import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import play.Play;
import play.cache.Cache;
import play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass;
import play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException;
import play.mvc.After;
import play.mvc.Before;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Finally;
import play.mvc.Http.Request;
import play.mvc.results.RenderTemplate;
import cn.bran.japid.compiler.NamedArg;
import cn.bran.japid.compiler.NamedArgRuntime;
import cn.bran.japid.rendererloader.RendererClass;
import cn.bran.japid.template.ActionRunner;
import cn.bran.japid.template.JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay;
import cn.bran.japid.template.RenderResult;
import cn.bran.japid.util.DirUtil;
import cn.bran.japid.util.RenderInvokerUtils;
import cn.bran.japid.util.StackTraceUtils;
import cn.bran.japid.util.StringUtils;
* a helper class. for hiding the template API from user eyes. not really needed
* since the template invocation API is simple enough.
* @author Bing Ran<>
public class JapidController extends Controller {
public static ThreadLocal<Map<String, String>> threadData = new ThreadLocal<Map<String, String>>() {
protected Map<String, String> initialValue() {
return new HashMap<String, String>();
private static final char DOT = '.';
private static final String HTML = ".html";
* render an array of objects to a template defined by a Template class.
* @param <T>
* a sub-class type of JapidTemplateBase
* @param c
* a sub-class of JapidTemplateBase
* @param args
* arguments
public static <T extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> void render(Class<T> c, Object... args) {
try {
RenderResult rr = invokeRender(c, args);
throw new JapidResult(rr);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof JapidResult)
throw (JapidResult) e;
if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* @param <T>
* @param c
* @param args
* @return
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
* @throws InstantiationException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
private static <T extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> RenderResult invokeRender(Class<T> c, Object... args) {
try {
return RenderInvokerUtils.invokeRender(c, args);
} catch (Throwable e) {
return JapidPlayRenderer.handleException(e);
protected static <T extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> RenderResult invokeNamedArgsRender(Class<T> c,
NamedArgRuntime[] args) {
try {
return RenderInvokerUtils.invokeNamedArgsRender(c, args);
} catch (Throwable e) {
return JapidPlayRenderer.handleException(e);
* just hide the result throwing
* @param rr
protected static void render(RenderResult rr) {
throw new JapidResult(rr);
* pickup the Japid renderer in the conventional location and render it.
* Positional match is used to assign values to parameters
* TODO: the signature would be confusing for cases where there is a single
* argument and the type is an array! In that case the user must cast it to
* Object: <code>renderJapid((Object)myArray);</code>
* @param objects
protected static void renderJapid(Object... objects) {
String action = template();
renderJapidWith(action, objects);
protected static void renderJapidByName(NamedArgRuntime... namedArgs) {
String action = template();
renderJapidWith(action, namedArgs);
protected static void renderJapidEager(Object... objects) {
String action = template();
renderJapidWithEager(action, objects);
public static void renderJapidWith(String template, Object... args) {
throw new JapidResult(getRenderResultWith(template, args));
public static void renderJapidWith(String template, NamedArgRuntime[] namedArgs) {
throw new JapidResult(getRenderResultWith(template, namedArgs));
public static void renderJapidWithEager(String template, Object... args) {
throw new JapidResult(getRenderResultWith(template, args)).eval();
protected static String template() {
// String japidControllerInvoker =
// threadData.get().remove(JapidPlugin.ACTION_METHOD);
// if (japidControllerInvoker != null) {
// return japidControllerInvoker;
// }
// System.out.println("[japid] still using stacktrace to determine caller?");
// the super.template() class uses current request object to determine
// the caller and method to find the matching template
// this won't work if the current method is called from another action.
// let's fall back to use the stack trace to deduce the template.
// String caller2 = StackTraceUtils.getCaller2();
final StackTraceElement[] stes = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
// let's iterate back in the stacktrace to find the recent action calls.
for (StackTraceElement st : stes) {
String controller = st.getClassName();
String action = st.getMethodName();
ApplicationClass conAppClass = Play.classes.getApplicationClass(controller);
if (conAppClass != null) {
Class controllerClass = conAppClass.javaClass;
if (JapidController.class.isAssignableFrom(controllerClass)) {
Method actionMethod = /* Java. */findActionMethod(action, controllerClass);
if (actionMethod != null) {
String expr = controller + "." + action;
// content negotiation
String format = Request.current().format;
if ("html".equals(format)) {
return expr;
} else {
String expr_format = expr + "_" + format;
if (expr_format.startsWith("controllers.")) {
expr_format = "japidviews" + expr_format.substring(expr_format.indexOf('.'));
if (searchForTemplateClass(expr_format) != null)
return expr_format;
else {
// fall back
return expr;
throw new RuntimeException(
"The calling stack does not contain a valid controller. Should not have happended...");
* copies from the same method in the Java class. Removed the public
* requirement for easier chaining.
* @param name
* @param clazz
* @return
public static Method findActionMethod(String name, Class clazz) {
while (!clazz.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) {
for (Method m : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) /*
* &&
* Modifier.isPublic(m
* .getModifiers())
*/) {
// Check that it is not an intercepter
if (!m.isAnnotationPresent(Before.class) && !m.isAnnotationPresent(After.class)
&& !m.isAnnotationPresent(Finally.class)) {
return m;
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
return null;
public static RenderResult getRenderResultWith(String template, NamedArgRuntime[] args) {
try {
Class<? extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> tClass = searchForTemplateClass(template);
if (tClass == null) {
String templateFileName = template.replace(DOT, '/') + HTML;
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find a Japid template with the name of: " + templateFileName);
} else
return invokeNamedArgsRender(tClass, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
return JapidPlayRenderer.handleException(e);
private static Class<? extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> searchForTemplateClass(String template) {
String templateClassName = getTemapletClassName(template);
Class<? extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> tClass = null;
ApplicationClass appClass = Play.classes.getApplicationClass(templateClassName);
if (appClass == null) {
// let's try the stand-alone japid pool
tClass = JapidPlayRenderer.getTemplateClass(templateClassName);
} else {
tClass = (Class<? extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay>) appClass.javaClass;
return tClass;
* render parameters to the prescribed template and return the RenderResult
* @param template
* relative path from japidviews folder. if empty, use implicit
* naming pattern to match the template
* @param args
public static RenderResult getRenderResultWith(String template, Object... args) {
try {
Class<? extends JapidTemplateBaseWithoutPlay> tClass = searchForTemplateClass(template);
if (tClass == null) {
String templateFileName = template.replace(DOT, '/') + HTML;
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find a Japid template with the name of: " + templateFileName);
} else
return RenderInvokerUtils.invokeRender(tClass, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
return JapidPlayRenderer.handleException(e);
// protected static String caller() {
// String action = StackTraceUtils.getCaller();
// return action;
// }
* cache a Japid RenderResult associated with an action call with specific
* arguments
* To use this method and the getFromCache() effectively requires the each
* of the argument has a toString() that uniquely identify itself. Otherwise
* the user needs to provider its own key building routine
* mind the cost associated with this
* @param rr
* the render result to cache
* @param ttl
* the expiration spec as in Play's Cache.set(), e.g., 1s, 2mn,
* 3h, etc
* @param objs
* the original arguments
protected static void cache(RenderResult rr, String ttl, Object... objs) {
String caller = buildKey(null, objs);
Cache.set(caller, rr, ttl);
* use a defined keybase to build the key and cache the RenderResult by that
* key
* @param rr
* @param ttl
* @param keyBase
* @param objs
protected static void cache(RenderResult rr, String ttl, String keyBase, Object... objs) {
String caller = buildKey(keyBase, objs);
Cache.set(caller, rr, ttl);
* mind the cost associated with this and the key building issues, as stated
* in the cache() method
* @param objs
* @return
protected static RenderResult getFromCache(Object... objs) {
// the key building with caller info and the arguments
if (RenderResultCache.shouldIgnoreCache())
return null;
String caller = buildKey(null, objs);
Object object = Cache.get(caller);
if (object instanceof RenderResult) {
return (RenderResult) object;
} else {
return null;
* @param keyBase
* usually the fully qualified method name of the controller
* action
* @param objs
* @return
protected static RenderResult getFromCache(String keyBase, Object... objs) {
// the key building with caller info and the arguments
if (RenderResultCache.shouldIgnoreCache())
return null;
String caller = buildKey(keyBase, objs);
Object object = Cache.get(caller);
if (object instanceof RenderResult) {
return (RenderResult) object;
} else {
return null;
* @param objs
* @return
private static String buildKey(String base, Object... objs) {
// the getCaller thing is relatively expensive, as it might take
// hundreds of us to complete.
String caller = base;
if (base == null)
caller = StackTraceUtils.getCaller2(); // tricky and expensive
for (Object o : objs) {
caller += "-" + String.valueOf(o);
return caller;
* run a piece of rendering code with cache check and refilling
* @param runner
* @param ttl
* @param objects
* @deprecated use CacheableRunner directly in actions
protected static void runWithCache(ActionRunner runner, String ttl, Object... objects) {
if (ttl == null || ttl.trim().length() == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Cache expiration time must be defined.");
ttl = ttl.trim();
if (Character.isDigit(ttl.charAt(ttl.length() - 1))) {
// assuming second
ttl += "s";
String base = StackTraceUtils.getCaller();
RenderResult rr = getFromCache(base, objects);
if (rr == null) {
rr =;
cache(rr, ttl, base, objects);
// System.out.println("render show took ms: " + rr.getRenderTime());
throw new JapidResult(rr);
* @param runner
* @param ttl
* @deprecated use CacheableRunner directly in actions
protected static void runWithCache(ActionRunner runner, String ttl) {
runWithCache(runner, ttl, new Object[] {});
* run action wrapped in a CacheableRunner and throws a JapidResult to the
* downstream of the pipeline
* @param r
protected static void render(CacheableRunner r) {
RenderResult rr =;
throw new JapidResult(rr);
* set a flag to instruct the cache runner to bypass cache checking for
* reading but still cache the result
public static void ignoreCache() {
* set a flag to instruct the cache runner to bypass cache checking for
* reading but still cache the result, for the current response and next
* request
public static void ignoreCacheNowAndNext() {
* Evict a cached Japid result resulted from a Japid directive
* <em>invoke<em/>.
* Can be used in a controller action to invalidate a cached result after a relevant state has been changed.
* @author Bing Ran (
* @param controllerClass
* the controller class
* @param actionName
* action name
* @param args
* the arguments to the action method.
public static <C extends JapidController> void evictJapidResultCache(Class<C> controllerClass, String actionName,
Object... args) {
CacheablePlayActionRunner.deleteCache(controllerClass, actionName, args);
public static void evictJapidResultCache(String key) {
* this will set a flag so calling another action won't trigger a redirect
protected static void dontRedirect() {
* render a text in a RenderResult so it can work with invoke tag in
* templates.
* @param s
protected static void renderText(String s) {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
render(new RenderResult(headers, new StringBuilder(s), -1L));
protected static void renderText(Object o) {
String str = o == null ? "" : o.toString();
protected static void renderText(int o) {
renderText(new Integer(o));
protected static void renderText(long o) {
renderText(new Long(o));
protected static void renderText(float o) {
renderText(new Float(o));
protected static void renderText(double o) {
renderText(new Double(o));
protected static void renderText(boolean o) {
renderText(new Boolean(o));
protected static void renderText(char o) {
renderText(new String(new char[] { o }));
* run another action wrapped in a runnable run() and intercept the Result
* one should wrap the call to another action like this: new Runnable () {
* public void run() { AnotherController.action();} }
* @param runnable
protected static String getResultFromAction(Runnable runnable) {
try {;
.println("JapidController.getResultFromAction() warning: the runnable did not generate a result.");
return "";
} catch (JapidResult e) {
return e.extractContent();
// TODO: handle exception
} catch (RenderTemplate rt) {
return rt.getContent();
} catch (Exception ex) {
return "";
* run another action wrapped in a runnable run() and intercept the Result,
* ignoring the cache
* one should wrap the call to another action like this: new Runnable () {
* public void run() { AnotherController.action();} }
* @param runnable
protected static String getFreshResultFromAction(Runnable runnable) {
return getResultFromAction(runnable);
protected static NamedArgRuntime named(String name, Object val) {
return new NamedArgRuntime(name, val);
static String runnerName = CacheablePlayActionRunner.class.getName();
* determine if the current stack frame is a descendant of
* CacheablePlayActionRunner which is used when invoking actions from Japid
* views
* @return
public static boolean isInvokedfromJapidView() {
Throwable t = new Throwable();
// t.printStackTrace();
final StackTraceElement[] ste = t.getStackTrace();
for (int i = 0; i < ste.length; i++) {
StackTraceElement st = ste[i];
String className = st.getClassName();
if (className.equals(runnerName)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param template
* @return
protected static String getTemapletClassName(String template) {
if (template == null || template.length() == 0) {
template = template();
if (template.endsWith(HTML)) {
template = template.substring(0, template.length() - HTML.length());
// String action = StackTraceUtils.getCaller(); // too tricky to use
// stacktrace to track the caller action name
// something like controllers.japid.SampleController.testFindAction
if (template.startsWith("@")) {
// a template in the current directory
template = Request.current().controller + "/" + template.substring(1);
// map to default japid view
if (template.startsWith("controllers.")) {
template = template.substring(template.indexOf(DOT) + 1);
String templateClassName = template.startsWith(DirUtil.JAPIDVIEWS_ROOT) ? template : DirUtil.JAPIDVIEWS_ROOT
+ File.separator + template;
templateClassName = templateClassName.replace('/', DOT).replace('\\', DOT);
return templateClassName;
* translate japid runtime exception to Play's TemplateExecutionException
* for formated error reporting
* @author Bing Ran (
* @param a
public static void render(Object... args) {
* @author Bing Ran (
protected static void requestRedirect() {