/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.file;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.cburch.draw.model.AbstractCanvasObject;
import com.cburch.logisim.LogisimVersion;
import com.cburch.logisim.Main;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.appear.AppearanceSvgReader;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Attribute;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeDefaultProvider;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeSet;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.Instance;
import com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Pin;
import com.cburch.logisim.tools.Library;
import com.cburch.logisim.tools.Tool;
import com.cburch.logisim.util.InputEventUtil;
import static com.cburch.logisim.util.LocaleString.*;
class XmlReader {
static class CircuitData {
Element circuitElement;
Circuit circuit;
Map<Element, Component> knownComponents;
List<AbstractCanvasObject> appearance;
public CircuitData(Element circuitElement, Circuit circuit) {
this.circuitElement = circuitElement;
this.circuit = circuit;
class ReadContext {
LogisimFile file;
LogisimVersion sourceVersion;
HashMap<String,Library> libs = new HashMap<String,Library>();
private ArrayList<String> messages;
ReadContext(LogisimFile file) {
this.file = file;
this.messages = new ArrayList<String>();
void addError(String message, String context) {
messages.add(message + " [" + context + "]");
void addErrors(XmlReaderException exception, String context) {
for (String msg : exception.getMessages()) {
messages.add(msg + " [" + context + "]");
private void toLogisimFile(Element elt) {
// determine the version producing this file
String versionString = elt.getAttribute("source");
if (versionString.equals("")) {
sourceVersion = Main.VERSION;
} else {
sourceVersion = LogisimVersion.parse(versionString);
// first, load the sublibraries
for (Element o : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt, "lib")) {
Library lib = toLibrary(o);
if (lib != null) {
// second, create the circuits - empty for now
List<CircuitData> circuitsData = new ArrayList<CircuitData>();
for (Element circElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt, "circuit")) {
String name = circElt.getAttribute("name");
if (name == null || name.equals("")) {
addError(getFromLocale("circNameMissingError"), "C??");
CircuitData circData = new CircuitData(circElt, new Circuit(name));
circData.knownComponents = loadKnownComponents(circElt);
for (Element appearElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(circElt, "appear")) {
loadAppearance(appearElt, circData, name + ".appear");
// third, process the other child elements
for (Element sub_elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt)) {
String name = sub_elt.getTagName();
if (name.equals("circuit") || name.equals("lib")) {
// Nothing to do: Done earlier.
} else if (name.equals("options")) {
try {
initAttributeSet(sub_elt, file.getOptions().getAttributeSet(), null);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "options");
} else if (name.equals("mappings")) {
} else if (name.equals("toolbar")) {
} else if (name.equals("main")) {
String main = sub_elt.getAttribute("name");
Circuit circ = file.getCircuit(main);
if (circ != null) {
} else if (name.equals("message")) {
// fourth, execute a transaction that initializes all the circuits
XmlCircuitReader builder;
builder = new XmlCircuitReader(this, circuitsData);
private Library toLibrary(Element elt) {
if (!elt.hasAttribute("name")) {
return null;
if (!elt.hasAttribute("desc")) {
return null;
String name = elt.getAttribute("name");
String desc = elt.getAttribute("desc");
Library ret = loader.loadLibrary(desc);
if (ret == null) {
return null;
libs.put(name, ret);
for (Element sub_elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt, "tool")) {
if (!sub_elt.hasAttribute("name")) {
} else {
String tool_str = sub_elt.getAttribute("name");
Tool tool = ret.getTool(tool_str);
if (tool != null) {
try {
initAttributeSet(sub_elt, tool.getAttributeSet(), tool);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "lib." + name + "." + tool_str);
return ret;
private Map<Element, Component> loadKnownComponents(Element elt) {
Map<Element, Component> known = new HashMap<Element, Component>();
for (Element sub : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt, "comp")) {
try {
Component comp = XmlCircuitReader.getComponent(sub, this);
known.put(sub, comp);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) { }
return known;
private void loadAppearance(Element appearElt, CircuitData circData,
String context) {
Map<Location, Instance> pins = new HashMap<Location, Instance>();
for (Component comp : circData.knownComponents.values()) {
if (comp.getFactory() == Pin.FACTORY) {
Instance instance = Instance.getInstanceFor(comp);
pins.put(comp.getLocation(), instance);
List<AbstractCanvasObject> shapes = new ArrayList<AbstractCanvasObject>();
for (Element sub : XmlIterator.forChildElements(appearElt)) {
try {
AbstractCanvasObject m = AppearanceSvgReader.createShape(sub, pins);
if (m == null) {
addError(getFromLocale("fileAppearanceNotFound", sub.getTagName()),
context + "." + sub.getTagName());
} else {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
addError(getFromLocale("fileAppearanceError", sub.getTagName()),
context + "." + sub.getTagName());
if (!shapes.isEmpty()) {
if (circData.appearance == null) {
circData.appearance = shapes;
} else {
private void initMouseMappings(Element elt) {
MouseMappings map = file.getOptions().getMouseMappings();
for (Element sub_elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt, "tool")) {
Tool tool;
try {
tool = toTool(sub_elt);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "mapping");
String mods_str = sub_elt.getAttribute("map");
if (mods_str == null || mods_str.equals("")) {
int mods;
try {
mods = InputEventUtil.fromString(mods_str);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
loader.showError(getFromLocale("mappingBadError", mods_str));
tool = tool.cloneTool();
try {
initAttributeSet(sub_elt, tool.getAttributeSet(), tool);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "mapping." + tool.getName());
map.setToolFor(mods, tool);
private void initToolbarData(Element elt) {
ToolbarData toolbar = file.getOptions().getToolbarData();
for (Element sub_elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(elt)) {
if (sub_elt.getTagName().equals("sep")) {
} else if (sub_elt.getTagName().equals("tool")) {
Tool tool;
try {
tool = toTool(sub_elt);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "toolbar");
if (tool != null) {
tool = tool.cloneTool();
try {
initAttributeSet(sub_elt, tool.getAttributeSet(), tool);
} catch (XmlReaderException e) {
addErrors(e, "toolbar." + tool.getName());
Tool toTool(Element elt) throws XmlReaderException {
Library lib = findLibrary(elt.getAttribute("lib"));
String name = elt.getAttribute("name");
if (name == null || name.equals("")) {
throw new XmlReaderException(getFromLocale("toolNameMissing"));
Tool tool = lib.getTool(name);
if (tool == null) {
throw new XmlReaderException(getFromLocale("toolNotFound"));
return tool;
void initAttributeSet(Element parentElt, AttributeSet attrs,
AttributeDefaultProvider defaults) throws XmlReaderException {
ArrayList<String> messages = null;
HashMap<String,String> attrsDefined = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (Element attrElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(parentElt, "a")) {
if (!attrElt.hasAttribute("name")) {
if (messages == null) {
messages = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
String attrName = attrElt.getAttribute("name");
String attrVal;
if (attrElt.hasAttribute("val")) {
attrVal = attrElt.getAttribute("val");
} else {
attrVal = attrElt.getTextContent();
attrsDefined.put(attrName, attrVal);
if (attrs == null) {
LogisimVersion ver = sourceVersion;
boolean setDefaults = defaults != null
&& !defaults.isAllDefaultValues(attrs, ver);
// We need to process this in order, and we have to refetch the
// attribute list each time because it may change as we iterate
// (as it will for a splitter).
for (int i = 0; true; i++) {
List<Attribute<?>> attrList = attrs.getAttributes();
if (i >= attrList.size()) {
Attribute<Object> attr = (Attribute<Object>) attrList.get(i);
String attrName = attr.getName();
String attrVal = attrsDefined.get(attrName);
if (attrVal == null) {
if (setDefaults) {
Object val = defaults.getDefaultAttributeValue(attr, ver);
if (val != null) {
attrs.setValue(attr, val);
} else {
try {
Object val = attr.parse(attrVal);
attrs.setValue(attr, val);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (messages == null) {
messages = new ArrayList<String>();
attrVal, attrName));
if (messages != null) {
throw new XmlReaderException(messages);
Library findLibrary(String lib_name) throws XmlReaderException {
if (lib_name == null || lib_name.equals("")) {
return file;
Library ret = libs.get(lib_name);
if (ret == null) {
throw new XmlReaderException(getFromLocale("libMissingError", lib_name));
} else {
return ret;
private LibraryLoader loader;
XmlReader(Loader loader) {
this.loader = loader;
LogisimFile readLibrary(InputStream is) throws IOException, SAXException {
Document doc = loadXmlFrom(is);
Element elt = doc.getDocumentElement();
considerRepairs(doc, elt);
LogisimFile file = new LogisimFile((Loader) loader);
ReadContext context = new ReadContext(file);
if (file.getCircuitCount() == 0) {
file.addCircuit(new Circuit("main"));
if (context.messages.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder all = new StringBuilder();
for (String msg : context.messages) {
loader.showError(all.substring(0, all.length() - 1));
return file;
private Document loadXmlFrom(InputStream is) throws SAXException, IOException {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = null;
try {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { }
return builder.parse(is);
private void considerRepairs(Document doc, Element root) {
LogisimVersion version = LogisimVersion.parse(root.getAttribute("source"));
if (version.compareTo(LogisimVersion.get(2, 3, 0)) < 0) {
// This file was saved before an Edit tool existed. Most likely
// we should replace the Select and Wiring tools in the toolbar
// with the Edit tool instead.
for (Element toolbar : XmlIterator.forChildElements(root, "toolbar")) {
Element wiring = null;
Element select = null;
Element edit = null;
for (Element elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(toolbar, "tool")) {
String eltName = elt.getAttribute("name");
if (eltName != null && !eltName.equals("")) {
if (eltName.equals("Select Tool")) {
select = elt;
if (eltName.equals("Wiring Tool")) {
wiring = elt;
if (eltName.equals("Edit Tool")) {
edit = elt;
if (select != null && wiring != null && edit == null) {
select.setAttribute("name", "Edit Tool");
if (version.compareTo(LogisimVersion.get(2, 6, 3)) < 0) {
for (Element circElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(root, "circuit")) {
for (Element attrElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(circElt, "a")) {
String name = attrElt.getAttribute("name");
if (name != null && name.startsWith("label")) {
attrElt.setAttribute("name", "c" + name);
repairForWiringLibrary(doc, root);
repairForLegacyLibrary(doc, root);
private void repairForWiringLibrary(Document doc, Element root) {
Element oldBaseElt = null;
String oldBaseLabel = null;
Element gatesElt = null;
String gatesLabel = null;
int maxLabel = -1;
Element firstLibElt = null;
Element lastLibElt = null;
for (Element libElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(root, "lib")) {
String desc = libElt.getAttribute("desc");
String label = libElt.getAttribute("name");
if (desc == null) {
// skip these tests
} else if (desc.equals("#Base")) {
oldBaseElt = libElt;
oldBaseLabel = label;
} else if (desc.equals("#Wiring")) {
// Wiring library already in file. This shouldn't happen, but if
// somehow it does, we don't want to add it again.
} else if (desc.equals("#Gates")) {
gatesElt = libElt;
gatesLabel = label;
if (firstLibElt == null) {
firstLibElt = libElt;
lastLibElt = libElt;
try {
if (label != null) {
int thisLabel = Integer.parseInt(label);
if (thisLabel > maxLabel) {
maxLabel = thisLabel;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
Element wiringElt;
String wiringLabel;
Element newBaseElt;
String newBaseLabel;
if (oldBaseElt != null) {
wiringLabel = oldBaseLabel;
wiringElt = oldBaseElt;
wiringElt.setAttribute("desc", "#Wiring");
newBaseLabel = "" + (maxLabel + 1);
newBaseElt = doc.createElement("lib");
newBaseElt.setAttribute("desc", "#Base");
newBaseElt.setAttribute("name", newBaseLabel);
root.insertBefore(newBaseElt, lastLibElt.getNextSibling());
} else {
wiringLabel = "" + (maxLabel + 1);
wiringElt = doc.createElement("lib");
wiringElt.setAttribute("desc", "#Wiring");
wiringElt.setAttribute("name", wiringLabel);
root.insertBefore(wiringElt, lastLibElt.getNextSibling());
newBaseLabel = null;
newBaseElt = null;
HashMap<String,String> labelMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
addToLabelMap(labelMap, oldBaseLabel, newBaseLabel, "Poke Tool;"
+ "Edit Tool;Select Tool;Wiring Tool;Text Tool;Menu Tool;Text");
addToLabelMap(labelMap, oldBaseLabel, wiringLabel, "Splitter;Pin;"
+ "Probe;Tunnel;Clock;Pull Resistor;Bit Extender");
addToLabelMap(labelMap, gatesLabel, wiringLabel, "Constant");
relocateTools(oldBaseElt, newBaseElt, labelMap);
relocateTools(oldBaseElt, wiringElt, labelMap);
relocateTools(gatesElt, wiringElt, labelMap);
updateFromLabelMap(XmlIterator.forDescendantElements(root, "comp"), labelMap);
updateFromLabelMap(XmlIterator.forDescendantElements(root, "tool"), labelMap);
private void addToLabelMap(HashMap<String,String> labelMap, String srcLabel,
String dstLabel, String toolNames) {
if (srcLabel != null && dstLabel != null) {
for (String tool : toolNames.split(";")) {
labelMap.put(srcLabel + ":" + tool, dstLabel);
private void relocateTools(Element src, Element dest,
HashMap<String,String> labelMap) {
if (src == null || src == dest) {
String srcLabel = src.getAttribute("name");
if (srcLabel == null) {
ArrayList<Element> toRemove = new ArrayList<Element>();
for (Element elt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(src, "tool")) {
String name = elt.getAttribute("name");
if (name != null && labelMap.containsKey(srcLabel + ":" + name)) {
for (Element elt : toRemove) {
if (dest != null) {
private void updateFromLabelMap(Iterable<Element> elts,
HashMap<String,String> labelMap) {
for (Element elt : elts) {
String oldLib = elt.getAttribute("lib");
String name = elt.getAttribute("name");
if (oldLib != null && name != null) {
String newLib = labelMap.get(oldLib + ":" + name);
if (newLib != null) {
elt.setAttribute("lib", newLib);
private void repairForLegacyLibrary(Document doc, Element root) {
Element legacyElt = null;
String legacyLabel = null;
for (Element libElt : XmlIterator.forChildElements(root, "lib")) {
String desc = libElt.getAttribute("desc");
String label = libElt.getAttribute("name");
if (desc != null && desc.equals("#Legacy")) {
legacyElt = libElt;
legacyLabel = label;
if (legacyElt != null) {
ArrayList<Element> toRemove = new ArrayList<Element>();
findLibraryUses(toRemove, legacyLabel,
XmlIterator.forDescendantElements(root, "comp"));
boolean componentsRemoved = !toRemove.isEmpty();
findLibraryUses(toRemove, legacyLabel,
XmlIterator.forDescendantElements(root, "tool"));
for (Element elt : toRemove) {
if (componentsRemoved) {
String error = "Some components have been deleted;"
+ " the Legacy library is no longer supported.";
Element elt = doc.createElement("message");
elt.setAttribute("value", error);
private static void findLibraryUses(ArrayList<Element> dest, String label,
Iterable<Element> candidates) {
for (Element elt : candidates) {
String lib = elt.getAttribute("lib");
if (lib.equals(label)) {