// Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
package jodd.json;
import jodd.introspector.ClassDescriptor;
import jodd.introspector.ClassIntrospector;
import jodd.introspector.PropertyDescriptor;
import jodd.util.CharUtil;
import jodd.util.StringPool;
import jodd.util.UnsafeUtil;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Simple, developer-friendly JSON parser. It focuses on easy usage
* and type mappings. Uses Jodd's type converters, so it is natural
* companion for Jodd projects.
* <p>
* See: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt
public class JsonParser extends JsonParserBase {
private static final char[] T_RUE = new char[] {'r', 'u', 'e'};
private static final char[] F_ALSE = new char[] {'a', 'l', 's', 'e'};
private static final char[] N_ULL = new char[] {'u', 'l', 'l'};
private static final String KEYS = "keys";
private static final String VALUES = "values";
protected int ndx = 0;
protected char[] input;
protected int total;
protected Path path;
protected boolean useAltPaths = JoddJson.useAltPathsByParser;
protected Class rootType;
protected MapToBean mapToBean;
protected boolean looseMode;
public JsonParser() {
text = new char[512];
* Resets JSON parser, so it can be reused.
protected void reset() {
this.ndx = 0;
this.textLen = 0;
this.path = new Path();
if (useAltPaths) {
path.altPath = new Path();
if (classMetadataName != null) {
mapToBean = createMapToBean(classMetadataName);
* Enables usage of additional paths.
public JsonParser useAltPaths() {
this.useAltPaths = true;
return this;
* Enables 'loose' mode for parsing. When 'loose' mode is enabled,
* JSON parsers swallows also invalid JSONs:
* <ul>
* <li>invalid escape character sequence is simply added to the output</li>
* <li>strings can be quoted with single-quotes</li>
* <li>strings can be unquoted, but may not contain escapes</li>
* </ul>
public JsonParser looseMode(boolean looseMode) {
this.looseMode = looseMode;
return this;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- mappings
protected Map<Path, Class> mappings;
* Maps a class to JSONs root.
public JsonParser map(Class target) {
rootType = target;
return this;
* Maps a class to given path. For arrays, append <code>values</code>
* to the path to specify component type (if not specified by
* generics).
public JsonParser map(String path, Class target) {
if (path == null) {
rootType = target;
return this;
if (mappings == null) {
mappings = new HashMap<Path, Class>();
mappings.put(Path.parse(path), target);
return this;
* Replaces type with mapped type for current path.
protected Class replaceWithMappedTypeForPath(Class target) {
if (mappings == null) {
return target;
Class newType;
// first try alt paths
Path altPath = path.getAltPath();
if (altPath != null) {
if (!altPath.equals(path)) {
newType = mappings.get(altPath);
if (newType != null) {
return newType;
// now check regular paths
newType = mappings.get(path);
if (newType != null) {
return newType;
return target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- converters
protected Map<Path, ValueConverter> convs;
* Defines {@link jodd.json.ValueConverter} to use on given path.
public JsonParser use(String path, ValueConverter valueConverter) {
if (convs == null) {
convs = new HashMap<Path, ValueConverter>();
convs.put(Path.parse(path), valueConverter);
return this;
* Lookups for value converter for current path.
protected ValueConverter lookupValueConverter() {
if (convs == null) {
return null;
return convs.get(path);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- class meta data name
protected String classMetadataName = JoddJson.classMetadataName;
* Sets local class meta-data name.
public JsonParser setClassMetadataName(String name) {
classMetadataName = name;
return this;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- parse
* Parses input JSON as given type.
public <T> T parse(String input, Class<T> targetType) {
char[] chars = UnsafeUtil.getChars(input);
rootType = targetType;
return _parse(chars);
* Parses input JSON string.
public <T> T parse(String input) {
char[] chars = UnsafeUtil.getChars(input);
return _parse(chars);
* Parses input JSON as given type.
public <T> T parse(char[] input, Class<?> targetType) {
rootType = targetType;
return _parse(input);
* Parses input JSON char array.
public <T> T parse(char[] input) {
return _parse(input);
private <T> T _parse(char[] input) {
this.input = input;
this.total = input.length;
Object value;
try {
value = parseValue(rootType, null, null);
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iofbex) {
syntaxError("End of JSON");
return null;
if (ndx != total) {
syntaxError("Trailing chars");
return null;
// convert map to target type
if (classMetadataName != null && rootType == null) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) value;
value = mapToBean.map2bean(map, null);
return (T) value;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- parser
* Parses a JSON value.
* @param targetType target type to convert, may be <code>null</code>
* @param componentType component type for maps and arrays, may be <code>null</code>
protected Object parseValue(Class targetType, Class keyType, Class componentType) {
ValueConverter valueConverter;
char c = input[ndx];
switch (c) {
case '\'':
if (!looseMode) {
case '"':
Object string = parseStringContent(c);
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(string);
if (targetType != null && targetType != String.class) {
string = convertType(string, targetType);
return string;
case '{':
return parseObjectContent(targetType, keyType, componentType);
case '[':
return parseArrayContent(targetType, componentType);
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case '-':
Object number = parseNumber();
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(number);
if (targetType != null) {
number = convertType(number, targetType);
return number;
case 'n':
if (match(N_ULL)) {
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(null);
return null;
case 't':
if (match(T_RUE)) {
Object value = Boolean.TRUE;
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(value);
if (targetType != null) {
value = convertType(value, targetType);
return value;
case 'f':
if (match(F_ALSE)) {
Object value = Boolean.FALSE;
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(value);
if (targetType != null) {
value = convertType(value, targetType);
return value;
if (looseMode) {
// try to parse unquoted string
Object string = parseUnquotedStringContent();
valueConverter = lookupValueConverter();
if (valueConverter != null) {
return valueConverter.convert(string);
if (targetType != null && targetType != String.class) {
string = convertType(string, targetType);
return string;
syntaxError("Invalid char: " + input[ndx]);
return null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- string
protected char[] text;
protected int textLen;
* Parses a string.
protected String parseString() {
char quote = '\"';
if (looseMode) {
quote = consumeOneOf('\"', '\'');
if (quote == 0) {
return parseUnquotedStringContent();
} else {
return parseStringContent(quote);
* Parses string content, once when starting quote has been consumer.
protected String parseStringContent(final char quote) {
int startNdx = ndx;
// roll-out until the end of the string or the escape char
while (true) {
char c = input[ndx];
if (c == quote) {
// no escapes found, just use existing string
return new String(input, startNdx, ndx - startNdx - 1);
if (c == '\\') {
// escapes found, proceed differently
textLen = ndx - startNdx;
System.arraycopy(input, startNdx, text, 0, textLen);
// escape char, process everything until the end
while (true) {
char c = input[ndx];
if (c == quote) {
// done
String str = new String(text, 0, textLen);
textLen = 0;
return str;
if (c == '\\') {
// escape char found
c = input[ndx];
switch (c) {
case '\"' : c = '\"'; break;
case '\\' : c = '\\'; break;
case '/' : c = '/'; break;
case 'b' : c = '\b'; break;
case 'f' : c = '\f'; break;
case 'n' : c = '\n'; break;
case 'r' : c = '\r'; break;
case 't' : c = '\t'; break;
case 'u' :
c = parseUnicode();
if (looseMode) {
if (c != '\'') {
c = '\\';
else {
syntaxError("Invalid escape char: " + c);
text[textLen] = c;
* Grows empty text array.
protected void growEmpty() {
if (textLen >= text.length) {
int newSize = textLen << 1;
text = new char[newSize];
* Grows text array when {@code text.length == textLen}.
protected void growAndCopy() {
if (textLen == text.length) {
int newSize = text.length << 1;
char[] newText = new char[newSize];
if (textLen > 0) {
System.arraycopy(text, 0, newText, 0, textLen);
text = newText;
* Parses 4 characters and returns unicode character.
protected char parseUnicode() {
int i0 = CharUtil.hex2int(input[ndx++]);
int i1 = CharUtil.hex2int(input[ndx++]);
int i2 = CharUtil.hex2int(input[ndx++]);
int i3 = CharUtil.hex2int(input[ndx]);
return (char) ((i0 << 12) + (i1 << 8) + (i2 << 4) + i3);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- un-quoted
private final static char[] UNQOUTED_DELIMETERS = ",:[]{}\\\"'".toCharArray();
* Parses un-quoted string content.
protected String parseUnquotedStringContent() {
int startNdx = ndx;
while (true) {
char c = input[ndx];
if (c <= ' ' || CharUtil.equalsOne(c, UNQOUTED_DELIMETERS)) {
// done
int len = ndx - startNdx;
return new String(input, startNdx, len);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- number
* Parses JSON numbers.
protected Number parseNumber() {
int startIndex = ndx;
char c = input[ndx];
boolean isDouble = false;
boolean isExp = false;
if (c == '-') {
while (true) {
if (isEOF()) {
c = input[ndx];
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
if (c <= 32) { // white space
if (c == ',' || c == '}' || c == ']') { // delimiter
if (c == '.') {
isDouble = true;
else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
isExp = true;
String value = String.valueOf(input, startIndex, ndx - startIndex);
if (isDouble) {
return Double.valueOf(value);
long longNumber;
if (isExp) {
longNumber = Double.valueOf(value).longValue();
else {
if (value.length() >= 19) {
// if string is 19 chars and longer, it can be over the limit
BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(value);
if (isGreaterThenLong(bigInteger)) {
return bigInteger;
longNumber = bigInteger.longValue();
else {
longNumber = Long.parseLong(value);
if ((longNumber >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (longNumber <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
return Integer.valueOf((int) longNumber);
return Long.valueOf(longNumber);
private static boolean isGreaterThenLong(BigInteger bigInteger) {
if (bigInteger.compareTo(MAX_LONG) == 1) {
return true;
if (bigInteger.compareTo(MIN_LONG) == -1) {
return true;
return false;
private static final BigInteger MAX_LONG = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final BigInteger MIN_LONG = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- array
* Parses arrays, once when open bracket has been consumed.
protected Object parseArrayContent(Class targetType, Class componentType) {
targetType = replaceWithMappedTypeForPath(targetType);
if (componentType == null && targetType != null && targetType.isArray()) {
componentType = targetType.getComponentType();
componentType = replaceWithMappedTypeForPath(componentType);
List<Object> target = newArrayInstance(targetType);
boolean koma = false;
while (true) {
char c = input[ndx];
if (c == ']') {
if (koma) {
syntaxError("Trailing comma");
return target;
Object value = parseValue(componentType, null, null);
c = input[ndx];
switch (c) {
case ']': ndx++; break mainloop;
case ',': ndx++; koma = true; break;
default: syntaxError("Invalid char: expected ] or ,");
if (targetType != null) {
return convertType(target, targetType);
return target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- object
* Parses object, once when open bracket has been consumed.
protected Object parseObjectContent(Class targetType, Class valueKeyType, Class valueType) {
targetType = replaceWithMappedTypeForPath(targetType);
Object target;
boolean isTargetTypeMap = true;
boolean isTargetRealTypeMap = true;
ClassDescriptor targetTypeClassDescriptor = null;
if (targetType != null) {
targetTypeClassDescriptor = ClassIntrospector.lookup(targetType);
// find if the target is really a map
// because when classMetadataName != null we are forcing
// map usage locally in this method
isTargetRealTypeMap = targetTypeClassDescriptor.isMap();
if (isTargetRealTypeMap) {
// resolve keys only for real maps
valueKeyType = replaceWithMappedTypeForPath(valueKeyType);
if (classMetadataName == null) {
// create instance of target type, no 'class' information
target = newObjectInstance(targetType);
isTargetTypeMap = isTargetRealTypeMap;
} else {
// all beans will be created first as a map
target = new HashMap();
boolean koma = false;
while (true) {
char c = input[ndx];
if (c == '}') {
if (koma) {
syntaxError("Trailing comma");
koma = false;
String key = parseString();
// read the type of the simple property
PropertyDescriptor pd = null;
Class propertyType = null;
Class keyType = null;
Class componentType = null;
// resolve simple property
if (!isTargetRealTypeMap) {
// replace key with real property value
key = JoddJson.annotationManager.resolveRealName(targetType, key);
if (!isTargetTypeMap) {
pd = targetTypeClassDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptor(key, true);
if (pd != null) {
propertyType = pd.getType();
keyType = pd.resolveKeyType(true);
componentType = pd.resolveComponentType(true);
Object value;
if (!isTargetTypeMap) {
// *** inject into bean
value = parseValue(propertyType, keyType, componentType);
if (pd != null) {
// only inject values if target property exist
injectValueIntoObject(target, pd, value);
else {
Object keyValue = key;
if (valueKeyType != null) {
keyValue = convertType(key, valueKeyType);
// *** add to map
if (isTargetRealTypeMap) {
path.push(VALUES, key);
} else {
value = parseValue(valueType, null, null);
((Map) target).put(keyValue, value);
c = input[ndx];
switch (c) {
case '}': ndx++; break mainloop;
case ',': ndx++; koma = true; break;
default: syntaxError("Invalid char: expected } or ,");
// done
// convert Map to target type
if (classMetadataName != null) {
target = mapToBean.map2bean((Map) target, targetType);
return target;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- scanning tools
* Consumes char at current position. If char is different, throws the exception.
protected void consume(char c) {
if (input[ndx] != c) {
syntaxError("Invalid char: expected " + c);
* Consumes one of the allowed char at current position.
* If char is different, return <code>0</code>.
* If matched, returns matched char.
protected char consumeOneOf(char c1, char c2) {
char c = input[ndx];
if ((c != c1) && (c != c2)) {
return 0;
return c;
* Returns <code>true</code> if scanning is at the end.
protected boolean isEOF() {
return ndx >= total;
* Skips whitespaces. For the simplification, whitespaces are
* considered any characters less or equal to 32 (space).
protected final void skipWhiteSpaces() {
while (true) {
if (isEOF()) {
if (input[ndx] > 32) {
* Matches char buffer with content on given location.
protected final boolean match(char[] target) {
for (char c : target) {
if (input[ndx] != c) {
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- error
* Throws {@link jodd.json.JsonException} indicating a syntax error.
protected void syntaxError(String message) {
String left = "...";
String right = "...";
int offset = 10;
int from = ndx - offset;
if (from < 0) {
from = 0;
left = StringPool.EMPTY;
int to = ndx + offset;
if (to > input.length) {
to = input.length;
right = StringPool.EMPTY;
String str = String.valueOf(input, from, to - from);
throw new JsonException(
"Syntax error! " + message + "\n" +
"offset: " + ndx + " near: \"" + left + str + right + "\"");