/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.std.gates;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.cburch.logisim.analyze.model.Expression;
import com.cburch.logisim.analyze.model.ExpressionVisitor;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentFactory;
/** This represents the actual gate selection used corresponding
* to an expression, without any correspondence to how they would
* be laid down in a circuit. This intermediate representation permits
* easy manipulation of an expression's translation. */
abstract class CircuitDetermination {
/** Ensures that all gates have only two inputs. */
void convertToTwoInputs() { }
/** Converts all gates to NANDs. Note that this will fail with an
* exception if any XOR/XNOR gates are used. */
void convertToNands() { }
/** Repairs two errors that may have cropped up in creating the
* circuit. First, if there are gates with more inputs than their
* capacity, we repair them. Second, any XOR/XNOR gates with
* more than 2 inputs should really be Odd/Even Parity gates. */
void repair() { }
/** A utility method for determining whether this fits the
* pattern of a NAND representing a NOT. */
boolean isNandNot() { return false; }
// static members
static class Gate extends CircuitDetermination {
private ComponentFactory factory;
private ArrayList<CircuitDetermination> inputs
= new ArrayList<CircuitDetermination>();
private Gate(ComponentFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; }
ComponentFactory getFactory() { return factory; }
ArrayList<CircuitDetermination> getInputs() { return inputs; }
void convertToTwoInputs() {
if (inputs.size() <= 2) {
for (CircuitDetermination a : inputs) {
} else {
ComponentFactory subFactory;
if (factory == NorGate.FACTORY) {
subFactory = OrGate.FACTORY;
else if (factory == NandGate.FACTORY) {
subFactory = AndGate.FACTORY;
else {
subFactory = factory;
int split = (inputs.size() + 1) / 2;
CircuitDetermination a = convertToTwoInputsSub(0, split, subFactory);
CircuitDetermination b = convertToTwoInputsSub(split, inputs.size(), subFactory);
private CircuitDetermination convertToTwoInputsSub(int start, int stop,
ComponentFactory subFactory) {
if (stop - start == 1) {
CircuitDetermination a = inputs.get(start);
return a;
} else {
int split = (start + stop + 1) / 2;
CircuitDetermination a = convertToTwoInputsSub(start, split, subFactory);
CircuitDetermination b = convertToTwoInputsSub(split, stop, subFactory);
Gate ret = new Gate(subFactory);
return ret;
void convertToNands() {
// first recurse to clean up any children
for (CircuitDetermination sub : inputs) {
// repair large XOR/XNORs to odd/even parity gates
if (factory == NotGate.FACTORY) {
} else if (factory == AndGate.FACTORY) {
} else if (factory == OrGate.FACTORY) {
} else if (factory == NorGate.FACTORY) {
// the order of these two lines is significant
} else if (factory == NandGate.FACTORY) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle " + factory.getDisplayName());
factory = NandGate.FACTORY;
private void notOutput() {
Gate sub = new Gate(NandGate.FACTORY);
sub.inputs = this.inputs;
this.inputs = new ArrayList<CircuitDetermination>();
private void notAllInputs() {
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
CircuitDetermination old = inputs.get(i);
if (old.isNandNot()) {
inputs.set(i, ((Gate) old).inputs.get(0));
} else {
Gate now = new Gate(NandGate.FACTORY);
inputs.set(i, now);
boolean isNandNot() {
return factory == NandGate.FACTORY
&& inputs.size() == 2 && inputs.get(0) == inputs.get(1);
void repair() {
// check whether we need to split ourself up.
int num = inputs.size();
if (num > GateAttributes.MAX_INPUTS) {
int newNum = (num + GateAttributes.MAX_INPUTS - 1) / GateAttributes.MAX_INPUTS;
ArrayList<CircuitDetermination> oldInputs = inputs;
inputs = new ArrayList<CircuitDetermination>();
ComponentFactory subFactory = factory;
if (subFactory == NandGate.FACTORY) {
subFactory = AndGate.FACTORY;
if (subFactory == NorGate.FACTORY) {
subFactory = OrGate.FACTORY;
int per = num / newNum;
int numExtra = num - per * newNum;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < newNum; i++) {
Gate sub = new Gate(subFactory);
int subCount = per + (i < numExtra ? 1 : 0);
for (int j = 0; j < subCount; j++) {
// repair large XOR/XNORs to odd/even parity gates
if (inputs.size() > 2) {
if (factory == XorGate.FACTORY) {
factory = OddParityGate.FACTORY;
} else if (factory == XnorGate.FACTORY) {
factory = EvenParityGate.FACTORY;
// finally, recurse to clean up any children
for (CircuitDetermination sub : inputs) {
static class Input extends CircuitDetermination {
private String name;
private Input(String name) { this.name = name; }
String getName() { return name; }
static class Value extends CircuitDetermination {
private int value;
private Value(int value) { this.value = value; }
int getValue() { return value; }
static CircuitDetermination create(Expression expr) {
if (expr == null) {
return null;
return expr.visit(new Determine());
private static class Determine
implements ExpressionVisitor<CircuitDetermination> {
public CircuitDetermination visitAnd(Expression a, Expression b) {
return binary(a.visit(this), b.visit(this), AndGate.FACTORY);
public CircuitDetermination visitOr(Expression a, Expression b) {
return binary(a.visit(this), b.visit(this), OrGate.FACTORY);
public CircuitDetermination visitXor(Expression a, Expression b) {
return binary(a.visit(this), b.visit(this), XorGate.FACTORY);
private Gate binary(CircuitDetermination aret,
CircuitDetermination bret, ComponentFactory factory) {
if (aret instanceof Gate) {
Gate a = (Gate) aret;
if (a.factory == factory) {
if (bret instanceof Gate) {
Gate b = (Gate) bret;
if (b.factory == factory) {
return a;
return a;
if (bret instanceof Gate) {
Gate b = (Gate) bret;
if (b.factory == factory) {
return b;
Gate ret = new Gate(factory);
return ret;
public CircuitDetermination visitNot(Expression aBase) {
CircuitDetermination aret = aBase.visit(this);
if (aret instanceof Gate) {
Gate a = (Gate) aret;
if (a.factory == AndGate.FACTORY) {
a.factory = NandGate.FACTORY;
return a;
} else if (a.factory == OrGate.FACTORY) {
a.factory = NorGate.FACTORY;
return a;
} else if (a.factory == XorGate.FACTORY) {
a.factory = XnorGate.FACTORY;
return a;
Gate ret = new Gate(NotGate.FACTORY);
return ret;
public CircuitDetermination visitVariable(String name) {
return new Input(name);
public CircuitDetermination visitConstant(int value) {
return new Value(value);