import junit.framework.TestCase;
import rewards.Dining;
import rewards.internal.account.Account;
* Unit tests for exercising the behavior of the Restaurant aggregate entity. A restaurant calculates a benefit to award
* to an account for dining based on an availability policy and benefit percentage.
public class RestaurantTests extends TestCase {
private Restaurant restaurant;
private Account account;
private Dining dining;
protected void setUp() {
// configure the restaurant, the object being tested
restaurant = new Restaurant("1234567890", "AppleBee's");
restaurant.setBenefitAvailabilityPolicy(new StubBenefitAvailibilityPolicy(true));
// configure supporting objects needed by the restaurant
account = new Account("123456789", "Keith and Keri Donald");
dining = Dining.createDining("100.00", "1234123412341234", "1234567890");
public void testCalcuateBenefitFor() {
MonetaryAmount benefit = restaurant.calculateBenefitFor(account, dining);
// assert 8.00 eligible for reward
assertEquals(MonetaryAmount.valueOf("8.00"), benefit);
public void testNoBenefitAvailable() {
// configure stub that always returns false
restaurant.setBenefitAvailabilityPolicy(new StubBenefitAvailibilityPolicy(false));
MonetaryAmount benefit = restaurant.calculateBenefitFor(account, dining);
// assert zero eligible for reward
assertEquals(MonetaryAmount.valueOf("0.00"), benefit);
* A simple "dummy" benefit availability policy containing a single flag used to determine if benefit is available.
* Only useful for testing--a real availability policy might consider many factors such as the day of week of the
* dining, or the account's reward history for the current month.
private static class StubBenefitAvailibilityPolicy implements BenefitAvailabilityPolicy {
private boolean isBenefitAvailable;
public StubBenefitAvailibilityPolicy(boolean isBenefitAvailable) {
this.isBenefitAvailable = isBenefitAvailable;
public boolean isBenefitAvailableFor(Account account, Dining dining) {
return isBenefitAvailable;