* Copyright (c) 2008 - $Date: 2008/05/29 13:50:21 $, Sdu Identification BV
* Classificatie: Commercieel vertrouwelijk
* File: $rcsfile$
* Date: $Date: 2008/05/29 13:50:21 $
* Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
package nl.warper.skein;
import static nl.warper.skein.Util.*;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import nl.warper.threefish.ThreefishImpl;
import nl.warper.threefish.ThreefishSecretKey;
* SkeinMain is used to test the SimpleSkein, UBI64 and Threefish implementations and to see that the test vectors, including initial chaining
* vectors are correct. The output of the main() method has been used to successfully confirm the old and new chaining values as created
* by the Skein team.
* <P>
* The initial implementation incorrectly used the blocksize as size of the configuration encoding instead of the
* real size of the configuration encoding. You can simulate this incorrect behaviour by simply setting the private USE_BLOCK_SIZE constant
* to true.
* <P>
* The Threefish part of the protocol is of course the most difficult part of the algorithm to implement. To test the intermediate values
* of your own implementation, just change the logger settings below. For full logging to the console, just set the logging level
* to Level.FINEST instead of Level.OFF.
* @author maartenb
* @author $Author: $
* @since 5 nov 2008
* @version $Revision: $
public class SkeinMain {
private static final boolean USE_BLOCK_SIZE = false;
private static final boolean INITIAL_CHAINING_VALUES_IN_JAVA = false;
static {
Logger threefishLogger = Logger.getLogger(ThreefishImpl.class.getName());
public static void testThreefish(final int blockSize, final int rounds) {
final ThreefishImpl impl;
if(rounds <= 0) {
impl = new ThreefishImpl(blockSize);
} else {
impl = new ThreefishImpl(blockSize, rounds);
byte[] keyData = new byte[blockSize / Byte.SIZE]; // initialized to 00h values, used later on
final long[] tweak;
try {
SecureRandom rnd = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
tweak = new long[] { rnd.nextLong(), rnd.nextLong() };
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ThreefishSecretKey sk = new ThreefishSecretKey(keyData);
impl.init(sk, tweak);
final byte[] plain = "Maarten".getBytes();
final byte[] plainPadded = zeroPad(plain, impl.getBlockSize());
final long[] encryptedBlock = new long[impl.getBlockSize() / Long.SIZE];
final long[] plainBlock = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(plainPadded);
System.out.printf("Threefish plainbl: %s%n", tohex(lsbArrayOfLongToBytes(plainBlock)));
// not needed: impl.init(sk, tweak);
impl.blockEncrypt(plainBlock, encryptedBlock);
System.out.printf("Threefish encrypt: %s%n", tohex(lsbArrayOfLongToBytes(encryptedBlock)));
long[] decryptedBlock= new long[encryptedBlock.length];
impl.blockDecrypt(encryptedBlock, decryptedBlock);
System.out.printf("Threefish decrypt: %s%n", tohex(lsbArrayOfLongToBytes(decryptedBlock)));
public static byte[] doSimpleSkein(final int blockSize, final byte[] message, final int outputSize) {
final int blockSizeBytes = blockSize / Byte.SIZE;
if(message == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please provide a message, even one of 0 bytes to process");
if(outputSize <= 0 || outputSize % Byte.SIZE != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The output size N must fullfil N MOD 8 = 0 (a complete number of bytes)");
// create buffer
byte[] blockBuffer = new byte[blockSizeBytes];
// create cipher
ThreefishImpl threefish = new ThreefishImpl(blockSize);
// create and init UBI
UBI64 ubi = new UBI64(threefish);
// create configuration
Skein.Configuration config = new Skein.Configuration(outputSize, 0, 0, 0);
byte[] configEncoding = config.getEncoded();
// padded automatically, block is still filled with 00h values
System.arraycopy(configEncoding, 0, blockBuffer, 0, configEncoding.length);
long[] blockWords = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(blockBuffer);
// create tweak for configuration
// used configEncoding.length, but it seems the entire block should be in the tweak value (???) -> see question on site
int configSize = configEncoding.length;
Skein.Tweak tweak = new Skein.Tweak(true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_CFG, false, 0, configSize);
final long configTweak[] = { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() };
// update UBI with configuration
//System.out.println("simple update: "+blockWords+" "+configTweak[0]+" "+configTweak[1]);
ubi.update(blockWords, configTweak);
// process message in blocks
int bytesProcessed = 0;
int messageLength = message.length;
while (bytesProcessed < messageLength) {
final int available = messageLength - bytesProcessed;
final int toblock = Math.min(blockSizeBytes, available);
System.arraycopy(message, bytesProcessed, blockBuffer, 0, toblock);
// pad block itself (not the bits)
if(toblock != blockSizeBytes) {
for (int i = toblock; i < blockSizeBytes; i++) {
blockBuffer[i] = 0;
blockWords = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(blockBuffer);
// already update bytesProcessed (needed for tweak)
bytesProcessed += toblock;
//System.out.println("simple tweak: "+bytesProcessed+" "+messageLength);
tweak = new Skein.Tweak(bytesProcessed == messageLength, bytesProcessed <= blockSizeBytes, Skein.Tweak.T_MSG, false, 0, bytesProcessed);
// finally do the actual update
//System.out.println("simple update: "+blockWords+" "+tweak.getT0()+" "+tweak.getT1());
ubi.update(blockWords, new long[] { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() } );
final int outputBlocks = (outputSize - 1) / blockSize + 1;
// create a new set of longs of the same size (terrible hack, but whatever)
long[] inputForOutput = new long[blockWords.length];
for (int i = 0; i < outputBlocks; i++) {
// create input for the OUTPUT function
inputForOutput[0] = i;
tweak = new Skein.Tweak(i == outputBlocks - 1, i == 0, Skein.Tweak.T_OUT, false, 0, 8);
ubi.update(inputForOutput, new long[] { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() } );
final long[] outputWords = ubi.getOutput();
final byte[] output = lsbArrayOfLongToBytes(outputWords);
return output;
private static void update(UBI64 ubi, byte[] blockBuffer, boolean last, boolean first, int type, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
final int available = data.length - offset;
final int toblock = Math.min(blockBuffer.length, available);
System.arraycopy(data, offset, blockBuffer, 0, toblock);
// pad block itself (not the bits)
if(toblock != blockBuffer.length)
for (int i = toblock; i < blockBuffer.length; i++)
blockBuffer[i] = 0;
long[] blockWords = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(blockBuffer);
Skein.Tweak tweak = new Skein.Tweak(last, first, type, false, 0, count);
// update UBI with configuration
//System.out.println("full update: "+blockWords+" "+tweak.getT0()+" "+tweak.getT1());
ubi.update(blockWords, new long[] { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() });
public static byte[] fullSkein(final int blockSize, final byte[] key, final byte[] pers, final byte[] pk, final byte[] kdf, final byte[] nonce, final byte[] message, final int outputSize) {
final int blockSizeBytes = blockSize / Byte.SIZE;
if(outputSize <= 0 || outputSize % Byte.SIZE != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The output size N must fullfil N MOD 8 = 0 (a complete number of bytes)");
// create buffer
byte[] blockBuffer = new byte[blockSizeBytes];
// create cipher
ThreefishImpl threefish = new ThreefishImpl(blockSize);
// create and init UBI
UBI64 ubi = new UBI64(threefish);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_KEY, key, 0, key.length);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_PRS, pers, 0, pers.length);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_PK, pk, 0, pk.length);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_KDF, kdf, 0, kdf.length);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_NON, nonce, 0, nonce.length);
// create configuration
Skein.Configuration config = new Skein.Configuration(outputSize, 0, 0, 0);
byte[] configEncoding = config.getEncoded();
// create tweak for configuration
update(ubi, blockBuffer, true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_CFG, configEncoding, 0, configEncoding.length);
// process message in blocks
int bytesProcessed = 0;
while (bytesProcessed < message.length)
int available = message.length - bytesProcessed;
int toblock = Math.min(blockBuffer.length, available);
//System.out.println("full tweak: "+(bytesProcessed+toblock)+" "+message.length);
update(ubi, blockBuffer, bytesProcessed+toblock == message.length, bytesProcessed+toblock <= blockSizeBytes, Skein.Tweak.T_MSG, message, bytesProcessed, bytesProcessed+toblock);
bytesProcessed += toblock;
final int outputBlocks = (outputSize - 1) / blockSize + 1;
// create a new set of longs of the same size (terrible hack, but whatever)
long[] blockWords = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(blockBuffer);
long[] inputForOutput = new long[blockWords.length];
for (int i = 0; i < outputBlocks; i++)
// create input for the OUTPUT function
inputForOutput[0] = i;
Skein.Tweak tweak = new Skein.Tweak(i == outputBlocks - 1, i == 0, Skein.Tweak.T_OUT, false, 0, 8);
ubi.update(inputForOutput, new long[] { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() } );
final long[] outputWords = ubi.getOutput();
final byte[] output = lsbArrayOfLongToBytes(outputWords);
return output;
public static void showConfigurationInit(final int blockSize, final int outputSize) {
final int blockSizeBytes = blockSize / Byte.SIZE;
if(outputSize <= 0 || outputSize % Byte.SIZE != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The output size N must fullfil N MOD 8 = 0 (a complete number of bytes)");
// create buffer
byte[] blockBuffer = new byte[blockSizeBytes];
// create cipher
ThreefishImpl threefish = new ThreefishImpl(blockSize);
// create and init UBI
UBI64 ubi = new UBI64(threefish);
// create configuration
Skein.Configuration config = new Skein.Configuration(outputSize, 0, 0, 0);
byte[] configEncoding = config.getEncoded();
// padded automatically, block is still filled with 00h values
System.arraycopy(configEncoding, 0, blockBuffer, 0, configEncoding.length);
long[] blockWords = lsbBytesToArrayOfLong(blockBuffer);
int configSize = configEncoding.length;
if(USE_BLOCK_SIZE) { // wrong, but whatever
configSize = blockSizeBytes;
// create tweak for configuration
// used configEncoding.length, but it seems the entire block should be in the tweak value (???) -> see question on site
Skein.Tweak tweak = new Skein.Tweak(true, true, Skein.Tweak.T_CFG, false, 0, configSize);
final long configTweak[] = { tweak.getT0(), tweak.getT1() };
// update UBI with configuration
ubi.update(blockWords, configTweak);
long[] initialChainingValue = ubi.getOutput();
System.out.printf("\tpublic static final long[] INITIAL_CHAINING_VALUE_SKEIN_%d_%d = {%n", blockSize, outputSize);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < initialChainingValue.length; i++) {
sb.append(String.format("0x%016XL", initialChainingValue[i]));
if (i != initialChainingValue.length - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
if (i % 4 == 3) {
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < initialChainingValue.length; i++) {
sb.append(String.format("0x%016X", initialChainingValue[i]));
if (i != initialChainingValue.length - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
if (i % 4 == 3) {
private static byte[] createTestArray(int bytes) {
byte[] testArray = new byte[bytes];
for(int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
testArray[i] = (byte) (- i - 1);
return testArray;
* @param args JAVADOC .
public static void main(final String ... args) {
System.out.println(" === Threefish encrypt and decyrpt === ");
testThreefish(256, 72);
testThreefish(512, 80);
testThreefish(1024, 80);
System.out.println(" === initial chaining values === ");
System.out.printf("B.1 Skein-256-128%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(256, 128);
System.out.printf("B.2 Skein-256-128%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(256, 160);
System.out.printf("B.3 Skein-256-224%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(256, 224);
System.out.printf("B.4 Skein-256-256%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(256, 256);
System.out.printf("B.5 Skein-512-128%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 128);
System.out.printf("B.6 Skein-512-160%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 160);
System.out.printf("B.7 Skein-512-224%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 224);
System.out.printf("B.8 Skein-512-256%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 256);
System.out.printf("B.9 Skein-512-384%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 384);
System.out.printf("B.10 Skein-512-512%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(512, 512);
System.out.printf("B.11 Skein-1024-384%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(1024, 384);
System.out.printf("B.12 Skein-1024-512%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(1024, 512);
System.out.printf("B.13 Skein-1024-1024%n%n");
showConfigurationInit(1024, 1024);
// initialization
byte[] data;
int blockSize;
int outputSize;
int length;
byte[] output;
System.out.println(" === test values === ");
// C.1
blockSize = 256;
outputSize = 256;
length = 1;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.1 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 32;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.1 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 64;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.1 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
// C.2
blockSize = 512;
outputSize = 512;
length = 1;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 64;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 128;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
// C.3
blockSize = 1024;
outputSize = 1024;
length = 1;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 128;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));
length = 256;
data = createTestArray(length);
output = doSimpleSkein(blockSize, data, outputSize);
System.out.printf("C.2 Skein-%d-%d T(%d) %n%nMessage data:%n%s%nResult:%n%s%n", blockSize, outputSize, length, toFormattedHex(data, 1), toFormattedHex(output, 1));