Package com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block

Source Code of com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.CreeperBlock

package com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block;

import com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.CreeperHeal;
import com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.config.CfgVal;
import com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.config.CreeperConfig;
import com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.utils.CreeperUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.material.Attachable;

import java.util.*;

//import com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.PluginHandler;

* Represents a block that can be replaced. Every special type of block derives
* from this class, and can only be constructed by using the newBlock method.
* @author nitnelave
public class CreeperBlock implements Replaceable

     * These blocks (may) need a block under them not to drop.
    private final static Set<Integer> DEPENDENT_DOWN_BLOCKS = CreeperUtils.createFinalHashSet(6, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 55, 59, 63, 64, 66, 70,
                                                                                              71, 72, 78, 81, 83, 93, 94, 104, 105, 115, 117, 132, 140, 141, 142, 171);
     * These blocks are dependent on another block
    private final static Set<Integer> DEPENDENT_BLOCKS = CreeperUtils.createFinalHashSet(50, 65, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77, 96, 106, 127, 131, 143);
     * Blocks a player can breathe in and that are replaced by other blocks.
    protected final static Set<Integer> EMPTY_BLOCKS = CreeperUtils.createFinalHashSet(0, 8, 9, 10, 11, 51, 78);

    public final static BlockFace[] CARDINALS = { BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST,
                                                 BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.DOWN };

    private final static Random random = new Random();

     * The block represented.
    protected BlockState blockState;

     * Create a new CreeperBlock of the right class. Factory method that should
     * be used as a constructor.
     * @param state
     *            The block to be represented.
     * @return A new CreeperBlock of the right subclass.
    public static CreeperBlock newBlock(BlockState state)
        //if (PluginHandler.isSpoutEnabled () && SpoutBlock.isCustomBlock (blockState))
        //    return new SpoutBlock (blockState);
        if (state instanceof InventoryHolder)
            return new CreeperChest(state);
        if (state.getType().hasGravity())
            return new CreeperPhysicsBlock(state);
        switch (state.getType())
        case BED_BLOCK:
            return new CreeperBed(state);
        case RAILS:
        case POWERED_RAIL:
        case DETECTOR_RAIL:
            return new CreeperRail(state);
        case SKULL:
            return new CreeperHead(state);
        case PISTON_BASE:
        case PISTON_STICKY_BASE:
        case PISTON_EXTENSION:
            return new CreeperPiston(state);
        case WOODEN_DOOR:
        case IRON_DOOR_BLOCK:
            return new CreeperDoor(state);
        case NOTE_BLOCK:
            return new CreeperNoteBlock((NoteBlock) state);
        case SIGN_POST:
        case WALL_SIGN:
            return new CreeperSign((Sign) state);
        case MOB_SPAWNER:
            return new CreeperMonsterSpawner((CreatureSpawner) state);
        case WOOD_PLATE:
        case STONE_PLATE:
            return new CreeperPlate(state);
        case GRASS:
            return new CreeperGrass(state);
        case SMOOTH_BRICK:
        case SMOOTH_STAIRS:
            return new CreeperBrick(state);
        case WOOD_BUTTON:
        case STONE_BUTTON:
            return new CreeperButton(state);
        case TNT:
        case FIRE:
        case AIR:
            return null;
        case STONE:
            return new CreeperStone(state);
            return new CreeperBlock(state);

     * The constructor.
    protected CreeperBlock(BlockState blockState)
        this.blockState = blockState;

    protected CreeperBlock()

     * Replace the block in the world.
    public void update()
        getWorld().playSound(getLocation(), CreeperConfig.getSound(), CreeperConfig.getInt(CfgVal.SOUND_VOLUME) / 10F, random.nextFloat() * 2);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#getLocation()
    public Location getLocation()
        return blockState.getLocation();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#getWorld()
    public World getWorld()
        return blockState.getWorld();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#getBlock()
    public Block getBlock()
        return blockState.getBlock();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#getTypeId()
    public int getTypeId()
        return blockState.getTypeId();

     * Get the block's raw data.
     * @return The block's raw data.
    public byte getRawData()
        return blockState.getRawData();

     * Drop the corresponding items on the ground.
     * @param forced
     *            If false, the block will have a chance to drop, according to
     *            the configuration value of the drop chance. If true, the block
     *            drops every time.
     * @return True if the block dropped.
    public boolean drop(boolean forced)
        if (forced || new Random().nextInt(100) < CreeperConfig.getInt(CfgVal.DROP_CHANCE))
            Location loc = blockState.getBlock().getLocation();
            World w = loc.getWorld();

            Collection<ItemStack> drop = blockState.getBlock().getDrops();
            for (ItemStack s : drop)
                w.dropItemNaturally(loc, s);
            return true;
        return false;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#replace(boolean)
    public final boolean replace(boolean shouldDrop)
        if (checkForDrop(getBlock()))
            return true;

        if (!shouldDrop && isDependent(getTypeId())
            && isEmpty(getBlock().getRelative(getAttachingFace()).getTypeId()))
            return false;


        return true;

    protected boolean checkForDrop(Block block)
        int blockId = block.getTypeId();

        if (!CreeperConfig.getBool(CfgVal.OVERWRITE_BLOCKS) && !isEmpty(blockId))
            if (CreeperConfig.getBool(CfgVal.DROP_DESTROYED_BLOCKS))
            return true;
        else if (CreeperConfig.getBool(CfgVal.OVERWRITE_BLOCKS) && !isEmpty(blockId)
                 && CreeperConfig.getBool(CfgVal.DROP_DESTROYED_BLOCKS))
            CreeperBlock b = CreeperBlock.newBlock(block.getState());
            if (b != null)
        return false;


     * Get whether the block is empty, i.e. if a player can breathe inside it
     * and if it can be replaced by other blocks (snow, water...)
    private static boolean isEmpty(int typeId)
        return EMPTY_BLOCKS.contains(typeId);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#delayReplacement()
    public void delayReplacement(CHBlockHealReason reason)
        long delay = CreeperConfig.getInt(CfgVal.BLOCK_PER_BLOCK_INTERVAL);
        DelayReplacement dr = new DelayReplacement(this, 0, reason);
        int id = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(CreeperHeal.getInstance(), dr, delay, delay);

     * Get whether blocks of a type are dependent on the block under.
     * @param typeId
     *            The type of the block.
     * @return Whether the block is dependent.
    private static boolean isDependentDown(int typeId)
        return DEPENDENT_DOWN_BLOCKS.contains(typeId);

     * Get whether blocks of a type are solid.
     * @param typeId
     *            The type of the block.
     * @return Whether the block is solid.
    public static boolean isSolid(int typeId)
        return Material.getMaterial(typeId).isSolid();

     * Get whether blocks of a type are solid.
     * @param block
     *            The type of the block.
     * @return Whether the block is solid.
    public static boolean isSolid(Block block)
        return block.getType().isSolid();

     * Get whether blocks of a type are dependent on another block .
     * @param typeId
     *            The type of the block.
     * @return Whether the block is dependent.
    public static boolean isDependent(int typeId)
        return DEPENDENT_BLOCKS.contains(typeId) || isDependentDown(typeId);

     * Test the blocks directly in contact, and if they are ascending rails, add
     * them to the updatePrevention list.
    private void checkForAscendingRails()
        Block block = blockState.getBlock();
        for (BlockFace face : CARDINALS)
            if (face == BlockFace.DOWN)
            CreeperBlock cb = CreeperBlock.newBlock(block.getRelative(face).getState());
            if (cb instanceof CreeperRail)
                CreeperRail r = (CreeperRail) cb;
                if (r.isAscending())

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#getAttachingFace()
    public BlockFace getAttachingFace()
        if (blockState.getData() instanceof Attachable)
            return ((Attachable) blockState.getData()).getAttachedFace();
        if (isDependentDown(blockState.getTypeId()))
            return BlockFace.DOWN;
        return BlockFace.SELF;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#remove()
    public void remove()

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.Replaceable#isDependent()
    public boolean isDependent()
        return getAttachingFace() != BlockFace.SELF;

     * Get the list of blocks that are possibly dependent on this block. To
     * check if they really are, simply check that neighborBlock.isNeighbor() is
     * true.
     * @return The list of potentially dependent blocks.
    public List<NeighborBlock> getDependentNeighbors()
        List<NeighborBlock> neighbors = new ArrayList<NeighborBlock>();
        Block block = getBlock();
        for (BlockFace face : CARDINALS)
            neighbors.add(new NeighborBlock(block.getRelative(face), face));
        return neighbors;


Related Classes of com.nitnelave.CreeperHeal.block.CreeperBlock

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