// J A V A C O M M U N I T Y P R O C E S S
// J S R 3 3 1
// Copyright (c) Cork Constraint Computation Centre, 2010
// University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, www.4c.ucc.ie
// Constrainer is copyrighted by Exigen Group, USA.
package javax.constraints.impl.search;
import javax.constraints.ProblemState;
import javax.constraints.SearchStrategy;
import javax.constraints.Solution;
import javax.constraints.Var;
import javax.constraints.Objective;
import javax.constraints.extra.PropagationEvent;
import javax.constraints.extra.ReversibleAction;
import javax.constraints.impl.Problem;
//import javax.constraints.impl.goal.SolverDichotomize;
import javax.constraints.impl.search.goal.Goal;
import javax.constraints.impl.search.goal.ReversibleActionGoal;
import javax.constraints.impl.search.goal.SolverWithGoals;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Constrainer;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalAnd;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalFastMinimize;
//import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalGenerate;
//import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalPrintObject;
//import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalPrintSolutionNumber;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExp;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExpArray;
//import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntVarSelectorMaxSize;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.TimeLimitException;
public class Solver extends SolverWithGoals {
public Solver(Problem problem) {
// javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
// p.getConstrainer().traceExecution();
* This method forces a solver to "backtrack".
* It is used to emulate a failure, in particular to produce all solutions.
* @throws Exception
public void backtrack() throws Exception {
public Constrainer getConstrainer() {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
return p.getConstrainer();
* Returns an "AND" Goal. The Goal "AND" succeeds if both of the Goals
* "g1" and "g2" succeed. The Goal "AND" fails if at least one of the Goals
* "g1" or "g2" fail. It is implementation specific.
* @param g1
* the first Goal which is part of the new "AND" Goal.
* @param g2
* the other Goal which is part of the new "AND" Goal.
* @return a Goal "AND" between the Goals "g1" and "g2".
public Goal and(Goal g1, Goal g2) {
String name = "and("+g1.getName()+","+g2.getName()+")";
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal goal1 = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)g1.getImpl();
if (goal1 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Goal "+g1.getName() +
" cannot be used inside solver.and()");
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal goal2 = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)g2.getImpl();
if (goal2 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Goal "+g2.getName() +
" cannot be used inside solver.and()");
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal andGoal = new com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalAnd(goal1,goal2);
Goal goal = new javax.constraints.impl.search.ConstrainerGoal(this,andGoal);
return goal;
* Returns an "OR" Goal. The goal "OR" succeeds if at least one of the
* Goals "g1" or "g2" succeeds. The Goal "OR" fails if both Goals "g1" and
* "g2" fail. It is implementation specific.
* @param g1
* the first Goal which is part of the new "OR" Goal.
* @param g2
* the second Goal which is part of the new "OR" Goal.
* @return a Goal "OR" between the Goals "g1" and "g2".
public Goal or(Goal g1, Goal g2) {
String name = "or("+g1.getName()+","+g2.getName()+")";
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal goal1 = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)g1.getImpl();
if (goal1 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Goal "+g1.getName() + " cannot be used inside solver.or()");
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal goal2 = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)g2.getImpl();
if (goal2 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Goal "+g2.getName() + " cannot be used inside solver.or()");
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal orGoal = new com.exigen.ie.constrainer.GoalOr(goal1,goal2);
Goal goal = new javax.constraints.impl.search.ConstrainerGoal(this,orGoal);
return goal;
public boolean execute(Goal goal, ProblemState restoreOrNot) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal myGoal = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal) goal.getImpl();
if (myGoal == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Critical Error: goal" +
goal.getName() + " does not have an implementation");
boolean restore = (restoreOrNot == ProblemState.RESTORE)? true : false;
return p.getConstrainer().execute(myGoal, restore);
* To create a new goal on the javax.constraints level without necessity to
* go down to the underlying CP solver, one needs to use a goal that will
* serve as an implementation object. "goalThis" serves exactly these
* purposes and actually executes the method execute() from the Goal passed
* as a parameter.
* @param goal
public Object goalThis(Goal goal) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
return new GoalThis(p.getConstrainer(), goal);
* Adds an application-specific action "goal" that will be executed during backtracking.
* @param action the action (goal) to be executed during backtracking.
public void addReversibleAction(ReversibleAction action) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
Goal goal = ((ReversibleActionGoal)action).getGoal();
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal myGoal = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal) goal.getImpl();
if (myGoal == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Critical Error: goal" +
goal.getName() + " does not have an implementation");
* If flag is true, all failures will be traced (logged)
* @param flag
public void traceFailures(boolean flag) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem) getProblem();
if (flag)
* This method attempts to find the solution that minimizes/maximizes the objective variable.
* It uses the search goal defined by the method setGoal().
* The optimization process can be also controlled by:
* <ul>
* <li> OptimalPrecision that is a difference between optimal solutions - see setOptimalPrecision()
* <li> MaxNumberOfSolutions that is the total number of considered solutions - may be limited by the method
* setMaxNumberOfSolutions()
* <li> TotalTimeLimit that is the number of seconds allocated for the entire optimization process.
* </ul>
* <br> At the same time the time for one iteration inside
* optimization loop (a search of one solution) can be also limited by the use of the
* special type of search goals such as GoalAssignValuesTimeLimit.
* <br> The problem state after the execution of this method is always restored. All variables
* that were added to the problems (plus the obejctiveVar) will have their assigned values
* saved inside the optimal solution.
* @param objective Objective.MINIMIZE or Objective.MAXIMIZE
* @param objectiveVar the variable that is being minimized/maximized
* @return Solution if a solution is found,
* null if there are no solutions.
// public Solution findOptimalSolutionNative(Objective objective, Var objectiveVar) {
// Problem problem = (Problem) getProblem();
// // Add objective to problem if it was not yet added
// if (objectiveVar.getName() == null || objectiveVar.getName().isEmpty())
// objectiveVar.setName("_OBJECTIVE_");
// if (problem.getVar(objectiveVar.getName()) == null) {
// problem.add(objectiveVar);
// }
// Var objVar = objectiveVar;
// if (objective == Objective.MAXIMIZE) {
// objVar = objectiveVar.mul(-1);
// objVar.setName("negation_of_" + objectiveVar.getName());
// problem.add(objVar);
// }
// Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
// Var[] vars = problem.getVars();
// IntExpArray intvars = new IntExpArray(constrainer,vars.length);
// for(int i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
// IntExp var = (IntExp)vars[i].getImpl();
// intvars.set(var, i);
// }
// IntExp myObj = (IntExp)objVar.getImpl();
// com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal minimize = new GoalFastMinimize(new GoalGenerate(intvars), myObj);
// boolean flag = constrainer.execute(minimize);
// SolverDichotomize dichomize = new SolverDichotomize(this, objVar);
// Solution solution = dichomize.execute();
// return solution;
// }
* This method attempts to find the solution that minimizes/maximizes the objective variable.
* It uses the search strategy defined by the method setSearchStrategy(strategy).
* The optimization process can be also controlled by:
* <ul>
* <li> OptimizationTolarance that is a difference between optimal solutions - see setOptimizationTolarance()
* <li> MaxNumberOfSolutions that is the total number of considered solutions - may be limited by the method
* setMaxNumberOfSolutions()
* <li> TotalTimeLimit that is the number of seconds allocated for the entire optimization process.
* </ul>
* <br> At the same time the time for one iteration inside
* optimization loop (a search of one solution) can be also limited by the use of the
* special type of search strategy.
* <br> The problem state after the execution of this method is always restored. All variables
* that were added to the problems (plus the objectiveVar) will have their assigned values
* saved inside the optimal solution.
* @param objective Objective.MINIMIZE or Objective.MAXIMIZE
* @param objectiveVar the variable that is being minimized/maximized
* @return Solution if a solution is found,
* null if there are no solutions.
public Solution findOptimalSolution(Objective objective, Var objectiveVar) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = p.getConstrainer();
SearchStrategy searchStrategy = getSearchStrategy();
if (isTraceSolutions()) {
addSearchStrategy(new StrategyLogVar("Found a solution with ", objectiveVar));
Goal strategy = makeGoal(searchStrategy);
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal goal = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)strategy.getImpl();
for (int i = 1; i < getSearchStrategies().size(); i++) {
strategy = makeGoal(getSearchStrategies().elementAt(i));
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal nextGoal = (com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal)strategy.getImpl();
goal = new GoalAnd(goal,nextGoal);
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal saveGoal = new GoalSaveSolution(this);
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Goal totalGoal = new GoalAnd(goal,saveGoal);
IntExp cObj = (IntExp)objectiveVar.getImpl();
if ( objective.equals(Objective.MAXIMIZE) ) {
cObj = cObj.mul(-1);
// if (solver.getMaxNumberOfSolutions() > 0)
// constrainer.set
boolean trace = false;
boolean goal_saves_solution = true;
GoalFastMinimize optimizationGoal = new GoalFastMinimize(totalGoal, cObj, trace, goal_saves_solution);
Solution solution = null;
try {
if (constrainer.execute(optimizationGoal)) {
// solution = new BasicSolution(this,1);
// solution.setSolutionNumber(optimizationGoal.numberOfSolutions());
solution = this.getSolution();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception TimeLimitException
if (e instanceof TimeLimitException) {
solution = this.getSolution();
// if (optimizationGoal.numberOfSolutions() > 0) {
// solution = new BasicSolution(this,1);
// solution.setSolutionNumber(optimizationGoal.numberOfSolutions());
// }
return solution;
public IntExpArray createConstrainerVars(Var[] vars) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = p.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray intvars = new IntExpArray(constrainer,vars.length);
for(int i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
IntExp var = (IntExp)vars[i].getImpl();
intvars.set(var, i);
return intvars;
public void logStats() {
log("*** Execution Profile ***");
Problem p = (Problem)getProblem();
int ncp = p.getConstrainer().numberOfChoicePoints();
if (ncp >= 0)
log("Number of Choice Points: " + ncp);
int nf = p.getConstrainer().numberOfFailures();
if (nf >= 0)
log("Number of Failures: " + nf);
long occupied_memory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
- Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
log("Occupied memory: " + occupied_memory);
long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - getSolverStartTime();
log("Execution time: " + executionTime + " msec");
public void trace(Var[] vars, PropagationEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
Problem p = (Problem)getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = p.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray intvars = new IntExpArray(constrainer,vars.length);
for(int i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
IntExp var = (IntExp)vars[i].getImpl();
intvars.set(var, i);
* Sets the duration, in milliseconds, of the time limit on searches.
* @param mills
* the new time limit in milliseconds
public void setTimeLimit(int milliseconds) {
javax.constraints.impl.Problem p = (javax.constraints.impl.Problem)getProblem();