmine Java API should not be null",
            // TODO assert attachments once we actually receive ones for our
            // test issue
        } finally {
            // scrub test issue
            if (newIssue != null) {

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