Package org.apache.hive.beeline

Source Code of org.apache.hive.beeline.HiveSchemaHelper$MySqlCommandParser

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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hive.beeline;

import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.List;

public class HiveSchemaHelper {
  public static final String DB_DERBY = "derby";
  public static final String DB_MSSQL = "mssql";
  public static final String DB_MYSQL = "mysql";
  public static final String DB_POSTGRACE = "postgres";
  public static final String DB_ORACLE = "oracle";

   * Get JDBC connection to metastore db
   * @param userName metastore connection username
   * @param password metastore connection password
   * @param printInfo print connection parameters
   * @param hiveConf hive config object
   * @return metastore connection object
   * @throws org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException
  public static Connection getConnectionToMetastore(String userName,
      String password, boolean printInfo, HiveConf hiveConf)
      throws HiveMetaException {
    try {
      String connectionURL = getValidConfVar(
          HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORECONNECTURLKEY, hiveConf);
      String driver = getValidConfVar(
          HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_CONNECTION_DRIVER, hiveConf);
      if (printInfo) {
        System.out.println("Metastore connection URL:\t " + connectionURL);
        System.out.println("Metastore Connection Driver :\t " + driver);
        System.out.println("Metastore connection User:\t " + userName);
      if ((userName == null) || userName.isEmpty()) {
        throw new HiveMetaException("UserName empty ");

      // load required JDBC driver

      // Connect using the JDBC URL and user/pass from conf
      return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, userName, password);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HiveMetaException("Failed to get schema version.", e);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new HiveMetaException("Failed to get schema version.", e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new HiveMetaException("Failed to load driver", e);

  public static String getValidConfVar(HiveConf.ConfVars confVar, HiveConf hiveConf)
      throws IOException {
    String confVarStr = hiveConf.get(confVar.varname);
    if (confVarStr == null || confVarStr.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IOException("Empty " + confVar.varname);
    return confVarStr;

  public interface NestedScriptParser {

    public enum CommandType {

    static final String DEFAUTL_DELIMITER = ";";
     * Find the type of given command
     * @param dbCommand
     * @return
    public boolean isPartialCommand(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException;

    /** Parse the DB specific nesting format and extract the inner script name if any
     * @param dbCommand command from parent script
     * @return
     * @throws IllegalFormatException
    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Find if the given command is a nested script execution
     * @param dbCommand
     * @return
    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand);

     * Find if the given command should not be passed to DB
     * @param dbCommand
     * @return
    public boolean isNonExecCommand(String dbCommand);

     * Get the SQL statement delimiter
     * @return
    public String getDelimiter();

     * Clear any client specific tags
     * @return
    public String cleanseCommand(String dbCommand);

     * Does the DB required table/column names quoted
     * @return
    public boolean needsQuotedIdentifier();

     * Flatten the nested upgrade script into a buffer
     * @param scriptDir upgrade script directory
     * @param scriptFile upgrade script file
     * @return string of sql commands
    public String buildCommand(String scriptDir, String scriptFile)
        throws IllegalFormatException, IOException;

   * Base implemenation of NestedScriptParser
   * abstractCommandParser.
  private static abstract class AbstractCommandParser implements NestedScriptParser {
    private List<String> dbOpts;
    private String msUsername;
    private String msPassword;
    private HiveConf hiveConf;

    public AbstractCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      this.msUsername = msUsername;
      this.msPassword = msPassword;
      this.hiveConf = hiveConf;

    public boolean isPartialCommand(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException{
      if (dbCommand == null || dbCommand.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid command line " + dbCommand);
      dbCommand = dbCommand.trim();
      if (dbCommand.endsWith(getDelimiter()) || isNonExecCommand(dbCommand)) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

    public boolean isNonExecCommand(String dbCommand) {
      return (dbCommand.startsWith("--") || dbCommand.startsWith("#"));

    public String getDelimiter() {

    public String cleanseCommand(String dbCommand) {
      // strip off the delimiter
      if (dbCommand.endsWith(getDelimiter())) {
        dbCommand = dbCommand.substring(0,
            dbCommand.length() - getDelimiter().length());
      return dbCommand;

    public boolean needsQuotedIdentifier() {
      return false;

    public String buildCommand(
      String scriptDir, String scriptFile) throws IllegalFormatException, IOException {
      BufferedReader bfReader =
          new BufferedReader(new FileReader(scriptDir + File.separatorChar + scriptFile));
      String currLine;
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      String currentCommand = null;
      while ((currLine = bfReader.readLine()) != null) {
        currLine = currLine.trim();
        if (currLine.isEmpty()) {
          continue; // skip empty lines

        if (currentCommand == null) {
          currentCommand = currLine;
        } else {
          currentCommand = currentCommand + " " + currLine;
        if (isPartialCommand(currLine)) {
          // if its a partial line, continue collecting the pieces

        // if this is a valid executable command then add it to the buffer
        if (!isNonExecCommand(currentCommand)) {
          currentCommand = cleanseCommand(currentCommand);

          if (isNestedScript(currentCommand)) {
            // if this is a nested sql script then flatten it
            String currScript = getScriptName(currentCommand);
            sb.append(buildCommand(scriptDir, currScript));
          } else {
            // Now we have a complete statement, process it
            // write the line to buffer
        currentCommand = null;
      return sb.toString();

    private void setDbOpts(String dbOpts) {
      if (dbOpts != null) {
        this.dbOpts = Lists.newArrayList(dbOpts.split(","));

    protected List<String> getDbOpts() {
      return dbOpts;

    protected String getMsUsername() {
      return msUsername;

    protected String getMsPassword() {
      return msPassword;

    protected HiveConf getHiveConf() {
      return hiveConf;

  // Derby commandline parser
  public static class DerbyCommandParser extends AbstractCommandParser {
    private static String DERBY_NESTING_TOKEN = "RUN";

    public DerbyCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      super(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);

    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException {

      if (!isNestedScript(dbCommand)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a script format " + dbCommand);
      String[] tokens = dbCommand.split(" ");
      if (tokens.length != 2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse line " + dbCommand);
      return tokens[1].replace(";", "").replaceAll("'", "");

    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand) {
      // Derby script format is RUN '<file>'
     return dbCommand.startsWith(DERBY_NESTING_TOKEN);

  // MySQL parser
  public static class MySqlCommandParser extends AbstractCommandParser {
    private static final String MYSQL_NESTING_TOKEN = "SOURCE";
    private static final String DELIMITER_TOKEN = "DELIMITER";
    private String delimiter = DEFAUTL_DELIMITER;

    public MySqlCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      super(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);

    public boolean isPartialCommand(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException{
      boolean isPartial = super.isPartialCommand(dbCommand);
      // if this is a delimiter directive, reset our delimiter
      if (dbCommand.startsWith(DELIMITER_TOKEN)) {
        String[] tokens = dbCommand.split(" ");
        if (tokens.length != 2) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse line " + dbCommand);
        delimiter = tokens[1];
      return isPartial;

    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      String[] tokens = dbCommand.split(" ");
      if (tokens.length != 2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse line " + dbCommand);
      // remove ending ';'
      return tokens[1].replace(";", "");

    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand) {
      return dbCommand.startsWith(MYSQL_NESTING_TOKEN);

    public String getDelimiter() {
      return delimiter;

    public boolean isNonExecCommand(String dbCommand) {
      return super.isNonExecCommand(dbCommand) ||
          (dbCommand.startsWith("/*") && dbCommand.endsWith("*/")) ||

    public String cleanseCommand(String dbCommand) {
      return super.cleanseCommand(dbCommand).replaceAll("/\\*.*?\\*/[^;]", "");


  // Postgres specific parser
  public static class PostgresCommandParser extends AbstractCommandParser {
    private static String POSTGRES_NESTING_TOKEN = "\\i";

    public PostgresCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      super(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);

    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      String[] tokens = dbCommand.split(" ");
      if (tokens.length != 2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse line " + dbCommand);
      // remove ending ';'
      return tokens[1].replace(";", "");

    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand) {
      return dbCommand.startsWith(POSTGRES_NESTING_TOKEN);

    public boolean needsQuotedIdentifier() {
      return true;

  //Oracle specific parser
  public static class OracleCommandParser extends AbstractCommandParser {
    private static String ORACLE_NESTING_TOKEN = "@";

    public OracleCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      super(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);

    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      if (!isNestedScript(dbCommand)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a nested script format " + dbCommand);
      // remove ending ';' and starting '@'
      return dbCommand.replace(";", "").replace(ORACLE_NESTING_TOKEN, "");

    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand) {
      return dbCommand.startsWith(ORACLE_NESTING_TOKEN);

  //MSSQL specific parser
  public static class MSSQLCommandParser extends AbstractCommandParser {
    private static String MSSQL_NESTING_TOKEN = ":r";

    public MSSQLCommandParser(String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
        HiveConf hiveConf) {
      super(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);

    public String getScriptName(String dbCommand) throws IllegalArgumentException {
      String[] tokens = dbCommand.split(" ");
      if (tokens.length != 2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse line " + dbCommand);
      return tokens[1];

    public boolean isNestedScript(String dbCommand) {
      return dbCommand.startsWith(MSSQL_NESTING_TOKEN);

  public static NestedScriptParser getDbCommandParser(String dbName) {
    return getDbCommandParser(dbName, null, null, null, null);

  public static NestedScriptParser getDbCommandParser(String dbName,
      String dbOpts, String msUsername, String msPassword,
      HiveConf hiveConf) {
    if (dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(DB_DERBY)) {
      return new DerbyCommandParser(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);
    } else if (dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(DB_MSSQL)) {
      return new MSSQLCommandParser(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);
    } else if (dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(DB_MYSQL)) {
      return new MySqlCommandParser(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);
    } else if (dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(DB_POSTGRACE)) {
      return new PostgresCommandParser(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);
    } else if (dbName.equalsIgnoreCase(DB_ORACLE)) {
      return new OracleCommandParser(dbOpts, msUsername, msPassword, hiveConf);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dbType " + dbName);

Related Classes of org.apache.hive.beeline.HiveSchemaHelper$MySqlCommandParser

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