package fcagnin.jgltut.tut17;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.BufferableData;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.DdsLoader;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageSet;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.TextureGenerator;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glm.*;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MatrixStack;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MousePoles.MouseButtons;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MousePoles.ViewData;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MousePoles.ViewPole;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MousePoles.ViewScale;
import fcagnin.jgltut.LWJGLWindow;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.*;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.Scene.SceneNode;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.SceneBinders.UniformIntBinder;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.SceneBinders.UniformMat4Binder;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.SceneBinders.UniformVec3Binder;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL15.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30.glBindBufferRange;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31.GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL32.GL_DEPTH_CLAMP;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL33.*;
* Visit for info, updates and license terms.
* <p/>
* Part IV. Texturing
* Chapter 17. Spotlight on Textures
* <p/>
* W,A,S,D - move the camera forward/backwards and left/right, relative to the camera's current orientation. Holding
* SHIFT with these keys will move in smaller increments.
* I,J,K,L - control the projected flashlight's position. Holding SHIFT with these keys will move in smaller
* increments.
* O,U raise and lower the projected flashlight, relative to its current orientation. Holding SHIFT with these
* keys will move in smaller increments.
* SPACE - reset the projected flashlight direction.
* T - toggle viewing of the current target point.
* G - toggle all of the regular lighting on and off.
* H - toggle between the edge clamping sampler and the border clamping one.
* P - toggle pausing.
* Y - increase the FOV.
* N - decrease the FOV.
* 1,2,3 - toggle between different light textures.
* <p/>
* LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING - rotate the camera around the target point, both horizontally and vertically.
* LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING + CTRL - rotate the camera around the target point, either horizontally or vertically.
* LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING + ALT - change the camera's up direction.
* RIGHT CLICKING and DRAGGING - rotate the projected flashlight horizontally and vertically, relative to the
* current camera view.
* RIGHT CLICKING and DRAGGING + CTRL - rotate the projected flashlight horizontally or vertically only, relative to
* the current camera view.
* RIGHT CLICKING and DRAGGING + ALT - spin the projected flashlight.
* WHEEL SCROLLING - move the camera closer to it's target point or farther away.
* @author integeruser
public class ProjectedLight extends LWJGLWindow {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Framework.CURRENT_TUTORIAL_DATAPATH = "/fcagnin/jgltut/tut17/data/";
new ProjectedLight().start( displayWidth, displayHeight );
protected void init() {
glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
glCullFace( GL_BACK );
glFrontFace( GL_CW );
final float depthZNear = 0.0f;
final float depthZFar = 1.0f;
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDepthMask( true );
glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
glDepthRange( depthZNear, depthZFar );
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_CLAMP );
// Setup our Uniform Buffers
projectionUniformBuffer = glGenBuffers();
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionUniformBuffer );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ProjectionBlock.SIZE, GL_STREAM_DRAW );
glBindBufferRange( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionBlockIndex, projectionUniformBuffer, 0, ProjectionBlock.SIZE );
try {
} catch ( Exception exception ) {
System.exit( -1 );
lightUniformBuffer = glGenBuffers();
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, lightUniformBuffer );
glBindBufferRange( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, lightBlockIndex, lightUniformBuffer, 0, LightBlock.SIZE );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
protected void display() {
timer.update( getElapsedTime() );
glClearColor( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f );
glClearDepth( 1.0f );
final Mat4 cameraMatrix = viewPole.calcMatrix();
final Mat4 lightView = lightViewPole.calcMatrix();
MatrixStack modelMatrix = new MatrixStack();
modelMatrix.applyMatrix( cameraMatrix );
buildLights( cameraMatrix );
nodes.get( 0 ).nodeSetOrient( Glm.rotate( new Quaternion( 1.0f ), 360.0f * timer.getAlpha(),
new Vec3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) ) );
nodes.get( 3 ).nodeSetOrient( Quaternion.mul( spinBarOrient, Glm.rotate( new Quaternion( 1.0f ),
360.0f * timer.getAlpha(), new Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ) ) );
MatrixStack persMatrix = new MatrixStack();
persMatrix.perspective( 60.0f, displayWidth / (float) displayHeight, zNear, zFar );
ProjectionBlock projData = new ProjectionBlock();
projData.cameraToClipMatrix =;
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionUniformBuffer );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projData.fillAndFlipBuffer( mat4Buffer ), GL_STREAM_DRAW );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + lightProjTexUnit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightTextures[currTextureIndex] );
glBindSampler( lightProjTexUnit, samplers[currSampler] );
MatrixStack lightProjStack = new MatrixStack();
// Texture-space transform
lightProjStack.translate( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f );
lightProjStack.scale( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f );
// Project. Z-range is irrelevant.
lightProjStack.perspective( lightFOVs[currFOVIndex], 1.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f );
// Transform from main camera space to light camera space.
lightProjStack.applyMatrix( lightView );
lightProjStack.applyMatrix( Glm.inverse( cameraMatrix ) );
lightProjMatBinder.setValue( );
Vec4 worldLightPos = Glm.inverse( lightView ).getColumn( 3 );
Vec3 lightPos = new Vec3( Mat4.mul( cameraMatrix, worldLightPos ) );
camLightPosBinder.setValue( lightPos );
glViewport( 0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight );
scene.render( );
// Draw axes
modelMatrix.applyMatrix( Glm.inverse( lightView ) );
modelMatrix.scale( 15.0f );
modelMatrix.scale( 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f ); // Invert the Z-axis so that it points in the right direction.
glUseProgram( coloredProg );
glUniformMatrix4( coloredModelToCameraMatrixUnif, false, mat4Buffer ) );
if ( drawCameraPos ) {
// Draw lookat point.
modelMatrix.translate( 0.0f, 0.0f, -viewPole.getView().radius );
modelMatrix.scale( 0.5f );
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDepthMask( false );
glUseProgram( unlitProg );
glUniformMatrix4( unlitModelToCameraMatrixUnif, false, mat4Buffer ) );
glUniform4f( unlitObjectColorUnif, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f );
sphereMesh.render( "flat" );
glDepthMask( true );
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glUniform4f( unlitObjectColorUnif, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
sphereMesh.render( "flat" );
glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + lightProjTexUnit );
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
glBindSampler( lightProjTexUnit, 0 );
protected void reshape(int w, int h) {
displayWidth = w;
displayHeight = h;
protected void update() {
while ( ) {
int eventButton = Mouse.getEventButton();
if ( eventButton != -1 ) {
boolean pressed = Mouse.getEventButtonState();
MousePole.forwardMouseButton( viewPole, eventButton, pressed, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
MousePole.forwardMouseButton( lightViewPole, eventButton, pressed, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
} else {
// Mouse moving or mouse scrolling
int dWheel = Mouse.getDWheel();
if ( dWheel != 0 ) {
MousePole.forwardMouseWheel( viewPole, dWheel, dWheel, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
if ( Mouse.isButtonDown( 0 ) || Mouse.isButtonDown( 1 ) || Mouse.isButtonDown( 2 ) ) {
MousePole.forwardMouseMotion( viewPole, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
MousePole.forwardMouseMotion( lightViewPole, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
float lastFrameDuration = (float) (getLastFrameDuration() / 100.0);
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_W ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_W, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_S ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_S, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_D ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_D, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_A ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_A, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_E ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_E, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_Q ) ) {
viewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_Q, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_I ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_I, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_K ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_K, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_L ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_L, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_J ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_J, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_O ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_O, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
} else if ( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_U ) ) {
lightViewPole.charPress( Keyboard.KEY_U, Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT ) ||
Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_RSHIFT ), lastFrameDuration );
while ( ) {
if ( Keyboard.getEventKeyState() ) {
switch ( Keyboard.getEventKey() ) {
case Keyboard.KEY_SPACE:
case Keyboard.KEY_T:
drawCameraPos = !drawCameraPos;
case Keyboard.KEY_G:
showOtherLights = !showOtherLights;
case Keyboard.KEY_H:
currSampler = (currSampler + 1) % NUM_SAMPLERS;
case Keyboard.KEY_P:
case Keyboard.KEY_Y:
currFOVIndex = Math.min( currFOVIndex + 1, lightFOVs.length - 1 );
System.out.printf( "Curr FOV: %f\n", lightFOVs[currFOVIndex] );
case Keyboard.KEY_N:
currFOVIndex = Math.max( currFOVIndex - 1, 0 );
System.out.printf( "Curr FOV: %f\n", lightFOVs[currFOVIndex] );
case Keyboard.KEY_1:
case Keyboard.KEY_2:
case Keyboard.KEY_3:
int number = Keyboard.getEventKey() - Keyboard.KEY_1;
currTextureIndex = number;
System.out.printf( "%s\n", texDefs[currTextureIndex].name );
case Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE:
private final float zNear = 1.0f;
private final float zFar = 1000.0f;
private int coloredModelToCameraMatrixUnif;
private int coloredProg;
private int unlitProg;
private int unlitModelToCameraMatrixUnif;
private int unlitObjectColorUnif;
private final FloatBuffer mat4Buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( Mat4.SIZE );
private final FloatBuffer lightBlockBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( LightBlock.SIZE );
private void loadAndSetupScene() {
scene = new Scene( "proj2d_scene.xml" );
nodes = new ArrayList<>();
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "cube" ) );
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "rightBar" ) );
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "leaningBar" ) );
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "spinBar" ) );
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "diorama" ) );
nodes.add( scene.findNode( "floor" ) );
lightNumBinder = new UniformIntBinder();
SceneBinders.associateUniformWithNodes( nodes, lightNumBinder, "numberOfLights" );
SceneBinders.setStateBinderWithNodes( nodes, lightNumBinder );
lightProjMatBinder = new UniformMat4Binder();
SceneBinders.associateUniformWithNodes( nodes, lightProjMatBinder, "cameraToLightProjMatrix" );
SceneBinders.setStateBinderWithNodes( nodes, lightProjMatBinder );
camLightPosBinder = new UniformVec3Binder();
SceneBinders.associateUniformWithNodes( nodes, camLightPosBinder, "cameraSpaceProjLightPos" );
SceneBinders.setStateBinderWithNodes( nodes, camLightPosBinder );
int unlit = scene.findProgram( "p_unlit" );
sphereMesh = scene.findMesh( "m_sphere" );
int colored = scene.findProgram( "p_colored" );
axesMesh = scene.findMesh( "m_axes" );
// No more things that can throw.
spinBarOrient = nodes.get( 3 ).nodeGetOrient();
unlitProg = unlit;
unlitModelToCameraMatrixUnif = glGetUniformLocation( unlit, "modelToCameraMatrix" );
unlitObjectColorUnif = glGetUniformLocation( unlit, "objectColor" );
coloredProg = colored;
coloredModelToCameraMatrixUnif = glGetUniformLocation( colored, "modelToCameraMatrix" );
private static int displayWidth = 500;
private static int displayHeight = 500;
private Scene scene;
private ArrayList<SceneNode> nodes;
private Mesh sphereMesh, axesMesh;
private UniformMat4Binder lightProjMatBinder;
private UniformVec3Binder camLightPosBinder;
private float[] lightFOVs = {
10.0f, 20.0f, 45.0f, 75.0f,
90.0f, 120.0f, 150.0f, 170.0f
private int currFOVIndex = 3;
private Timer timer = new Timer( Timer.Type.LOOP, 10.0f );
private Quaternion spinBarOrient;
private boolean showOtherLights = true;
private boolean drawCameraPos;
// View setup.
private ViewData initialView = new ViewData(
new Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f ),
new Quaternion( 0.909845f, 0.16043f, -0.376867f, -0.0664516f ),
private ViewScale initialViewScale = new ViewScale(
5.0f, 70.0f,
2.0f, 0.5f,
2.0f, 0.5f,
90.0f / 250.0f
private ViewData initLightView = new ViewData(
new Vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 20.0f ),
new Quaternion( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
private ViewScale initLightViewScale = new ViewScale(
0.05f, 10.0f,
0.1f, 0.05f,
4.0f, 1.0f,
90.0f / 250.0f
private ViewPole viewPole = new ViewPole( initialView, initialViewScale, MouseButtons.MB_LEFT_BTN );
private ViewPole lightViewPole = new ViewPole( initLightView, initLightViewScale, MouseButtons.MB_RIGHT_BTN, true );
private final TexDef[] texDefs = {
new TexDef( "", "Flashlight" ),
new TexDef( "", "Multiple Point Lights" ),
new TexDef( "", "Light Bands" )
private final int NUM_LIGHT_TEXTURES = texDefs.length;
private int[] lightTextures = new int[texDefs.length];
private int currTextureIndex = 0;
private class TexDef {
String filename;
String name;
TexDef(String filename, String name) {
this.filename = filename; = name;
private void loadTextures() {
try {
for ( int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < NUM_LIGHT_TEXTURES; textureIndex++ ) {
String filePath = Framework.findFileOrThrow( texDefs[textureIndex].filename );
ImageSet imageSet = DdsLoader.loadFromFile( filePath );
lightTextures[textureIndex] = TextureGenerator.createTexture( imageSet, 0 );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
private final int NUM_SAMPLERS = 2;
private int[] samplers = new int[NUM_SAMPLERS];
private int currSampler = 0;
private void createSamplers() {
for ( int samplerIndex = 0; samplerIndex < NUM_SAMPLERS; samplerIndex++ ) {
samplers[samplerIndex] = glGenSamplers();
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[samplerIndex], GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR );
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[samplerIndex], GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR );
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[0], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[0], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[1], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER );
glSamplerParameteri( samplers[1], GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER );
float[] color = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
FloatBuffer colorBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( 4 );
for ( float f : color ) {
colorBuffer.put( f );
glSamplerParameter( samplers[1], GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, colorBuffer );
private final int projectionBlockIndex = 0;
private int projectionUniformBuffer;
private class ProjectionBlock extends BufferableData<FloatBuffer> {
Mat4 cameraToClipMatrix;
static final int SIZE = Mat4.SIZE;
public FloatBuffer fillBuffer(FloatBuffer buffer) {
return cameraToClipMatrix.fillBuffer( buffer );
private static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS = 4;
private final int lightBlockIndex = 1;
private final int lightProjTexUnit = 3;
private int lightUniformBuffer;
private UniformIntBinder lightNumBinder;
private class PerLight extends BufferableData<FloatBuffer> {
Vec4 cameraSpaceLightPos;
Vec4 lightIntensity;
static final int SIZE = Vec4.SIZE + Vec4.SIZE;
public FloatBuffer fillBuffer(FloatBuffer buffer) {
cameraSpaceLightPos.fillBuffer( buffer );
lightIntensity.fillBuffer( buffer );
return buffer;
private class LightBlock extends BufferableData<FloatBuffer> {
Vec4 ambientIntensity;
float lightAttenuation;
float maxIntensity;
float padding[] = new float[2];
PerLight lights[] = new PerLight[MAX_NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS];
static final int SIZE = Vec4.SIZE + ((1 + 1 + 2) * FLOAT_SIZE) + PerLight.SIZE * MAX_NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS;
public FloatBuffer fillBuffer(FloatBuffer buffer) {
ambientIntensity.fillBuffer( buffer );
buffer.put( lightAttenuation );
buffer.put( maxIntensity );
buffer.put( padding );
for ( PerLight light : lights ) {
if ( light == null ) { break; }
light.fillBuffer( buffer );
return buffer;
private void buildLights(Mat4 camMatrix) {
LightBlock lightData = new LightBlock();
lightData.ambientIntensity = new Vec4( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f );
lightData.lightAttenuation = 1.0f / (30.0f * 30.0f);
lightData.maxIntensity = 2.0f;
lightData.lights[0] = new PerLight();
lightData.lights[0].lightIntensity = new Vec4( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f );
lightData.lights[0].cameraSpaceLightPos = Mat4.mul( camMatrix,
Glm.normalize( new Vec4( -0.2f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f ) ) );
lightData.lights[1] = new PerLight();
lightData.lights[1].lightIntensity = new Vec4( 3.5f, 6.5f, 3.0f, 1.0f ).scale( 0.5f );
lightData.lights[1].cameraSpaceLightPos = Mat4.mul( camMatrix, new Vec4( 5.0f, 6.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f ) );
if ( showOtherLights ) {
lightNumBinder.setValue( 2 );
} else {
lightNumBinder.setValue( 0 );
glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, lightUniformBuffer );
glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, lightData.fillAndFlipBuffer( lightBlockBuffer ), GL_STREAM_DRAW );