package com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.parselets;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.ParseException;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.Parser;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.Precedence;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.Token;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.expressions.AssignExpression;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.expressions.Expression;
import com.stuffwithstuff.bantam.expressions.NameExpression;
* Parses assignment expressions like "a = b". The left side of an assignment
* expression must be a simple name like "a", and expressions are
* right-associative. (In other words, "a = b = c" is parsed as "a = (b = c)").
public class AssignParselet implements InfixParselet {
public Expression parse(Parser parser, Expression left, Token token) {
Expression right = parser.parseExpression(Precedence.ASSIGNMENT - 1);
if (!(left instanceof NameExpression)) throw new ParseException(
"The left-hand side of an assignment must be a name.");
String name = ((NameExpression)left).getName();
return new AssignExpression(name, right);
public int getPrecedence() { return Precedence.ASSIGNMENT; }