package mffs;
import calclavia.api.mffs.IProjector;
import calclavia.api.mffs.fortron.FrequencyGrid;
import calclavia.api.mffs.fortron.IFortronFrequency;
import calclavia.api.mffs.modules.IModuleAcceptor;
import mffs.item.mode.ItemModeCustom;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action;
import resonant.api.blocks.IBlockFrequency;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
* A class containing some general helpful functions.
* @author Calclavia
public class MFFSHelper
public static void transferFortron(IFortronFrequency transferer, Set<IFortronFrequency> frequencyTiles, TransferMode transferMode, int limit)
if (transferer != null && frequencyTiles.size() > 1 && Settings.allowFortronTeleport)
* Check spread mode. Equal, Give All, Take All
int totalFortron = 0;
int totalCapacity = 0;
for (IFortronFrequency machine : frequencyTiles)
if (machine != null)
totalFortron += machine.getFortronEnergy();
totalCapacity += machine.getFortronCapacity();
if (totalFortron > 0 && totalCapacity > 0)
* Test each mode and based on the mode, spread Fortron energy.
switch (transferMode)
for (IFortronFrequency machine : frequencyTiles)
if (machine != null)
double capacityPercentage = (double) machine.getFortronCapacity() / (double) totalCapacity;
int amountToSet = (int) (totalFortron * capacityPercentage);
doTransferFortron(transferer, machine, amountToSet - machine.getFortronEnergy(), limit);
final int amountToSet = totalFortron / frequencyTiles.size();
for (IFortronFrequency machine : frequencyTiles)
if (machine != null)
doTransferFortron(transferer, machine, amountToSet - machine.getFortronEnergy(), limit);
case DRAIN:
for (IFortronFrequency machine : frequencyTiles)
if (machine != null)
double capacityPercentage = (double) machine.getFortronCapacity() / (double) totalCapacity;
int amountToSet = (int) (totalFortron * capacityPercentage);
if (amountToSet - machine.getFortronEnergy() > 0)
doTransferFortron(transferer, machine, amountToSet - machine.getFortronEnergy(), limit);
case FILL:
if (transferer.getFortronEnergy() < transferer.getFortronCapacity())
// The amount of energy required to be full.
int requiredFortron = transferer.getFortronCapacity() - transferer.getFortronEnergy();
for (IFortronFrequency machine : frequencyTiles)
if (machine != null)
int amountToConsume = Math.min(requiredFortron, machine.getFortronEnergy());
int amountToSet = -machine.getFortronEnergy() - amountToConsume;
if (amountToConsume > 0)
doTransferFortron(transferer, machine, amountToSet - machine.getFortronEnergy(), limit);
* Tries to transfer Fortron to a specific machine from this capacitor. Renders an animation on
* the client side.
* @param receiver : The machine to be transfered to.
* @param joules : The amount of energy to be transfered.
public static void doTransferFortron(IFortronFrequency transferer, IFortronFrequency receiver, int joules, int limit)
if (transferer != null && receiver != null)
TileEntity tileEntity = ((TileEntity) transferer);
World world = tileEntity.worldObj;
boolean isCamo = false;
if (transferer instanceof IModuleAcceptor)
isCamo = ((IModuleAcceptor) transferer).getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleCamouflage) > 0;
if (joules > 0)
// Transfer energy to receiver.
joules = Math.min(joules, limit);
int toBeInjected = receiver.provideFortron(transferer.requestFortron(joules, false), false);
toBeInjected = transferer.requestFortron(receiver.provideFortron(toBeInjected, true), true);
// Draw Beam Effect
if (world.isRemote && toBeInjected > 0 && !isCamo)
ModularForceFieldSystem.proxy.renderBeam(world, Vector3.translate(new Vector3(tileEntity), 0.5), Vector3.translate(new Vector3((TileEntity) receiver), 0.5), 0.6f, 0.6f, 1, 20);
// Take energy from receiver.
joules = Math.min(Math.abs(joules), limit);
int toBeEjected = transferer.provideFortron(receiver.requestFortron(joules, false), false);
toBeEjected = receiver.requestFortron(transferer.provideFortron(toBeEjected, true), true);
// Draw Beam Effect
if (world.isRemote && toBeEjected > 0 && !isCamo)
ModularForceFieldSystem.proxy.renderBeam(world, Vector3.translate(new Vector3((TileEntity) receiver), 0.5), Vector3.translate(new Vector3(tileEntity), 0.5), 0.6f, 0.6f, 1, 20);
* Gets the nearest active Interdiction Matrix.
public static IInterdictionMatrix getNearestInterdictionMatrix(World world, Vector3 position)
for (IBlockFrequency frequencyTile : FrequencyGrid.instance().get())
if (((TileEntity) frequencyTile).worldObj == world && frequencyTile instanceof IInterdictionMatrix)
IInterdictionMatrix interdictionMatrix = (IInterdictionMatrix) frequencyTile;
if (interdictionMatrix.isActive())
if (position.distance(new Vector3((TileEntity) interdictionMatrix)) <= interdictionMatrix.getActionRange())
return interdictionMatrix;
return null;
* Returns true of the interdictionMatrix has a specific set of permissions.
* @param interdictionMatrix
* @param username
* @param permissions
* @return
public static boolean isPermittedByInterdictionMatrix(IInterdictionMatrix interdictionMatrix, String username, Permission... permissions)
if (interdictionMatrix != null)
if (interdictionMatrix.isActive())
if (interdictionMatrix.getBiometricIdentifier() != null)
for (Permission permission : permissions)
if (!interdictionMatrix.getBiometricIdentifier().isAccessGranted(username, permission))
if (interdictionMatrix.getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleInvert) > 0)
return true;
return false;
if (interdictionMatrix.getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleInvert) > 0)
return false;
return true;
* Gets the first itemStack that is an ItemBlock in this TileEntity or in nearby chests.
* @param itemStack
* @return
public static ItemStack getFirstItemBlock(TileEntity tileEntity, ItemStack itemStack)
return getFirstItemBlock(tileEntity, itemStack, true);
public static ItemStack getFirstItemBlock(TileEntity tileEntity, ItemStack itemStack, boolean recur)
if (tileEntity instanceof IProjector)
for (int i : ((IProjector) tileEntity).getModuleSlots())
ItemStack checkStack = getFirstItemBlock(i, ((IProjector) tileEntity), itemStack);
if (checkStack != null)
return checkStack;
else if (tileEntity instanceof IInventory)
IInventory inventory = (IInventory) tileEntity;
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++)
ItemStack checkStack = getFirstItemBlock(i, inventory, itemStack);
if (checkStack != null)
return checkStack;
if (recur)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ForgeDirection direction = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i);
Vector3 vector = new Vector3(tileEntity);
TileEntity checkTile = vector.getTileEntity(tileEntity.worldObj);
if (checkTile != null)
ItemStack checkStack = getFirstItemBlock(checkTile, itemStack, false);
if (checkStack != null)
return checkStack;
return null;
public static ItemStack getFirstItemBlock(int i, IInventory inventory, ItemStack itemStack)
ItemStack checkStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(i);
if (checkStack != null && checkStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)
if (itemStack == null || checkStack.isItemEqual(itemStack))
return checkStack;
return null;
public static Block getFilterBlock(ItemStack itemStack)
if (itemStack != null)
if (itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)
if (((ItemBlock) itemStack.getItem()).getBlockID() < Block.blocksList.length)
Block block = Block.blocksList[((ItemBlock) itemStack.getItem()).getBlockID()];
return block;
return null;
public static ItemStack getCamoBlock(IProjector projector, Vector3 position)
if (projector != null)
if (!((TileEntity) projector).worldObj.isRemote)
if (projector != null)
if (projector.getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleCamouflage) > 0)
if (projector.getMode() instanceof ItemModeCustom)
HashMap<Vector3, int[]> fieldMap = ((ItemModeCustom) projector.getMode()).getFieldBlockMap(projector, projector.getModeStack());
if (fieldMap != null)
Vector3 fieldCenter = new Vector3((TileEntity) projector).translate(projector.getTranslation());
Vector3 relativePosition = position.clone().subtract(fieldCenter);
relativePosition.rotate(-projector.getRotationYaw(), -projector.getRotationPitch());
int[] blockInfo = fieldMap.get(relativePosition.round());
if (blockInfo != null && blockInfo[0] > 0)
return new ItemStack(Block.blocksList[blockInfo[0]], 1, blockInfo[1]);
for (int i : projector.getModuleSlots())
ItemStack checkStack = projector.getStackInSlot(i);
Block block = getFilterBlock(checkStack);
if (block != null)
return checkStack;
return null;
public static boolean hasPermission(World world, Vector3 position, Permission permission, EntityPlayer player)
return hasPermission(world, position, permission, player.username);
public static boolean hasPermission(World world, Vector3 position, Permission permission, String username)
IInterdictionMatrix interdictionMatrix = getNearestInterdictionMatrix(world, position);
if (interdictionMatrix != null)
return isPermittedByInterdictionMatrix(interdictionMatrix, username, permission);
return true;
public static boolean hasPermission(World world, Vector3 position, Action action, EntityPlayer player)
IInterdictionMatrix interdictionMatrix = getNearestInterdictionMatrix(world, position);
if (interdictionMatrix != null)
return MFFSHelper.hasPermission(world, position, interdictionMatrix, action, player);
return true;
public static boolean hasPermission(World world, Vector3 position, IInterdictionMatrix interdictionMatrix, Action action, EntityPlayer player)
boolean hasPermission = true;
if (action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && position.getTileEntity(world) != null)
if (interdictionMatrix.getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleBlockAccess) > 0)
hasPermission = false;
if (isPermittedByInterdictionMatrix(interdictionMatrix, player.username, Permission.BLOCK_ACCESS))
hasPermission = true;
if (hasPermission)
if (interdictionMatrix.getModuleCount(ModularForceFieldSystem.itemModuleBlockAlter) > 0 && (player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null || action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK))
hasPermission = false;
if (isPermittedByInterdictionMatrix(interdictionMatrix, player.username, Permission.BLOCK_ALTER))
hasPermission = true;
return hasPermission;