// J A V A C O M M U N I T Y P R O C E S S
// J S R 3 3 1
// Copyright (c) Cork Constraint Computation Centre, 2010
// University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, www.4c.ucc.ie
// Constrainer is copyrighted by Exigen Group, USA.
package javax.constraints.impl.constraint;
import javax.constraints.Var;
import javax.constraints.impl.Constraint;
import javax.constraints.impl.Problem;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Constrainer;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExp;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExpArray;
* This constraint defines a new constrained integer variable "cardinality"
* that is equal to the number of elements of the
* array of variables "vars" which are bound to the "value" or "var" .
public class Cardinality extends Constraint {
static final String name = "Cardinality";
* Example: cardinality(vars,cardValue) < var
public Cardinality(Var[] vars, int cardValue, String oper, Var var) {
Problem problem = (Problem) vars[0].getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray cVars = problem.getExpArray(vars);
try {
IntExp cardinality = constrainer.cardinality(cVars,cardValue);
problem.defineConstraintImpl(this, cardinality, oper, var);
} catch (Exception f) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failure to create constraint "+name);
* Example: cardinality(vars,cardVar) < var
public Cardinality(Var[] vars, Var cardVar, String oper, Var var) {
Problem problem = (Problem) vars[0].getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray cVars = problem.getExpArray(vars);
try {
IntExp cVar = (IntExp) cardVar.getImpl();
IntExp cardinality = constrainer.cardinality(cVars,cVar);
problem.defineConstraintImpl(this, cardinality, oper, var);
} catch (Exception f) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failure to create constraint "+name);
* Example: cardinality(vars,cardValue) < value
public Cardinality(Var[] vars, int cardValue, String oper, int value) {
Problem problem = (Problem) vars[0].getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray cVars = problem.getExpArray(vars);
try {
IntExp cardinality = constrainer.cardinality(cVars,cardValue);
problem.defineConstraintImpl(this, cardinality, oper, value);
} catch (Exception f) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failure to create constraint "+name);
* Example: cardinality(vars,cardVar) < value
public Cardinality(Var[] vars, Var cardVar, String oper, int value) {
Problem problem = (Problem) vars[0].getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray cVars = problem.getExpArray(vars);
try {
IntExp cVar = (IntExp) cardVar.getImpl();
IntExp cardinality = constrainer.cardinality(cVars,cVar);
problem.defineConstraintImpl(this, cardinality, oper, value);
} catch (Exception f) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failure to create constraint "+name);