package fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg;
import java.util.Arrays;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageFormat.BitDepth;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageFormat.ComponentOrder;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageFormat.PixelComponents;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageFormat.PixelDataType;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageFormat.UncheckedImageFormat;
import fcagnin.jglsdk.glimg.ImageSet.Dimensions;
* Visit for project info, updates and license terms.
* C++
* unsigned char : 1 byte
* unsigned int : 4 bytes
* Java
* byte : 1 byte
* char : 2 bytes
* int : 4 bytes
* @author integeruser
public class DdsLoader {
public static ImageSet loadFromFile(String ddsFilepath) throws IOException {
InputStream ddsInputStream = ClassLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(ddsFilepath);
byte[] ddsFile = readDdsFile(ddsInputStream);
// Check the first 4 bytes.
int magicTest = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 0);
if (magicTest != MagicNumbers.DDS_MAGIC_NUMBER) {
throw new DdsFileMalformedException(ddsFilepath, "The Magic number is missing from the file.");
if (ddsFile.length < DdsHeader.SIZE + 4) {
throw new DdsFileMalformedException(ddsFilepath, "The data is way too small to store actual information.");
// Collect info from the DDS file.
DdsHeader ddsHeader = new DdsHeader(ddsFile);
Dds10Header dds10Header = getDds10Header(ddsFile, ddsHeader);
Dimensions ddsDimensions = getDimensions(ddsHeader);
UncheckedImageFormat ddsFormat = getFormat(ddsHeader, dds10Header);
// Get image counts.
int numArrays = (dds10Header.arraySize > 1) ? dds10Header.arraySize : 1;
int numFaces = (dds10Header.miscFlag & Dds10MiscFlags.RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE) != 0 ? 6 : 1;
int numMipmaps = (ddsHeader.flags & DdsFlags.MIPMAPCOUNT) != 0 ? ddsHeader.mipmapCount : 1;
int baseOffset = getOffsetToData(ddsHeader);
// Build the image creator.
ImageCreator imageCreator = new ImageCreator(new ImageFormat(ddsFormat), ddsDimensions, numMipmaps, numArrays, numFaces);
int cumulativeOffset = baseOffset;
for (int arrayIx = 0; arrayIx < numArrays; arrayIx++) {
for (int faceIx = 0; faceIx < numFaces; faceIx++) {
for (int mipmapLevel = 0; mipmapLevel < numMipmaps; mipmapLevel++) {
int mipmapLevelSize = calcMipmapSize(ddsFormat, ddsDimensions, mipmapLevel);
// Get specific data from ddsFile.
byte[] mipmapLevelData = Arrays.copyOfRange(ddsFile, cumulativeOffset, cumulativeOffset + mipmapLevelSize);
// Set data for the current mipmap level in imageCreator.
imageCreator.setImageData(mipmapLevelData, true, mipmapLevel, arrayIx, faceIx);
// Advance offset to read next mipmapLevelData from ddsFile.
cumulativeOffset += mipmapLevelSize;
return imageCreator.createImage();
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
private static class DdsFileMalformedException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1523221969465221880L;
private DdsFileMalformedException(String filename, String message) {
super(filename + ": " + message);
private static class DdsFileUnsupportedException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 377383320427260974L;
private DdsFileUnsupportedException(String filename, String message) {
super(filename + ": " + message);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
private static class MagicNumbers {
static final int DDS_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x20534444; // "DDS "
static final int DDS10_FOUR_CC = 0x30314458; // "DX10"
static final int DDSFOURCC_DXT1 = 0x31545844; // "DXT1"
static final int DDSFOURCC_DXT3 = 0x33545844; // "DXT3"
static final int DDSFOURCC_DXT5 = 0x35545844; // "DXT5"
private static class DdsFlags {
static final int CAPS = 0x00000001;
static final int HEIGHT = 0x00000002;
static final int WIDTH = 0x00000004;
static final int PITCH = 0x00000008;
static final int PIXELFORMAT = 0x00001000;
static final int MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x00020000;
static final int LINEARSIZE = 0x00080000;
static final int DEPTH = 0x00800000;
private static class Dds10MiscFlags {
static final int RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE = 0x00000004;
private static class Dds10ResourceDimensions {
static final int TEXTURE1D = 2;
static final int TEXTURE2D = 3;
static final int TEXTURE3D = 4;
private static class DdsCaps2 {
static final int CUBEMAP = 0x00000200;
static final int CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX = 0x00000400;
static final int CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX = 0x00000800;
static final int CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY = 0x00001000;
static final int CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY = 0x00002000;
static final int CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ = 0x00004000;
static final int CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ = 0x00008000;
static final int VOLUME = 0x00200000;
static final int CUBEMAP_ALL = CUBEMAP |
private static class DxgiFormat {
static final int UNKNOWN = 0;
private static class DdsPixelFormat {
int size;
int flags;
int fourCC;
int rgbBitCount;
int rBitMask;
int gBitMask;
int bBitMask;
int aBitMask;
private static class DdsPixelFormatFlags {
static final int ALPHAPIXELS = 0x00000001;
static final int ALPHA = 0x00000002;
static final int FOURCC = 0x00000004;
static final int RGB = 0x00000040;
static final int YUV = 0x00000200;
static final int LUMINANCE = 0x00020000;
private static class DdsHeader {
static final int SIZE = (7 + 11 + 8 + 5) * (Integer.SIZE / 8);
int size;
int flags;
int height;
int width;
int pitchOrLinearSize;
int depth;
int mipmapCount;
int reserved1[] = new int[11];
DdsPixelFormat ddsPixelFormat;
int caps;
int caps2;
int caps3;
int caps4;
int reserved2;
DdsHeader(byte[] ddsFile) {
size = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 4);
flags = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 8);
height = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 12);
width = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 16);
pitchOrLinearSize = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 20);
depth = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 24);
mipmapCount = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 28);
for (int i = 0; i < reserved1.length; i++) {
reserved1[i] = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 32 + 4 * i);
ddsPixelFormat = new DdsPixelFormat();
ddsPixelFormat.size = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 76);
ddsPixelFormat.flags = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 80);
ddsPixelFormat.fourCC = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 84);
ddsPixelFormat.rgbBitCount = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 88);
ddsPixelFormat.rBitMask = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 92);
ddsPixelFormat.gBitMask = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 96);
ddsPixelFormat.bBitMask = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 100);
ddsPixelFormat.aBitMask = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 104);
caps = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 108);
caps2 = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 112);
caps3 = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 116);
caps4 = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 120);
reserved2 = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, 124);
private static class Dds10Header {
static final int SIZE = 5 * (Integer.SIZE / 8);
int dxgiFormat;
int resourceDimension;
int miscFlag;
int arraySize;
int reserved;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
private static byte[] readDdsFile(InputStream ddsInStream) throws IOException {
assert ddsInStream != null;
ByteArrayOutputStream ddsOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int bytesRead;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
ddsOutStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
return ddsOutStream.toByteArray();
// Read four bytes.
private static int readDoubleWord(byte bytes[], int startIx) {
int dw = 0;
// Read 4 bytes.
for (int i = startIx; i < startIx + 4; i++) {
dw += (bytes[i] & 0xff) << (8 * (i - startIx));
return dw;
// Will either generate this or return the actual one.
private static Dds10Header getDds10Header(byte[] ddsFile, DdsHeader ddsHeader) {
if (ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.fourCC == MagicNumbers.DDS10_FOUR_CC) {
Dds10Header dds10Header = new Dds10Header();
int offsetToNewHeader = DdsHeader.SIZE + 4;
dds10Header.dxgiFormat = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, offsetToNewHeader);
dds10Header.resourceDimension = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, offsetToNewHeader + 4);
dds10Header.miscFlag = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, offsetToNewHeader + 8);
dds10Header.arraySize = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, offsetToNewHeader + 12);
dds10Header.reserved = readDoubleWord(ddsFile, offsetToNewHeader + 16);
return dds10Header;
// Compute the header manually. Namely, compute the DXGI_FORMAT for the given data.
Dds10Header dds10header = new Dds10Header();
// Get dimensionality. Assume 2D unless otherwise stated.
dds10header.resourceDimension = Dds10ResourceDimensions.TEXTURE2D;
if ((ddsHeader.caps2 & DdsCaps2.VOLUME) != 0 && (ddsHeader.flags & DdsFlags.DEPTH) != 0) {
dds10header.resourceDimension = Dds10ResourceDimensions.TEXTURE3D;
// Get cubemap.
int cubemapTest = ddsHeader.caps2 & DdsCaps2.CUBEMAP_ALL;
if (cubemapTest == 0) {
dds10header.miscFlag = 0;
} else {
// All faces must be specified or none. Otherwise unsupported.
if (cubemapTest != DdsCaps2.CUBEMAP_ALL) {
throw new DdsFileUnsupportedException("", "All cubemap faces must be specified.");
dds10header.miscFlag = Dds10MiscFlags.RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE;
// Array size is... zero?
dds10header.arraySize = 0;
// Use the old-style format.
dds10header.dxgiFormat = DxgiFormat.UNKNOWN;
return dds10header;
private static Dimensions getDimensions(DdsHeader ddsHeader) {
Dimensions ddsDimensions = new Dimensions();
ddsDimensions.numDimensions = 1;
ddsDimensions.width = ddsHeader.width;
if ((ddsHeader.flags & DdsFlags.HEIGHT) != 0) {
ddsDimensions.numDimensions = 2;
ddsDimensions.height = ddsHeader.height;
if ((ddsHeader.flags & DdsFlags.DEPTH) != 0) {
ddsDimensions.numDimensions = 3;
ddsDimensions.depth = ddsHeader.depth;
return ddsDimensions;
private static UncheckedImageFormat getFormat(DdsHeader ddsHeader, Dds10Header dds10Header) throws DdsFileUnsupportedException {
if (dds10Header.dxgiFormat != DxgiFormat.UNKNOWN) {
for (int convIx = 0; convIx < s_oldFormatConvert.length; convIx++) {
if (doesMatchFormat(s_oldFormatConvert[convIx].ddsFmt, ddsHeader)) {
return s_oldFormatConvert[convIx].uncheckedImageFormat;
throw new DdsFileUnsupportedException("", "Could not use the DDS9's image format.");
private static int getOffsetToData(DdsHeader ddsHeader) {
int byteOffset = DdsHeader.SIZE + 4;
if (ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.fourCC == MagicNumbers.DDS10_FOUR_CC) {
byteOffset += Dds10Header.SIZE;
return byteOffset;
// Computes the bytesize of a single scanline of an image of the given format, with the given line width.
// For compressed textures, the value returned is the number of bytes for every 4 scanlines.
private static int calcLineSize(UncheckedImageFormat ddsFormat, int lineWidth) {
// This is from the DDS suggestions for line size computations.
if (ddsFormat.bitDepth == BitDepth.COMPRESSED) {
int blockSize = 16;
if (ddsFormat.type == PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_BC1
|| ddsFormat.type == PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_UNSIGNED_BC4
|| ddsFormat.type == PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_SIGNED_BC4) {
blockSize = 8;
return ((lineWidth + 3) / 4) * blockSize;
} else {
int bytesPerPixel = Util.calcBytesPerPixel(new ImageFormat(ddsFormat));
return lineWidth * bytesPerPixel;
private static int calcMipmapSize(UncheckedImageFormat ddsFormat, Dimensions ddsDimensions, int mipmapLevel) {
Dimensions mipmapDimensions = Util.calcMipmapLevelDimensions(ddsDimensions, mipmapLevel);
int lineSize = calcLineSize(ddsFormat, mipmapDimensions.width);
int effectiveHeight = 1;
if (mipmapDimensions.numDimensions > 1) {
effectiveHeight = mipmapDimensions.height;
if (ddsFormat.bitDepth == BitDepth.COMPRESSED) {
effectiveHeight = (effectiveHeight + 3) / 4;
int effectiveDepth = 1;
if (mipmapDimensions.numDimensions > 2) {
effectiveDepth = mipmapDimensions.depth;
if (ddsFormat.bitDepth == BitDepth.COMPRESSED) {
effectiveDepth = (effectiveDepth + 3) / 4;
int numLines = effectiveHeight * effectiveDepth;
return lineSize * numLines;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
private static OldDdsFormatConv s_oldFormatConvert[] = {
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB | DdsPixelFormatFlags.ALPHAPIXELS,
32, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0xff000000, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA, ComponentOrder.BGRA,
BitDepth.PACKED_32_BIT_8888_REV, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB | DdsPixelFormatFlags.ALPHAPIXELS,
32, 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0xff000000, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBX, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 32, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGB, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 24, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGB, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 24, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGB, ComponentOrder.BGRA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 24, 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGB, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PACKED_16_BIT_565, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 16, 0xf800, 0x7e0, 0x1f, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA, ComponentOrder.BGRA,
BitDepth.PACKED_16_BIT_1555_REV, 1),
new OldDdsFmtMatch(DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 16, 0x7c00,
0x3e0, 0x1f, 0x8000, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA, ComponentOrder.BGRA,
BitDepth.PACKED_16_BIT_4444_REV, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 16, 0xf00, 0xf0, 0xf, 0xf000, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_BC1, PixelComponents.COLOR_RGB,
ComponentOrder.COMPRESSED, BitDepth.COMPRESSED, 1),
new OldDdsFmtMatch(DdsPixelFormatFlags.FOURCC, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, MagicNumbers.DDSFOURCC_DXT1)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_BC2, PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA,
ComponentOrder.COMPRESSED, BitDepth.COMPRESSED, 1),
new OldDdsFmtMatch(DdsPixelFormatFlags.FOURCC, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, MagicNumbers.DDSFOURCC_DXT3)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelDataType.COMPRESSED_BC3, PixelComponents.COLOR_RGBA,
ComponentOrder.COMPRESSED, BitDepth.COMPRESSED, 1),
new OldDdsFmtMatch(DdsPixelFormatFlags.FOURCC, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, MagicNumbers.DDSFOURCC_DXT5)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RG, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_16, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 32, 0xffff, 0xffff0000, 0, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RG, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.RGB, 16, 0xffff, 0xffff0000, 0, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RED, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_16, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.LUMINANCE, 16, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RED, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
DdsPixelFormatFlags.LUMINANCE, 8, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RG, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_16, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
| DdsPixelFormatFlags.ALPHAPIXELS, 16, 0xffff, 0,
0, 0xffff0000, 0)),
new OldDdsFormatConv(new UncheckedImageFormat(
PixelComponents.COLOR_RG, ComponentOrder.RGBA,
BitDepth.PER_COMP_8, 1), new OldDdsFmtMatch(
| DdsPixelFormatFlags.ALPHAPIXELS, 8, 0xff, 0, 0,
0xff00, 0)), };
private static class OldDdsFmtMatch {
int flags;
int bitDepth;
int rBitmask;
int gBitmask;
int bBitmask;
int aBitmask;
int fourCC;
OldDdsFmtMatch(int flags, int bitDepth, int rBitmask, int gBitmask,
int bBitmask, int aBitmask, int fourCC) {
this.flags = flags;
this.bitDepth = bitDepth;
this.rBitmask = rBitmask;
this.gBitmask = gBitmask;
this.bBitmask = bBitmask;
this.aBitmask = aBitmask;
this.fourCC = fourCC;
private static class OldDdsFormatConv {
UncheckedImageFormat uncheckedImageFormat;
OldDdsFmtMatch ddsFmt;
OldDdsFormatConv(UncheckedImageFormat uncheckedImageFormat, OldDdsFmtMatch ddsFmt) {
this.uncheckedImageFormat = uncheckedImageFormat;
this.ddsFmt = ddsFmt;
private static boolean doesMatchFormat(OldDdsFmtMatch ddsFmt, DdsHeader ddsHeader) {
if ((ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.flags & ddsFmt.flags) == 0) {
return false;
if ((ddsFmt.flags & DdsPixelFormatFlags.FOURCC) != 0) {
// None of the bit counts matter. Just check the fourCC
if (ddsFmt.fourCC != ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.fourCC) {
return false;
} else {
// Check the bitcounts, not the fourCC.
if (ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.rgbBitCount != ddsFmt.bitDepth) {
return false;
if ((ddsFmt.rBitmask & ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.rBitMask) != ddsFmt.rBitmask) {
return false;
if ((ddsFmt.gBitmask & ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.gBitMask) != ddsFmt.gBitmask) {
return false;
if ((ddsFmt.bBitmask & ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.bBitMask) != ddsFmt.bBitmask) {
return false;
if ((ddsFmt.aBitmask & ddsHeader.ddsPixelFormat.aBitMask) != ddsFmt.aBitmask) {
return false;
return true;