// J A V A C O M M U N I T Y P R O C E S S
// J S R 3 3 1
// Copyright (c) Cork Constraint Computation Centre, 2010
// University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, www.4c.ucc.ie
// Constrainer is copyrighted by Exigen Group, USA.
package javax.constraints.impl.constraint;
import javax.constraints.Var;
import javax.constraints.impl.Constraint;
import javax.constraints.impl.Problem;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Constrainer;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExp;
import com.exigen.ie.constrainer.IntExpArray;
* This is one of the most popular Constraint that
* states that all of the elements within the array of variables "vars"
* must take different values from each other.
* The RI should overload the method "defineNativeImpl" and
* may add its own additional constructors.
public class AllDifferent extends Constraint {
public AllDifferent(Var[] vars) {
Problem problem = (Problem) getProblem();
Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
IntExpArray intvars = new IntExpArray(constrainer,vars.length);
for(int i=0; i<vars.length; i++) {
IntExp var = (IntExp)vars[i].getImpl();
intvars.set(var, i);
com.exigen.ie.constrainer.Constraint allDiff =
new com.exigen.ie.constrainer.impl.ConstraintAllDiff(intvars);