// Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
package jodd.proxetta.advice;
import jodd.proxetta.MethodInfo;
import jodd.proxetta.ProxettaException;
import jodd.proxetta.ProxyAspect;
import jodd.proxetta.impl.ProxyProxetta;
import jodd.proxetta.pointcuts.ProxyPointcutSupport;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Utilities for applying {@link DelegateAdvice} to target.
public class DelegateAdviceUtil {
private static HashMap<Class, Class> advicesMap = new HashMap<Class, Class>();
* Proxy Proxetta, applied on all public methods of the target class.
private static final ProxyProxetta PROXY_PROXETTA =
new ProxyAspect(DelegateAdvice.class, new ProxyPointcutSupport() {
public boolean apply(MethodInfo methodInfo) {
return isPublic(methodInfo);
* Applies advice on given target class and returns proxy instance.
public static <T> T applyAdvice(Class<T> targetClass) {
Class adviceClass = advicesMap.get(targetClass);
if (adviceClass == null) {
// advice not yet created
adviceClass = PROXY_PROXETTA.builder(targetClass).define();
advicesMap.put(targetClass, adviceClass);
// create new advice instance and injects target instance to it
try {
Object advice = adviceClass.newInstance();
Field field = adviceClass.getField("$___target$0");
field.set(advice, targetClass);
return (T) advice;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ProxettaException(ex);
* Injects target into proxy.
public static void injectTargetIntoProxy(Object proxy, Object target) {
Class proxyClass = proxy.getClass();
try {
Field field = proxyClass.getField("$___target$0");
field.set(proxy, target);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ProxettaException(ex);