Package javax.constraints.impl

Source Code of javax.constraints.impl.Problem

// J A V A  C O M M U N I T Y  P R O C E S S
// J S R  3 3 1
// Copyright (c) Cork Constraint Computation Centre, 2010
// University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
// Constrainer is copyrighted by Exigen Group, USA.
package javax.constraints.impl;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.constraints.Constraint;
import javax.constraints.DomainType;
import javax.constraints.Oper;
import javax.constraints.Solver;
import javax.constraints.Var;
import javax.constraints.VarBool;
import javax.constraints.VarSet;
import javax.constraints.extra.ConstraintElementAtOnSets;
import javax.constraints.impl.constraint.AllDifferent;
import javax.constraints.impl.constraint.Cardinality;
import javax.constraints.impl.constraint.Element;
import javax.constraints.impl.constraint.GlobalCardinality;
import javax.constraints.impl.constraint.Linear;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


* Problem - a placeholder for all components used to represent and resolve a
* constraint satisfaction problem (Problem). A Problem usually consists of two parts:
* <ol>
* <li>Problem Definition: contains all constrained objects and constraints that
* define and control relationships between constrained objects
* <li>Problem Resolution: contains search algorithm (goals) that allows to
* solve the problem
* </ol>
* The decision variables are represented in form of Java objects which may use
* the predefined constrained variables types such as Var, VarReal, VarSet.
* The constraints themselves are objects inherited from a generic class
* Constraint. The interface covers major binary and global constraints
* required for the practical CP programming. It is possible to define and add
* new constraints.
* <p>
* To find the problem solutions, javax.constraints uses search algorithms
* presented using objects of the predefined type Goal. Goals are building
* blocks to define different search algorithms.

public class Problem extends AbstractProblem {
   * CP API Reference Implementation with Constrainer - release version number
  static public final String JSR331_CONSTRAINER_VERSION = "JSR-331 Implementation based on Constrainer 5.4 (light)";
  public static org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = LogFactory.getLog("javax.constraints");
   * @return JSR331 Implementation version number
  public String getImplVersion() {

  Constrainer constrainer;
  Constraint falseConstraint;
  Constraint trueConstraint;
  public Problem() {

  public Problem(String id) {
    constrainer = new Constrainer(id);
    falseConstraint = null;
    trueConstraint = null;
    if (!id.isEmpty())
      log("Problem: " + id);
   * Log the String parameter "text" using log4J info
  public void log(String text) {;

   * Log the String parameter "text" using log4J debug
  public void debug(String text) {

   * Log the String parameter "text" using log4J error
  public void error(String text) {

  public final Constrainer getConstrainer() {
    return constrainer;

  public final void setConstrainer(Constrainer constrainer) {
    this.constrainer = constrainer;

   * Creates a Var with the name "name" and domain [min;max] of domain type
   * "type", and returns the newly added
   * Var.
   * @param name
   *            the name for the new Var.
   * @param min
   *            the minimum value in the domain for the new Var.
   * @param max
   *            the maximum value in the domain for the new Var.
   * @param type
   *            the domain type for the new Var.
   * @return the Var variable created and added to the problem.
  public javax.constraints.Var createVariable(String name, int min, int max) {
    javax.constraints.Var var = new javax.constraints.impl.Var(this, name, min, max);
    return var;
   * Creates a boolean constrained variable with the name "name" and adds
   * this variable to the problem, and returns the newly added VarBool.
   * @param name the name for the new Var.
   * @return the Var variable created and added to the problem.
  public VarBool variableBool(String name) {
    javax.constraints.VarBool varBool = new javax.constraints.impl.VarBool(this, name);
    return varBool;
   * This method takes a constraint's implementation and uses its own
   * RI-specific post-method.
   * @throws RuntimeException if a failure happened during the posting
  public void post(Constraint constraint) {
    try { myConstraint =
      if (myConstraint != null);
    } catch (Failure failure) {
      RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException(constraint.getName(),failure);
      throw rte;
   * Creates a Reversible integer with the name "name" and value "value"
   * and returns the newly added Reversible.
   * @param name the name for the new reversible.
   * @param value the initial value
   * @return the reversible integer
  public javax.constraints.extra.Reversible addReversible(String name, int value) {
    Reversible rev = new Reversible(this, name, value);
    return rev;
   * Posts and Returns a constraint: var "oper" value
  public Constraint post(Var var, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(var, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint linear(Var var, String oper, int value) {
    return add(new Linear(var, oper, value));
   * Posts and Returns a constraint: var1 "oper" var2
  public Constraint post(Var var1, String oper, Var var2) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(var1, oper, var2));;
    return c;
  public Constraint linear(Var var1, String oper, Var var2) {
    return add(new Linear(var1, oper, var2));

  public Constraint post(int[] array, Var[] vars, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(array, vars, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint post(int[] array, Var[] vars, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(array, vars, oper, var));;
    return c;
  public Constraint post(Var[] vars, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(vars, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint post(Var[] vars, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Linear(vars, oper, var));;
    return c;
  // These two methods are needed for GoalAssignValue only
  public Constraint constraintVarEqValue(Var var,int value) {
    return new Linear(var,"=",value);
  public Constraint constraintVarNeqValue(Var var,int value) {
    return new Linear(var,"!=",value);
  public Constraint postElement(int[] array, Var indexVar, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Element(array, indexVar, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint postElement(int[] array, Var indexVar, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Element(array, indexVar, oper, var));;
    return c;
  public Constraint postElement(Var[] array, Var indexVar, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Element(array, indexVar, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint postElement(Var[] array, Var indexVar, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Element(array, indexVar, oper, var));;
    return c;
   * Returns a constrained integer variable that is an element of the "array"
   * with index defined as another constrained integer variable "index". When
   * index is bound to the value i, the value of the resulting variable is
   * array[i]. More generally, the domain of the returned variable is the set
   * of values array[i] where the i are in the domain of index.
   * @param array
   *            an array of ints.
   * @param index
   *            a constrained integer variable whose domain serves as an index
   *            into the array.
   * @return a constrained integer variable whose domain is the set of values
   *         array[i] where each i is in the domain of "index".
//  public javax.constraints.Var elementAt(int[] array, javax.constraints.Var indexVar) {
////    if (indexVar.getMin() > array.length-1 || indexVar.getMax() < 0)
////      throw new RuntimeException("elementAt: invalid index variable");
////    Var elementVar = addVar("_elementVar_",array);
////    remove("_elementVar_");
//    ConstraintElementAt c = new ConstraintElementAt(array, indexVar);
//    return c.getElementVar();
//  }

   * Returns a constrained integer variable that is an element of the "array"
   * with index defined as another constrained integer variable "indexVar".
   * When index is bound to the value i, the value of the resulting variable
   * is array[i]. More generally, the domain of the returned variable is the
   * set of values array[i] where the i are in the domain of index.
   * @param arrayVar
   *            an array of Var variables.
   * @param index
   *            a constrained integer variable whose domain serves as an index
   *            into the array.
   * @return a constrained integer variable whose domain is the set of values
   *         array[i] where each i is in the domain of "indexVar".
//  public javax.constraints.Var elementAt(javax.constraints.Var[] arrayVar,
//                       javax.constraints.Var indexVar) {
////    if (indexVar.getMin() > arrayVar.length-1 || indexVar.getMax() < 0)
////      throw new RuntimeException("elementAt: invalid index variable");
////    // Create elementVar
////    int min = arrayVar[0].getMin();
////    int max = arrayVar[0].getMax();
////    for (int i = 1; i < arrayVar.length; i++) {
////      IntExp exp = (IntExp)arrayVar[i].getImpl();
////      if (min > exp.min())
////        min = exp.min();
////      if (max < exp.max())
////        max = exp.max();
////    }
////    Var elementVar = addVar("_elementVar_",min,max);
////    remove("_elementVar_");
//    // Create and post ConstraintElementAt constraint
//    ConstraintElementAt c = new ConstraintElementAt(arrayVar, indexVar);
//    return c.getElementVar();
//  }
   * Creates and posts a constraint: arrayOfSets[indexVar] <oper> setVar
   * Here "arrayOfSets[indexVar]" denotes a constrained set variable, which domain
   * consists of sets of integers arrayOfSets[i] where i is within domain of the "indexVar".
   * When indexVar is bound to the value v, the value of the resulting variable is
   * arrayOfSets[v]. The operator "oper" defines the type of relationships between 
   * "arrayOfSets[indexVar]" and "setVar"
   * @param array an array of integer sets.
   * @param indexVar a constrained integer variable whose domain serves as
   * an index into the "arrayOfSets".
   * @throws RuntimeException if the posting fails
   * @return a newly created constraint
  public Constraint postElement(Set[] arrayOfSets, Var indexVar, String oper, VarSet setVar) {
    Constraint c = new ConstraintElementAtOnSets(setVar, arrayOfSets, indexVar);;
    return c;
//  /**
//   * This method is defined for Set[] similarly to the "elementAt" for int[].
//   * It returns a constrained set variable that is an element of the array of
//   * sets with index defined as a constrained integer variable "indexVar".
//   * When index is bound to the value i, the value of the resulting variable
//   * is a constaint set sets[i].
//   *
//   * @param sets
//   *            - an array of the regular Java Set(s)
//   * @param index
//   *            - a constrained integer variable whose domain serves as an
//   *            index into the array of sets.
//   * @return a constrained integer variable
//   */
//  public javax.constraints.VarSet elementAt(Set[] sets, javax.constraints.Var indexVar) throws Exception {
//    // TODO
//    return null;
//  }

//  /**
//   * Returns a constrained integer variable that is equal to the sum of the
//   * variables in the array "arrayOfVariables".
//   *
//   * @param vars
//   *            the array of variables from which we desire the sum.
//   * @return a constrained integer variable that is equal to the sum of the
//   *         variables in the array "vars".
//   */
//  public javax.constraints.Var sum(javax.constraints.Var[] vars) {
//    int min = 0;
//    int max = 0;
//    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
//      min += vars[i].getMin();
//      max += vars[i].getMax();
//    }
//    AbstractProblem p = (AbstractProblem) vars[0].getProblem();
//    Var sumVar = new javax.constraints.impl.Var(p, "sum", min, max);
////    new Linear(vars, "=", sumVar).post();
//    p.linear(vars, "=", sumVar).post();
//    return sumVar;
//  }

//  /**
//   * Returns a constrained real variable that is equal to the sum of the real
//   * variables in the array "arrayOfVariables".
//   *
//   * @param arrayOfVariables
//   *            the array of real variables from which we desire the sum.
//   * @return a constrained real variable that is equal to the sum of the real
//   *         variables in the array "arrayOfVariables".
//   */
//  public javax.constraints.VarReal sum(javax.constraints.VarReal[] arrayOfVariables) {
//    // TODO
//    return null;
//  }

   * Returns a constrained variable equal to the scalar product of an array of
   * values "arrayOfValues" and an array of variables "arrayOfVariables".
   * @param values
   *            the array of values.
   * @param vars
   *            the array of variables.
   * @return a constrained variable equal to the scalar product of an array of
   *         values "arrayOfValues" and an array of variables
   *         "arrayOfVariables".
  public javax.constraints.Var scalProd(int[] values, javax.constraints.Var[] vars) {
//    ScalProd c = new ScalProd(values, vars);
//    return c.getScalProdVar();
    int min = 0;
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      min += vars[i].getMin()*values[i];
      max += vars[i].getMax()*values[i];
    AbstractProblem p = (AbstractProblem) vars[0].getProblem();
    Var scalProdVar = new javax.constraints.impl.Var(p, "scalProd", min, max);
    new Linear(values,vars, "=", scalProdVar).post();
    return scalProdVar;
//  /**
//   * Returns a constrained real variable equal to the scalar product of an array of real variables "arrayOfVariables"
//   *         and an array of real values "arrayOfValues".
//   * @param arrayOfVariables the array of real variables.
//   * @param arrayOfValues the array of real values.
//   * @return a constrained real variable equal to the scalar product of an array of real variables "arrayOfVariables"
//   *         and an array of real values "arrayOfValues".
//   */
//  public VarReal scalProd(double[] arrayOfValues, VarReal[] arrayOfVariables) {
//    // TODO
//    return null;
//  }

//  /**
//   * Returns an "AND" Constraint. The Constraint "AND" is satisfied if both
//   * of the Constraints "c1" and "c2" are satisfied. The Constraint "AND" is
//   * not satisfied if at least one of the Constraints "c1" or "c2" is not
//   * satisfied.
//   *
//   * @param c1
//   *            the first Constraint which is part of the new "AND"
//   *            Constraint.
//   * @param c2
//   *            the other Constraint which is part of the new "AND"
//   *            Constraint.
//   * @return a Constraint "AND" between the Constraints "c1" and "c2".
//   */
//  public Constraint and(Constraint c1, Constraint c2) {
//    return new ConstraintAndOr("And", c1, c2);
//  }

//  /**
//   * Returns an "OR" Constraint. The Constraint "OR" is satisfied if either
//   * of the Constraints "c1" and "c2" is satisfied. The Constraint "OR" is
//   * not satisfied if both of the Constraints "c1" and "c2" are not satisfied.
//   *
//   * @param c1
//   *            the first Constraint which is part of the new "OR"
//   *            Constraint.
//   * @param c2
//   *            the other Constraint which is part of the new "OR"
//   *            Constraint.
//   * @return a Constraint "OR" between the Constraints "c1" and "c2".
//   */
//  public Constraint or(Constraint c1, Constraint c2) {
//    return new ConstraintAndOr("Or", c1, c2);
//  }

   * Global constraints
   * Creates a new Constraint (without posting) stating that all of the elements of
   * the array of variables "vars" must take different values from each other.
   * @param vars
   *            the array of Vars which must all take different values.
   * @return the all-different Constraint on the array of Vars.
  public Constraint allDiff(javax.constraints.Var[] vars) {
    Constraint c = new AllDifferent(vars);
    return c;
   * This method creates and returns a new cardinality constraint
   * such as �cardinality(vars,cardValue)  <  value�. 
   * Here �cardinality(vars,cardValue)� denotes a constrained integer
   * variable that is equal to the number of those elements in the
   * array "vars" that are bound to the "cardValue". 
   * For example, if �oper� is "<" it means that the variable
   * �cardinality(vars,cardValue)� must be less than the  �value�. 
   * This constraint does NOT assume a creation of an intermediate
   * variable "cardinality(vars,cardValue)".
   * @param vars
   * @param cardValue
   * @param oper
   * @param value
   * @return constraint
  public Constraint postCardinality(Var[] vars, int cardValue, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Cardinality(vars, cardValue, oper, value));;
    return c;
   * This method is similar to the one above but instead of �value�
   * the �cardinality(vars,cardValue)� is being constrained by �var�.
  public Constraint postCardinality(Var[] vars, int cardValue, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Cardinality(vars, cardValue, oper, var));;
    return c;
   * This method is similar to the one above but instead of �cardValue�
   * it uses "cardVar"
  public Constraint postCardinality(Var[] vars, Var cardVar, String oper, Var var) {
    Constraint c = add(new Cardinality(vars, cardVar, oper, var));;
    return c;
   * This method is similar to the one above but instead of �var�
   * it uses "value"
  public Constraint postCardinality(Var[] vars, Var cardVar, String oper, int value) {
    Constraint c = add(new Cardinality(vars, cardVar, oper, value));;
    return c;
  public Constraint postGlobalCardinality(Var[] vars, int[] values, Var[] cardinalityVars) {
    Constraint c = add(new GlobalCardinality(vars,cardinalityVars,values));;
    return c;
  public Constraint constraintGlobalCardinality(Var[] vars, Var[] cardinalityVars) {
    Constraint c = add(new GlobalCardinality(vars,cardinalityVars));;
    return c;
  public Constraint constraintGlobalCardinality(Var[] vars, Var[] cardinalityVars, Var[] valueVars) {
    Constraint c = add(new GlobalCardinality(vars,cardinalityVars,valueVars));;
    return c;

  public Solver createSolver() {
    return new;
   * This method associates a custom Propagator with an "event"
   * related to changes in the domain of a constrained variable "var". It
   * forces the solver to keep an eye on these events and invoke the
   * Propagator "propagator" when these events actually occur. When such events
   * occur, the propagate() method of "propagator" will be executed.
   * @param propagator
   *            the Propagator we wish to associate with events on the
   *            variable.
   * @param var
   *            the constrained variable we wish to add an Propagator to.
   * @param event
   *            the events that will trigger the invocation of the
   *            Propagator.
//  public void subscribeTo(Propagator propagator, Var var, PropagationEvent myEvent) {
//    int event = -1;
//    switch (myEvent) {
//      case VALUE:
//        event = EventOfInterest.VALUE;
//        break;
//      case MIN:
//        event = EventOfInterest.MIN;
//        break;
//      case MAX:
//        event = EventOfInterest.MAX;
//        break;
//      case REMOVE:
//        event = EventOfInterest.REMOVE;
//        break;
//      case RANGE:
//        event = EventOfInterest.MINMAX;
//        break;
//      case ANY:
//        event = EventOfInterest.ALL;
//    }
//    if (event == -1)
//      throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: unknown event "+myEvent);
//    else {
//      ConstrainerPropagator observer = new ConstrainerPropagator(propagator, myEvent);
//      ((IntExp)var.getImpl()).attachObserver(observer);
//    }
//  }

   * Loads a Problem represented by the XML document on the specified input stream
   * into this instance of the Problem
   * @param in
   *            the input stream from which to read the XML document.
   * @throws Exception
   *             if reading from the specified input stream results in an
   *             IOException or data on input stream does not constitute a
   *             valid XML document with the mandated document type.
   * @see storeToXML
  public void loadFromXML(InputStream in) throws Exception {
    // TODO

   * Emits an XML document representing this instance of the Problem.
   * @param os
   *            the output stream on which to emit the XML document.
   * @param comment
   *            a description of the property list, or null if no comment is
   *            desired. If the specified comment is null then no comment will
   *            be stored in the document.
   * @throws Exception
   *             IOException - if writing to the specified output stream
   *             results in an IOException; NullPointerException - if os is
   *             null.
  public void storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment) throws Exception {
    // TODO
  public void defineConstraintImpl(Constraint constraint, IntExp constrainerVar, String oper, Var var) {
    IntBoolExp exp;
    IntExp cvar = (IntExp) var.getImpl();
    Oper op = stringToOper(oper);
    switch (op) {
    case EQ:
      exp = constrainerVar.eq(cvar);
    case NEQ:
      exp =;
    case GT:
      exp =;
    case GE:
      exp =;
    case LT:
      exp =;
    case LE:
      exp = constrainerVar.le(cvar);
      throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Oper " + oper +
          " in the constraint "+ constraint.getName());
  public void defineConstraintImpl(Constraint constraint, IntExp constrainerVar, String oper, int value) {
    IntBoolExp exp;
    Oper op = stringToOper(oper);
    switch (op) {
    case EQ:
      exp = constrainerVar.eq(value);
    case NEQ:
      exp =;
    case GT:
      exp =;
    case GE:
      exp =;
    case LT:
      exp =;
    case LE:
      exp = constrainerVar.le(value);
      throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Oper " + oper +
          " in the constraint "+ constraint.getName());

  public IntExpArray getExpArray(Var[] vars) {
    Problem problem = (Problem) vars[0].getProblem();
    Constrainer constrainer = problem.getConstrainer();
    IntExpArray cVars = new IntExpArray(constrainer, vars.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      IntExp exp = (IntExp) vars[i].getImpl();
      cVars.set(exp, i);
    return cVars;
   * Creates a set variable that corresponds to sets[index]
   * @param sets
   * @param indexVar
   * @return a set variable
   * @throws Exception
  public VarSet element(Set<Integer>[] sets, Var indexVar) throws Exception {
    Set union = new HashSet();
    for (int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++) {
      Iterator iter = sets[i].iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Integer valueObj = (Integer);
    int[] values = new int[union.size()];
    Iterator iter2 = union.iterator();
    int u = 0;
    while (iter2.hasNext()) {
      values[u++] = ((Integer);
    VarSet setVar = variableSet("indexVarSet for "+indexVar.getName(), values);
    Constraint c = new ConstraintElementAtOnSets(setVar,sets,indexVar);;
    return setVar;
   * Returns the constant constraint that always will fail when it is posted or executed.
   * @return the False Constraint
  public Constraint getFalseConstraint() {
    if (falseConstraint == null) { myConstraint = new ConstraintConst(constrainer, false);
      falseConstraint = new javax.constraints.impl.Constraint(this, myConstraint);
    return falseConstraint;
   * Returns the constant constraint that always succeeds when it is posted or executed.
   * @return the True Constraint
  public Constraint getTrueConstraint() {
    if (trueConstraint == null) { myConstraint = new ConstraintConst(constrainer, false);
      trueConstraint = new javax.constraints.impl.Constraint(this, myConstraint);
    return trueConstraint;

Related Classes of javax.constraints.impl.Problem

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