Package fcagnin.jgltut.tut09

Source Code of fcagnin.jgltut.tut09.BasicLighting$ProjectionBlock

package fcagnin.jgltut.tut09;

import fcagnin.jglsdk.BufferableData;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glm.*;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MatrixStack;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glutil.MousePoles.*;
import fcagnin.jgltut.LWJGLWindow;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.Framework;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.Mesh;
import fcagnin.jgltut.framework.MousePole;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;

import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL15.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30.glBindBufferRange;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31.*;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL32.GL_DEPTH_CLAMP;

* Visit for info, updates and license terms.
* <p/>
* Part III. Illumination
* Chapter 9. Lights On
* <p/>
* SPACE    - toggle between drawing the uncolored cylinder and the colored one.
* <p/>
* LEFT   CLICKING and DRAGGING         - rotate the camera around the target point, both horizontally and vertically.
* LEFT   CLICKING and DRAGGING + CTRL  - rotate the camera around the target point, either horizontally or vertically.
* LEFT   CLICKING and DRAGGING + ALT   - change the camera's up direction.
* RIGHT  CLICKING and DRAGGING         - rotate the object horizontally and vertically, relative to the current camera
* view.
* RIGHT  CLICKING and DRAGGING + CTRL  - rotate the object horizontally or vertically only, relative to the current
* camera view.
* RIGHT  CLICKING and DRAGGING + ALT   - spin the object.
* WHEEL  SCROLLING                     - move the camera closer to it's target point or farther away.
* @author integeruser
public class BasicLighting extends LWJGLWindow {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Framework.CURRENT_TUTORIAL_DATAPATH = "/fcagnin/jgltut/tut09/data/";

        new BasicLighting().start();

    protected void init() {

        try {
            cylinderMesh = new Mesh( "UnitCylinder.xml" );
            planeMesh = new Mesh( "LargePlane.xml" );
        } catch ( Exception exception ) {
            System.exit( -1 );

        glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
        glCullFace( GL_BACK );
        glFrontFace( GL_CW );

        glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
        glDepthMask( true );
        glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
        glDepthRange( 0.0f, 1.0f );
        glEnable( GL_DEPTH_CLAMP );

        projectionUniformBuffer = glGenBuffers();
        glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionUniformBuffer );
        glBufferData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ProjectionBlock.SIZE, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW );

        // Bind the static buffers.
        glBindBufferRange( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionBlockIndex, projectionUniformBuffer, 0, ProjectionBlock.SIZE );

        glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );

    protected void display() {
        glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
        glClearDepth( 1.0f );

        MatrixStack modelMatrix = new MatrixStack();
        modelMatrix.setMatrix( viewPole.calcMatrix() );

        Vec4 lightDirCameraSpace = Mat4.mul(, lightDirection );

        glUseProgram( whiteDiffuseColor.theProgram );
        glUniform3( whiteDiffuseColor.dirToLightUnif, lightDirCameraSpace.fillAndFlipBuffer( vec4Buffer ) );
        glUseProgram( vertexDiffuseColor.theProgram );
        glUniform3( vertexDiffuseColor.dirToLightUnif, lightDirCameraSpace.fillAndFlipBuffer( vec4Buffer ) );
        glUseProgram( 0 );


            // Render the ground plane.

                glUseProgram( whiteDiffuseColor.theProgram );
                glUniformMatrix4( whiteDiffuseColor.modelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
               mat4Buffer ) );
                Mat3 normMatrix = new Mat3( );
                glUniformMatrix3( whiteDiffuseColor.normalModelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
                        normMatrix.fillAndFlipBuffer( mat3Buffer ) );
                glUniform4f( whiteDiffuseColor.lightIntensityUnif, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
                glUseProgram( 0 );


            // Render the Cylinder

                modelMatrix.applyMatrix( objtPole.calcMatrix() );

                if ( drawColoredCyl ) {
                    glUseProgram( vertexDiffuseColor.theProgram );
                    glUniformMatrix4( vertexDiffuseColor.modelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
                   mat4Buffer ) );
                    Mat3 normMatrix = new Mat3( );
                    glUniformMatrix3( vertexDiffuseColor.normalModelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
                            normMatrix.fillAndFlipBuffer( mat3Buffer ) );
                    glUniform4f( vertexDiffuseColor.lightIntensityUnif, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
                    cylinderMesh.render( "lit-color" );
                } else {
                    glUseProgram( whiteDiffuseColor.theProgram );
                    glUniformMatrix4( whiteDiffuseColor.modelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
                   mat4Buffer ) );
                    Mat3 normMatrix = new Mat3( );
                    glUniformMatrix3( whiteDiffuseColor.normalModelToCameraMatrixUnif, false,
                            normMatrix.fillAndFlipBuffer( mat3Buffer ) );
                    glUniform4f( whiteDiffuseColor.lightIntensityUnif, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
                    cylinderMesh.render( "lit" );

                glUseProgram( 0 );



    protected void reshape(int w, int h) {
        MatrixStack persMatrix = new MatrixStack();
        persMatrix.perspective( 45.0f, (w / (float) h), zNear, zFar );

        ProjectionBlock projData = new ProjectionBlock();
        projData.cameraToClipMatrix =;

        glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, projectionUniformBuffer );
        glBufferSubData( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, projData.fillAndFlipBuffer( mat4Buffer ) );
        glBindBuffer( GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0 );

        glViewport( 0, 0, w, h );

    protected void update() {
        while ( ) {
            int eventButton = Mouse.getEventButton();

            if ( eventButton != -1 ) {
                boolean pressed = Mouse.getEventButtonState();
                MousePole.forwardMouseButton( viewPole, eventButton, pressed, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
                MousePole.forwardMouseButton( objtPole, eventButton, pressed, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
            } else {
                // Mouse moving or mouse scrolling
                int dWheel = Mouse.getDWheel();

                if ( dWheel != 0 ) {
                    MousePole.forwardMouseWheel( viewPole, dWheel, dWheel, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
                    MousePole.forwardMouseWheel( objtPole, dWheel, dWheel, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );

                if ( Mouse.isButtonDown( 0 ) || Mouse.isButtonDown( 1 ) || Mouse.isButtonDown( 2 ) ) {
                    MousePole.forwardMouseMotion( viewPole, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );
                    MousePole.forwardMouseMotion( objtPole, Mouse.getX(), Mouse.getY() );

        while ( ) {
            if ( Keyboard.getEventKeyState() ) {
                switch ( Keyboard.getEventKey() ) {
                    case Keyboard.KEY_SPACE:
                        drawColoredCyl = !drawColoredCyl;

                    case Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE:

    private float zNear = 1.0f;
    private float zFar = 1000.0f;

    private ProgramData whiteDiffuseColor;
    private ProgramData vertexDiffuseColor;

    private class ProgramData {
        int theProgram;

        int dirToLightUnif;
        int lightIntensityUnif;

        int modelToCameraMatrixUnif;
        int normalModelToCameraMatrixUnif;

    private FloatBuffer vec4Buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( Vec4.SIZE );
    private FloatBuffer mat3Buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( Mat3.SIZE );
    private FloatBuffer mat4Buffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( Mat4.SIZE );

    private void initializeProgram() {
        whiteDiffuseColor = loadProgram( "DirVertexLighting_PN.vert", "ColorPassthrough.frag" );
        vertexDiffuseColor = loadProgram( "DirVertexLighting_PCN.vert", "ColorPassthrough.frag" );

    private ProgramData loadProgram(String vertexShaderFileName, String fragmentShaderFileName) {
        ArrayList<Integer> shaderList = new ArrayList<>();
        shaderList.add( Framework.loadShader( GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShaderFileName ) );
        shaderList.add( Framework.loadShader( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShaderFileName ) );

        ProgramData data = new ProgramData();
        data.theProgram = Framework.createProgram( shaderList );
        data.modelToCameraMatrixUnif = glGetUniformLocation( data.theProgram, "modelToCameraMatrix" );
        data.normalModelToCameraMatrixUnif = glGetUniformLocation( data.theProgram, "normalModelToCameraMatrix" );
        data.dirToLightUnif = glGetUniformLocation( data.theProgram, "dirToLight" );
        data.lightIntensityUnif = glGetUniformLocation( data.theProgram, "lightIntensity" );

        int projectionBlock = glGetUniformBlockIndex( data.theProgram, "Projection" );
        glUniformBlockBinding( data.theProgram, projectionBlock, projectionBlockIndex );

        return data;

    private Mesh cylinderMesh;
    private Mesh planeMesh;

    private Vec4 lightDirection = new Vec4( 0.866f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

    private boolean drawColoredCyl = true;

    // View / Object setup.
    private ViewData initialViewData = new ViewData(
            new Vec3( 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ),
            new Quaternion( 0.92387953f, 0.3826834f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),

    private ViewScale viewScale = new ViewScale(
            3.0f, 20.0f,
            1.5f, 0.5f,
            0.0f, 0.0f,     // No camera movement.
            90.0f / 250.0f

    private ObjectData initialObjectData = new ObjectData(
            new Vec3( 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ),
            new Quaternion( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f )

    private ViewPole viewPole = new ViewPole( initialViewData, viewScale, MouseButtons.MB_LEFT_BTN );
    private ObjectPole objtPole = new ObjectPole( initialObjectData, 90.0f / 250.0f, MouseButtons.MB_RIGHT_BTN,
            viewPole );

    private final int projectionBlockIndex = 2;

    private int projectionUniformBuffer;

    private class ProjectionBlock extends BufferableData<FloatBuffer> {
        Mat4 cameraToClipMatrix;

        static final int SIZE = Mat4.SIZE;

        public FloatBuffer fillBuffer(FloatBuffer buffer) {
            return cameraToClipMatrix.fillBuffer( buffer );

Related Classes of fcagnin.jgltut.tut09.BasicLighting$ProjectionBlock

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