// ReadMessages.java - Sample application.
// This application shows you the basic procedure needed for reading
// SMS messages from your GSM modem, in synchronous mode.
// Operation description:
// The application setup the necessary objects and connects to the phone.
// As a first step, it reads all messages found in the phone.
// Then, it goes to sleep, allowing the asynchronous callback handlers to
// be called. Furthermore, for callback demonstration purposes, it responds
// to each received message with a "Got It!" reply.
// Tasks:
// 1) Setup Service object.
// 2) Setup one or more Gateway objects.
// 3) Attach Gateway objects to Service object.
// 4) Setup callback notifications.
// 5) Run
package examples.ipmodem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.smslib.AGateway;
import org.smslib.ICallNotification;
import org.smslib.IGatewayStatusNotification;
import org.smslib.IInboundMessageNotification;
import org.smslib.InboundMessage;
import org.smslib.Library;
import org.smslib.Service;
import org.smslib.AGateway.GatewayStatuses;
import org.smslib.AGateway.Protocols;
import org.smslib.InboundMessage.MessageClasses;
import org.smslib.Message.MessageTypes;
import org.smslib.modem.IPModemGateway;
import org.smslib.modem.ModemGateway.IPProtocols;
public class ReadMessages
public void doIt() throws Exception
// Define a list which will hold the read messages.
List<InboundMessage> msgList;
// Create the notification callback method for inbound & status report
// messages.
InboundNotification inboundNotification = new InboundNotification();
// Create the notification callback method for inbound voice calls.
CallNotification callNotification = new CallNotification();
//Create the notification callback method for gateway statuses.
GatewayStatusNotification statusNotification = new GatewayStatusNotification();
System.out.println("Example: Read messages from a serial gsm modem.");
System.out.println("Version: " + Library.getLibraryVersion());
// Create the Gateway representing the serial GSM modem.
IPModemGateway gateway = new IPModemGateway("modem.com1", "", 2000, "Nokia", "");
// Set the modem protocol to PDU (alternative is TEXT). PDU is the default, anyway...
// Do we want the Gateway to be used for Inbound messages?
// Do we want the Gateway to be used for Outbound messages?
// Let SMSLib know which is the SIM PIN.
// Set up the notification methods.
// Add the Gateway to the Service object.
// Similarly, you may define as many Gateway objects, representing
// various GSM modems, add them in the Service object and control all of them.
// Start! (i.e. connect to all defined Gateways)
// Printout some general information about the modem.
System.out.println("Modem Information:");
System.out.println(" Manufacturer: " + gateway.getManufacturer());
System.out.println(" Model: " + gateway.getModel());
System.out.println(" Serial No: " + gateway.getSerialNo());
System.out.println(" SIM IMSI: " + gateway.getImsi());
System.out.println(" Signal Level: " + gateway.getSignalLevel() + " dBm");
System.out.println(" Battery Level: " + gateway.getBatteryLevel() + "%");
// Read Messages. The reading is done via the Service object and
// affects all Gateway objects defined. This can also be more directed to a specific
// Gateway - look the JavaDocs for information on the Service method calls.
msgList = new ArrayList<InboundMessage>();
Service.getInstance().readMessages(msgList, MessageClasses.ALL);
for (InboundMessage msg : msgList)
// Sleep now. Emulate real world situation and give a chance to the notifications
// methods to be called in the event of message or voice call reception.
System.out.println("Now Sleeping - Hit <enter> to stop service.");
System.in.read(); System.in.read();
catch (Exception e)
public class InboundNotification implements IInboundMessageNotification
public void process(AGateway gateway, MessageTypes msgType, InboundMessage msg)
if (msgType == MessageTypes.INBOUND) System.out.println(">>> New Inbound message detected from Gateway: " + gateway.getGatewayId());
else if (msgType == MessageTypes.STATUSREPORT) System.out.println(">>> New Inbound Status Report message detected from Gateway: " + gateway.getGatewayId());
// Uncomment following line if you wish to delete the message upon arrival.
// ReadMessages.this.srv.deleteMessage(msg);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Oops!!! Something gone bad...");
public class CallNotification implements ICallNotification
public void process(AGateway gateway, String callerId)
System.out.println(">>> New call detected from Gateway: " + gateway.getGatewayId() + " : " + callerId);
public class GatewayStatusNotification implements IGatewayStatusNotification
public void process(AGateway gateway, GatewayStatuses oldStatus, GatewayStatuses newStatus)
System.out.println(">>> Gateway Status change for " + gateway.getGatewayId() + ", OLD: " + oldStatus + " -> NEW: " + newStatus);
public static void main(String args[])
ReadMessages app = new ReadMessages();
catch (Exception e)