/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.std.base;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.TextField;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Attribute;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeOption;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeSet;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Attributes;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Bounds;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.Instance;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceFactory;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstancePainter;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.InstanceState;
import com.cburch.logisim.util.GraphicsUtil;
import static com.cburch.logisim.util.LocaleString.*;
public class Text extends InstanceFactory {
public static Attribute<String> ATTR_TEXT = Attributes.forString("text",
public static Attribute<Font> ATTR_FONT = Attributes.forFont("font",
public static Attribute<AttributeOption> ATTR_HALIGN = Attributes.forOption("halign",
getFromLocale("textHorzAlignAttr"), new AttributeOption[] {
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.H_LEFT),
"left", getFromLocale("textHorzAlignLeftOpt")),
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.H_RIGHT),
"right", getFromLocale("textHorzAlignRightOpt")),
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.H_CENTER),
"center", getFromLocale("textHorzAlignCenterOpt")),
public static Attribute<AttributeOption> ATTR_VALIGN = Attributes.forOption("valign",
getFromLocale("textVertAlignAttr"), new AttributeOption[] {
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.V_TOP),
"top", getFromLocale("textVertAlignTopOpt")),
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.V_BASELINE),
"base", getFromLocale("textVertAlignBaseOpt")),
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.V_BOTTOM),
"bottom", getFromLocale("textVertAlignBottomOpt")),
new AttributeOption(Integer.valueOf(TextField.H_CENTER),
"center", getFromLocale("textVertAlignCenterOpt")),
public static final Text FACTORY = new Text();
private Text() {
super("Text", getFromLocale("textComponent"));
public AttributeSet createAttributeSet() {
return new TextAttributes();
public Bounds getOffsetBounds(AttributeSet attrsBase) {
TextAttributes attrs = (TextAttributes) attrsBase;
String text = attrs.getText();
if (text == null || text.equals("")) {
return Bounds.EMPTY_BOUNDS;
} else {
Bounds bds = attrs.getOffsetBounds();
if (bds == null) {
bds = estimateBounds(attrs);
return bds == null ? Bounds.EMPTY_BOUNDS : bds;
private Bounds estimateBounds(TextAttributes attrs) {
// TODO - you can imagine being more clever here
String text = attrs.getText();
if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
return Bounds.EMPTY_BOUNDS;
int size = attrs.getFont().getSize();
int h = size;
int w = size * text.length() / 2;
int ha = attrs.getHorizontalAlign();
int va = attrs.getVerticalAlign();
int x;
int y;
if (ha == TextField.H_LEFT) {
x = 0;
} else if (ha == TextField.H_RIGHT) {
x = -w;
} else {
x = -w / 2;
if (va == TextField.V_TOP) {
y = 0;
} else if (va == TextField.V_CENTER) {
y = -h / 2;
} else {
y = -h;
return Bounds.create(x, y, w, h);
// graphics methods
public void paintGhost(InstancePainter painter) {
TextAttributes attrs = (TextAttributes) painter.getAttributeSet();
String text = attrs.getText();
if (text == null || text.equals("")) {
int halign = attrs.getHorizontalAlign();
int valign = attrs.getVerticalAlign();
Graphics g = painter.getGraphics();
Font old = g.getFont();
GraphicsUtil.drawText(g, text, 0, 0, halign, valign);
String textTrim = text.endsWith(" ") ? text.substring(0, text.length() - 1) : text;
Bounds newBds;
if (textTrim.equals("")) {
newBds = Bounds.EMPTY_BOUNDS;
} else {
Rectangle bdsOut = GraphicsUtil.getTextBounds(g, textTrim, 0, 0,
halign, valign);
newBds = Bounds.create(bdsOut).expand(4);
if (attrs.setOffsetBounds(newBds)) {
Instance instance = painter.getInstance();
if (instance != null) {
public void paintInstance(InstancePainter painter) {
Location loc = painter.getLocation();
int x = loc.getX();
int y = loc.getY();
Graphics g = painter.getGraphics();
g.translate(x, y);
g.translate(-x, -y);
// methods for instances
protected void configureNewInstance(Instance instance) {
protected void instanceAttributeChanged(Instance instance, Attribute<?> attr) {
if (attr == ATTR_HALIGN || attr == ATTR_VALIGN) {
private void configureLabel(Instance instance) {
TextAttributes attrs = (TextAttributes) instance.getAttributeSet();
Location loc = instance.getLocation();
instance.setTextField(ATTR_TEXT, ATTR_FONT, loc.getX(), loc.getY(),
attrs.getHorizontalAlign(), attrs.getVerticalAlign());
public void propagate(InstanceState state) { }