// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0.
package fitnesseMain;
import java.util.Properties;
import fitnesse.ContextConfigurator;
import util.CommandLine;
import static fitnesse.ConfigurationParameter.*;
import static fitnesse.ContextConfigurator.*;
public class Arguments {
private final CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(
"[-v][-p port][-d dir][-r root][-l logDir][-f config][-e days][-o][-i][-a credentials][-c command][-b output]");
private final String rootPath;
private final Integer port;
private final String rootDirectory;
private final String logDirectory;
private final boolean omitUpdate;
private final Integer daysTillVersionsExpire;
private final String credentials;
private final boolean installOnly;
private final String command;
private final String output;
private final String configFile;
private final boolean verboseLogging;
public Arguments(String... args) {
if (!commandLine.parse(args)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not parse command line");
String port = commandLine.getOptionArgument("p", "port");
this.port = port != null ? Integer.valueOf(port) : null;
this.rootPath = commandLine.getOptionArgument("d", "dir");
this.rootDirectory = commandLine.getOptionArgument("r", "root");
this.logDirectory = commandLine.getOptionArgument("l", "logDir");
final String days = commandLine.getOptionArgument("e", "days");
this.daysTillVersionsExpire = days != null ? Integer.valueOf(days) : null;
this.credentials = commandLine.getOptionArgument("a", "credentials");
this.command = commandLine.getOptionArgument("c", "command");
this.output = commandLine.getOptionArgument("b", "output");
this.configFile = commandLine.getOptionArgument("f", "config");
this.verboseLogging = commandLine.hasOption("v");
this.omitUpdate = commandLine.hasOption("o");
this.installOnly = commandLine.hasOption("i");
static void printUsage() {
ContextConfigurator defaults = ContextConfigurator.systemDefaults();
System.err.println("Usage: java -jar fitnesse.jar [-vpdrleoab]");
System.err.println("\t-p <port number> {" + DEFAULT_PORT + "}");
System.err.println("\t-d <working directory> {" +
defaults.get(ROOT_PATH) + "}");
System.err.println("\t-r <page root directory> {" +
defaults.get(ROOT_DIRECTORY) + "}");
System.err.println("\t-l <log directory> {no logging}");
System.err.println("\t-f <config properties file> {" +
defaults.get(CONFIG_FILE) + "}");
System.err.println("\t-e <days> {" + defaults.getVersionDays() +
"} Number of days before page versions expire");
System.err.println("\t-o omit updates");
.println("\t-a {user:pwd | user-file-name} enable authentication.");
System.err.println("\t-i Install only, then quit.");
System.err.println("\t-c <command> execute single command.");
System.err.println("\t-b <filename> redirect command output.");
System.err.println("\t-v {off} Verbose logging");
public String getRootPath(ContextConfigurator configurator) {
return rootPath == null ? configurator.get(ROOT_PATH) : rootPath;
public String getConfigFile(ContextConfigurator configurator) {
return configFile == null ? (getRootPath(configurator) + "/" + configurator.get(CONFIG_FILE)) : configFile;
public ContextConfigurator update(ContextConfigurator defaults) {
ContextConfigurator result = defaults;
result = result.withParameter(LOG_LEVEL, verboseLogging ? "verbose" : "normal");
if (configFile != null)
result = result.withParameter(CONFIG_FILE, configFile);
if (port != null)
result = result.withPort(port);
if (rootPath != null)
result = result.withRootPath(rootPath);
if (rootDirectory != null)
result = result.withRootDirectoryName(rootDirectory);
if (output != null)
result = result.withParameter(OUTPUT, output);
if (logDirectory != null)
result = result.withParameter(LOG_DIRECTORY, logDirectory);
if (daysTillVersionsExpire != null)
result = result.withParameter(VERSIONS_CONTROLLER_DAYS, daysTillVersionsExpire.toString());
if (omitUpdate)
result = result.withParameter(OMITTING_UPDATES, "true");
if (installOnly)
result = result.withParameter(INSTALL_ONLY, "true");
if (command != null)
result = result.withParameter(COMMAND, command);
if (credentials != null)
result = result.withParameter(CREDENTIALS, credentials);
return result;