// Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
package jodd.joy.jspp;
import jodd.io.FileUtil;
import jodd.lagarto.EmptyTagVisitor;
import jodd.lagarto.LagartoParser;
import jodd.lagarto.Tag;
import jodd.lagarto.TagType;
import jodd.mutable.MutableInteger;
import jodd.util.StringUtil;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
* JSP pre-processor. Process input content and replace all macro calls
* with content of macro files.
public class Jspp {
protected char[] tagPrefix = "pp:".toCharArray();
protected String macroExtension = ".jspf";
protected File jsppMacroFolder;
protected String macroPrefix = "${";
protected String macroSuffix = "}";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- get/set
public String getTagPrefix() {
return new String(tagPrefix);
* Defines macro tag prefix for JSP files.
public void setTagPrefix(String tagPrefix) {
this.tagPrefix = tagPrefix.toCharArray();
public String getMacroExtension() {
return macroExtension;
* Defines macro file name extension.
public void setMacroExtension(String macroExtension) {
this.macroExtension = macroExtension;
public File getJsppMacroFolder() {
return jsppMacroFolder;
* Defines folder for macro files.
public void setJsppMacroFolder(File jsppMacroFolder) {
this.jsppMacroFolder = jsppMacroFolder;
public String getMacroPrefix() {
return macroPrefix;
* Defines macro prefix for replacements in macro files.
public void setMacroPrefix(String macroPrefix) {
this.macroPrefix = macroPrefix;
public String getMacroSuffix() {
return macroSuffix;
* Defines macro suffix for replacements in macro file.
public void setMacroSuffix(String macroSuffix) {
this.macroSuffix = macroSuffix;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- process
* Processes input JSP content and replace macros.
public String process(final String input) {
LagartoParser lagartoParser = new LagartoParser(input, true);
final MutableInteger lastPosition = new MutableInteger(0);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
lagartoParser.parse(new EmptyTagVisitor() {
public void tag(Tag tag) {
if (tag.getType() == TagType.SELF_CLOSING) {
if (tag.matchTagNamePrefix(tagPrefix)) {
int tagStart = tag.getTagPosition();
sb.append(input.substring(lastPosition.getValue(), tagStart));
String tagName = tag.getName().toString();
tagName = tagName.substring(tagPrefix.length);
String macroBody = loadMacro(tagName);
int attrCount = tag.getAttributeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) {
String key = macroPrefix + tag.getAttributeName(i) + macroSuffix;
macroBody = StringUtil.replace(macroBody, key, tag.getAttributeValue(i).toString());
lastPosition.setValue(tagStart + tag.getTagLength());
return sb.toString();
* Loads macro file body. By default it loads it from
* defined macro folder using default macro extension.
protected String loadMacro(String macroName) {
String macroBody;
File fileMacro = new File(jsppMacroFolder, macroName + macroExtension);
try {
macroBody = FileUtil.readString(fileMacro);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
throw new JsppException(ioex);
return macroBody;