* Copyright (c) 2003 Jorge García, Unai Aguilera
* This file is part of Nu3A.
* Nu3A is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Nu3A is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Nu3A. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Authors: Jorge García <bardok@gmail.com>, Unai Aguilera <gkalgan@gmail.com>
package nu3a.render.software;
import nu3a.geometry.N3Point3D;
import nu3a.material.color.N3ColorRGBA;
import nu3a.math.N3Vector3D;
public class N3SoftwareLight {
* Componenten ambiental global
protected static N3ColorRGBA ambientalLight;
* Emision del material sobre el que calcular la luz.
protected static N3ColorRGBA matEmission;
* Color ambiental del material sobre el que calcular la luz.
protected static N3ColorRGBA matAmbient;
* Color difuso del material sobre el que calcular la luz.
protected static N3ColorRGBA matDiffuse;
* Color especular del material sobre el que calcular la luz.
protected static N3ColorRGBA matSpecular;
* Componente ambiental de la luz.
protected N3ColorRGBA ambiental;
* Componente difusa de la luz.
protected N3ColorRGBA diffuse;
* Componente especular de la luz
protected N3ColorRGBA specular;
* Exponente especular de la luz
protected float shininess = 1.0f;
* Posici�n de la luz
protected N3Point3D pos;
* Direcci�n de la luz.
protected N3Vector3D dir;
* Indica si la luz esta o no activada
protected boolean enable;
* Atenuaci�n constante de la luz.
protected float Kc = 1.0f;
* Atenuaci�n linear de la luz.
protected float Kl = 0.0f;
* Atenuacion cuadratica de la luz.
protected float Kq = 0.0f;
* Efecto de spotlight
protected float spotCutOff = 180.0f;
protected float spotExp = 1.0f;
protected N3ColorRGBA ambientTerm, diffuseTerm, specularTerm;
protected N3Vector3D d;
protected float cosine = (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(spotCutOff));
* Construye una luz con las componentes a color blanco, posicion (0,0,0) y
* direcci�n (0,0,-1)
protected N3SoftwareLight() {
if (ambientalLight == null) {
ambientalLight = new N3ColorRGBA(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
matEmission = new N3ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0);
matAmbient = new N3ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0);
matDiffuse = new N3ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1);
matSpecular = new N3ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0);
ambiental = new N3ColorRGBA(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
diffuse = new N3ColorRGBA(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
specular = new N3ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
dir = new N3Vector3D();
pos = new N3Point3D();
enable = true;
d = new N3Vector3D();
ambientTerm = new N3ColorRGBA();
diffuseTerm = new N3ColorRGBA();
specularTerm = new N3ColorRGBA();
* Permite activar o desactivar la luz.
* @param s
* Estado de la luz.
public void setEnable(boolean s) {
this.enable = s;
* Permite saber si al luz esta o no activada.
* @return Indica si la luz esta o no activada.
public boolean isEnable() {
return enable;
* Permite especificar la luz ambiental de la escena.
* @param c
* Color de la luz ambiental de la escena.
protected static void setAmbientalLight(N3ColorRGBA c) {
protected static void setMatAmbient(N3ColorRGBA c) {
protected static void setMatDiffuse(N3ColorRGBA c) {
protected static void setMatSpecular(N3ColorRGBA c) {
protected static void setMatEmission(N3ColorRGBA c) {
* Permite especificar la componente ambiental de la luz.
* @param c
* Color de la componente ambiental de la luz.
protected void setAmbiental(N3ColorRGBA c) {
* Permite especificar la componente difusa de la luz.
* @param c
* Color de la componente difusa de la luz.
protected void setDiffuse(N3ColorRGBA c) {
* Permite especificar la componente especular de la luz.
* @param c
* Color de la componente especular de la luz.
protected void setSpecular(N3ColorRGBA c) {
* Permite especificar la direcci�n de la luz
* @param d
* Direcci�n de la luz.
protected void setDirection(N3Vector3D d) {
dir.x = d.x;
dir.y = d.y;
dir.z = d.z;
* Permite especificar la posici�n de la luz
* @param p
* Posici�n de la luz.
protected void setPosition(N3Point3D p) {
pos.x = p.x;
pos.y = p.y;
pos.z = p.z;
protected void setCutOff(float angle) {
spotCutOff = angle;
cosine = (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(spotCutOff));
protected void setSpotExp(float exp) {
spotExp = exp;
protected void setConstantAtten(float Kc) {
this.Kc = Kc;
protected void setLinearAtten(float Kl) {
this.Kl = Kl;
protected void setQuadAtten(float Kq) {
this.Kq = Kq;
// /Obtenido del OpenGL RedBook "The Mathematics of Lighting"
* Aplica la parte de la iluminaci�n independiente de la luz.
* @param c
* Color al que aplicar al iluminaci�n.
public static void applyIndependantLight(N3ColorRGBA c) {
c.R = matEmission.R + matAmbient.R * ambientalLight.R;
c.G = matEmission.G + matAmbient.G * ambientalLight.G;
c.B = matEmission.B + matAmbient.B * ambientalLight.B;
* Aplica la iluminaci�n al color especificado segun la normal indicada.
* @param v
* Vertice sobre el que calcular
* @param c
* Color al que aplicar la iluminaci�n
* @param n
* Normal del punto al que se le aplica la iluminaci�n.
protected void applyLight(N3Point3D v, N3ColorRGBA c, N3Vector3D n) {
// Termino ambiental
ambientTerm.R = matAmbient.R * ambiental.R;
ambientTerm.G = matAmbient.G * ambiental.G;
ambientTerm.B = matAmbient.B * ambiental.B;
d.x = pos.x - v.x;
d.y = pos.y - v.y;
d.z = pos.z - v.z;
float dist = d.length();
// Termino diffuso
float diff = d.dotProduct(n);
if (diff < 0)
diff = 0;
diffuseTerm.R = diff * matDiffuse.R * diffuse.R;
diffuseTerm.G = diff * matDiffuse.G * diffuse.G;
diffuseTerm.B = diff * matDiffuse.B * diffuse.B;
float atten = 1 / (Kc + Kl * dist + Kq * dist * dist);
float spotEffect;
if (spotCutOff == 180.0f)
spotEffect = 1.0f;
else {
spotEffect = d.dotProduct(dir);
if (spotEffect < 0)
spotEffect = 0;
else if (spotEffect < cosine)
spotEffect = 0;
float contrF = atten * spotEffect;
// Termino especular
if (diff != 0.0f) {
float spec;
d.z += 1.0f;
spec = d.dotProduct(n);
if (spec < 0)
spec = 0.0f;
spec *= shininess;
specularTerm.R = spec * matSpecular.R * specular.R;
specularTerm.G = spec * matSpecular.G * specular.G;
specularTerm.B = spec * matSpecular.B * specular.B;
} else
specularTerm.R = specularTerm.G = specularTerm.B = 0.0f;
c.R += contrF * (ambientTerm.R + diffuseTerm.R + specularTerm.R);
c.G += contrF * (ambientTerm.G + diffuseTerm.G + specularTerm.G);
c.B += contrF * (ambientTerm.B + diffuseTerm.B + specularTerm.B);
// Recortar al rengo [0,1] los colores obtenidos
if (c.R > 1.0f)
c.R = 1.0f;
if (c.G > 1.0f)
c.G = 1.0f;
if (c.B > 1.0f)
c.B = 1.0f;