// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0.
package fitnesse.fixtures;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import fit.ColumnFixture;
import fit.Parse;
public abstract class RowEntryFixture extends ColumnFixture {
public abstract void enterRow() throws Exception;
public final static String ERROR_INDICATOR = "Unable to enter last row: ";
public static final String RIGHT_STYLE = "pass";
public static final String WRONG_STYLE = "fail";
public void doRow(Parse row) {
if (row.parts.body.contains(ERROR_INDICATOR))
try {
right(appendCell(row, "entered"));
catch (Exception e) {
wrong(appendCell(row, "skipped"));
reportError(row, e);
protected Parse appendCell(Parse row, String text) {
Parse lastCell = new Parse("td", text, null, null);
row.parts.last().more = lastCell;
return lastCell;
public void reportError(Parse row, Exception e) {
Parse errorCell = makeMessageCell(e);
insertRowAfter(row, new Parse("tr", null, errorCell, null));
public Parse makeMessageCell(Exception e) {
Parse errorCell = new Parse("td", "", null, null);
final StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(buffer));
errorCell.addToTag(" colspan=\"" + (columnBindings.length + 1) + "\"");
errorCell.addToBody("<i>" + ERROR_INDICATOR + e.getMessage() + "</i>");
errorCell.addToBody("<pre>" + (buffer.toString()) + "</pre>");
return errorCell;
public void insertRowAfter(Parse currentRow, Parse rowToAdd) {
Parse nextRow = currentRow.more;
currentRow.more = rowToAdd;
rowToAdd.more = nextRow;